未验证 提交 df2fc973 编写于 作者: S skia-flutter-autoroll 提交者: GitHub

Roll src/third_party/skia 154acd7a1374..be9aff25bddc (13 commits) (#7842)


git log 154acd7a137438b2e7f0c7c1803a3e9d969e867c..be9aff25bddc3eecf84d9c37af222ea40c261cb1 --date=short --no-merges --format=%ad %ae %s
2019-02-15 robertphillips@google.com Remove GrContextPriv.h from GrRenderTargetContext.h
2019-02-14 herb@google.com Reland "Use bulk interface for paths"
2019-02-15 halcanary@google.com SkPDF: simplify subsetting code
2019-02-15 skia-autoroll@skia-public.iam.gserviceaccount.com Roll ../src b698b62f407e..5862f084f69f (425 commits)
2019-02-15 herb@google.com Revert "Use bulk interface for paths"
2019-02-15 brianosman@google.com Add curve visualization back, guard eval
2019-02-15 herb@google.com Revert "Calculate strike in path case"
2019-02-15 bsalomon@google.com Add option to force GLSL string caching rather than program binaries.
2019-02-14 robertphillips@google.com Switch GPU blur code over to using GrRecordingContext
2019-02-15 bsalomon@google.com Add SK_API to GrContextOptions and GrContextOptions::PersistentCache
2019-02-15 bsalomon@google.com Remove unused fields related to old multitexturing TextureOp.
2019-02-15 skia-autoroll@skia-public.iam.gserviceaccount.com Roll third_party/externals/angle2 559aaca5abd8..aead8edf8c46 (1 commits)
2019-02-14 brianosman@google.com New SkCurve type with multiple curve segments

The AutoRoll server is located here: https://autoroll.skia.org/r/skia-flutter-autoroll

Documentation for the AutoRoller is here:

If the roll is causing failures, please contact the current sheriff (stephana@google.com), and stop
the roller if necessary.
上级 0ca1d1f3
......@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ vars = {
'fuchsia_git': 'https://fuchsia.googlesource.com',
'github_git': 'https://github.com',
'skia_git': 'https://skia.googlesource.com',
'skia_revision': '154acd7a137438b2e7f0c7c1803a3e9d969e867c',
'skia_revision': 'be9aff25bddc3eecf84d9c37af222ea40c261cb1',
# When updating the Dart revision, ensure that all entries that are
# dependencies of Dart are also updated to match the entries in the
Signature: aa69fcf66c040783f2ae8a3bc268345e
Signature: a5fd73a8d92635818c8fb0f596b19547
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