提交 ffd6637e 编写于 作者: B Ben Murphy 提交者: antirez

hide access to debug table

上级 fdf9d455
......@@ -612,11 +612,12 @@ void scriptingEnableGlobalsProtection(lua_State *lua) {
/* strict.lua from: http://metalua.luaforge.net/src/lib/strict.lua.html.
* Modified to be adapted to Redis. */
s[j++]="local dbg=debug\n";
s[j++]="local mt = {}\n";
s[j++]="setmetatable(_G, mt)\n";
s[j++]="mt.__newindex = function (t, n, v)\n";
s[j++]=" if debug.getinfo(2) then\n";
s[j++]=" local w = debug.getinfo(2, \"S\").what\n";
s[j++]=" if dbg.getinfo(2) then\n";
s[j++]=" local w = dbg.getinfo(2, \"S\").what\n";
s[j++]=" if w ~= \"main\" and w ~= \"C\" then\n";
s[j++]=" error(\"Script attempted to create global variable '\"..tostring(n)..\"'\", 2)\n";
s[j++]=" end\n";
......@@ -624,11 +625,12 @@ void scriptingEnableGlobalsProtection(lua_State *lua) {
s[j++]=" rawset(t, n, v)\n";
s[j++]="mt.__index = function (t, n)\n";
s[j++]=" if debug.getinfo(2) and debug.getinfo(2, \"S\").what ~= \"C\" then\n";
s[j++]=" if dbg.getinfo(2) and dbg.getinfo(2, \"S\").what ~= \"C\" then\n";
s[j++]=" error(\"Script attempted to access unexisting global variable '\"..tostring(n)..\"'\", 2)\n";
s[j++]=" end\n";
s[j++]=" return rawget(t, n)\n";
s[j++]="debug = nil\n";
for (j = 0; s[j] != NULL; j++) code = sdscatlen(code,s[j],strlen(s[j]));
......@@ -732,10 +734,11 @@ void scriptingInit(void) {
* information about the caller, that's what makes sense from the point
* of view of the user debugging a script. */
char *errh_func = "function __redis__err__handler(err)\n"
" local i = debug.getinfo(2,'nSl')\n"
char *errh_func = "local dbg = debug\n"
"function __redis__err__handler(err)\n"
" local i = dbg.getinfo(2,'nSl')\n"
" if i and i.what == 'C' then\n"
" i = debug.getinfo(3,'nSl')\n"
" i = dbg.getinfo(3,'nSl')\n"
" end\n"
" if i then\n"
" return i.source .. ':' .. i.currentline .. ': ' .. err\n"
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