未验证 提交 5901ff07 编写于 作者: D Dejan Mijić 提交者: GitHub

Extract test executor (#236)

上级 30db77ac
......@@ -16,5 +16,5 @@ trait BenchmarksUtils {
object BenchmarksUtils {
private final val Layer = Logging.ignore >>> RedisExecutor.default.orDie
private final val Layer = Logging.ignore >>> RedisExecutor.local.orDie
import BuildHelper._
Global / onChangedBuildSource := ReloadOnSourceChanges
organization := "dev.zio",
......@@ -37,9 +37,8 @@ object Main extends App {
val apiConfigLayer = configLayer.narrow(_.api)
val redisLayer = Logging.ignore >>> RedisExecutor.live("localhost", 6379).orDie
val redisLayer = Logging.ignore ++ configLayer.narrow(_.redis) >>> RedisExecutor.live.orDie
val sttpLayer = AsyncHttpClientZioBackend.layer()
val contributorsLayer = redisLayer ++ sttpLayer >>> Contributors.live
......@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ package example.config
import akka.http.interop.HttpServer
import zio.config.magnolia.DeriveConfigDescriptor
import zio.redis.RedisConfig
final case class AppConfig(api: HttpServer.Config, redis: RedisConfig)
package example.config
final case class RedisConfig(host: String, port: Int)
package zio.redis
import java.io.IOException
import scala.collection.compat.immutable.LazyList
import zio._
import zio.logging._
import zio.redis.RedisError.ProtocolError
import zio.stm._
import zio.stream.Stream
trait Interpreter {
import Interpreter._
type RedisExecutor = Has[RedisExecutor.Service]
object RedisExecutor {
trait Service {
def execute(command: Chunk[RespValue.BulkString]): IO[RedisError, RespValue]
lazy val default: ZLayer[Logging, RedisError.IOError, RedisExecutor] =
ZLayer.identity[Logging] ++ ByteStream.default >>> StreamedExecutor
lazy val live: ZLayer[Logging with Has[RedisConfig], RedisError.IOError, RedisExecutor] =
ZLayer.identity[Logging] ++ ByteStream.live >>> StreamedExecutor
lazy val test: URLayer[zio.random.Random, RedisExecutor] = {
val makePickRandom: URIO[zio.random.Random, Int => USTM[Int]] =
for {
seed <- random.nextInt
sRandom = new scala.util.Random(seed)
ref <- TRef.make(LazyList.continually((i: Int) => sRandom.nextInt(i))).commit
} yield (i: Int) => ref.modify(s => (s.head(i), s.tail))
ZLayer.fromEffect {
for {
randomPick <- makePickRandom
executor <- STM.atomically {
for {
sets <- TMap.empty[String, Set[String]]
strings <- TMap.empty[String, String]
} yield new Test(sets, strings, randomPick)
} yield executor
private[this] final val RequestQueueSize = 16
private[this] final val StreamedExecutor =
ZLayer.fromServicesManaged[ByteStream.Service, Logger[String], Any, RedisError.IOError, RedisExecutor.Service] {
(byteStream: ByteStream.Service, logging: Logger[String]) =>
for {
reqQueue <- Queue.bounded[Request](RequestQueueSize).toManaged_
resQueue <- Queue.unbounded[Promise[RedisError, RespValue]].toManaged_
live = new Live(reqQueue, resQueue, byteStream, logging)
_ <- live.run.forkManaged
} yield live
private[this] final class Live(
reqQueue: Queue[Request],
resQueue: Queue[Promise[RedisError, RespValue]],
byteStream: ByteStream.Service,
logger: Logger[String]
) extends Service {
def execute(command: Chunk[RespValue.BulkString]): IO[RedisError, RespValue] =
.make[RedisError, RespValue]
.flatMap(promise => reqQueue.offer(Request(command, promise)) *> promise.await)
* Opens a connection to the server and launches send and receive operations.
* All failures are retried by opening a new connection.
