提交 b0190dad 编写于 作者: 梦境迷离's avatar 梦境迷离

LightArrayRevolverScheduler, time: 2020-02-09 14:34:32

上级 ff6e2627
title: LightArrayRevolverScheduler
- Akka源码
tags: [Akka actor]
* Copyright (C) 2009-2019 Lightbend Inc. <https://www.lightbend.com>
package akka.actor
import java.io.Closeable
import java.util.concurrent.ThreadFactory
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.{ AtomicLong, AtomicReference }
import scala.annotation.tailrec
import scala.collection.immutable
import scala.concurrent.{ Await, ExecutionContext, Future, Promise }
import scala.concurrent.duration._
import scala.util.control.NonFatal
import com.typesafe.config.Config
import akka.event.LoggingAdapter
import akka.util.Helpers
import akka.util.Unsafe.{ instance => unsafe }
import akka.dispatch.AbstractNodeQueue
//本类是Akka actor 2.5.23 默认定时器实现,感兴趣可以看看整理的一个PPT https://github.com/jxnu-liguobin/scala-examples/blob/master/scala-other/src/main/scala/io/github/dreamylost/timer/TimingWheels.ppt
//这意味着任务安排的时间可能比计划的要晚一滴答(轮子的一个桶的位置),如果 now() + delay <= nextTick,表示已经完成
class LightArrayRevolverScheduler(config: Config, log: LoggingAdapter, threadFactory: ThreadFactory)
extends Scheduler
with Closeable {
import Helpers.Requiring
import Helpers.ConfigOps
val WheelSize =
.requiring(ticks => (ticks & (ticks - 1)) == 0, "ticks-per-wheel must be a power of 2")
val TickDuration =
_ >= 10.millis || !Helpers.isWindows,
"minimum supported akka.scheduler.tick-duration on Windows is 10ms")
.requiring(_ >= 1.millis, "minimum supported akka.scheduler.tick-duration is 1ms")
val ShutdownTimeout = config.getMillisDuration("akka.scheduler.shutdown-timeout")
import LightArrayRevolverScheduler._
private def roundUp(d: FiniteDuration): FiniteDuration = {
val dn = d.toNanos
val r = ((dn - 1) / tickNanos + 1) * tickNanos
if (r != dn && r > 0 && dn > 0) r.nanos else d
protected def clock(): Long = System.nanoTime
protected def startTick: Int = 0
protected def getShutdownTimeout: FiniteDuration = ShutdownTimeout
protected def waitNanos(nanos: Long): Unit = {
// see http://www.javamex.com/tutorials/threads/sleep_issues.shtml 解释了这里为什么需要这么做
val sleepMs = if (Helpers.isWindows) (nanos + 4999999) / 10000000 * 10 else (nanos + 999999) / 1000000
try Thread.sleep(sleepMs)
catch {
case _: InterruptedException => Thread.currentThread().interrupt() // we got woken up
override def scheduleWithFixedDelay(initialDelay: FiniteDuration, delay: FiniteDuration)(runnable: Runnable)(
implicit executor: ExecutionContext): Cancellable = {
super.scheduleWithFixedDelay(initialDelay, delay)(runnable)
override def schedule(initialDelay: FiniteDuration, delay: FiniteDuration, runnable: Runnable)(
implicit executor: ExecutionContext): Cancellable = {
try new AtomicReference[Cancellable](InitialRepeatMarker) with Cancellable { self =>
new AtomicLong(clock() + initialDelay.toNanos) with Runnable {
override def run(): Unit = {
try {
val driftNanos = clock() - getAndAdd(delay.toNanos)
if (self.get != null)
swap(schedule(executor, this, Duration.fromNanos(Math.max(delay.toNanos - driftNanos, 1))))
} catch {
case _: SchedulerException => //忽略排队失败或终止的目标actor
@tailrec private def swap(c: Cancellable): Unit = {
get match {
case null => if (c != null) c.cancel()
case old => if (!compareAndSet(old, c)) swap(c)
@tailrec final def cancel(): Boolean = {
get match {
case null => false
case c =>
if (c.cancel()) compareAndSet(c, null)
else compareAndSet(c, null) || cancel()//不可取消的,尝试调用cancel取消
override def isCancelled: Boolean = get == null//AtomicReference get为空时表示可以取消
} catch {
case cause @ SchedulerException(msg) => throw new IllegalStateException(msg, cause)
override def scheduleOnce(delay: FiniteDuration, runnable: Runnable)(
implicit executor: ExecutionContext): Cancellable =
try schedule(executor, runnable, roundUp(delay))
catch {
case cause @ SchedulerException(msg) => throw new IllegalStateException(msg, cause)
override def close(): Unit = {
def runTask(task: Runnable): Unit = {
try task.run()
catch {
case e: InterruptedException => throw e
case _: SchedulerException => //忽略终止的actor
case NonFatal(e) => log.error(e, "exception while executing timer task")
Await.result(stop(), getShutdownTimeout).foreach {
case task: Scheduler.TaskRunOnClose =>
case holder: TaskHolder => // don't run
holder.task match {
case task: Scheduler.TaskRunOnClose =>
case _ => // don't run
case _ => // don't run
override val maxFrequency: Double = 1.second / TickDuration
* 下面是实际的定时器实现
private val start = clock()
private val tickNanos = TickDuration.toNanos
private val wheelMask = WheelSize - 1
private val queue = new TaskQueue
private def schedule(ec: ExecutionContext, r: Runnable, delay: FiniteDuration): TimerTask =
if (delay <= Duration.Zero) {
