118.9 KB
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Vben 已提交
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107
# [2.5.0]( (2021-06-20)

### Bug Fixes

- **api:** select api type error ([b387681](
- **api-select:** loss option data on event callback ([c5f2577](, closes [#733](
- **ApiSelect demo:** add demo about ApiSelect's use ([#757]( ([a03d3cc](
- **avatar:** mock data and Account center style ([2066f66](
- **axios:** make sure that the parameter is an object before processing, fix [#660]( ([834fa7e](
- **axios:** transformRequestHook logic error ([b69dcd7](
- **code-editor:** fix CodeEditor style problem, fix [#655]( ([5662804](
- **codeeditor:** empty value set failed.fixed:[#659]( ([ba2bebb](
- **codeMirror:** fix the JsonEditor embedded in the bullet frame causing the style to be disordered ([#668]( ([e1123a2](
- **demo:** `breadcrumb` route invalid redirect ([84d9300](
- **demo:** account list page validate and save ([21f7a85](
- **demo:** fix basic form page style ([8b6e07b](
- **demo:** make sure the map https resource is correct ([7b9cd09](
- **flow-chart:** fix drag and drop menu loss ([fa828fd](
- **form:** fix form update problem ([bcad95d](, closes [#720](
- **form:** loss args on component change event ([513823b](
- **form:** radioButtonGroup value support boolean ([9e2aa20](
- **form:** radioButtonGroup value support number ([bbddf30](
- **form:** schemas update problem ([808328d](, closes [#688](
- **keep-alive:** tablist cache updating effect ([d62d0ca](, closes [#695](
- **layout:** fix class loss ([d018363](
- **layout:** fix style compatibility issues ([905e5b7](
- **layout:** props warn ([#756]( ([bbce002](
- **lock:** fix lock modal height ([40e3cb0](, closes [#701](
- **log:** fix Wrong version number ([#653]( ([4f0d45f](
- **login:** login page modal style fixed: [#662]( ([#666]( ([b218f10](
- **menu:** fix the jitter problem of menu folding animation,fix [#732]( ([4c89ea7](
- **mock:** make sure ignore matches the file correctly, fix [#745]( ([a222ec8](
- **mock:** menu list api loss `type` field ([4185412](
- **mock:** type error ([7c1ffa3](
- **modal:** add v-model support for visible ([de12bab](
- **modal:** ensure that the full screen height is calculated correctly ([1c1755c](
- **modal:** ensure that the shutdown event is not triggered multiple times ([655b743](
- **store:** fix type error after pinia version upgrade ([e8d6f88](
- **use-message:** `content` not support vNode ([154ebc3](
- build error ([5212ea7](
- fix darkModeSwitch switch failure ([34a8054](
- fix if getDropdownList.length==0 show Dropdown component ([21c771b](
- fix Login Page LocalePicker showLocale condition ([d683b0f](
- **modal:** redoModalHeight not work as expected ([5d554f1](
- **page:** `basic form` action btns should be in line ([6c4f947](
- **radio-button:** fix RadioButton `disabled` support ([ee384b1](, closes [#710](
- **route:** dynamically introduce components error ([c6b766d](
- **router:** loss `directory` route ([df8cd86](, closes [#722](
- **table:** wrong indeterminate state ([495b1da](
- **table:** make sure the table width is correct, fix [#593]( ([d73d43e](
- **table:** settings indeterminate state effect ([4fd2051](
- **table:** support change event ([9f4d171](, closes [#677](
- **table:** try to get close to the form stuck ([d81481c](
- **table:** useTable support onChange ([9f5085c](
- **table-action:** fix the split line style is missing,fix [#674]( ([b1cb863](
- **Tinymce:** Read only status upload button can also be used ([#718]( ([966571b](
- **tree:** support defaultExpandAll prop ([3ed2339](
- **upload:** ensure preview items valid ([4376928](
- **useViewHeight:** Fix the problem that useContentViewHeight does not calculate the footer ([#747]( ([33cd8fe](
- ensure that roleList is not empty ([aebad61](
- fix node12 version data mock error ([644dbe3](
- Fix the problem that the `lang` attribute of `HTML` will not be set when it is first loaded ([#682]( ([eca8907](
- login failed ([035f55a](
- session timeout login logic error ([#678]( ([132c7fb](, closes [#673](
- theme switching fails ([7e2ca79](