* Only exits by interruption or defect.
val run: IO[RedisError, Unit] =
(send.forever race runReceive(byteStream.read))
.tapError(e => logger.warn(s"Reconnecting due to error: $e") *> drainWith(e))
.tapError(e => logger.error(s"Executor exiting: $e"))
private def drainWith(e: RedisError): UIO[Unit] = resQueue.takeAll.flatMap(IO.foreach_(_)(_.fail(e)))
private def send: IO[RedisError, Unit] =
reqQueue.takeBetween(1, Int.MaxValue).flatMap { reqs =>
val bytes = Chunk.fromIterable(reqs).flatMap(req => RespValue.Array(req.command).serialize)
e => IO.foreach_(reqs)(_.promise.fail(e)),
_ => IO.foreach_(reqs)(req => resQueue.offer(req.promise))
private def runReceive(inStream: Stream[IOException, Byte]): IO[RedisError, Unit] =
.foreach(response => resQueue.take.flatMap(_.succeed(response)))
private final class Test(
sets: TMap[String, Set[String]],
strings: TMap[String, String],
randomPick: Int => USTM[Int]
) extends Service {
override def execute(command: Chunk[RespValue.BulkString]): zio.IO[RedisError, RespValue] =
for {
name <- ZIO.fromOption(command.headOption).orElseFail(ProtocolError("Malformed command."))
result <- runCommand(name.asString, command.tail).commit
} yield result
private[this] def runCommand(name: String, input: Chunk[RespValue.BulkString]): STM[RedisError, RespValue] =
name match {
case api.Connection.Ping.name =>
STM.succeedNow {
if (input.isEmpty)
case api.Sets.SAdd.name =>
val key = input.head.asString
val values = input.tail.map(_.asString)
for {
oldSet <- sets.getOrElse(key, Set.empty)
newSet = oldSet ++ values
added = newSet.size - oldSet.size
_ <- sets.put(key, newSet)
} yield RespValue.Integer(added.toLong)
case api.Sets.SCard.name =>
val key = input.head.asString
sets.get(key).map(_.fold(RespValue.Integer(0))(s => RespValue.Integer(s.size.toLong))),
case api.Sets.SDiff.name =>
val allkeys = input.map(_.asString)
val mainKey = allkeys.head
val others = allkeys.tail
for {
main <- sets.getOrElse(mainKey, Set.empty)
result <- STM.foldLeft(others)(main) { case (acc, k) => sets.get(k).map(_.fold(acc)(acc -- _)) }
} yield RespValue.array(result.map(RespValue.bulkString(_)).toList: _*),
case api.Sets.SDiffStore.name =>
val allkeys = input.map(_.asString)
val distkey = allkeys.head
val mainKey = allkeys(1)
val others = allkeys.drop(2)
for {
main <- sets.getOrElse(mainKey, Set.empty)
result <- STM.foldLeft(others)(main) { case (acc, k) => sets.get(k).map(_.fold(acc)(acc -- _)) }
_ <- sets.put(distkey, result)
} yield RespValue.Integer(result.size.toLong),
case api.Sets.SInter.name =>
val keys = input.map(_.asString)
val mainKey = keys.head
val otherKeys = keys.tail
sInter(mainKey, otherKeys).fold(_ => Replies.WrongType, Replies.array)
case api.Sets.SInterStore.name =>
val keys = input.map(_.asString)
val destination = keys.head
val mainKey = keys(1)
val otherKeys = keys.tail
(STM.fail(()).unlessM(isSet(destination)) *> sInter(mainKey, otherKeys)).foldM(
_ => STM.succeedNow(Replies.WrongType),
s =>
for {
_ <- sets.put(destination, s)
} yield RespValue.Integer(s.size.toLong)
case api.Sets.SIsMember.name =>
val key = input.head.asString
val member = input(1).asString
for {
set <- sets.getOrElse(key, Set.empty)
result = if (set.contains(member)) RespValue.Integer(1) else RespValue.Integer(0)
} yield result,
case api.Sets.SMove.name =>
val sourceKey = input.head.asString
