未验证 提交 a4b88e52 编写于 作者: A Aleksandar Novaković 提交者: GitHub

Implement streams API (#200)

* Add all of the commands except xInfo
Signed-off-by: NAleksandar Novakovic <anovakovic01@gmail.com>

* Fix XRead and XReadGroup inputs
Signed-off-by: NAleksandar Novakovic <anovakovic01@gmail.com>

* Fix some of the commands outputs
Signed-off-by: NAleksandar Novakovic <anovakovic01@gmail.com>

* Fix some of the commands inputs
Signed-off-by: NAleksandar Novakovic <anovakovic01@gmail.com>

* Fix import order
Signed-off-by: NAleksandar Novakovic <anovakovic01@gmail.com>

* Remove unnecessary case classes
Signed-off-by: NAleksandar Novakovic <anovakovic01@gmail.com>

* Fix Scan command output

Change Scan command output from Option[Unit] to Boolean.
Signed-off-by: NAleksandar Novakovic <anovakovic01@gmail.com>

* Update pattern matching of chunk to seq
Signed-off-by: NAleksandar Novakovic <anovakovic01@gmail.com>
上级 656d9247
......@@ -211,6 +211,99 @@ object Input {
case object IdleInput extends Input[Duration] {
def encode(data: Duration): Chunk[RespValue.BulkString] =
Chunk(stringEncode("IDLE"), stringEncode(data.toMillis.toString))
case object TimeInput extends Input[Duration] {
def encode(data: Duration): Chunk[RespValue.BulkString] =
Chunk(stringEncode("TIME"), stringEncode(data.toMillis.toString))
case object RetryCountInput extends Input[Long] {
def encode(data: Long): Chunk[RespValue.BulkString] =
Chunk(stringEncode("RETRYCOUNT"), stringEncode(data.toString))
case object XGroupCreateInput extends Input[XGroupCommand.Create] {
def encode(data: XGroupCommand.Create): Chunk[RespValue.BulkString] = {
val chunk =
if (data.mkStream)
chunk :+ stringEncode(MkStream.stringify)
case object XGroupSetIdInput extends Input[XGroupCommand.SetId] {
def encode(data: XGroupCommand.SetId): Chunk[RespValue.BulkString] =
Chunk(stringEncode("SETID"), stringEncode(data.key), stringEncode(data.group), stringEncode(data.id))
case object XGroupDestroyInput extends Input[XGroupCommand.Destroy] {
def encode(data: XGroupCommand.Destroy): Chunk[RespValue.BulkString] =
Chunk(stringEncode("DESTROY"), stringEncode(data.key), stringEncode(data.group))
case object XGroupCreateConsumerInput extends Input[XGroupCommand.CreateConsumer] {
def encode(data: XGroupCommand.CreateConsumer): Chunk[RespValue.BulkString] =
case object XGroupDelConsumerInput extends Input[XGroupCommand.DelConsumer] {
def encode(data: XGroupCommand.DelConsumer): Chunk[RespValue.BulkString] =
Chunk(stringEncode("DELCONSUMER"), stringEncode(data.key), stringEncode(data.group), stringEncode(data.consumer))
case object BlockInput extends Input[Duration] {
def encode(data: Duration): Chunk[RespValue.BulkString] =
Chunk(stringEncode("BLOCK"), stringEncode(data.toMillis.toString))
case object StreamsInput extends Input[((String, String), Chunk[(String, String)])] {
def encode(data: ((String, String), Chunk[(String, String)])): Chunk[RespValue.BulkString] = {
val (keys, ids) =
Chunk.fromIterable(data._1 +: data._2).map(pair => (stringEncode(pair._1), stringEncode(pair._2))).unzip
Chunk.single(stringEncode("STREAMS")) ++ keys ++ ids
case object GroupInput extends Input[Group] {
def encode(data: Group): Chunk[RespValue.BulkString] =
Chunk(stringEncode("GROUP"), stringEncode(data.group), stringEncode(data.consumer))
case object NoAckInput extends Input[NoAck] {
def encode(data: NoAck): Chunk[RespValue.BulkString] =
case object MaxLenInput extends Input[MaxLen] {
def encode(data: MaxLen): Chunk[RespValue.BulkString] = {
val chunk =
if (data.approximate)
Chunk(stringEncode("MAXLEN"), stringEncode("~"))
chunk :+ stringEncode(data.count.toString)
final case class Tuple2[-A, -B](_1: Input[A], _2: Input[B]) extends Input[(A, B)] {
