• S
    Roll src/third_party/skia 384981be3dd2..0c64a545176a (11 commits) (#9404) · 605c63be
    skia-flutter-autoroll 提交于
    git log 384981be3dd2f98226a748628ace453a481050f9..0c64a545176a0f0231bca2f9acc247bd3177588e --date=short --no-merges --format=%ad %ae %s
    2019-06-20 mtklein@google.com two register ops
    2019-06-20 mtklein@google.com two register + immediate ops
    2019-06-20 mtklein@google.com remaining 3-reg ops
    2019-06-19 jlavrova@google.com Adding TestFontCollection
    2019-06-20 michaelludwig@google.com Add lighting, alpha threshold, and tile image filters to GM
    2019-06-20 senorblanco@chromium.org Revert "GPU: always use TopLeft origin for saveLayer render targets."
    2019-06-20 jvanverth@google.com Fix ASAN issue.
    2019-06-20 brianosman@google.com ByteCode: Fixes for TRACE
    2019-06-20 senorblanco@chromium.org GPU: always use TopLeft origin for saveLayer render targets.
    2019-06-20 brianosman@google.com ByteCode: Allow calls to functions that return void
    2019-06-20 jvanverth@google.com Revert "Prefer using GrOvalOpFactory over GrFillRRect for circles and"
    The AutoRoll server is located here: https://autoroll.skia.org/r/skia-flutter-autoroll
    Documentation for the AutoRoller is here:
    If the roll is causing failures, please contact the current sheriff (bsalomon@google.com), and stop
    the roller if necessary.
DEPS 20.8 KB