val destinationKey = input(1).asString
val member = input(2).asString
sets.getOrElse(sourceKey, Set.empty).flatMap { source =>
if (source.contains(member))
for {
dest <- sets.getOrElse(destinationKey, Set.empty)
_ <- sets.put(sourceKey, source - member)
_ <- sets.put(destinationKey, dest + member)
} yield RespValue.Integer(1),
else STM.succeedNow(RespValue.Integer(0))
case api.Sets.SPop.name =>
val key = input.head.asString
val count = if (input.size == 1) 1 else input(1).asString.toInt
for {
set <- sets.getOrElse(key, Set.empty)
result = set.take(count)
_ <- sets.put(key, set -- result)
} yield Replies.array(result),
case api.Sets.SMembers.name =>
val key = input.head.asString
case api.Sets.SRandMember.name =>
val key = input.head.asString
val maybeCount = input.tail.headOption.map(b => b.asString.toLong)
for {
set <- sets.getOrElse(key, Set.empty[String])
asVector = set.toVector
res <- maybeCount match {
case None =>
selectOne[String](asVector, randomPick).map(maybeValue =>
case Some(n) if n > 0 => selectN(asVector, n, randomPick).map(Replies.array)
case Some(n) if n < 0 =>
selectNWithReplacement(asVector, -1 * n, randomPick).map(Replies.array)
case Some(0) => STM.succeedNow(RespValue.NullValue)
} yield res
case api.Sets.SRem.name =>
val key = input.head.asString
val values = input.tail.map(_.asString)
for {
oldSet <- sets.getOrElse(key, Set.empty)
newSet = oldSet -- values
removed = oldSet.size - newSet.size
_ <- sets.put(key, newSet)
} yield RespValue.Integer(removed.toLong)
case api.Sets.SUnion.name =>
val keys = input.map(_.asString)
.foldLeft(keys)(Set.empty[String]) { (unionSoFar, nextKey) =>
sets.getOrElse(nextKey, Set.empty[String]).map { currentSet =>
unionSoFar ++ currentSet
.map(unionSet => Replies.array(unionSet)),
case api.Sets.SUnionStore.name =>
val destination = input.head.asString
val keys = input.tail.map(_.asString)
for {
union <- STM
.foldLeft(keys)(Set.empty[String]) { (unionSoFar, nextKey) =>
sets.getOrElse(nextKey, Set.empty[String]).map { currentSet =>
unionSoFar ++ currentSet
_ <- sets.put(destination, union)
} yield RespValue.Integer(union.size.toLong),
case api.Sets.SScan.name =>
def maybeGetCount(key: RespValue.BulkString, value: RespValue.BulkString): Option[Int] =
key.asString match {
case "COUNT" => Some(value.asString.toInt)
case _ => None
val key = input.head.asString
val start = input(1).asString.toInt
val maybeRegex = if (input.size > 2) input(2).asString match {
case "MATCH" => Some(input(3).asString.r)
case _ => None
else None
val maybeCount =
if (input.size > 4) maybeGetCount(input(4), input(5))
else if (input.size > 2) maybeGetCount(input(2), input(3))
else None
val end = start + maybeCount.getOrElse(10)
for {
set <- sets.getOrElse(key, Set.empty)
filtered = maybeRegex.map(regex => set.filter(s => regex.pattern.matcher(s).matches)).getOrElse(set)
resultSet = filtered.slice(start, end)
nextIndex = if (filtered.size <= end) 0 else end
results = Replies.array(resultSet)
} yield RespValue.array(RespValue.bulkString(nextIndex.toString), results)
case api.Strings.Set.name =>
// not a full implementation. Just enough to make set tests work
val key = input.head.asString
val value = input(1).asString
strings.put(key, value).as(Replies.Ok)
case _ => STM.fail(RedisError.ProtocolError(s"Command not supported by test executor: $name"))
// check whether the key is a set or unused.