def encode(data: (A, B)): Chunk[RespValue.BulkString] = _1.encode(data._1) ++ _2.encode(data._2)
......@@ -232,6 +325,19 @@ object Input {
_1.encode(data._1) ++ _2.encode(data._2) ++ _3.encode(data._3) ++ _4.encode(data._4) ++ _5.encode(data._5)
final case class Tuple6[-A, -B, -C, -D, -E, -F](
_1: Input[A],
_2: Input[B],
_3: Input[C],
_4: Input[D],
_5: Input[E],
_6: Input[F]
) extends Input[(A, B, C, D, E, F)] {
def encode(data: (A, B, C, D, E, F)): Chunk[RespValue.BulkString] =
_1.encode(data._1) ++ _2.encode(data._2) ++ _3.encode(data._3) ++ _4.encode(data._4) ++ _5.encode(data._5) ++
final case class Tuple7[-A, -B, -C, -D, -E, -F, -G](
_1: Input[A],
_2: Input[B],
......@@ -262,6 +368,24 @@ object Input {
_6.encode(data._6) ++ _7.encode(data._7) ++ _8.encode(data._8) ++ _9.encode(data._9)
final case class Tuple10[-A, -B, -C, -D, -E, -F, -G, -H, -I, -J](
_1: Input[A],
_2: Input[B],
_3: Input[C],
_4: Input[D],
_5: Input[E],
_6: Input[F],
_7: Input[G],
_8: Input[H],
_9: Input[I],
_10: Input[J]
) extends Input[(A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J)] {
def encode(data: (A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J)): Chunk[RespValue.BulkString] =
_1.encode(data._1) ++ _2.encode(data._2) ++ _3.encode(data._3) ++ _4.encode(data._4) ++
_5.encode(data._5) ++ _6.encode(data._6) ++ _7.encode(data._7) ++ _8.encode(data._8) ++
_9.encode(data._9) ++ _10.encode(data._10)
final case class Tuple11[-A, -B, -C, -D, -E, -F, -G, -H, -I, -J, -K](
_1: Input[A],
_2: Input[B],
......@@ -305,4 +429,12 @@ object Input {
case object WithHashInput extends Input[WithHash] {
def encode(data: WithHash): Chunk[RespValue.BulkString] = Chunk.single(stringEncode(data.stringify))
case object WithForceInput extends Input[WithForce] {
def encode(data: WithForce): Chunk[RespValue.BulkString] = Chunk.single(stringEncode(data.stringify))
case object WithJustIdInput extends Input[WithJustId] {
def encode(data: WithJustId): Chunk[RespValue.BulkString] = Chunk.single(stringEncode(data.stringify))
......@@ -10,9 +10,11 @@ sealed trait Output[+A] {
private[redis] final def unsafeDecode(respValue: RespValue): A =
respValue match {
case RespValue.Error(msg) if msg.startsWith("ERR") =>
throw RedisError.ProtocolError(msg.drop(3).trim())
throw RedisError.ProtocolError(msg.drop(3).trim)
case RespValue.Error(msg) if msg.startsWith("WRONGTYPE") =>
throw RedisError.WrongType(msg.drop(9).trim())
throw RedisError.WrongType(msg.drop(9).trim)
case RespValue.Error(msg) if msg.startsWith("BUSYGROUP") =>
throw RedisError.WrongType(msg.drop(9).trim)
case RespValue.Error(msg) =>
throw RedisError.ProtocolError(msg.trim)
case success =>
......@@ -310,4 +312,119 @@ object Output {
case object StreamOutput extends Output[Map[String, Map[String, String]]] {
protected def tryDecode(respValue: RespValue): Map[String, Map[String, String]] =
respValue match {
case RespValue.Array(entities) if entities.length % 2 == 0 =>
val output = collection.mutable.Map.empty[String, Map[String, String]]
val len = entities.length
var pos = 0
while (pos < len) {
(entities(pos), entities(pos + 1)) match {
case (id @ RespValue.BulkString(_), RespValue.Array(elements)) if elements.length % 2 == 0 =>
val entity = collection.mutable.Map.empty[String, String]
val elen = elements.length
var epos = 0
while (epos < elen) {
(elements(epos), elements(epos + 1)) match {
case (key @ RespValue.BulkString(_), value @ RespValue.BulkString(_)) =>
entity += key.asString -> value.asString
case _ =>
epos += 2
output += id.asString -> entity.toMap
case _ =>
pos += 2
case array @ RespValue.Array(_) =>
throw ProtocolError(s"$array doesn't have an even number of elements")
