提交 c04e8943 编写于 作者: V Vben

perf: merge locale file

上级 e1bc33f5
## Wip
### ✨ Features
- 新增图形编辑器示例
### ⚡ Performance Improvements
- 合并部分语言文件,减少文件数量
### 🐛 Bug Fixes
- 修复黑暗主题刷新闪烁的白屏
export default {
app: {
searchNotData: 'No search results yet',
toSearch: 'to search',
toNavigate: 'to navigate',
countdown: {
normalText: 'Get SMS code',
sendText: 'Reacquire in {0}s',
drawer: {
loadingText: 'Loading...',
cancelText: 'Close',
okText: 'Confirm',
excel: {
exportModalTitle: 'Export data',
fileType: 'File type',
fileName: 'File name',
form: {
putAway: 'Put away',
unfold: 'Unfold',
maxTip: 'The number of characters should be less than {0}',
apiSelectNotFound: 'Wait for data loading to complete...',
icon: {
placeholder: 'Click the select icon',
search: 'Search icon',
copy: 'Copy icon successfully!',
menu: {
search: 'Menu search',
modal: {
cancelText: 'Close',
okText: 'Confirm',
table: {
settingDens: 'Density',
settingDensDefault: 'Default',
settingDensMiddle: 'Middle',
settingDensSmall: 'Compact',
settingColumn: 'Column settings',
settingColumnShow: 'Column display',
settingIndexColumnShow: 'Index Column',
settingSelectColumnShow: 'Selection Column',
settingFixedLeft: 'Fixed Left',
settingFixedRight: 'Fixed Right',
settingFullScreen: 'Full Screen',
index: 'Index',
total: 'total of {total}',
time: {
before: ' ago',
after: ' after',
just: 'just now',
seconds: ' seconds',
minutes: ' minutes',
hours: ' hours',
days: ' days',
tree: {
selectAll: 'Select All',
unSelectAll: 'Cancel Select',
expandAll: 'Expand All',
unExpandAll: 'Collapse all',
checkStrictly: 'Hierarchical association',
checkUnStrictly: 'Hierarchical independence',
upload: {
save: 'Save',
upload: 'Upload',
imgUpload: 'ImageUpload',
uploaded: 'Uploaded',
operating: 'Operating',
del: 'Delete',
download: 'download',
saveWarn: 'Please wait for the file to upload and save!',
saveError: 'There is no file successfully uploaded and cannot be saved!',
preview: 'Preview',
choose: 'Select the file',
accept: 'Support {0} format',
acceptUpload: 'Only upload files in {0} format',
maxSize: 'A single file does not exceed {0}MB ',
maxSizeMultiple: 'Only upload files up to {0}MB!',
maxNumber: 'Only upload up to {0} files',
legend: 'Legend',
fileName: 'File name',
fileSize: 'File size',
fileStatue: 'File status',
startUpload: 'Start upload',
uploadSuccess: 'Upload successfully',
uploadError: 'Upload failed',
uploading: 'Uploading',
uploadWait: 'Please wait for the file upload to finish',
reUploadFailed: 'Re-upload failed files',
verify: {
error: 'verification failed!',
time: 'The verification is successful and it takes {time} seconds!',
redoTip: 'Click the picture to refresh',
dragText: 'Hold down the slider and drag',
successText: 'Verified',
export default {
searchNotData: 'No search results yet',
toSearch: 'to search',
toNavigate: 'to navigate',
export default {
normalText: 'Get SMS code',
sendText: 'Reacquire in {0}s',
export default {
loadingText: 'Loading...',
cancelText: 'Close',
okText: 'Confirm',
export default {
exportModalTitle: 'Export data',
fileType: 'File type',
fileName: 'File name',
export default {
putAway: 'Put away',
unfold: 'Unfold',
maxTip: 'The number of characters should be less than {0}',
apiSelectNotFound: 'Wait for data loading to complete...',
export default {
placeholder: 'Click the select icon',
search: 'Search icon',
copy: 'Copy icon successfully!',
export default {
search: 'Menu search',
export default {
cancelText: 'Close',
okText: 'Confirm',
export default {
settingDens: 'Density',
settingDensDefault: 'Default',
settingDensMiddle: 'Middle',
settingDensSmall: 'Compact',
settingColumn: 'Column settings',
settingColumnShow: 'Column display',
settingIndexColumnShow: 'Index Column',
settingSelectColumnShow: 'Selection Column',
settingFixedLeft: 'Fixed Left',