private[this] def isSet(name: String): STM[Nothing, Boolean] =
for {
isString <- strings.contains(name)
} yield !isString
private[this] def selectN[A](values: Vector[A], n: Long, pickRandom: Int => USTM[Int]): USTM[List[A]] = {
def go(remaining: Vector[A], toPick: Long, acc: List[A]): USTM[List[A]] =
(remaining, toPick) match {
case (Vector(), _) | (_, 0) => STM.succeed(acc)
case _ =>
pickRandom(remaining.size).flatMap { index =>
val x = remaining(index)
val xs = remaining.patch(index, Nil, 1)
go(xs, toPick - 1, x :: acc)
go(values, Math.max(n, 0), Nil)
private[this] def selectOne[A](values: Vector[A], pickRandom: Int => USTM[Int]): USTM[Option[A]] =
if (values.isEmpty) STM.succeedNow(None)
else pickRandom(values.size).map(index => Some(values(index)))
private[this] def selectNWithReplacement[A](
values: Vector[A],
n: Long,
pickRandom: Int => USTM[Int]
): USTM[List[A]] =
.loop(Math.max(n, 0))(_ > 0, _ - 1)(_ => selectOne(values, pickRandom))
private[this] def sInter(mainKey: String, otherKeys: Chunk[String]): STM[Unit, Set[String]] = {
sealed trait State
object State {
case object WrongType extends State
case object Empty extends State
final case class Continue(values: Set[String]) extends State
def get(key: String): STM[Nothing, State] =
def step(state: State, next: String): STM[Nothing, State] =
state match {
case State.Empty => STM.succeedNow(State.Empty)
case State.WrongType => STM.succeedNow(State.WrongType)
case State.Continue(values) =>
get(next).map {
case State.Continue(otherValues) =>
val intersection = values.intersect(otherValues)
if (intersection.isEmpty) State.Empty else State.Continue(intersection)
case s => s
for {
init <- get(mainKey)
state <- STM.foldLeft(otherKeys)(init)(step)
result <- state match {
case State.Continue(values) => STM.succeedNow(values)
case State.Empty => STM.succeedNow(Set.empty[String])
case State.WrongType => STM.fail(())
} yield result
private[this] def forAll[A](chunk: Chunk[A])(f: A => STM[Nothing, Boolean]) =
STM.foldLeft(chunk)(true) { case (b, a) => f(a).map(b && _) }
private[this] object Replies {
val Ok = RespValue.SimpleString("OK")
val WrongType = RespValue.Error("WRONGTYPE")
def array(values: Iterable[String]) =
RespValue.array(values.map(RespValue.bulkString(_)).toList: _*)
val EmptyArray = RespValue.array()
private[redis] object Interpreter {
private final case class Request(command: Chunk[RespValue.BulkString], promise: Promise[RedisError, RespValue])
private val True: Any => Boolean = _ => true
package zio.redis
import java.io.IOException
import zio._
import zio.logging._
import zio.stream.Stream
object RedisExecutor {
trait Service {
def execute(command: Chunk[RespValue.BulkString]): IO[RedisError, RespValue]
lazy val live: ZLayer[Logging with Has[RedisConfig], RedisError.IOError, RedisExecutor] =
ZLayer.identity[Logging] ++ ByteStream.live >>> StreamedExecutor
lazy val local: ZLayer[Logging, RedisError.IOError, RedisExecutor] =
ZLayer.identity[Logging] ++ ByteStream.default >>> StreamedExecutor
lazy val test: URLayer[zio.random.Random, RedisExecutor] = TestExecutor.live
private[this] final case class Request(command: Chunk[RespValue.BulkString], promise: Promise[RedisError, RespValue])
private[this] final val True: Any => Boolean = _ => true
private[this] final val RequestQueueSize = 16
private[this] final val StreamedExecutor =
ZLayer.fromServicesManaged[ByteStream.Service, Logger[String], Any, RedisError.IOError, RedisExecutor.Service] {
(byteStream: ByteStream.Service, logging: Logger[String]) =>
for {
reqQueue <- Queue.bounded[Request](RequestQueueSize).toManaged_
resQueue <- Queue.unbounded[Promise[RedisError, RespValue]].toManaged_
live = new Live(reqQueue, resQueue, byteStream, logging)
_ <- live.run.forkManaged
} yield live
private[this] final class Live(
reqQueue: Queue[Request],
resQueue: Queue[Promise[RedisError, RespValue]],
byteStream: ByteStream.Service,
logger: Logger[String]
) extends Service {
def execute(command: Chunk[RespValue.BulkString]): IO[RedisError, RespValue] =
.make[RedisError, RespValue]
.flatMap(promise => reqQueue.offer(Request(command, promise)) *> promise.await)
* Opens a connection to the server and launches send and receive operations.