### Features

- optimize error message for api failure ([ea6834a](
- **api-select:** auto refetch after params changed ([50207ad](
- **app-search:** auto focus on show ([1ae6362](
- **axios:** added authenticationScheme configuration,fix [#774]( ([b6d5b07](
- **demo:** `switch` use in table ([46899aa](
- **demo:** added guide page example ([d196340](
- **echarts:** add getInstance for useECharts ([fb6c76d](
- **modal:** add closeModal for useModal ([6d5f9aa](
- **modal:** add redoModalHeight for useModalInner ([f732b56](
- **preview:** added createImgPreview picture preview function ([305630e](
- **project-setting:** added sessionTimeoutProcessing project configuration item,fix [#772]( ([0d07084](
- **table:** add editable DatePicker & TimePicker ([#654]( ([93006c7](
- **table:** add updateTableDataRecord method ([8e4f486](
- **table:** editable component text align ([8eaf575](
- **table:** support columns-change event ([125a7d1](
- **table:** support custom update on row editing ([fe2bcfc](, closes [#646](
- **table:** updateTableDataRecord support functional rowKey ([448a4c2](
- **table-action:** add stopButtonPropagation prop ([808012b](, closes [#699](
- **table-img:** support simple show mode and more props ([19d8e01](
- **test:** add jest test suite ([f6fe1dd](
- **use-drawer:** add closeDrawer function ([639520a](
- add CropperAvatar component ([8e410fc](
- **tabs:** add setTabTitle method ([#680]( ([5ddccf6](
- **tinymce:** support dark theme and I18n ([83c9cd7](
- **Tinymce:** add dynamics to the read-only state of the rich text editor ([#725]( ([efce482](
- **tree:** add defaultExpandLevel prop ([6edca1c](, closes [#672](

### Performance Improvements

- **component:** optimize tree and upload components ([3f6920f](
- **cropper-avatar:** code optimization ([6dbbdba](
- **i18n:** improve circular dependencies ([d677729](
- **i18n:** improve warning prompt ([6ef62ba](
- **locale:** reduce the number of multilingual files ([0acc4ab](
- **PageWrapper:** fix the height calculation problem when footer and global footer are opened at the same time ([#760]( ([ab2c7ef](
- **utils:** mitt default export is changed from Class to Function ([d3d620f](
- add createImgPreview func ([#713]( ([b7c7c46](
- optimize components and add comments ([55e9d9f](

Vben 已提交
108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184
## [2.4.2]( (2021-06-09)