settingFixedRight: 'Fixed Right',
settingFullScreen: 'Full Screen',
index: 'Index',
total: 'total of {total}',
export default {
before: ' ago',
after: ' after',
just: 'just now',
seconds: ' seconds',
minutes: ' minutes',
hours: ' hours',
days: ' days',
export default {
selectAll: 'Select All',
unSelectAll: 'Cancel Select',
expandAll: 'Expand All',
unExpandAll: 'Collapse all',
checkStrictly: 'Hierarchical association',
checkUnStrictly: 'Hierarchical independence',
export default {
save: 'Save',
upload: 'Upload',
imgUpload: 'ImageUpload',
uploaded: 'Uploaded',
operating: 'Operating',
del: 'Delete',
download: 'download',
saveWarn: 'Please wait for the file to upload and save!',
saveError: 'There is no file successfully uploaded and cannot be saved!',
preview: 'Preview',
choose: 'Select the file',
accept: 'Support {0} format',
acceptUpload: 'Only upload files in {0} format',
maxSize: 'A single file does not exceed {0}MB ',
maxSizeMultiple: 'Only upload files up to {0}MB!',
maxNumber: 'Only upload up to {0} files',
legend: 'Legend',
fileName: 'File name',
fileSize: 'File size',
fileStatue: 'File status',
startUpload: 'Start upload',
uploadSuccess: 'Upload successfully',
uploadError: 'Upload failed',
uploading: 'Uploading',
uploadWait: 'Please wait for the file upload to finish',
reUploadFailed: 'Re-upload failed files',
export default {
error: 'verification failed!',
time: 'The verification is successful and it takes {time} seconds!',
redoTip: 'Click the picture to refresh',
dragText: 'Hold down the slider and drag',
successText: 'Verified',
export default {
footer: { onlinePreview: 'Preview', onlineDocument: 'Document' },
header: {
// user dropdown
dropdownItemDoc: 'Document',
dropdownItemLoginOut: 'Login Out',
tooltipErrorLog: 'Error log',
tooltipLock: 'Lock screen',
tooltipNotify: 'Notification',
tooltipEntryFull: 'Full Screen',
tooltipExitFull: 'Exit Full Screen',
// lock
lockScreenPassword: 'Lock screen password',
lockScreen: 'Lock screen',
lockScreenBtn: 'Locking',
home: 'Home',
multipleTab: {
reload: 'Refresh current',
close: 'Close current',
closeLeft: 'Close Left',
closeRight: 'Close Right',
closeOther: 'Close Other',
closeAll: 'Close All',
setting: {
// content mode
contentModeFull: 'Full',
contentModeFixed: 'Fixed width',
// topMenu align
topMenuAlignLeft: 'Left',
topMenuAlignRight: 'Center',
topMenuAlignCenter: 'Right',
// menu trigger
menuTriggerNone: 'Not Show',
menuTriggerBottom: 'Bottom',
menuTriggerTop: 'Top',
// menu type
menuTypeSidebar: 'Left menu mode',
menuTypeMixSidebar: 'Left menu mixed mode',
menuTypeMix: 'Top Menu Mix mode',
menuTypeTopMenu: 'Top menu mode',
on: 'On',
off: 'Off',
minute: 'Minute',
operatingTitle: 'Successful!',
'The copy is successful, please go to src/settings/projectSetting.ts to modify the configuration!',
resetSuccess: 'Successfully reset!',
copyBtn: 'Copy',
clearBtn: 'Clear cache and to the login page',
drawerTitle: 'Configuration',
darkMode: 'Dark mode',
navMode: 'Navigation mode',
interfaceFunction: 'Interface function',
interfaceDisplay: 'Interface display',
animation: 'Animation',
splitMenu: 'Split menu',
closeMixSidebarOnChange: 'Switch page to close menu',
sysTheme: 'System theme',
headerTheme: 'Header theme',
sidebarTheme: 'Menu theme',
menuDrag: 'Drag Sidebar',
menuSearch: 'Menu search',
menuAccordion: 'Sidebar accordion',
menuCollapse: 'Collapse menu',
collapseMenuDisplayName: 'Collapse menu display name',
topMenuLayout: 'Top menu layout',
menuCollapseButton: 'Menu collapse button',
contentMode: 'Content area width',
expandedMenuWidth: 'Expanded menu width',
breadcrumb: 'Breadcrumbs',
breadcrumbIcon: 'Breadcrumbs Icon',
tabs: 'Tabs',
tabsQuickBtn: 'Tabs quick button',
tabsRedoBtn: 'Tabs redo button',
tabsFoldBtn: 'Tabs flod button',
sidebar: 'Sidebar',
header: 'Header',
footer: 'Footer',
