提交 e158de97 编写于 作者: 梦境迷离's avatar 梦境迷离 提交者: Bogdan Kobylynskyi

Scala: fix generateModelOpenClasses (#741)

When use `generateModelOpenClasses`, add `val` before field declaration
上级 fb556739
......@@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ import ${enumImport}._
<#list field.annotations as annotation>
<#if parentInterfaces?has_content><#list parentInterfaces as parent><#if parent == field.name>override </#if></#list></#if><#if !immutableModels>var <#else><#if parentInterfaces?has_content><#list parentInterfaces as parent><#if parent == field.name>val </#if></#list></#if></#if>${field.name}: ${field.type}<#if field.defaultValue?has_content> = <#if MapperUtil.isScalaOption(field.type)><#if field.defaultValue != "null">Some(${field.defaultValue})<#else>None</#if><#else>${field.defaultValue}</#if></#if><#if field_has_next>,</#if>
<#if parentInterfaces?has_content><#list parentInterfaces as parent><#if parent == field.name>override </#if></#list></#if><#if !immutableModels>var <#elseif generateModelOpenClasses>val <#else><#if parentInterfaces?has_content><#list parentInterfaces as parent><#if parent == field.name>val </#if></#list></#if></#if>${field.name}: ${field.type}<#if field.defaultValue?has_content> = <#if MapperUtil.isScalaOption(field.type)><#if field.defaultValue != "null">Some(${field.defaultValue})<#else>None</#if><#else>${field.defaultValue}</#if></#if><#if field_has_next>,</#if>
)<#if implements?has_content> extends <#list implements as interface>${interface}<#if interface_has_next> with </#if></#list></#if> {
......@@ -49,4 +49,14 @@ class GraphQLCodegenOpenclassesTest {
getFileByName(files, "Commit.scala"));
void generate_MultipleInterfacesPerTypeVarFields() throws Exception {
new ScalaGraphQLCodegen(singletonList("src/test/resources/schemas/github.graphqls"),
outputBuildDir, mappingConfig, TestUtils.getStaticGeneratedInfo()).generate();
File[] files = Objects.requireNonNull(outputScalaClassesDir.listFiles());
assertSameTrimmedContent(getFileByName(files, "Commit.scala"),
new File("src/test/resources/expected-classes/scala/Commit_normal_class_var_fields.scala.txt"));
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -12,67 +12,67 @@ import SubscriptionState._
class Commit(
override val abbreviatedOid: String,
additions: Int,
associatedPullRequests: PullRequestConnection,
author: GitActor,
authoredByCommitter: Boolean,
val additions: Int,
val associatedPullRequests: PullRequestConnection,
val author: GitActor,
val authoredByCommitter: Boolean,
authoredDate: String,
val authoredDate: String,
blame: Blame,
changedFiles: Int,
val blame: Blame,
val changedFiles: Int,
comments: CommitCommentConnection,
val comments: CommitCommentConnection,
override val commitResourcePath: String,
override val commitUrl: String,
committedDate: String,
committedViaWeb: Boolean,
committer: GitActor,
deletions: Int,
deployments: DeploymentConnection,
val committedDate: String,
val committedViaWeb: Boolean,
val committer: GitActor,
val deletions: Int,
val deployments: DeploymentConnection,
history: CommitHistoryConnection,
val history: CommitHistoryConnection,
override val id: String,
message: String,
val message: String,
messageBody: String,
val messageBody: String,
messageBodyHTML: String,
val messageBodyHTML: String,
messageHeadline: String,
val messageHeadline: String,
messageHeadlineHTML: String,
val messageHeadlineHTML: String,
override val oid: String,
parents: CommitConnection,
pushedDate: String,
val parents: CommitConnection,
val pushedDate: String,
override val repository: Repository,
override val resourcePath: String,
signature: GitSignature,
status: Status,
val signature: GitSignature,
val status: Status,
tarballUrl: String,
val tarballUrl: String,
tree: Tree,
val tree: Tree,
treeResourcePath: String,
val treeResourcePath: String,
treeUrl: String,
val treeUrl: String,
override val url: String,
override val viewerCanSubscribe: Boolean,
override val viewerSubscription: SubscriptionState,
zipballUrl: String
val zipballUrl: String
) extends Closer with IssueTimelineItem with PullRequestTimelineItem with Subscribable with Node with GitObject with UniformResourceLocatable {
override def toString(): String = {
package com.github.graphql
import com.kobylynskyi.graphql.codegen.model.graphql.GraphQLRequestSerializer
import java.util.Objects