### Bug Fixes

- fix darkModeSwitch switch failure ([34a8054](
- **api-select:** loss option data on event callback ([c5f2577](, closes [#733](
- **avatar:** mock data and Account center style ([2066f66](
- **axios:** transformRequestHook logic error ([b69dcd7](
- **codeMirror:** fix the JsonEditor embedded in the bullet frame causing the style to be disordered ([#668]( ([e1123a2](
- **demo:** `breadcrumb` route invalid redirect ([84d9300](
- **demo:** account list page validate and save ([21f7a85](
- **demo:** fix basic form page style ([8b6e07b](
- **demo:** make sure the map https resource is correct ([7b9cd09](
- **form:** fix form update problem ([bcad95d](, closes [#720](
- **form:** radioButtonGroup value support boolean ([9e2aa20](
- **form:** radioButtonGroup value support number ([bbddf30](
- **form:** schemas update problem ([808328d](, closes [#688](
- **keep-alive:** tablist cache updating effect ([d62d0ca](, closes [#695](
- **lock:** fix lock modal height ([40e3cb0](, closes [#701](
- **login:** login page modal style fixed: [#662]( ([#666]( ([b218f10](
- **mock:** menu list api loss `type` field ([4185412](
- **mock:** type error ([7c1ffa3](
- **router:** loss `directory` route ([df8cd86](, closes [#722](
- build error ([5212ea7](
- **axios:** make sure that the parameter is an object before processing, fix [#660]( ([834fa7e](
- **code-editor:** fix CodeEditor style problem, fix [#655]( ([5662804](
- **codeeditor:** empty value set failed.fixed:[#659]( ([ba2bebb](
- **layout:** fix class loss ([d018363](
- **layout:** fix style compatibility issues ([905e5b7](
- **log:** fix Wrong version number ([#653]( ([4f0d45f](
- **modal:** redoModalHeight not work as expected ([5d554f1](
- **page:** `basic form` action btns should be in line ([6c4f947](
- **radio-button:** fix RadioButton `disabled` support ([ee384b1](, closes [#710](
- **table:** wrong indeterminate state ([495b1da](
- **table:** make sure the table width is correct, fix [#593]( ([d73d43e](
- **table:** settings indeterminate state effect ([4fd2051](
- **table:** support change event ([9f4d171](, closes [#677](
- **table:** try to get close to the form stuck ([d81481c](
- **Tinymce:** Read only status upload button can also be used ([#718]( ([966571b](
- **upload:** ensure preview items valid ([4376928](
- ensure that roleList is not empty ([aebad61](
- fix node12 version data mock error ([644dbe3](
- Fix the problem that the `lang` attribute of `HTML` will not be set when it is first loaded ([#682]( ([eca8907](
- **table:** useTable support onChange ([9f5085c](
- **table-action:** fix the split line style is missing,fix [#674]( ([b1cb863](
- login failed ([035f55a](
- session timeout login logic error ([#678]( ([132c7fb](, closes [#673](
- **tree:** support defaultExpandAll prop ([3ed2339](
- theme switching fails ([7e2ca79](

### Features

- **api-select:** auto refetch after params changed ([50207ad](
- **app-search:** auto focus on show ([1ae6362](
- **demo:** `switch` use in table ([46899aa](
- **echarts:** add getInstance for useECharts ([fb6c76d](
- **modal:** add closeModal for useModal ([6d5f9aa](
- **modal:** add redoModalHeight for useModalInner ([f732b56](
- **table:** add editable DatePicker & TimePicker ([#654]( ([93006c7](
- **table:** add updateTableDataRecord method ([8e4f486](
- **table:** editable component text align ([8eaf575](
- **table:** support columns-change event ([125a7d1](
- **table:** support custom update on row editing ([fe2bcfc](, closes [#646](
- **table:** updateTableDataRecord support functional rowKey ([448a4c2](
- **table-action:** add stopButtonPropagation prop ([808012b](, closes [#699](
- **table-img:** support simple show mode and more props ([19d8e01](
- **tabs:** add setTabTitle method ([#680]( ([5ddccf6](
- **tinymce:** support dark theme and I18n ([83c9cd7](
- **Tinymce:** add dynamics to the read-only state of the rich text editor ([#725]( ([efce482](
- **tree:** add defaultExpandLevel prop ([6edca1c](, closes [#672](

### Performance Improvements

- optimize components and add comments ([55e9d9f](
- **i18n:** improve circular dependencies ([d677729](
- **i18n:** improve warning prompt ([6ef62ba](

vben 已提交
185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223
## [2.4.1]( (2021-06-01)

### Bug Fixes

- **table:** make sure the table width is correct, fix [#593]( ([d73d43e](
- Fix the problem that the `lang` attribute of `HTML` will not be set when it is first loaded ([#682]( ([eca8907](
- **avatar:** mock data and Account center style ([2066f66](
- **axios:** make sure that the parameter is an object before processing, fix [#660]( ([834fa7e](
- **code-editor:** fix CodeEditor style problem, fix [#655]( ([5662804](
- **codeMirror:** fix the JsonEditor embedded in the bullet frame causing the style to be disordered ([#668]( ([e1123a2](
- **form:** radioButtonGroup value support number ([bbddf30](
- ensure that roleList is not empty ([aebad61](
- fix node12 version data mock error ([644dbe3](
- **codeeditor:** empty value set failed.fixed:[#659]( ([ba2bebb](
- **layout:** fix style compatibility issues ([905e5b7](
- **login:** login page modal style fixed: [#662]( ([#666]( ([b218f10](
- **table:** support change event ([9f4d171](, closes [#677](
- **table:** useTable support onChange ([9f5085c](
- **table-action:** fix the split line style is missing,fix [#674]( ([b1cb863](
- login failed ([035f55a](
- session timeout login logic error ([#678]( ([132c7fb](, closes [#673](
- **layout:** fix class loss ([d018363](
- **log:** fix Wrong version number ([#653]( ([4f0d45f](
- **tree:** support defaultExpandAll prop ([3ed2339](
- theme switching fails ([7e2ca79](