fullContent: 'Full content',
grayMode: 'Gray mode',
colorWeak: 'Color Weak Mode',
progress: 'Progress',
switchLoading: 'Switch Loading',
switchAnimation: 'Switch animation',
animationType: 'Animation type',
autoScreenLock: 'Auto screen lock',
notAutoScreenLock: 'Not auto lock',
fixedHeader: 'Fixed header',
fixedSideBar: 'Fixed Sidebar',
mixSidebarTrigger: 'Mixed menu Trigger',
triggerHover: 'Hover',
triggerClick: 'Click',
mixSidebarFixed: 'Fixed expanded menu',
export default {
onlinePreview: 'Preview',
onlineDocument: 'Document',
export default {
// user dropdown
dropdownItemDoc: 'Document',
dropdownItemLoginOut: 'Login Out',
tooltipErrorLog: 'Error log',
tooltipLock: 'Lock screen',
tooltipNotify: 'Notification',
tooltipEntryFull: 'Full Screen',
tooltipExitFull: 'Exit Full Screen',
// lock
lockScreenPassword: 'Lock screen password',
lockScreen: 'Lock screen',
lockScreenBtn: 'Locking',
home: 'Home',
export default {
reload: 'Refresh current',
close: 'Close current',
closeLeft: 'Close Left',
closeRight: 'Close Right',
closeOther: 'Close Other',
closeAll: 'Close All',
export default {
// content mode
contentModeFull: 'Full',
contentModeFixed: 'Fixed width',
// topMenu align
topMenuAlignLeft: 'Left',
topMenuAlignRight: 'Center',
topMenuAlignCenter: 'Right',
// menu trigger
menuTriggerNone: 'Not Show',
menuTriggerBottom: 'Bottom',
menuTriggerTop: 'Top',
// menu type
menuTypeSidebar: 'Left menu mode',
menuTypeMixSidebar: 'Left menu mixed mode',
menuTypeMix: 'Top Menu Mix mode',
menuTypeTopMenu: 'Top menu mode',
on: 'On',
off: 'Off',
minute: 'Minute',
operatingTitle: 'Successful!',
'The copy is successful, please go to src/settings/projectSetting.ts to modify the configuration!',
resetSuccess: 'Successfully reset!',
copyBtn: 'Copy',
clearBtn: 'Clear cache and to the login page',
drawerTitle: 'Configuration',
darkMode: 'Dark mode',
navMode: 'Navigation mode',
interfaceFunction: 'Interface function',
interfaceDisplay: 'Interface display',
animation: 'Animation',
splitMenu: 'Split menu',
closeMixSidebarOnChange: 'Switch page to close menu',
sysTheme: 'System theme',
headerTheme: 'Header theme',
sidebarTheme: 'Menu theme',
menuDrag: 'Drag Sidebar',
menuSearch: 'Menu search',
menuAccordion: 'Sidebar accordion',
menuCollapse: 'Collapse menu',
collapseMenuDisplayName: 'Collapse menu display name',
topMenuLayout: 'Top menu layout',
menuCollapseButton: 'Menu collapse button',
contentMode: 'Content area width',
expandedMenuWidth: 'Expanded menu width',
breadcrumb: 'Breadcrumbs',
breadcrumbIcon: 'Breadcrumbs Icon',
tabs: 'Tabs',
tabsQuickBtn: 'Tabs quick button',
tabsRedoBtn: 'Tabs redo button',
tabsFoldBtn: 'Tabs flod button',
sidebar: 'Sidebar',
header: 'Header',
footer: 'Footer',
fullContent: 'Full content',
grayMode: 'Gray mode',
colorWeak: 'Color Weak Mode',
progress: 'Progress',
switchLoading: 'Switch Loading',
switchAnimation: 'Switch animation',
animationType: 'Animation type',
autoScreenLock: 'Auto screen lock',
notAutoScreenLock: 'Not auto lock',
fixedHeader: 'Fixed header',
fixedSideBar: 'Fixed Sidebar',
mixSidebarTrigger: 'Mixed menu Trigger',
triggerHover: 'Hover',
triggerClick: 'Click',
mixSidebarFixed: 'Fixed expanded menu',
export default {
api: {
operationFailed: 'Operation failed',
errorTip: 'Error Tip',
errorMessage: 'The operation failed, the system is abnormal!',
timeoutMessage: 'Login timed out, please log in again!',
apiTimeoutMessage: 'The interface request timed out, please refresh the page and try again!',
networkException: 'network anomaly',
'Please check if your network connection is normal! The network is abnormal',
errMsg401: 'The user does not have permission (token, user name, password error)!',
errMsg403: 'The user is authorized, but access is forbidden!',
errMsg404: 'Network request error, the resource was not found!',