* All failures are retried by opening a new connection.
* Only exits by interruption or defect.
val run: IO[RedisError, Unit] =
(send.forever race runReceive(byteStream.read))
.tapError(e => logger.warn(s"Reconnecting due to error: $e") *> drainWith(e))
.tapError(e => logger.error(s"Executor exiting: $e"))
private def drainWith(e: RedisError): UIO[Unit] = resQueue.takeAll.flatMap(IO.foreach_(_)(_.fail(e)))
private def send: IO[RedisError, Unit] =
reqQueue.takeBetween(1, Int.MaxValue).flatMap { reqs =>
val bytes = Chunk.fromIterable(reqs).flatMap(req => RespValue.Array(req.command).serialize)
e => IO.foreach_(reqs)(_.promise.fail(e)),
_ => IO.foreach_(reqs)(req => resQueue.offer(req.promise))
private def runReceive(inStream: Stream[IOException, Byte]): IO[RedisError, Unit] =
.foreach(response => resQueue.take.flatMap(_.succeed(response)))
package zio.redis
import scala.collection.compat.immutable.LazyList
import zio._
import zio.redis.RedisError.ProtocolError
import zio.stm._
private[redis] final class TestExecutor private (
sets: TMap[String, Set[String]],
strings: TMap[String, String],
randomPick: Int => USTM[Int]
) extends RedisExecutor.Service {
def execute(command: Chunk[RespValue.BulkString]): IO[RedisError, RespValue] =
for {
name <- ZIO.fromOption(command.headOption).orElseFail(ProtocolError("Malformed command."))
result <- runCommand(name.asString, command.tail).commit
} yield result
private[this] def runCommand(name: String, input: Chunk[RespValue.BulkString]): STM[RedisError, RespValue] =
name match {
case api.Connection.Ping.name =>
STM.succeedNow {
if (input.isEmpty)
case api.Sets.SAdd.name =>
val key = input.head.asString
val values = input.tail.map(_.asString)
for {
oldSet <- sets.getOrElse(key, Set.empty)
newSet = oldSet ++ values
added = newSet.size - oldSet.size
_ <- sets.put(key, newSet)
} yield RespValue.Integer(added.toLong)
case api.Sets.SCard.name =>
val key = input.head.asString
sets.get(key).map(_.fold(RespValue.Integer(0))(s => RespValue.Integer(s.size.toLong))),
case api.Sets.SDiff.name =>
val allkeys = input.map(_.asString)
val mainKey = allkeys.head
val others = allkeys.tail
for {
main <- sets.getOrElse(mainKey, Set.empty)
result <- STM.foldLeft(others)(main) { case (acc, k) => sets.get(k).map(_.fold(acc)(acc -- _)) }
} yield RespValue.array(result.map(RespValue.bulkString(_)).toList: _*),
case api.Sets.SDiffStore.name =>
val allkeys = input.map(_.asString)
val distkey = allkeys.head
val mainKey = allkeys(1)
val others = allkeys.drop(2)
for {
main <- sets.getOrElse(mainKey, Set.empty)
result <- STM.foldLeft(others)(main) { case (acc, k) => sets.get(k).map(_.fold(acc)(acc -- _)) }
_ <- sets.put(distkey, result)
} yield RespValue.Integer(result.size.toLong),
case api.Sets.SInter.name =>
val keys = input.map(_.asString)
val mainKey = keys.head
val otherKeys = keys.tail
sInter(mainKey, otherKeys).fold(_ => Replies.WrongType, Replies.array)
case api.Sets.SInterStore.name =>
val keys = input.map(_.asString)
val destination = keys.head
val mainKey = keys(1)
val otherKeys = keys.tail
(STM.fail(()).unlessM(isSet(destination)) *> sInter(mainKey, otherKeys)).foldM(
_ => STM.succeedNow(Replies.WrongType),
s =>
for {
_ <- sets.put(destination, s)
} yield RespValue.Integer(s.size.toLong)
case api.Sets.SIsMember.name =>
val key = input.head.asString
val member = input(1).asString
for {
set <- sets.getOrElse(key, Set.empty)
result = if (set.contains(member)) RespValue.Integer(1) else RespValue.Integer(0)
