1. 02 6月, 2020 1 次提交
  2. 28 5月, 2020 1 次提交
  3. 27 5月, 2020 2 次提交
    • A
      Remove the meaningful offset feature. · 22472fe5
      antirez 提交于
      After a closer look, the Redis core devleopers all believe that this was
      too fragile, caused many bugs that we didn't expect and that were very
      hard to track. Better to find an alternative solution that is simpler.
    • A
      Set a protocol error if master use the inline protocol. · 325409a0
      antirez 提交于
      We want to react a bit more aggressively if we sense that the master is
      sending us some corrupted stream. By setting the protocol error we both
      ensure that the replica will disconnect, and avoid caching the master so
      that a full SYNC will be required. This is protective against
      replication bugs.
  4. 23 5月, 2020 1 次提交
    • A
      Make disconnectSlaves() synchronous in the base case. · adc5df1b
      antirez 提交于
      Otherwise we run into that:
      Since we disconnect all the replicas and free the replication backlog in
      certain replication paths, and the code that will free the replication
      backlog expects that no replica is connected.
      However we still need to free the replicas asynchronously in certain
      cases, as documented in the top comment of disconnectSlaves().
  5. 22 5月, 2020 1 次提交
    • A
      Fix #7306 less aggressively. · b407590c
      antirez 提交于
      Citing from the issue:
      btw I suggest we change this fix to something else:
      * We revert the fix.
      * We add a call that disconnects chained replicas in the place where we trim the replica (that is a master i this case) offset.
      This way we can avoid disconnections when there is no trimming of the backlog.
      Note that we now want to disconnect replicas asynchronously in
      disconnectSlaves(), because it's in general safer now that we can call
      it from freeClient(). Otherwise for instance the command:
          CLIENT KILL TYPE master
      May crash: clientCommand() starts running the linked of of clients,
      looking for clients to kill. However it finds the master, kills it
      calling freeClient(), but this in turn calls replicationCacheMaster()
      that may also call disconnectSlaves() now. So the linked list iterator
      of the clientCommand() will no longer be valid.
  6. 21 5月, 2020 2 次提交
  7. 16 5月, 2020 1 次提交
    • A
      Remove the client from CLOSE_ASAP list before caching the master. · 624742d9
      antirez 提交于
      This was broken in 1a7cd2c0: we identified a crash in the CI, what
      was happening before the fix should be like that:
      1. The client gets in the async free list.
      2. However freeClient() gets called again against the same client
         which is a master.
      3. The client arrived in freeClient() with the CLOSE_ASAP flag set.
      4. The master gets cached, but NOT removed from the CLOSE_ASAP linked
      5. The master client that was cached was immediately removed since it
         was still in the list.
      6. Redis accessed a freed cached master.
      This is how the crash looked like:
      === REDIS BUG REPORT START: Cut & paste starting from here ===
      1092:S 16 May 2020 11:44:09.731 # Redis 999.999.999 crashed by signal: 11
      1092:S 16 May 2020 11:44:09.731 # Crashed running the instruction at: 0x447e18
      1092:S 16 May 2020 11:44:09.731 # Accessing address: 0xffffffffffffffff
      1092:S 16 May 2020 11:44:09.731 # Failed assertion:  (:0)
      ------ STACK TRACE ------
      And the 0xffff address access likely comes from accessing an SDS that is
      set to NULL (we go -1 offset to read the header).
  8. 15 5月, 2020 1 次提交
    • A
      Cache master without checking of deferred close flags. · 1a7cd2c0
      antirez 提交于
      The context is issue #7205: since the introduction of threaded I/O we close
      clients asynchronously by default from readQueryFromClient(). So we
      should no longer prevent the caching of the master client, to later
      PSYNC incrementally, if such flags are set. However we also don't want
      the master client to be cached with such flags (would be closed
      immediately after being restored). And yet we want a way to understand
      if a master was closed because of a protocol error, and in that case
      prevent the caching.
  9. 14 5月, 2020 1 次提交
  10. 12 5月, 2020 1 次提交
  11. 05 5月, 2020 1 次提交
  12. 02 5月, 2020 4 次提交
    • Z
      Support setcpuaffinity on linux/bsd · 1a0deab2
      zhenwei pi 提交于
      Currently, there are several types of threads/child processes of a
      redis server. Sometimes we need deeply optimise the performance of
      redis, so we would like to isolate threads/processes.