import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
import SubscriptionState._
value = Array("com.kobylynskyi.graphql.codegen.GraphQLCodegen"),
date = "2020-12-31T23:59:59-0500"
class Commit(
override var abbreviatedOid: String,
var additions: Int,
var associatedPullRequests: PullRequestConnection,
var author: GitActor,
var authoredByCommitter: Boolean,
var authoredDate: String,
var blame: Blame,
var changedFiles: Int,
var comments: CommitCommentConnection,
override var commitResourcePath: String,
override var commitUrl: String,
var committedDate: String,
var committedViaWeb: Boolean,
var committer: GitActor,
var deletions: Int,
var deployments: DeploymentConnection,
var history: CommitHistoryConnection,
override var id: String,
var message: String,
var messageBody: String,
var messageBodyHTML: String,
var messageHeadline: String,
var messageHeadlineHTML: String,
override var oid: String,
var parents: CommitConnection,
var pushedDate: String,
override var repository: Repository,
override var resourcePath: String,
var signature: GitSignature,
var status: Status,
var tarballUrl: String,
var tree: Tree,
var treeResourcePath: String,
var treeUrl: String,
override var url: String,
override var viewerCanSubscribe: Boolean,
override var viewerSubscription: SubscriptionState,
var zipballUrl: String
) extends Closer with IssueTimelineItem with PullRequestTimelineItem with Subscribable with Node with GitObject with UniformResourceLocatable {
override def toString(): String = {
if (abbreviatedOid != null) "abbreviatedOid: " + GraphQLRequestSerializer.getEntry(abbreviatedOid) else "",
"additions: " + GraphQLRequestSerializer.getEntry(additions),
if (associatedPullRequests != null) "associatedPullRequests: " + GraphQLRequestSerializer.getEntry(associatedPullRequests) else "",
if (author != null) "author: " + GraphQLRequestSerializer.getEntry(author) else "",
"authoredByCommitter: " + GraphQLRequestSerializer.getEntry(authoredByCommitter),
if (authoredDate != null) "authoredDate: " + GraphQLRequestSerializer.getEntry(authoredDate) else "",
if (blame != null) "blame: " + GraphQLRequestSerializer.getEntry(blame) else "",
"changedFiles: " + GraphQLRequestSerializer.getEntry(changedFiles),
if (comments != null) "comments: " + GraphQLRequestSerializer.getEntry(comments) else "",
if (commitResourcePath != null) "commitResourcePath: " + GraphQLRequestSerializer.getEntry(commitResourcePath) else "",
if (commitUrl != null) "commitUrl: " + GraphQLRequestSerializer.getEntry(commitUrl) else "",
if (committedDate != null) "committedDate: " + GraphQLRequestSerializer.getEntry(committedDate) else "",
"committedViaWeb: " + GraphQLRequestSerializer.getEntry(committedViaWeb),
if (committer != null) "committer: " + GraphQLRequestSerializer.getEntry(committer) else "",
"deletions: " + GraphQLRequestSerializer.getEntry(deletions),
if (deployments != null) "deployments: " + GraphQLRequestSerializer.getEntry(deployments) else "",
if (history != null) "history: " + GraphQLRequestSerializer.getEntry(history) else "",
if (id != null) "id: " + GraphQLRequestSerializer.getEntry(id) else "",
if (message != null) "message: " + GraphQLRequestSerializer.getEntry(message) else "",
if (messageBody != null) "messageBody: " + GraphQLRequestSerializer.getEntry(messageBody) else "",
if (messageBodyHTML != null) "messageBodyHTML: " + GraphQLRequestSerializer.getEntry(messageBodyHTML) else "",
if (messageHeadline != null) "messageHeadline: " + GraphQLRequestSerializer.getEntry(messageHeadline) else "",
if (messageHeadlineHTML != null) "messageHeadlineHTML: " + GraphQLRequestSerializer.getEntry(messageHeadlineHTML) else "",
if (oid != null) "oid: " + GraphQLRequestSerializer.getEntry(oid) else "",
if (parents != null) "parents: " + GraphQLRequestSerializer.getEntry(parents) else "",
if (pushedDate != null) "pushedDate: " + GraphQLRequestSerializer.getEntry(pushedDate) else "",
if (repository != null) "repository: " + GraphQLRequestSerializer.getEntry(repository) else "",
if (resourcePath != null) "resourcePath: " + GraphQLRequestSerializer.getEntry(resourcePath) else "",
if (signature != null) "signature: " + GraphQLRequestSerializer.getEntry(signature) else "",
if (status != null) "status: " + GraphQLRequestSerializer.getEntry(status) else "",
if (tarballUrl != null) "tarballUrl: " + GraphQLRequestSerializer.getEntry(tarballUrl) else "",