} yield result,
case api.Sets.SMove.name =>
val sourceKey = input.head.asString
val destinationKey = input(1).asString
val member = input(2).asString
sets.getOrElse(sourceKey, Set.empty).flatMap { source =>
if (source.contains(member))
for {
dest <- sets.getOrElse(destinationKey, Set.empty)
_ <- sets.put(sourceKey, source - member)
_ <- sets.put(destinationKey, dest + member)
} yield RespValue.Integer(1),
else STM.succeedNow(RespValue.Integer(0))
case api.Sets.SPop.name =>
val key = input.head.asString
val count = if (input.size == 1) 1 else input(1).asString.toInt
for {
set <- sets.getOrElse(key, Set.empty)
result = set.take(count)
_ <- sets.put(key, set -- result)
} yield Replies.array(result),
case api.Sets.SMembers.name =>
val key = input.head.asString
case api.Sets.SRandMember.name =>
val key = input.head.asString
val maybeCount = input.tail.headOption.map(b => b.asString.toLong)
for {
set <- sets.getOrElse(key, Set.empty[String])
asVector = set.toVector
res <- maybeCount match {
case None =>
selectOne[String](asVector, randomPick).map(maybeValue =>
case Some(n) if n > 0 => selectN(asVector, n, randomPick).map(Replies.array)
case Some(n) if n < 0 =>
selectNWithReplacement(asVector, -1 * n, randomPick).map(Replies.array)
case Some(0) => STM.succeedNow(RespValue.NullValue)
} yield res
case api.Sets.SRem.name =>
val key = input.head.asString
val values = input.tail.map(_.asString)
for {
oldSet <- sets.getOrElse(key, Set.empty)
newSet = oldSet -- values
removed = oldSet.size - newSet.size
_ <- sets.put(key, newSet)
} yield RespValue.Integer(removed.toLong)
case api.Sets.SUnion.name =>
val keys = input.map(_.asString)
.foldLeft(keys)(Set.empty[String]) { (unionSoFar, nextKey) =>
sets.getOrElse(nextKey, Set.empty[String]).map { currentSet =>
unionSoFar ++ currentSet
.map(unionSet => Replies.array(unionSet)),
case api.Sets.SUnionStore.name =>
val destination = input.head.asString
val keys = input.tail.map(_.asString)
for {
union <- STM
.foldLeft(keys)(Set.empty[String]) { (unionSoFar, nextKey) =>
sets.getOrElse(nextKey, Set.empty[String]).map { currentSet =>
unionSoFar ++ currentSet
_ <- sets.put(destination, union)
} yield RespValue.Integer(union.size.toLong),
case api.Sets.SScan.name =>
def maybeGetCount(key: RespValue.BulkString, value: RespValue.BulkString): Option[Int] =
key.asString match {
case "COUNT" => Some(value.asString.toInt)
case _ => None
val key = input.head.asString
val start = input(1).asString.toInt
val maybeRegex = if (input.size > 2) input(2).asString match {
case "MATCH" => Some(input(3).asString.r)
case _ => None
else None
val maybeCount =
if (input.size > 4) maybeGetCount(input(4), input(5))
else if (input.size > 2) maybeGetCount(input(2), input(3))
else None
val end = start + maybeCount.getOrElse(10)
for {
set <- sets.getOrElse(key, Set.empty)
filtered = maybeRegex.map(regex => set.filter(s => regex.pattern.matcher(s).matches)).getOrElse(set)
resultSet = filtered.slice(start, end)
nextIndex = if (filtered.size <= end) 0 else end
results = Replies.array(resultSet)
} yield RespValue.array(RespValue.bulkString(nextIndex.toString), results)
case api.Strings.Set.name =>
// not a full implementation. Just enough to make set tests work
val key = input.head.asString
val value = input(1).asString
strings.put(key, value).as(Replies.Ok)
case _ => STM.fail(RedisError.ProtocolError(s"Command not supported by test executor: $name"))
// check whether the key is a set or unused.
