未验证 提交 04c07b21 编写于 作者: S skia-flutter-autoroll 提交者: GitHub

Roll src/third_party/skia 471a946cf126..b5729c94f9a7 (1 commits) (#6091)

Auto-roller completed checks. Merging.
上级 2d2f6e63
......@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ vars = {
'fuchsia_git': 'https://fuchsia.googlesource.com',
'github_git': 'https://github.com',
'skia_git': 'https://skia.googlesource.com',
'skia_revision': '471a946cf126632d3c75470c6a06ccde5cb0a5bc',
'skia_revision': 'b5729c94f9a751da0427c66361a9e7c1e5d4b65c',
# When updating the Dart revision, ensure that all entries that are
# dependencies of Dart are also updated to match the entries in the
Signature: 74524cdbbbd4bf3a3d90b3bee5cb8ef0
Signature: 459ec92e1919b968b683bffbeef484f3
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