提交 ee7c31db 编写于 作者: 无木

feat(table): add `onValid` for editRow

上级 a36825a6
### ✨ Features
- **BasicForm** 表单组件新增`Divider`,用于较长表单的区域分割
- **BasicTable** 单元格编辑新增提交回调,将根据回调函数返回的结果来决定是否将数据提交到表格
- **BasicTable**
- 单元格编辑新增提交回调,将根据回调函数返回的结果来决定是否将数据提交到表格
- 行编辑添加校验方法,允许只校验而不提交值,以便异步保存数据成功后才提交倒表格
### 🐛 Bug Fixes
......@@ -364,13 +364,7 @@
/* eslint-disable */
props.record.onSubmitEdit = async () => {
if (isArray(props.record?.submitCbs)) {
const validFns = (props.record?.validCbs || []).map((fn) => fn());
const res = await Promise.all(validFns);
const pass = res.every((item) => !!item);
if (!pass) return;
if (!props.record?.onValid?.()) return;
const submitFns = props.record?.submitCbs || [];
submitFns.forEach((fn) => fn(false, false));
......@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ import type { BasicColumn } from '/@/components/Table/src/types/table';
import { h, Ref } from 'vue';
import EditableCell from './EditableCell.vue';
import { isArray } from '/@/utils/is';
interface Params {
text: string;
......@@ -12,12 +13,23 @@ interface Params {
export function renderEditCell(column: BasicColumn) {
return ({ text: value, record, index }: Params) => {
record.onValid = async () => {
if (isArray(record?.validCbs)) {
const validFns = (record?.validCbs || []).map((fn) => fn());
const res = await Promise.all(validFns);
return res.every((item) => !!item);
} else {
return false;
record.onEdit = async (edit: boolean, submit = false) => {
if (!submit) {
record.editable = edit;
if (!edit && submit) {
if (!(await record.onValid())) return false;
const res = await record.onSubmitEdit?.();
if (res) {
record.editable = false;
......@@ -44,6 +56,7 @@ export function renderEditCell(column: BasicColumn) {
export type EditRecordRow<T = Recordable> = Partial<
onEdit: (editable: boolean, submit?: boolean) => Promise<boolean>;
onValid: () => Promise<boolean>;
editable: boolean;
onCancel: Fn;
onSubmit: Fn;
......@@ -21,6 +21,8 @@
import { demoListApi } from '/@/api/demo/table';
import { treeOptionsListApi } from '/@/api/demo/tree';
import { cloneDeep } from 'lodash-es';
import { useMessage } from '/@/hooks/web/useMessage';
const columns: BasicColumn[] = [
......@@ -162,6 +164,7 @@
export default defineComponent({
components: { BasicTable, TableAction },
setup() {
const { createMessage: msg } = useMessage();
const currentEditKeyRef = ref('');
const [registerTable] = useTable({
title: '可编辑行示例',
......@@ -192,9 +195,26 @@
async function handleSave(record: EditRecordRow) {
const pass = await record.onEdit?.(false, true);
if (pass) {
currentEditKeyRef.value = '';
// 校验
msg.loading({ content: '正在保存...', duration: 0, key: 'saving' });
const valid = await record.onValid?.();
if (valid) {
try {
const data = cloneDeep(record.editValueRefs);
//TODO 此处将数据提交给服务器保存
// ...
// 保存之后提交编辑状态
const pass = await record.onEdit?.(false, true);
if (pass) {
currentEditKeyRef.value = '';
msg.success({ content: '数据已保存', key: 'saving' });
} catch (error) {
msg.error({ content: '保存失败', key: 'saving' });
} else {
msg.error({ content: '请填写正确的数据', key: 'saving' });
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