      There were some discussion about cpu affinity cases in the issue:
      So implement cpu affinity setting by redis.conf in this patch, then
      we can config server_cpulist/bio_cpulist/aof_rewrite_cpulist/
      bgsave_cpulist by cpu list.
      Examples of cpulist in redis.conf:
      server_cpulist 0-7:2      means cpu affinity 0,2,4,6
      bio_cpulist 1,3           means cpu affinity 1,3
      aof_rewrite_cpulist 8-11  means cpu affinity 8,9,10,11
      bgsave_cpulist 1,10-11    means cpu affinity 1,10,11
      Test on linux/freebsd, both work fine.
      Signed-off-by: Nzhenwei pi <pizhenwei@bytedance.com>
    • O
      optimize memory usage of deferred replies - fixed · 6726b3c2
      Oran Agra 提交于
      When deffered reply is added the previous reply node cannot be used so
      all the extra space we allocated in it is wasted. in case someone uses
      deffered replies in a loop, each time adding a small reply, each of
      these reply nodes (the small string reply) would have consumed a 16k
      now when we add anther diferred reply node, we trim the unused portion
      of the previous reply block.
      see #7123
      cherry picked from commit fb732f7a
      with fix to handle a crash with LIBC allocator, which apparently can
      return the same pointer despite changing it's size.
      i.e. shrinking an allocation of 16k into 56 bytes without changing the
    • A
      Revert "optimize memory usage of deferred replies" · 365316aa
      antirez 提交于
      This reverts commit fb732f7a.
    • A
      Save a call to stopThreadedIOIfNeeded() for the base case. · fe980e23
      antirez 提交于
      Probably no performance changes, but the code should be trivial to
      read as in "No threading? Use the normal function and return".
  13. 30 4月, 2020 1 次提交
  14. 27 4月, 2020 1 次提交
    • O
      Keep track of meaningful replication offset in replicas too · 4447ddc8
      Oran Agra 提交于
      Now both master and replicas keep track of the last replication offset
      that contains meaningful data (ignoring the tailing pings), and both
      trim that tail from the replication backlog, and the offset with which
      they try to use for psync.
      the implication is that if someone missed some pings, or even have
      excessive pings that the promoted replica has, it'll still be able to
      psync (avoid full sync).
      the downside (which was already committed) is that replicas running old
      code may fail to psync, since the promoted replica trims pings form it's
      This commit adds a test that reproduces several cases of promotions and
      demotions with stale and non-stale pings
      The mearningful offset on the master was added recently to solve a problem were
      the master is left all alone, injecting PINGs into it's backlog when no one is
      listening and then gets demoted and tries to replicate from a replica that didn't
      have any of the PINGs (or at least not the last ones).
      however, consider this case:
      master A has two replicas (B and C) replicating directly from it.
      there's no traffic at all, and also no network issues, just many pings in the
      tail of the backlog. now B gets promoted, A becomes a replica of B, and C
      remains a replica of A. when A gets demoted, it trims the pings from its
      backlog, and successfully replicate from B. however, C is still aware of
      these PINGs, when it'll disconnect and re-connect to A, it'll ask for something
      that's not in the backlog anymore (since A trimmed the tail of it's backlog),
      and be forced to do a full sync (something it didn't have to do before the
      meaningful offset fix).
      Besides that, the psync2 test was always failing randomly here and there, it
      turns out the reason were PINGs. Investigating it shows the following scenario:
      cycle 1: redis #1 is master, and all the rest are direct replicas of #1
      cycle 2: redis #2 is promoted to master, #1 is a replica of #2 and #3 is replica of #1
      now we see that when #1 is demoted it prints:
      17339:S 21 Apr 2020 11:16:38.523 * Using the meaningful offset 3929963 instead of 3929977 to exclude the final PINGs (14 bytes difference)
      17339:S 21 Apr 2020 11:16:39.391 * Trying a partial resynchronization (request e2b3f8817735fdfe5fa4626766daa938b61419e5:3929964).
      17339:S 21 Apr 2020 11:16:39.392 * Successful partial resynchronization with master.
      and when #3 connects to the demoted #2, #2 says:
      17339:S 21 Apr 2020 11:16:40.084 * Partial resynchronization not accepted: Requested offset for secondary ID was 3929978, but I can reply up to 3929964
      so the issue here is that the meaningful offset feature saved the day for the
      demoted master (since it needs to sync from a replica that didn't get the last
      ping), but it didn't help one of the other replicas which did get the last ping.
