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中文 | [English](https://github.com/jxnu-liguobin/cs-summary-reflection/blob/master/README-en.md)
# Leetcode teamed up
### Registration route
Just create a issue or leave a message at the end of the [dreamylost's blog](https://dreamylost.cn)
### Way of participation
 Each participating partner will get the Collaborator permission of the code repository,
and can freely submit the code (unlimited language, get more information from [issue #23](https://github.com/jxnu-liguobin/cs-summary-reflection/issues/23)), claim through issue.
If you can, it's best to use the most common formatting tools in the current language to format and then submit.
### Other contents
- [博客](https://dreamylost.cn) | [CSDN博客](https://blog.csdn.net/qq_34446485)
- [GitHub在线阅读](./article_list.md)
### Language environment of this repository
- Scala 2.12.8+
- Java 1.8+
- Python 3.0+
- Rust 1.4+
- Kotlin 1.3+
- C++ 11
### Contributors
### License
[Apache License](https://github.com/jxnu-liguobin/cs-summary-reflection/blob/master/LICENSE) © dreamylost
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## Who
[![Quality Gate Status](https://sonarcloud.io/api/project_badges/measure?project=jxnu-liguobin_cs-summary-reflection&metric=alert_status)](https://sonarcloud.io/dashboard?id=jxnu-liguobin_cs-summary-reflection)
[![Language grade: Java](https://img.shields.io/lgtm/grade/java/g/jxnu-liguobin/cs-summary-reflection.svg?logo=lgtm&logoWidth=18)](https://lgtm.com/projects/g/jxnu-liguobin/cs-summary-reflection/context:java)
中文 | [English](https://github.com/jxnu-liguobin/cs-summary-reflection/blob/master/README-en.md)
## What
# Leetcode 组队刷题
* 收集
* 总结
* 笔记
* 博客
### 报名途径
## Contents
提交 issue 或 [博客留言](https://dreamylost.cn)
### 参与方式
 每位参与的小伙伴,都会获得代码仓库的 Collaborator 权限,可以自由地提交代码(不限制语种,方式参见 [issue #23](https://github.com/jxnu-liguobin/cs-summary-reflection/issues/23)),通过 issue 认领。
### 其他内容
- [博客](https://dreamylost.cn) | [CSDN博客](https://blog.csdn.net/qq_34446485)
- [GitHub在线阅读](./article_list.md)
- Scala、Java、Rust等学习与笔记
- LeetCode实现
- Scala
- Rust
- Java
- Python
- C++
- Kotlin
## Environment
### 环境
- Scala 2.12.8+
- Java 1.8+
......@@ -31,7 +38,7 @@ Scala程序员、函数式/反应式爱好者
- Kotlin 1.3+
- C++ 11
## Contributors
### Contributors
......@@ -43,7 +50,7 @@ Scala程序员、函数式/反应式爱好者
## License
### License
[Apache License](https://github.com/jxnu-liguobin/cs-summary-reflection/blob/master/LICENSE) © 梦境迷离
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