errMsg405: 'Network request error, request method not allowed!',
errMsg408: 'Network request timed out!',
errMsg500: 'Server error, please contact the administrator!',
errMsg501: 'The network is not implemented!',
errMsg502: 'Network Error!',
errMsg503: 'The service is unavailable, the server is temporarily overloaded or maintained!',
errMsg504: 'Network timeout!',
errMsg505: 'The http version does not support the request!',
app: {
logoutTip: 'Reminder',
logoutMessage: 'Confirm to exit the system?',
menuLoading: 'Menu loading...',
errorLog: {
tableTitle: 'Error log list',
tableColumnType: 'Type',
tableColumnDate: 'Time',
tableColumnFile: 'File',
tableColumnMsg: 'Error message',
tableColumnStackMsg: 'Stack info',
tableActionDesc: 'Details',
modalTitle: 'Error details',
fireVueError: 'Fire vue error',
fireResourceError: 'Fire resource error',
fireAjaxError: 'Fire ajax error',
enableMessage: 'Only effective when useErrorHandle=true in `/src/settings/projectSetting.ts`.',
exception: {
backLogin: 'Back Login',
backHome: 'Back Home',
subTitle403: "Sorry, you don't have access to this page.",
subTitle404: 'Sorry, the page you visited does not exist.',
subTitle500: 'Sorry, the server is reporting an error.',
noDataTitle: 'No data on the current page.',
networkErrorTitle: 'Network Error',
'Sorry,Your network connection has been disconnected, please check your network!',
lock: {
unlock: 'Click to unlock',
alert: 'Lock screen password error',
backToLogin: 'Back to login',
entry: 'Enter the system',
placeholder: 'Please enter the lock screen password or user password',
login: {
backSignIn: 'Back sign in',
mobileSignInFormTitle: 'Mobile sign in',
qrSignInFormTitle: 'Qr code sign in',
signInFormTitle: 'Sign in',
signUpFormTitle: 'Sign up',
forgetFormTitle: 'Reset password',
signInTitle: 'Backstage management system',
signInDesc: 'Enter your personal details and get started!',
policy: 'I agree to the xxx Privacy Policy',
scanSign: `scanning the code to complete the login`,
loginButton: 'Sign in',
registerButton: 'Sign up',
rememberMe: 'Remember me',
forgetPassword: 'Forget Password?',
otherSignIn: 'Sign in with',
// notify
loginSuccessTitle: 'Login successful',
loginSuccessDesc: 'Welcome back',
// placeholder
accountPlaceholder: 'Please input username',
passwordPlaceholder: 'Please input password',
smsPlaceholder: 'Please input sms code',
mobilePlaceholder: 'Please input mobile',
policyPlaceholder: 'Register after checking',
diffPwd: 'The two passwords are inconsistent',
userName: 'Username',
password: 'Password',
confirmPassword: 'Confirm Password',
email: 'Email',
smsCode: 'SMS code',
mobile: 'Mobile',
export default {
operationFailed: 'Operation failed',
errorTip: 'Error Tip',
errorMessage: 'The operation failed, the system is abnormal!',
timeoutMessage: 'Login timed out, please log in again!',
apiTimeoutMessage: 'The interface request timed out, please refresh the page and try again!',
networkException: 'network anomaly',
networkExceptionMsg: 'Please check if your network connection is normal! The network is abnormal',
errMsg401: 'The user does not have permission (token, user name, password error)!',
errMsg403: 'The user is authorized, but access is forbidden!',
errMsg404: 'Network request error, the resource was not found!',
errMsg405: 'Network request error, request method not allowed!',
errMsg408: 'Network request timed out!',
errMsg500: 'Server error, please contact the administrator!',
errMsg501: 'The network is not implemented!',
errMsg502: 'Network Error!',
errMsg503: 'The service is unavailable, the server is temporarily overloaded or maintained!',
errMsg504: 'Network timeout!',
errMsg505: 'The http version does not support the request!',
export default {
logoutTip: 'Reminder',
logoutMessage: 'Confirm to exit the system?',