### Features

- **app-search:** auto focus on show ([1ae6362](
- **table:** add editable DatePicker & TimePicker ([#654]( ([93006c7](
- **table:** editable component text align ([8eaf575](
- **tabs:** add setTabTitle method ([#680]( ([5ddccf6](
- **tinymce:** support dark theme and I18n ([83c9cd7](
- **tree:** add defaultExpandLevel prop ([6edca1c](, closes [#672](

### Performance Improvements

- **i18n:** improve warning prompt ([6ef62ba](

vben 已提交
224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314
# [2.4.0]( (2021-05-25)

### Bug Fixes

- **api-select:** make sure the type is correct, fix [#468]( ([37c5741](
- **avatar:** show current user's avatar ([#640]( ([7519a00](
- **button:** ghost style ([f4af231](
- **cipher:** fix [#587]( ([#588]( ([d34467d](
- **CodeEditor:** add readonly prop ([#572]( ([9cd293c](
- **flow-chart:** dark style not work ([4a03547](
- **form:** ensure that the DateTime component checked properly,fix [#511]( ([cb35341](
- **form:** expose formModel,fix [#533]( ([7c41c86](
- **form:** Improve form error handling ([9a21b8b](
- **form:** improve form props acquisition,fix [#527]( ([b7ea68e](
- **form:** improve warning prompt, fix [#538]( ([3ff70bb](
- **form:** placeholder setting in componentProps ([#634]( ([2d3d04f](
- **form:** remove field binding when deleting schema [#471]( ([38f5072](
- **layout:** fix useLockPage not work, fix [#611]( ([3bb6d11](
- **lock:** automatic screen lock does not work ([d5b7689](
- **login:** incorrect enter event bind ([#625]( ([bb0d2e1](
- **menu:** ensure that the external link jumps correctly, fix [#516]( ([6b7f688](
- **menu:** improve menu logic, fix [#461]( ([ee1c349](
- **modal:** proptype conflict with ant design modal(fixed: [#545]( ([#575]( ([a579b84](
- **store:** addTab fx ([#607]( ([336be68](
- **store:** fix pinia typo ([bbf178f](
- **style:** add table title min-height ([#547]( ([bf365e2](
- **style:** fix icon style, fix [#496]( ([ccae5cd](
- **style:** fix layout style, fix [#633]( ([8e3f84c](
- **theme:** make sure the menu style is correct, fix [#382]( ([c77f7e6](
- **theme:** make sure the steps style is correct, fix [#414]( ([640a2c1](
- **types:** fix store types ([cd4b5e1](
- typo, ifx [#637]( ([e3569b8](
- **style:** fix build style errors,fix [#528]( ([7f6f8ee](
- **style:** fix layout header style, basic arrow style and table search form style ([#525]( ([e2ddf43](
- **table:** columns ref fixed([#564]( ([#573]( ([43e4c21](
- **table:** submitButtonOptions not work,fix [#531]( ([16ecf71](
- **tabs:** fix the problem that other functions are invalid when the tab is closed, close [#376]( ([b92b8a3](
- **theme:** wrong color when RadioButtonGroup checked ([#626]( ([5eee0ce](
- **theme generate:** Fix [#604]( ([#605]( ([c26dd03](
- **tinymce:** ensure that the public resource path is correct,fix [#487]( ([a863ad4](
- **tree:** basicTree 设置 blockNode=false 后,显示异常 ([#567]( ([2f8b218](
- **tree:** onCheck event lose origin param ([#636]( ([d8ff30d](
- **tree:** typo([#615]( ([bc82d1a](
- **tree:** value prop type ([#613]( ([0112d6b](
- echart import path ([7e43d88](
- ensure that the 401 jumps to the login page correctly, fix [#512]( ([6a88205](
- fix AppendFormDemo ([#505]( ([8c2491f](
- fix case errors ([663d13a](
- fix dark theme refreshing flashing white screen ([26adbc9](
- fix the default value of props ([8b2e0f6](
- improve login page style ([780a8a6](
- Improve the picture cropping component ([#463]( ([700306b](
- login page overflow show problem ([#455]( ([af6d58e](
- password icon dislocation ([#501]( ([bd83ecc](
- trigger resize in full screen to ensure that the height of other components is normal,fix [#508]( ([ca71760](
- update Axios.ts ([#492]( ([e1b30a5](

