提交 f2b8bb43 编写于 作者: 无木

fix(table): fix `getSelectRows` for treeTable


fixed: #1003
上级 d2c36180
......@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@
- 修复全屏模式下看不到子组件弹出层(popconfirm 以及 select、treeSelect 等编辑组件)的问题
- 修复启用`expandRowByClick`时,点击不可展开的行可能会导致样式错误的问题
- 修复`pagination`属性动态改变不生效的问题
- 修复`getSelectRows`不支持树形表格子级数据的问题
- **Dark Theme** 黑暗主题下的配色问题修正
- 修复`Tree`组件被选中节点的背景颜色
- 修复`Alert`组件的颜色配置
import { isFunction } from '/@/utils/is';
import type { BasicTableProps, TableRowSelection } from '../types/table';
import { computed, ref, unref, ComputedRef, Ref, toRaw, watch, nextTick } from 'vue';
import { computed, ComputedRef, nextTick, Ref, ref, toRaw, unref, watch } from 'vue';
import { ROW_KEY } from '../const';
import { omit } from 'lodash-es';
import { findNodeAll } from '/@/utils/helper/treeHelper';
export function useRowSelection(
propsRef: ComputedRef<BasicTableProps>,
......@@ -21,11 +22,12 @@ export function useRowSelection(
return {
selectedRowKeys: unref(selectedRowKeysRef),
hideDefaultSelections: false,
onChange: (selectedRowKeys: string[], selectedRows: Recordable[]) => {
selectedRowKeysRef.value = selectedRowKeys;
selectedRowRef.value = selectedRows;
onChange: (selectedRowKeys: string[]) => {
// selectedRowKeysRef.value = selectedRowKeys;
// selectedRowRef.value = selectedRows;
...omit(rowSelection === undefined ? {} : rowSelection, ['onChange']),
...omit(rowSelection, ['onChange']),
......@@ -64,11 +66,13 @@ export function useRowSelection(
function setSelectedRowKeys(rowKeys: string[]) {
selectedRowKeysRef.value = rowKeys;
const rows = toRaw(unref(tableData)).filter((item) =>
rowKeys.includes(item[unref(getRowKey) as string])
selectedRowRef.value = findNodeAll(
(item) => rowKeys.includes(item[unref(getRowKey) as string]),
children: propsRef.value.childrenColumnName ?? 'children',
selectedRowRef.value = rows;
function setSelectedRows(rows: Recordable[]) {
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