menuLoading: 'Menu loading...',
export default {
tableTitle: 'Error log list',
tableColumnType: 'Type',
tableColumnDate: 'Time',
tableColumnFile: 'File',
tableColumnMsg: 'Error message',
tableColumnStackMsg: 'Stack info',
tableActionDesc: 'Details',
modalTitle: 'Error details',
fireVueError: 'Fire vue error',
fireResourceError: 'Fire resource error',
fireAjaxError: 'Fire ajax error',
enableMessage: 'Only effective when useErrorHandle=true in `/src/settings/projectSetting.ts`.',
export default {
backLogin: 'Back Login',
backHome: 'Back Home',
subTitle403: "Sorry, you don't have access to this page.",
subTitle404: 'Sorry, the page you visited does not exist.',
subTitle500: 'Sorry, the server is reporting an error.',
noDataTitle: 'No data on the current page.',
networkErrorTitle: 'Network Error',
'Sorry,Your network connection has been disconnected, please check your network!',
export default {
unlock: 'Click to unlock',
alert: 'Lock screen password error',
backToLogin: 'Back to login',
entry: 'Enter the system',
placeholder: 'Please enter the lock screen password or user password',
export default {
backSignIn: 'Back sign in',
mobileSignInFormTitle: 'Mobile sign in',
qrSignInFormTitle: 'Qr code sign in',
signInFormTitle: 'Sign in',
signUpFormTitle: 'Sign up',
forgetFormTitle: 'Reset password',
signInTitle: 'Backstage management system',
signInDesc: 'Enter your personal details and get started!',
policy: 'I agree to the xxx Privacy Policy',
scanSign: `scanning the code to complete the login`,
loginButton: 'Sign in',
registerButton: 'Sign up',
rememberMe: 'Remember me',
forgetPassword: 'Forget Password?',
otherSignIn: 'Sign in with',
// notify
loginSuccessTitle: 'Login successful',
loginSuccessDesc: 'Welcome back',
// placeholder
accountPlaceholder: 'Please input username',
passwordPlaceholder: 'Please input password',
smsPlaceholder: 'Please input sms code',
mobilePlaceholder: 'Please input mobile',
policyPlaceholder: 'Register after checking',
diffPwd: 'The two passwords are inconsistent',
userName: 'Username',
password: 'Password',
confirmPassword: 'Confirm Password',
email: 'Email',
smsCode: 'SMS code',
mobile: 'Mobile',
export default {
app: {
searchNotData: '暂无搜索结果',
toSearch: '确认',
toNavigate: '切换',
countdown: {
normalText: '获取验证码',
sendText: '{0}秒后重新获取',
drawer: {
loadingText: '加载中...',
cancelText: '关闭',
okText: '确认',
excel: {
exportModalTitle: '导出数据',
fileType: '文件类型',
fileName: '文件名',
form: {
putAway: '收起',
unfold: '展开',
maxTip: '字符数应小于{0}位',
apiSelectNotFound: '请等待数据加载完成...',
icon: {
placeholder: '点击选择图标',
search: '搜索图标',
copy: '复制图标成功!',
menu: {
search: '菜单搜索',
modal: {
cancelText: '关闭',
okText: '确认',
table: {
settingDens: '密度',
settingDensDefault: '默认',
settingDensMiddle: '中等',
settingDensSmall: '紧凑',
settingColumn: '列设置',
settingColumnShow: '列展示',
settingIndexColumnShow: '序号列',
settingSelectColumnShow: '勾选列',
settingFixedLeft: '固定到左侧',
settingFixedRight: '固定到右侧',
settingFullScreen: '全屏',
index: '序号',
total: '共 {total} 条数据',
time: {
before: '',
after: '',
just: '刚刚',
seconds: '',
minutes: '分钟',
hours: '小时',
days: '',
tree: {
selectAll: '选择全部',
unSelectAll: '取消选择',
expandAll: '展开全部',
unExpandAll: '折叠全部',
checkStrictly: '层级关联',
checkUnStrictly: '层级独立',
upload: {
save: '保存',
upload: '上传',
imgUpload: '图片上传',
uploaded: '已上传',
operating: '操作',
del: '删除',
download: '下载',
saveWarn: '请等待文件上传后,保存!',
saveError: '没有上传成功的文件,无法保存!',
preview: '预览',
choose: '选择文件',
accept: '支持{0}格式',
acceptUpload: '只能上传{0}格式文件',
maxSize: '单个文件不超过{0}MB',
maxSizeMultiple: '只能上传不超过{0}MB的文件!',
maxNumber: '最多只能上传{0}个文件',
legend: '略缩图',
fileName: '文件名',
fileSize: '文件大小',
fileStatue: '状态',
startUpload: '开始上传',
uploadSuccess: '上传成功',
uploadError: '上传失败',
uploading: '上传中',
uploadWait: '请等待文件上传结束后操作',
reUploadFailed: '重新上传失败文件',
verify: {