private[this] def isSet(name: String): STM[Nothing, Boolean] =
for {
isString <- strings.contains(name)
} yield !isString
private[this] def selectN[A](values: Vector[A], n: Long, pickRandom: Int => USTM[Int]): USTM[List[A]] = {
def go(remaining: Vector[A], toPick: Long, acc: List[A]): USTM[List[A]] =
(remaining, toPick) match {
case (Vector(), _) | (_, 0) => STM.succeed(acc)
case _ =>
pickRandom(remaining.size).flatMap { index =>
val x = remaining(index)
val xs = remaining.patch(index, Nil, 1)
go(xs, toPick - 1, x :: acc)
go(values, Math.max(n, 0), Nil)
private[this] def selectOne[A](values: Vector[A], pickRandom: Int => USTM[Int]): USTM[Option[A]] =
if (values.isEmpty) STM.succeedNow(None)
else pickRandom(values.size).map(index => Some(values(index)))
private[this] def selectNWithReplacement[A](
values: Vector[A],
n: Long,
pickRandom: Int => USTM[Int]
): USTM[List[A]] =
.loop(Math.max(n, 0))(_ > 0, _ - 1)(_ => selectOne(values, pickRandom))
private[this] def sInter(mainKey: String, otherKeys: Chunk[String]): STM[Unit, Set[String]] = {
sealed trait State
object State {
case object WrongType extends State
case object Empty extends State
final case class Continue(values: Set[String]) extends State
def get(key: String): STM[Nothing, State] =
def step(state: State, next: String): STM[Nothing, State] =
state match {
case State.Empty => STM.succeedNow(State.Empty)
case State.WrongType => STM.succeedNow(State.WrongType)
case State.Continue(values) =>
get(next).map {
case State.Continue(otherValues) =>
val intersection = values.intersect(otherValues)
if (intersection.isEmpty) State.Empty else State.Continue(intersection)
case s => s
for {
init <- get(mainKey)
state <- STM.foldLeft(otherKeys)(init)(step)
result <- state match {
case State.Continue(values) => STM.succeedNow(values)
case State.Empty => STM.succeedNow(Set.empty[String])
case State.WrongType => STM.fail(())
} yield result
private[this] def forAll[A](chunk: Chunk[A])(f: A => STM[Nothing, Boolean]) =
STM.foldLeft(chunk)(true) { case (b, a) => f(a).map(b && _) }
private[this] object Replies {
val Ok = RespValue.SimpleString("OK")
val WrongType = RespValue.Error("WRONGTYPE")
def array(values: Iterable[String]) =
RespValue.array(values.map(RespValue.bulkString(_)).toList: _*)
val EmptyArray = RespValue.array()
private[redis] object TestExecutor {
lazy val live: URLayer[zio.random.Random, RedisExecutor] =
ZLayer.fromEffect {
for {
seed <- random.nextInt
sRandom = new scala.util.Random(seed)
ref <- TRef.make(LazyList.continually((i: Int) => sRandom.nextInt(i))).commit
randomPick = (i: Int) => ref.modify(s => (s.head(i), s.tail))
sets <- TMap.empty[String, Set[String]].commit
strings <- TMap.empty[String, String].commit
} yield new TestExecutor(sets, strings, randomPick)
......@@ -17,5 +17,8 @@ package object redis
with options.SortedSets
with options.Strings
with options.Lists
with options.Streams
with Interpreter
with options.Streams {
type RedisExecutor = Has[RedisExecutor.Service]
......@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ object ApiSpec
).provideCustomLayerShared(Clock.live ++ Logging.ignore >>> RedisExecutor.default.orDie),
).provideCustomLayerShared(Logging.ignore >>> RedisExecutor.local.orDie ++ Clock.live),
suite("Test Executor")(
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