if (stopped.get != null) throw SchedulerException("cannot enqueue after timer shutdown")
} else if (stopped.get != null) {
throw SchedulerException("cannot enqueue after timer shutdown")
} else {
val delayNanos = delay.toNanos
val ticks = (delayNanos / tickNanos).toInt
val task = new TaskHolder(r, ticks, ec)
if (stopped.get != null && task.cancel())
throw SchedulerException("cannot enqueue after timer shutdown")
private def checkMaxDelay(delayNanos: Long): Unit =
if (delayNanos / tickNanos > Int.MaxValue)
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
s"Task scheduled with [${delayNanos.nanos.toSeconds}] seconds delay, " +
s"which is too far in future, maximum delay is [${(tickNanos * Int.MaxValue).nanos.toSeconds - 1}] seconds")
private val stopped = new AtomicReference[Promise[immutable.Seq[TimerTask]]]
private def stop(): Future[immutable.Seq[TimerTask]] = {
val p = Promise[immutable.Seq[TimerTask]]()
if (stopped.compareAndSet(null, p)) {//期望为null,失败为false
} else Future.successful(Nil)
@volatile private var timerThread: Thread = threadFactory.newThread(new Runnable {
var tick = startTick
var totalTick: Long = tick //不环绕(不会因为轮子满一周而被重置)的滴答数,用于计算睡眠时间
val wheel = Array.fill(WheelSize)(new TaskQueue)//将轮子中的所有桶都初始化为TaskQueue队列
private def clearAll(): immutable.Seq[TimerTask] = {
@tailrec def collect(q: TaskQueue, acc: Vector[TimerTask]): Vector[TimerTask] = {
q.poll() match {
case null => acc
case x => collect(q, acc :+ x)
(0 until WheelSize).flatMap(i => collect(wheel(i), Vector.empty)) ++ collect(queue, Vector.empty)
private def checkQueue(time: Long): Unit = queue.pollNode() match {
case null => ()
case node =>
node.value.ticks match {
case 0 => node.value.executeTask()
case ticks =>
val futureTick = ((
time - start + //计算自定时器启动以来的纳秒数
(ticks * tickNanos) + // 添加所需延迟
tickNanos - 1 // 四舍五入
) / tickNanos).toInt //并转换为槽号(轮子上的索引)
val offset = futureTick - tick
val bucket = futureTick & wheelMask
node.value.ticks = offset
override final def run(): Unit =
try nextTick()
catch {
case t: Throwable =>
log.error(t, "exception on LARS’ timer thread")
stopped.get match {
case null =>
val thread = threadFactory.newThread(this)
log.info("starting new LARS thread")
try thread.start()
catch {
case e: Throwable =>
log.error(e, "LARS cannot start new thread, ship’s going down!")
timerThread = thread
case p =>
assert(stopped.compareAndSet(p, Promise.successful(Nil)), "Stop signal violated in LARS")
throw t
@tailrec final def nextTick(): Unit = {
val time = clock()
val sleepTime = start + (totalTick * tickNanos) - time
if (sleepTime > 0) {
} else {
val bucket = tick & wheelMask
val tasks = wheel(bucket)
val putBack = new TaskQueue
@tailrec def executeBucket(): Unit = tasks.pollNode() match {
case null => ()
case node =>
val task = node.value
if (!task.isCancelled) {
if (task.ticks >= WheelSize) {
task.ticks -= WheelSize//如果需要滴答的次数大于轮子的大小,说明还需要转圈,暂不执行该桶中的队列中的任务
} else task.executeTask()//执行队列中的任务
wheel(bucket) = putBack
tick += 1
totalTick += 1//总的刻度数加1
stopped.get match {
case null => nextTick()
case p =>
assert(stopped.compareAndSet(p, Promise.successful(Nil)), "Stop signal violated in LARS")
object LightArrayRevolverScheduler {
private[this] val taskOffset = unsafe.objectFieldOffset(classOf[TaskHolder].getDeclaredField("task"))
private class TaskQueue extends AbstractNodeQueue[TaskHolder]
protected[actor] trait TimerTask extends Runnable with Cancellable
protected[actor] class TaskHolder(@volatile var task: Runnable, var ticks: Int, executionContext: ExecutionContext)
extends TimerTask {
private final def extractTask(replaceWith: Runnable): Runnable =
task match {
case t @ (ExecutedTask | CancelledTask) => t
case x => if (unsafe.compareAndSwapObject(this, taskOffset, x, replaceWith)) x else extractTask(replaceWith)
private[akka] final def executeTask(): Boolean = extractTask(ExecutedTask) match {
case ExecutedTask | CancelledTask => false
case other =>
try {
} catch {
case _: InterruptedException => Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); false
case NonFatal(e) => executionContext.reportFailure(e); false
override def run(): Unit = extractTask(ExecutedTask).run()
override def cancel(): Boolean = extractTask(CancelledTask) match {
case ExecutedTask | CancelledTask => false
case _ => true
override def isCancelled: Boolean = task eq CancelledTask
private[this] val CancelledTask = new Runnable { def run = () }
private[this] val ExecutedTask = new Runnable { def run = () }
private val NotCancellable: TimerTask = new TimerTask {
def cancel(): Boolean = false
def isCancelled: Boolean = false
def run(): Unit = ()
private val InitialRepeatMarker: Cancellable = new Cancellable {
def cancel(): Boolean = false
def isCancelled: Boolean = false
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