error: '验证失败!',
time: '验证校验成功,耗时{time}秒!',
redoTip: '点击图片可刷新',
dragText: '请按住滑块拖动',
successText: '验证通过',
export default {
searchNotData: '暂无搜索结果',
toSearch: '确认',
toNavigate: '切换',
export default {
normalText: '获取验证码',
sendText: '{0}秒后重新获取',
export default {
loadingText: '加载中...',
cancelText: '关闭',
okText: '确认',
export default {
exportModalTitle: '导出数据',
fileType: '文件类型',
fileName: '文件名',
export default {
putAway: '收起',
unfold: '展开',
maxTip: '字符数应小于{0}位',
apiSelectNotFound: '请等待数据加载完成...',
export default {
placeholder: '点击选择图标',
search: '搜索图标',
copy: '复制图标成功!',
export default {
search: '菜单搜索',
export default {
cancelText: '关闭',
okText: '确认',
export default {
settingDens: '密度',
settingDensDefault: '默认',
settingDensMiddle: '中等',
settingDensSmall: '紧凑',
settingColumn: '列设置',
settingColumnShow: '列展示',
settingIndexColumnShow: '序号列',
settingSelectColumnShow: '勾选列',
settingFixedLeft: '固定到左侧',
settingFixedRight: '固定到右侧',
settingFullScreen: '全屏',
index: '序号',
total: '共 {total} 条数据',
export default {
before: '',
after: '',
just: '刚刚',
seconds: '',
minutes: '分钟',
hours: '小时',
days: '',
export default {
selectAll: '选择全部',
unSelectAll: '取消选择',
expandAll: '展开全部',
unExpandAll: '折叠全部',
checkStrictly: '层级关联',
checkUnStrictly: '层级独立',
export default {
save: '保存',
upload: '上传',
imgUpload: '图片上传',
uploaded: '已上传',
operating: '操作',
del: '删除',
download: '下载',
saveWarn: '请等待文件上传后,保存!',
saveError: '没有上传成功的文件,无法保存!',
preview: '预览',
choose: '选择文件',
accept: '支持{0}格式',
acceptUpload: '只能上传{0}格式文件',
maxSize: '单个文件不超过{0}MB',
maxSizeMultiple: '只能上传不超过{0}MB的文件!',
maxNumber: '最多只能上传{0}个文件',
legend: '略缩图',
fileName: '文件名',
fileSize: '文件大小',
fileStatue: '状态',
startUpload: '开始上传',
uploadSuccess: '上传成功',
uploadError: '上传失败',
uploading: '上传中',
uploadWait: '请等待文件上传结束后操作',
reUploadFailed: '重新上传失败文件',
export default {
error: '验证失败!',
time: '验证校验成功,耗时{time}秒!',
redoTip: '点击图片可刷新',
dragText: '请按住滑块拖动',
successText: '验证通过',
export default {
footer: { onlinePreview: '在线预览', onlineDocument: '在线文档' },
header: {
// user dropdown
dropdownItemDoc: '文档',
dropdownItemLoginOut: '退出系统',
// tooltip
tooltipErrorLog: '错误日志',
tooltipLock: '锁定屏幕',
tooltipNotify: '消息通知',
tooltipEntryFull: '全屏',
tooltipExitFull: '退出全屏',
// lock
lockScreenPassword: '锁屏密码',
lockScreen: '锁定屏幕',
lockScreenBtn: '锁定',
home: '首页',
multipleTab: {
reload: '重新加载',
close: '关闭标签页',
closeLeft: '关闭左侧标签页',
closeRight: '关闭右侧标签页',
closeOther: '关闭其它标签页',
closeAll: '关闭全部标签页',
setting: {
// content mode
contentModeFull: '流式',
contentModeFixed: '定宽',
// topMenu align
topMenuAlignLeft: '居左',
topMenuAlignRight: '居中',
topMenuAlignCenter: '居右',
// menu trigger
menuTriggerNone: '不显示',
menuTriggerBottom: '底部',
menuTriggerTop: '顶部',
// menu type
menuTypeSidebar: '左侧菜单模式',
menuTypeMixSidebar: '左侧菜单混合模式',
menuTypeMix: '顶部菜单混合模式',
menuTypeTopMenu: '顶部菜单模式',
on: '',
off: '',
minute: '分钟',
operatingTitle: '操作成功',
operatingContent: '复制成功,请到 src/settings/projectSetting.ts 中修改配置!',
resetSuccess: '重置成功!',
copyBtn: '拷贝',
clearBtn: '清空缓存并返回登录页',
drawerTitle: '项目配置',
darkMode: '主题',
navMode: '导航栏模式',
interfaceFunction: '界面功能',
interfaceDisplay: '界面显示',
animation: '动画',
splitMenu: '分割菜单',
closeMixSidebarOnChange: '切换页面关闭菜单',
sysTheme: '系统主题',
headerTheme: '顶栏主题',
sidebarTheme: '菜单主题',
menuDrag: '侧边菜单拖拽',
menuSearch: '菜单搜索',
menuAccordion: '侧边菜单手风琴模式',
menuCollapse: '折叠菜单',
collapseMenuDisplayName: '折叠菜单显示名称',
topMenuLayout: '顶部菜单布局',
menuCollapseButton: '菜单折叠按钮',
contentMode: '内容区域宽度',
expandedMenuWidth: '菜单展开宽度',
breadcrumb: '面包屑',
breadcrumbIcon: '面包屑图标',
tabs: '标签页',
tabsQuickBtn: '标签页快捷按钮',
tabsRedoBtn: '标签页刷新按钮',
tabsFoldBtn: '标签页折叠按钮',
sidebar: '左侧菜单',
header: '顶栏',
footer: '页脚',
fullContent: '全屏内容',
grayMode: '灰色模式',
colorWeak: '色弱模式',
progress: '顶部进度条',
switchLoading: '切换loading',
switchAnimation: '切换动画',
animationType: '动画类型',
