未验证 提交 defa8be2 编写于 作者: C Chinmay Garde 提交者: GitHub

Isolates launched by the engine instance use the settings of that instance. (#22052)

This regression was introduced in https://github.com/flutter/engine/pull/21820
for sound-null safety. The settings used to launch the VM were incorrectly used
to determine the isolate lifecycle callbacks. Since the first shell/engine in
the process also starts the VM, these objects are usually identical. However,
for subsequent engine shell/engine launches, the callbacks attached to the new
settings object would be ignored. The unit-test harness is also structured in
such a way that each test case tears down the VM before the next. So all
existing tests created a bespoke VM for the test run, and, the tests that did
create multiple isolates did not also test attaching callbacks to the settings

Fixes https://github.com/flutter/engine/pull/22041
上级 f459a866
......@@ -402,5 +402,33 @@ TEST_F(DartIsolateTest,
ASSERT_EQ(create_callback_count, 1u);
IsolateCreateCallbacksTakeInstanceSettingsInsteadOfVMSettings) {
auto vm_settings = CreateSettingsForFixture();
auto vm_ref = DartVMRef::Create(vm_settings);
auto instance_settings = vm_settings;
size_t create_callback_count = 0u;
instance_settings.root_isolate_create_callback =
[&create_callback_count](const auto& isolate) {
ASSERT_EQ(isolate.GetPhase(), DartIsolate::Phase::Ready);
ASSERT_NE(::Dart_CurrentIsolate(), nullptr);
TaskRunners task_runners(GetCurrentTestName(), //
GetCurrentTaskRunner(), //
GetCurrentTaskRunner(), //
GetCurrentTaskRunner(), //
GetCurrentTaskRunner() //
auto isolate = RunDartCodeInIsolate(vm_ref, instance_settings, task_runners,
"main", {}, GetFixturesPath());
ASSERT_EQ(isolate->get()->GetPhase(), DartIsolate::Phase::Running);
ASSERT_EQ(create_callback_count, 1u);
} // namespace testing
} // namespace flutter
......@@ -342,6 +342,7 @@ tonic::DartErrorHandleType RuntimeController::GetLastError() {
bool RuntimeController::LaunchRootIsolate(
const Settings& settings,
std::optional<std::string> dart_entrypoint,
std::optional<std::string> dart_entrypoint_library,
std::unique_ptr<IsolateConfiguration> isolate_configuration) {
......@@ -352,7 +353,7 @@ bool RuntimeController::LaunchRootIsolate(
auto strong_root_isolate =
vm_->GetVMData()->GetSettings(), //
settings, //
isolate_snapshot_, //
task_runners_, //
std::make_unique<PlatformConfiguration>(this), //
......@@ -144,6 +144,7 @@ class RuntimeController : public PlatformConfigurationClient {
/// runtime controller, `Clone` this runtime controller and
/// Launch an isolate in that runtime controller instead.
/// @param[in] settings The per engine instance settings.
/// @param[in] dart_entrypoint The dart entrypoint. If
/// `std::nullopt` or empty, `main` will
/// be attempted.
......@@ -156,6 +157,7 @@ class RuntimeController : public PlatformConfigurationClient {
/// `DartIsolate::Phase::Running` phase.
[[nodiscard]] bool LaunchRootIsolate(
const Settings& settings,
std::optional<std::string> dart_entrypoint,
std::optional<std::string> dart_entrypoint_library,
std::unique_ptr<IsolateConfiguration> isolate_configuration);
......@@ -160,6 +160,7 @@ Engine::RunStatus Engine::Run(RunConfiguration configuration) {
if (!runtime_controller_->LaunchRootIsolate(
settings_, //
configuration.GetEntrypoint(), //
configuration.GetEntrypointLibrary(), //
configuration.TakeIsolateConfiguration()) //
......@@ -2185,5 +2185,28 @@ TEST_F(ShellTest, OnServiceProtocolSetAssetBundlePathWorks) {
TEST_F(ShellTest, EngineRootIsolateLaunchesDontTakeVMDataSettings) {
// Make sure the shell launch does not kick off the creation of the VM
// instance by already creating one upfront.
auto vm_settings = CreateSettingsForFixture();
auto vm_ref = DartVMRef::Create(vm_settings);
auto settings = vm_settings;
fml::AutoResetWaitableEvent isolate_create_latch;
settings.root_isolate_create_callback = [&](const auto& isolate) {
auto shell = CreateShell(settings);
auto configuration = RunConfiguration::InferFromSettings(settings);
RunEngine(shell.get(), std::move(configuration));
} // namespace testing
} // namespace flutter
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