if (tree != null) "tree: " + GraphQLRequestSerializer.getEntry(tree) else "",
if (treeResourcePath != null) "treeResourcePath: " + GraphQLRequestSerializer.getEntry(treeResourcePath) else "",
if (treeUrl != null) "treeUrl: " + GraphQLRequestSerializer.getEntry(treeUrl) else "",
if (url != null) "url: " + GraphQLRequestSerializer.getEntry(url) else "",
"viewerCanSubscribe: " + GraphQLRequestSerializer.getEntry(viewerCanSubscribe),
if (viewerSubscription != null) "viewerSubscription: " + GraphQLRequestSerializer.getEntry(viewerSubscription) else "",
if (zipballUrl != null) "zipballUrl: " + GraphQLRequestSerializer.getEntry(zipballUrl) else ""
).filter(_ != "").mkString("{", ",", "}")
override def equals(obj: Any): Boolean = {
if (this == obj) {
return true
if (obj == null || getClass != obj.getClass) {
return false
val that = obj.asInstanceOf[Commit]
Objects.equals(abbreviatedOid, that.abbreviatedOid) &&
Objects.equals(additions, that.additions) &&
Objects.equals(associatedPullRequests, that.associatedPullRequests) &&
Objects.equals(author, that.author) &&
Objects.equals(authoredByCommitter, that.authoredByCommitter) &&
Objects.equals(authoredDate, that.authoredDate) &&
Objects.equals(blame, that.blame) &&
Objects.equals(changedFiles, that.changedFiles) &&
Objects.equals(comments, that.comments) &&
Objects.equals(commitResourcePath, that.commitResourcePath) &&
Objects.equals(commitUrl, that.commitUrl) &&
Objects.equals(committedDate, that.committedDate) &&
Objects.equals(committedViaWeb, that.committedViaWeb) &&
Objects.equals(committer, that.committer) &&
Objects.equals(deletions, that.deletions) &&
Objects.equals(deployments, that.deployments) &&
Objects.equals(history, that.history) &&
Objects.equals(id, that.id) &&
Objects.equals(message, that.message) &&
Objects.equals(messageBody, that.messageBody) &&
Objects.equals(messageBodyHTML, that.messageBodyHTML) &&
Objects.equals(messageHeadline, that.messageHeadline) &&
Objects.equals(messageHeadlineHTML, that.messageHeadlineHTML) &&
Objects.equals(oid, that.oid) &&
Objects.equals(parents, that.parents) &&
Objects.equals(pushedDate, that.pushedDate) &&
Objects.equals(repository, that.repository) &&
Objects.equals(resourcePath, that.resourcePath) &&
Objects.equals(signature, that.signature) &&
Objects.equals(status, that.status) &&
Objects.equals(tarballUrl, that.tarballUrl) &&
Objects.equals(tree, that.tree) &&
Objects.equals(treeResourcePath, that.treeResourcePath) &&
Objects.equals(treeUrl, that.treeUrl) &&
Objects.equals(url, that.url) &&
Objects.equals(viewerCanSubscribe, that.viewerCanSubscribe) &&
Objects.equals(viewerSubscription, that.viewerSubscription) &&
Objects.equals(zipballUrl, that.zipballUrl)
override def hashCode(): Int = {
Objects.hash(abbreviatedOid, additions, associatedPullRequests, author, authoredByCommitter, authoredDate, blame, changedFiles, comments, commitResourcePath, commitUrl, committedDate, committedViaWeb, committer, deletions, deployments, history, id, message, messageBody, messageBodyHTML, messageHeadline, messageHeadlineHTML, oid, parents, pushedDate, repository, resourcePath, signature, status, tarballUrl, tree, treeResourcePath, treeUrl, url, viewerCanSubscribe, viewerSubscription, zipballUrl)
object Commit {
def builder(): Commit.Builder = new Builder()
class Builder {
private var abbreviatedOid: String = _
private var additions: Int = _
private var associatedPullRequests: PullRequestConnection = _
private var author: GitActor = _
private var authoredByCommitter: Boolean = _
private var authoredDate: String = _
private var blame: Blame = _
private var changedFiles: Int = _
private var comments: CommitCommentConnection = _
private var commitResourcePath: String = _
private var commitUrl: String = _
private var committedDate: String = _
private var committedViaWeb: Boolean = _
private var committer: GitActor = _
private var deletions: Int = _
private var deployments: DeploymentConnection = _
private var history: CommitHistoryConnection = _
private var id: String = _
private var message: String = _
private var messageBody: String = _
private var messageBodyHTML: String = _
private var messageHeadline: String = _
private var messageHeadlineHTML: String = _
private var oid: String = _
private var parents: CommitConnection = _