case other =>
throw ProtocolError(s"$other isn't an array")
case object XPendingOutput extends Output[PendingInfo] {
protected def tryDecode(respValue: RespValue): PendingInfo =
respValue match {
case RespValue.Array(
first @ RespValue.BulkString(_),
last @ RespValue.BulkString(_),
) =>
val consumers = collection.mutable.Map.empty[String, Long]
pairs.foreach {
case RespValue.Array(Seq(consumer @ RespValue.BulkString(_), RespValue.Integer(total))) =>
consumers += (consumer.asString -> total)
case _ =>
throw ProtocolError(s"Consumer doesn't have 2 elements")
PendingInfo(total, first.asString, last.asString, consumers.toMap)
case array @ RespValue.Array(_) =>
throw ProtocolError(s"$array doesn't have valid format")
case other =>
throw ProtocolError(s"$other isn't an array")
case object PendingMessagesOutput extends Output[Chunk[PendingMessage]] {
protected def tryDecode(respValue: RespValue): Chunk[PendingMessage] =
respValue match {
case RespValue.Array(messages) =>
messages.collect {
case RespValue.Array(
id @ RespValue.BulkString(_),
owner @ RespValue.BulkString(_),
) =>
PendingMessage(id.asString, owner.asString, lastDelivered.millis, counter)
case other =>
throw ProtocolError(s"$other isn't an array")
case object XReadOutput extends Output[Map[String, Map[String, Map[String, String]]]] {
protected def tryDecode(respValue: RespValue): Map[String, Map[String, Map[String, String]]] =
respValue match {
case RespValue.Array(streams) if streams.length % 2 == 0 =>
val output = collection.mutable.Map.empty[String, Map[String, Map[String, String]]]
val len = streams.length
var pos = 0
while (pos < len) {
streams(pos) match {
case stream @ RespValue.BulkString(_) =>
output += (stream.asString -> StreamOutput.unsafeDecode(streams(pos + 1)))
case _ =>
pos += 2
case array @ RespValue.Array(_) =>
throw ProtocolError(s"$array doesn't have valid format")
case other =>
throw ProtocolError(s"$other isn't an array")
case object SetOutput extends Output[Boolean] {
protected def tryDecode(respValue: RespValue): Boolean =
respValue match {
case RespValue.NullValue => false
case RespValue.SimpleString(_) => true
case other => throw ProtocolError(s"$other isn't a valid set response")
......@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ sealed trait RedisError extends NoStackTrace
object RedisError {
final case class ProtocolError(message: String) extends RedisError
final case class WrongType(message: String) extends RedisError
final case class BusyGroup(message: String) extends RedisError
final case class NoGroup(message: String) extends RedisError
final case class IOError(exception: IOException) extends RedisError
package zio.redis.api
import java.time.Duration
import zio.redis.Input._
import zio.redis.Output._
import zio.redis._
import zio.{ Chunk, ZIO }
trait Streams {
import Streams._
import XGroupCommand._
final def xAck(key: String, group: String, id: String, ids: String*): ZIO[RedisExecutor, RedisError, Long] =
XAck.run((key, group, (id, ids.toList)))
final def xAdd(
key: String,
id: String,
pair: (String, String),
pairs: (String, String)*
): ZIO[RedisExecutor, RedisError, String] =
XAdd.run((key, None, id, (pair, pairs.toList)))
final def xAddWithMaxLen(
key: String,
id: String,
count: Long,
approximate: Boolean,
pair: (String, String),
pairs: (String, String)*
): ZIO[RedisExecutor, RedisError, String] =
XAdd.run((key, Some(MaxLen(approximate, count)), id, (pair, pairs.toList)))
final def xClaim(key: String, group: String, consumer: String, minIdleTime: Duration, id: String, ids: String*)(
idle: Option[Duration] = None,
time: Option[Duration] = None,
retryCount: Option[Long] = None,