autoScreenLock: '自动锁屏',
notAutoScreenLock: '不自动锁屏',
fixedHeader: '固定header',
fixedSideBar: '固定Sidebar',
mixSidebarTrigger: '混合菜单触发方式',
triggerHover: '悬停',
triggerClick: '点击',
mixSidebarFixed: '固定展开菜单',
export default {
onlinePreview: '在线预览',
onlineDocument: '在线文档',
export default {
// user dropdown
dropdownItemDoc: '文档',
dropdownItemLoginOut: '退出系统',
// tooltip
tooltipErrorLog: '错误日志',
tooltipLock: '锁定屏幕',
tooltipNotify: '消息通知',
tooltipEntryFull: '全屏',
tooltipExitFull: '退出全屏',
// lock
lockScreenPassword: '锁屏密码',
lockScreen: '锁定屏幕',
lockScreenBtn: '锁定',
home: '首页',
export default {
reload: '重新加载',
close: '关闭标签页',
closeLeft: '关闭左侧标签页',
closeRight: '关闭右侧标签页',
closeOther: '关闭其它标签页',
closeAll: '关闭全部标签页',
export default {
// content mode
contentModeFull: '流式',
contentModeFixed: '定宽',
// topMenu align
topMenuAlignLeft: '居左',
topMenuAlignRight: '居中',
topMenuAlignCenter: '居右',
// menu trigger
menuTriggerNone: '不显示',
menuTriggerBottom: '底部',
menuTriggerTop: '顶部',
// menu type
menuTypeSidebar: '左侧菜单模式',
menuTypeMixSidebar: '左侧菜单混合模式',
menuTypeMix: '顶部菜单混合模式',
menuTypeTopMenu: '顶部菜单模式',
on: '',
off: '',
minute: '分钟',
operatingTitle: '操作成功',
operatingContent: '复制成功,请到 src/settings/projectSetting.ts 中修改配置!',
resetSuccess: '重置成功!',
copyBtn: '拷贝',
clearBtn: '清空缓存并返回登录页',
drawerTitle: '项目配置',
darkMode: '主题',
navMode: '导航栏模式',
interfaceFunction: '界面功能',
interfaceDisplay: '界面显示',
animation: '动画',
splitMenu: '分割菜单',
closeMixSidebarOnChange: '切换页面关闭菜单',
sysTheme: '系统主题',
headerTheme: '顶栏主题',
sidebarTheme: '菜单主题',
menuDrag: '侧边菜单拖拽',
menuSearch: '菜单搜索',
menuAccordion: '侧边菜单手风琴模式',
menuCollapse: '折叠菜单',
collapseMenuDisplayName: '折叠菜单显示名称',
topMenuLayout: '顶部菜单布局',
menuCollapseButton: '菜单折叠按钮',
contentMode: '内容区域宽度',
expandedMenuWidth: '菜单展开宽度',
breadcrumb: '面包屑',
breadcrumbIcon: '面包屑图标',
tabs: '标签页',
tabsQuickBtn: '标签页快捷按钮',
tabsRedoBtn: '标签页刷新按钮',
tabsFoldBtn: '标签页折叠按钮',
sidebar: '左侧菜单',
header: '顶栏',
footer: '页脚',
fullContent: '全屏内容',
grayMode: '灰色模式',
colorWeak: '色弱模式',
progress: '顶部进度条',
switchLoading: '切换loading',
switchAnimation: '切换动画',
animationType: '动画类型',
autoScreenLock: '自动锁屏',
notAutoScreenLock: '不自动锁屏',
fixedHeader: '固定header',
fixedSideBar: '固定Sidebar',
mixSidebarTrigger: '混合菜单触发方式',
triggerHover: '悬停',
triggerClick: '点击',
mixSidebarFixed: '固定展开菜单',
export default {
api: {
operationFailed: '操作失败',
errorTip: '错误提示',
errorMessage: '操作失败,系统异常!',
timeoutMessage: '登录超时,请重新登录!',
apiTimeoutMessage: '接口请求超时,请刷新页面重试!',
networkException: '网络异常',
networkExceptionMsg: '请检查您的网络连接是否正常!',
errMsg401: '用户没有权限(令牌、用户名、密码错误)!',
errMsg403: '用户得到授权,但是访问是被禁止的。!',
errMsg404: '网络请求错误,未找到该资源!',
errMsg405: '网络请求错误,请求方法未允许!',
errMsg408: '网络请求超时!',
errMsg500: '服务器错误,请联系管理员!',
errMsg501: '网络未实现!',
errMsg502: '网络错误!',
errMsg503: '服务不可用,服务器暂时过载或维护!',
errMsg504: '网络超时!',
errMsg505: 'http版本不支持该请求!',
app: { logoutTip: '温馨提醒', logoutMessage: '是否确认退出系统?', menuLoading: '菜单加载中...' },
errorLog: {
tableTitle: '错误日志列表',
tableColumnType: '类型',
tableColumnDate: '时间',
tableColumnFile: '文件',
tableColumnMsg: '错误信息',
tableColumnStackMsg: 'stack信息',
tableActionDesc: '详情',
modalTitle: '错误详情',
fireVueError: '点击触发vue错误',
fireResourceError: '点击触发资源加载错误',
fireAjaxError: '点击触发ajax错误',
enableMessage: '只在`/src/settings/projectSetting.ts` 内的useErrorHandle=true时生效.',
exception: {
backLogin: '返回登录',
backHome: '返回首页',
subTitle403: '抱歉,您无权访问此页面。',
subTitle404: '抱歉,您访问的页面不存在。',
subTitle500: '抱歉,服务器报告错误。',
noDataTitle: '当前页无数据',
networkErrorTitle: '网络错误',
networkErrorSubTitle: '抱歉,您的网络连接已断开,请检查您的网络!',
lock: {
unlock: '点击解锁',
alert: '锁屏密码错误',
backToLogin: '返回登录',
entry: '进入系统',
placeholder: '请输入锁屏密码或者用户密码',
login: {
backSignIn: '返回',
signInFormTitle: '登录',
mobileSignInFormTitle: '手机登录',
qrSignInFormTitle: '二维码登录',
signUpFormTitle: '注册',
forgetFormTitle: '重置密码',
signInTitle: '开箱即用的中后台管理系统',
signInDesc: '输入您的个人详细信息开始使用!',