private var pushedDate: String = _
private var repository: Repository = _
private var resourcePath: String = _
private var signature: GitSignature = _
private var status: Status = _
private var tarballUrl: String = _
private var tree: Tree = _
private var treeResourcePath: String = _
private var treeUrl: String = _
private var url: String = _
private var viewerCanSubscribe: Boolean = _
private var viewerSubscription: SubscriptionState = _
private var zipballUrl: String = _
def setAbbreviatedOid(abbreviatedOid: String): Builder = {
this.abbreviatedOid = abbreviatedOid
def setAdditions(additions: Int): Builder = {
this.additions = additions
def setAssociatedPullRequests(associatedPullRequests: PullRequestConnection): Builder = {
this.associatedPullRequests = associatedPullRequests
def setAuthor(author: GitActor): Builder = {
this.author = author
def setAuthoredByCommitter(authoredByCommitter: Boolean): Builder = {
this.authoredByCommitter = authoredByCommitter
def setAuthoredDate(authoredDate: String): Builder = {
this.authoredDate = authoredDate
def setBlame(blame: Blame): Builder = {
this.blame = blame
def setChangedFiles(changedFiles: Int): Builder = {
this.changedFiles = changedFiles
def setComments(comments: CommitCommentConnection): Builder = {
this.comments = comments
def setCommitResourcePath(commitResourcePath: String): Builder = {
this.commitResourcePath = commitResourcePath
def setCommitUrl(commitUrl: String): Builder = {
this.commitUrl = commitUrl
def setCommittedDate(committedDate: String): Builder = {
this.committedDate = committedDate
def setCommittedViaWeb(committedViaWeb: Boolean): Builder = {
this.committedViaWeb = committedViaWeb
def setCommitter(committer: GitActor): Builder = {
this.committer = committer
def setDeletions(deletions: Int): Builder = {
this.deletions = deletions
def setDeployments(deployments: DeploymentConnection): Builder = {
this.deployments = deployments
def setHistory(history: CommitHistoryConnection): Builder = {
this.history = history
def setId(id: String): Builder = {
this.id = id
def setMessage(message: String): Builder = {
this.message = message
def setMessageBody(messageBody: String): Builder = {
this.messageBody = messageBody
def setMessageBodyHTML(messageBodyHTML: String): Builder = {
this.messageBodyHTML = messageBodyHTML
def setMessageHeadline(messageHeadline: String): Builder = {
this.messageHeadline = messageHeadline
def setMessageHeadlineHTML(messageHeadlineHTML: String): Builder = {
this.messageHeadlineHTML = messageHeadlineHTML
def setOid(oid: String): Builder = {
this.oid = oid
def setParents(parents: CommitConnection): Builder = {
this.parents = parents
def setPushedDate(pushedDate: String): Builder = {
this.pushedDate = pushedDate
def setRepository(repository: Repository): Builder = {
this.repository = repository
def setResourcePath(resourcePath: String): Builder = {
this.resourcePath = resourcePath
def setSignature(signature: GitSignature): Builder = {
this.signature = signature
def setStatus(status: Status): Builder = {
this.status = status
def setTarballUrl(tarballUrl: String): Builder = {
this.tarballUrl = tarballUrl
def setTree(tree: Tree): Builder = {
this.tree = tree
def setTreeResourcePath(treeResourcePath: String): Builder = {
this.treeResourcePath = treeResourcePath
def setTreeUrl(treeUrl: String): Builder = {
this.treeUrl = treeUrl
def setUrl(url: String): Builder = {
this.url = url
def setViewerCanSubscribe(viewerCanSubscribe: Boolean): Builder = {
this.viewerCanSubscribe = viewerCanSubscribe
def setViewerSubscription(viewerSubscription: SubscriptionState): Builder = {
this.viewerSubscription = viewerSubscription
def setZipballUrl(zipballUrl: String): Builder = {
this.zipballUrl = zipballUrl
def build(): Commit = new Commit(abbreviatedOid, additions, associatedPullRequests, author, authoredByCommitter, authoredDate, blame, changedFiles, comments, commitResourcePath, commitUrl, committedDate, committedViaWeb, committer, deletions, deployments, history, id, message, messageBody, messageBodyHTML, messageHeadline, messageHeadlineHTML, oid, parents, pushedDate, repository, resourcePath, signature, status, tarballUrl, tree, treeResourcePath, treeUrl, url, viewerCanSubscribe, viewerSubscription, zipballUrl)
\ No newline at end of file
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