force: Boolean = false
): ZIO[RedisExecutor, RedisError, Map[String, Map[String, String]]] =
(id, ids.toList),
if (force) Some(WithForce) else None
final def xClaimWithJustId(
key: String,
group: String,
consumer: String,
minIdleTime: Duration,
id: String,
ids: String*
idle: Option[Duration] = None,
time: Option[Duration] = None,
retryCount: Option[Long] = None,
force: Boolean = false
): ZIO[RedisExecutor, RedisError, Chunk[String]] =
(id, ids.toList),
if (force) Some(WithForce) else None,
final def xDel(key: String, id: String, ids: String*): ZIO[RedisExecutor, RedisError, Long] =
XDel.run((key, (id, ids.toList)))
final def xGroupCreate(
key: String,
group: String,
id: String,
mkStream: Boolean = false
): ZIO[RedisExecutor, RedisError, Unit] =
XGroupCreate.run(Create(key, group, id, mkStream))
final def xGroupSetId(key: String, group: String, id: String): ZIO[RedisExecutor, RedisError, Unit] =
XGroupSetId.run(SetId(key, group, id))
final def xGroupDestroy(key: String, group: String): ZIO[RedisExecutor, RedisError, Long] =
XGroupDestroy.run(Destroy(key, group))
final def xGroupCreateConsumer(key: String, group: String, consumer: String): ZIO[RedisExecutor, RedisError, Unit] =
XGroupCreateConsumer.run(CreateConsumer(key, group, consumer))
final def xGroupDelConsumer(key: String, group: String, consumer: String): ZIO[RedisExecutor, RedisError, Long] =
XGroupDelConsumer.run(DelConsumer(key, group, consumer))
final def xLen(key: String): ZIO[RedisExecutor, RedisError, Long] =
final def xPending(key: String, group: String): ZIO[RedisExecutor, RedisError, PendingInfo] =
XPending.run((key, group, None))
final def xPending(key: String, group: String, idle: Duration): ZIO[RedisExecutor, RedisError, PendingInfo] =
XPending.run((key, group, Some(idle)))
final def xPending(
key: String,
group: String,
start: String,
end: String,
count: Long,
consumer: Option[String] = None,
idle: Option[Duration] = None
): ZIO[RedisExecutor, RedisError, Chunk[PendingMessage]] =
XPendingMessages.run((key, group, start, end, count, consumer, idle))
final def xRange(
key: String,
start: String,
end: String
): ZIO[RedisExecutor, RedisError, Map[String, Map[String, String]]] =
XRange.run((key, start, end, None))
final def xRange(
key: String,
start: String,
end: String,
count: Long
): ZIO[RedisExecutor, RedisError, Map[String, Map[String, String]]] =
XRange.run((key, start, end, Some(Count(count))))
final def xRead(count: Option[Long] = None, block: Option[Duration] = None)(
stream: (String, String),
streams: (String, String)*
): ZIO[RedisExecutor, RedisError, Map[String, Map[String, Map[String, String]]]] =
XRead.run((count.map(Count), block, (stream, Chunk.fromIterable(streams))))
final def xReadGroup(group: String, consumer: String)(
count: Option[Long] = None,
block: Option[Duration] = None,
noAck: Boolean = false
stream: (String, String),
streams: (String, String)*
): ZIO[RedisExecutor, RedisError, Map[String, Map[String, Map[String, String]]]] =
Group(group, consumer),
if (noAck) Some(NoAck) else None,
(stream, Chunk.fromIterable(streams))
final def xRevRange(
key: String,
end: String,
start: String
): ZIO[RedisExecutor, RedisError, Map[String, Map[String, String]]] =
XRevRange.run((key, end, start, None))
final def xRevRange(
key: String,
end: String,
start: String,
count: Long
): ZIO[RedisExecutor, RedisError, Map[String, Map[String, String]]] =
XRevRange.run((key, end, start, Some(Count(count))))
final def xTrim(key: String, count: Long, approximate: Boolean = false): ZIO[RedisExecutor, RedisError, Long] =
XTrim.run((key, MaxLen(approximate, count)))
private object Streams {
final val XAck = RedisCommand("XACK", Tuple3(StringInput, StringInput, NonEmptyList(StringInput)), LongOutput)