policy: '我同意xxx隐私政策',
scanSign: `扫码后点击"确认",即可完成登录`,
loginButton: '登录',
registerButton: '注册',
rememberMe: '记住我',
forgetPassword: '忘记密码?',
otherSignIn: '其他登录方式',
// notify
loginSuccessTitle: '登录成功',
loginSuccessDesc: '欢迎回来',
// placeholder
accountPlaceholder: '请输入账号',
passwordPlaceholder: '请输入密码',
smsPlaceholder: '请输入验证码',
mobilePlaceholder: '请输入手机号码',
policyPlaceholder: '勾选后才能注册',
diffPwd: '两次输入密码不一致',
userName: '账号',
password: '密码',
confirmPassword: '确认密码',
email: '邮箱',
smsCode: '短信验证码',
mobile: '手机号码',
export default {
operationFailed: '操作失败',
errorTip: '错误提示',
errorMessage: '操作失败,系统异常!',
timeoutMessage: '登录超时,请重新登录!',
apiTimeoutMessage: '接口请求超时,请刷新页面重试!',
networkException: '网络异常',
networkExceptionMsg: '请检查您的网络连接是否正常!',
errMsg401: '用户没有权限(令牌、用户名、密码错误)!',
errMsg403: '用户得到授权,但是访问是被禁止的。!',
errMsg404: '网络请求错误,未找到该资源!',
errMsg405: '网络请求错误,请求方法未允许!',
errMsg408: '网络请求超时!',
errMsg500: '服务器错误,请联系管理员!',
errMsg501: '网络未实现!',
errMsg502: '网络错误!',
errMsg503: '服务不可用,服务器暂时过载或维护!',
errMsg504: '网络超时!',
errMsg505: 'http版本不支持该请求!',
export default {
logoutTip: '温馨提醒',
logoutMessage: '是否确认退出系统?',
menuLoading: '菜单加载中...',
export default {
tableTitle: '错误日志列表',
tableColumnType: '类型',
tableColumnDate: '时间',
tableColumnFile: '文件',
tableColumnMsg: '错误信息',
tableColumnStackMsg: 'stack信息',
tableActionDesc: '详情',
modalTitle: '错误详情',
fireVueError: '点击触发vue错误',
fireResourceError: '点击触发资源加载错误',
fireAjaxError: '点击触发ajax错误',
enableMessage: '只在`/src/settings/projectSetting.ts` 内的useErrorHandle=true时生效.',
export default {
backLogin: '返回登录',
backHome: '返回首页',
subTitle403: '抱歉,您无权访问此页面。',
subTitle404: '抱歉,您访问的页面不存在。',
subTitle500: '抱歉,服务器报告错误。',
noDataTitle: '当前页无数据',
networkErrorTitle: '网络错误',
networkErrorSubTitle: '抱歉,您的网络连接已断开,请检查您的网络!',
export default {
unlock: '点击解锁',
alert: '锁屏密码错误',
backToLogin: '返回登录',
entry: '进入系统',
placeholder: '请输入锁屏密码或者用户密码',
export default {
backSignIn: '返回',
signInFormTitle: '登录',
mobileSignInFormTitle: '手机登录',
qrSignInFormTitle: '二维码登录',
signUpFormTitle: '注册',
forgetFormTitle: '重置密码',
signInTitle: '开箱即用的中后台管理系统',
signInDesc: '输入您的个人详细信息开始使用!',
policy: '我同意xxx隐私政策',
scanSign: `扫码后点击"确认",即可完成登录`,
loginButton: '登录',
registerButton: '注册',
rememberMe: '记住我',
forgetPassword: '忘记密码?',
otherSignIn: '其他登录方式',
// notify
loginSuccessTitle: '登录成功',
loginSuccessDesc: '欢迎回来',
// placeholder
accountPlaceholder: '请输入账号',
passwordPlaceholder: '请输入密码',
smsPlaceholder: '请输入验证码',
mobilePlaceholder: '请输入手机号码',
policyPlaceholder: '勾选后才能注册',
diffPwd: '两次输入密码不一致',
userName: '账号',
password: '密码',
confirmPassword: '确认密码',
email: '邮箱',
smsCode: '短信验证码',
mobile: '手机号码',
......@@ -6,26 +6,15 @@ const menu: MenuModule = {
menu: {
name: t('routes.dashboard.dashboard'),
path: '/dashboard',
tag: {
dot: true,
type: 'warn',
children: [
path: 'analysis',
name: t('routes.dashboard.analysis'),
tag: {
dot: true,
type: 'warn',
path: 'workbench',
name: t('routes.dashboard.workbench'),
tag: {
dot: true,
type: 'warn',
......@@ -6,9 +6,7 @@ const menu: MenuModule = {
menu: {
name: t('routes.demo.comp.comp'),
path: '/comp',
tag: {
dot: true,
children: [
path: 'basic',
......@@ -119,9 +117,6 @@ const menu: MenuModule = {
path: 'cropper',
name: t('routes.demo.comp.cropperImage'),
tag: {
content: 'new',
path: 'countTo',
......@@ -6,9 +6,6 @@ const menu: MenuModule = {
menu: {
name: t('routes.demo.feat.feat'),
path: '/feat',
tag: {
dot: true,
children: [
......@@ -35,9 +32,6 @@ const menu: MenuModule = {
path: 'print',
name: t('routes.demo.feat.print'),
tag: {
content: 'new',
path: 'click-out-side',
......@@ -6,11 +6,17 @@ const menu: MenuModule = {
menu: {
name: t('routes.demo.flow.name'),
path: '/flow',
tag: {
dot: true,
children: [
path: 'flowChart',
name: t('routes.demo.flow.flowChart'),
tag: {
content: 'new',
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