  15. 24 4月, 2020 1 次提交
    • O
      optimize memory usage of deferred replies · fb732f7a
      Oran Agra 提交于
      When deffered reply is added the previous reply node cannot be used so
      all the extra space we allocated in it is wasted. in case someone uses
      deffered replies in a loop, each time adding a small reply, each of
      these reply nodes (the small string reply) would have consumed a 16k
      now when we add anther diferred reply node, we trim the unused portion
      of the previous reply block.
      see #7123
  16. 21 4月, 2020 1 次提交
  17. 18 4月, 2020 1 次提交
    • Z
      Threaded IO: set thread name for redis-server · 5010da6a
      zhenwei pi 提交于
      Set thread name for each thread of redis-server, this helps us to
      monitor the utilization and optimise the performance.
      And suggested-by Salvatore, implement this feature for multi
      platforms. Currently support linux and bsd, ignore other OS.
      An exmaple on Linux:
       # top -d 5 -p `pidof redis-server ` -H
          PID USER      PR  NI    VIRT    RES    SHR S %CPU %MEM     TIME+ COMMAND
      3682671 root      20   0  227744   8248   3836 R 99.2  0.0   0:19.53 redis-server
      3682677 root      20   0  227744   8248   3836 S 26.4  0.0   0:04.15 io_thd_3
      3682675 root      20   0  227744   8248   3836 S 23.6  0.0   0:03.98 io_thd_1
      3682676 root      20   0  227744   8248   3836 S 23.6  0.0   0:03.97 io_thd_2
      3682672 root      20   0  227744   8248   3836 S  0.2  0.0   0:00.02 bio_close_file
      3682673 root      20   0  227744   8248   3836 S  0.2  0.0   0:00.02 bio_aof_fsync
      3682674 root      20   0  227744   8248   3836 S  0.0  0.0   0:00.00 bio_lazy_free
      3682678 root      20   0  227744   8248   3836 S  0.0  0.0   0:00.00 jemalloc_bg_thd
      3682682 root      20   0  227744   8248   3836 S  0.0  0.0   0:00.00 jemalloc_bg_thd
      3682683 root      20   0  227744   8248   3836 S  0.0  0.0   0:00.00 jemalloc_bg_thd
      3682684 root      20   0  227744   8248   3836 S  0.0  0.0   0:00.00 jemalloc_bg_thd
      3682685 root      20   0  227744   8248   3836 S  0.0  0.0   0:00.00 jemalloc_bg_thd
      3682687 root      20   0  227744   8248   3836 S  0.0  0.0   0:00.00 jemalloc_bg_thd
      Another exmaple on FreeBSD-12.1:
       5212 root        100    0    48M  7280K CPU2     2   0:26  99.52% redis-server{redis-server}
       5212 root         38    0    48M  7280K umtxn    4   0:06  26.94% redis-server{io_thd_3}
       5212 root         36    0    48M  7280K umtxn    6   0:06  26.84% redis-server{io_thd_1}
       5212 root         39    0    48M  7280K umtxn    1   0:06  25.30% redis-server{io_thd_2}
       5212 root         20    0    48M  7280K uwait    3   0:00   0.00% redis-server{redis-server}
       5212 root         21    0    48M  7280K uwait    2   0:00   0.00% redis-server{bio_close_file}
       5212 root         21    0    48M  7280K uwait    3   0:00   0.00% redis-server{bio_aof_fsync}
       5212 root         21    0    48M  7280K uwait    0   0:00   0.00% redis-server{bio_lazy_free}
      Signed-off-by: Nzhenwei pi <pizhenwei@bytedance.com>
  18. 16 4月, 2020 1 次提交
  19. 15 4月, 2020 1 次提交
  20. 07 4月, 2020 1 次提交
    • A
      Speedup INFO by counting client memory incrementally. · f6987628
      antirez 提交于
      Related to #5145.
      Design note: clients may change type when they turn into replicas or are
      moved into the Pub/Sub category and so forth. Moreover the recomputation
      of the bytes used is problematic for obvious reasons: it changes
      continuously, so as a conservative way to avoid accumulating errors,
      each client remembers the contribution it gave to the sum, and removes
      it when it is freed or before updating it with the new memory usage.
  21. 31 3月, 2020 2 次提交
  22. 30 3月, 2020 2 次提交
  23. 22 3月, 2020 1 次提交
  24. 20 3月, 2020 1 次提交
  25. 15 3月, 2020 3 次提交
  26. 25 2月, 2020 1 次提交
  27. 16 2月, 2020 2 次提交
  28. 14 2月, 2020 1 次提交
  29. 13 2月, 2020 2 次提交