final val XAdd = RedisCommand(
Tuple4(StringInput, OptionalInput(MaxLenInput), StringInput, NonEmptyList(Tuple2(StringInput, StringInput))),
final val XClaim = RedisCommand(
final val XClaimWithJustId = RedisCommand(
final val XDel = RedisCommand("XDEL", Tuple2(StringInput, NonEmptyList(StringInput)), LongOutput)
final val XGroupCreate = RedisCommand("XGROUP", XGroupCreateInput, UnitOutput)
final val XGroupSetId = RedisCommand("XGROUP", XGroupSetIdInput, UnitOutput)
final val XGroupDestroy = RedisCommand("XGROUP", XGroupDestroyInput, LongOutput)
final val XGroupCreateConsumer = RedisCommand("XGROUP", XGroupCreateConsumerInput, UnitOutput)
final val XGroupDelConsumer = RedisCommand("XGROUP", XGroupDelConsumerInput, LongOutput)
// TODO: implement XINFO command
final val XLen = RedisCommand("XLEN", StringInput, LongOutput)
final val XPending =
RedisCommand("XPENDING", Tuple3(StringInput, StringInput, OptionalInput(IdleInput)), XPendingOutput)
final val XPendingMessages =
final val XRange =
RedisCommand("XRANGE", Tuple4(StringInput, StringInput, StringInput, OptionalInput(CountInput)), StreamOutput)
final val XRead =
RedisCommand("XREAD", Tuple3(OptionalInput(CountInput), OptionalInput(BlockInput), StreamsInput), XReadOutput)
final val XReadGroup = RedisCommand(
Tuple5(GroupInput, OptionalInput(CountInput), OptionalInput(BlockInput), OptionalInput(NoAckInput), StreamsInput),
final val XRevRange =
RedisCommand("XREVRANGE", Tuple4(StringInput, StringInput, StringInput, OptionalInput(CountInput)), StreamOutput)
final val XTrim = RedisCommand("XTRIM", Tuple2(StringInput, MaxLenInput), LongOutput)
......@@ -211,7 +211,7 @@ trait Strings {
expireTime: Option[Duration] = None,
update: Option[Update] = None,
keepTtl: Option[KeepTtl] = None
): ZIO[RedisExecutor, RedisError, Option[Unit]] = Set.run((key, value, expireTime, update, keepTtl))
): ZIO[RedisExecutor, RedisError, Boolean] = Set.run((key, value, expireTime, update, keepTtl))
* Sets or clears the bit at offset in the string value stored at key
......@@ -304,7 +304,7 @@ private[redis] object Strings {
final val SetBit = RedisCommand("SETBIT", Tuple3(StringInput, LongInput, BoolInput), BoolOutput)
......@@ -2,8 +2,6 @@ package zio.redis.options
trait Geo {
sealed case class Count(count: Long)
sealed case class LongLat(longitude: Double, latitude: Double)
sealed case class GeoView(member: String, dist: Option[Double], hash: Option[Long], longLat: Option[LongLat])
......@@ -13,4 +13,6 @@ trait Shared {
case object SetExisting extends Update
case object SetNew extends Update
sealed case class Count(count: Long)
package zio.redis.options
import zio.duration._
trait Streams {
case object WithForce {
private[redis] def stringify = "FORCE"
type WithForce = WithForce.type
case object WithJustId {
private[redis] def stringify = "JUSTID"
type WithJustId = WithJustId.type
sealed trait XGroupCommand
object XGroupCommand {
case class Create(key: String, group: String, id: String, mkStream: Boolean) extends XGroupCommand
case class SetId(key: String, group: String, id: String) extends XGroupCommand
case class Destroy(key: String, group: String) extends XGroupCommand
case class CreateConsumer(key: String, group: String, consumer: String) extends XGroupCommand
case class DelConsumer(key: String, group: String, consumer: String) extends XGroupCommand
case object MkStream {
private[redis] def stringify = "MKSTREAM"
type MkStream = MkStream.type
case class PendingInfo(
total: Long,
first: String,
last: String,
consumers: Map[String, Long]
case class PendingMessage(
id: String,
owner: String,
lastDelivered: Duration,
counter: Long
case class Group(group: String, consumer: String)
case object NoAck {
private[redis] def stringify: String = "NOACK"
type NoAck = NoAck.type
case class MaxLen(approximate: Boolean, count: Long)
......@@ -16,4 +16,5 @@ package object redis
with options.SortedSets
with options.Strings
with options.Lists
with options.Streams
with Interpreter
......@@ -1162,7 +1162,7 @@ trait StringsSpec extends BaseSpec {
key <- uuid
value <- uuid
result <- set(key, value)
} yield assert(result)(isSome)
} yield assert(result)(isTrue)
testM("override existing string") {
for {
......@@ -1170,7 +1170,7 @@ trait StringsSpec extends BaseSpec {
value <- uuid
_ <- set(key, "value")
result <- set(key, value)
} yield assert(result)(isSome)
} yield assert(result)(isTrue)
testM("override not string") {
for {
......@@ -1178,21 +1178,21 @@ trait StringsSpec extends BaseSpec {
value <- uuid
_ <- sAdd(key, "a")
result <- set(key, value)
} yield assert(result)(isSome)
} yield assert(result)(isTrue)
testM("new value with ttl 1 second") {
for {
key <- uuid
value <- uuid
result <- set(key, value, Some(1.second))
} yield assert(result)(isSome)
} yield assert(result)(isTrue)
testM("new value with ttl 100 milliseconds") {
for {
key <- uuid
value <- uuid
result <- set(key, value, Some(100.milliseconds))
} yield assert(result)(isSome)
} yield assert(result)(isTrue)
testM("error when negative ttl") {
for {
......@@ -1206,7 +1206,7 @@ trait StringsSpec extends BaseSpec {
key <- uuid
value <- uuid
result <- set(key, value, update = Some(Update.SetNew))
} yield assert(result)(isSome)
} yield assert(result)(isTrue)
testM("existing value with SetNew parameter") {
for {
......@@ -1214,14 +1214,14 @@ trait StringsSpec extends BaseSpec {
value <- uuid
_ <- set(key, "value")
result <- set(key, value, update = Some(Update.SetNew))
} yield assert(result)(isNone)
} yield assert(result)(isFalse)
testM("new value with SetExisting parameter") {
for {
key <- uuid
value <- uuid
result <- set(key, value, update = Some(Update.SetExisting))
} yield assert(result)(isNone)
} yield assert(result)(isFalse)
testM("existing value with SetExisting parameter") {
for {
......@@ -1229,7 +1229,7 @@ trait StringsSpec extends BaseSpec {
value <- uuid
_ <- set(key, "value")
result <- set(key, value, update = Some(Update.SetExisting))
} yield assert(result)(isSome)
} yield assert(result)(isTrue)
testM("existing not string value with SetExisting parameter") {
for {
......@@ -1237,7 +1237,7 @@ trait StringsSpec extends BaseSpec {
value <- uuid
_ <- sAdd(key, "a")
result <- set(key, value, update = Some(Update.SetExisting))
} yield assert(result)(isSome)
} yield assert(result)(isTrue)
// next three tests include KEEPTTL parameter that is valid for Redis version >= 6
testM("new value with KeepTtl parameter") {
......@@ -1245,7 +1245,7 @@ trait StringsSpec extends BaseSpec {
key <- uuid
value <- uuid
result <- set(key, value, keepTtl = Some(KeepTtl))
} yield assert(result)(isSome)
} yield assert(result)(isTrue)
} @@ ignore,
testM("existing value with KeepTtl parameter") {
for {
......@@ -1253,7 +1253,7 @@ trait StringsSpec extends BaseSpec {
value <- uuid
_ <- set(key, "value", Some(1.second))
result <- set(key, value, keepTtl = Some(KeepTtl))
} yield assert(result)(isSome)
} yield assert(result)(isTrue)
} @@ ignore,
testM("existing value with both ttl and KeepTtl parameters") {
for {
......@@ -1261,7 +1261,7 @@ trait StringsSpec extends BaseSpec {
value <- uuid
_ <- set(key, "value", Some(1.second))
result <- set(key, value, Some(1.second), keepTtl = Some(KeepTtl))
} yield assert(result)(isSome)
} yield assert(result)(isTrue)
} @@ ignore
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