### Features

- **axios:** Do you want to return the original response header? For example, use this property when you need to get the response header ([56d8af1](
- **demo:** add permission table demo ([9e20841](
- **form:** add 'layout', 'labelAlign', 'rowProps' option ([#651]( ([785732f](
- **form:** add form field nested support ([#591]( ([ec3d51d](
- **form:** add prop autoSubmitOnEnter ([#620]( ([9b2d41e](
- **form:** add Slider demo ([#555]( ([e80280f](
- **form:** adding resetSchema method ([c639e49](
- **form:** helpMessage Increase function type value ([#616]( ([f455fb9](
- **form:** requires Increase function type value ([#649]( ([765064a](
- **qrcode:** custom drawing support ([#580]( ([2b76b88](
- **table:** 表格的数据列和操作列的字段可以根据权限和业务来控制是否显示 ([5a3861b](
- **table:** Table operation columns support permission codes ([6afee41](
- **user:** add user login expiration example ([5465f05](
- add codeEditor component ([a812685](
- add flowChart Component ([#488]( ([2576735](
- add JsonPreview component ([0649011](
- add spin prop for Icon ([#477]( ([6dd7d0f](
- persistent save tab, fix [#359]( ([967b28c](

### Performance Improvements

- let svg-icon support ssr ([94a826d](
- **tree:** improve the beforeRightClick callback to support more configuration of the menu ([#608]( ([adff788](
- add AppendFormDemo ([#503]( ([85b92a9](
- add Coordinating the selection of provinces and cities ([#534]( ([5fae2b0](
- improve countTo ([#499]( ([94b2222](
- improve cropper example ([#491]( ([5e36a8b](
- improve flowChart logic ([e1bc33f](
- merge locale file ([c04e894](
- optimize i18n to add the initial locale to the locale pool during initialization ([#577]( ([ae3f832](
- set header can use For Qs ([#562]( ([5724bc5](

Vben 已提交
315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330
# [2.3.0]( (2021-04-10)

### Bug Fixes

- **api-select:** make sure the type is correct, fix [#468]( ([37c5741](
- **menu:** improve menu logic, fix [#461]( ([ee1c349](
- **theme:** make sure the menu style is correct, fix [#382]( ([c77f7e6](
- **theme:** make sure the steps style is correct, fix [#414]( ([640a2c1](
- improve login page style ([780a8a6](
- Improve the picture cropping component ([#463]( ([700306b](
- login page overflow show problem ([#455]( ([af6d58e](

### Features

- persistent save tab, fix [#359]( ([967b28c](

Vben 已提交
331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361
# [2.2.0]( (2021-04-07)

### Bug Fixes

- **abakysis:** fix tooltip style,fix [#436]( ([1e4a250](
- **breadcrumb:** ensure the breadcrumbs display the icon correctly, fix [#433]( ([0b66360](
- **build:** fix build error ([6d6e0a1](
- **drawer:** ensure the slot is working ([b9b470f](
- **echart:** legend not work ([b25ceb4](
- **menu:** ensure the menu is activated correctly,fix [#432]( ([bb67692](
- **mock:** make sure the background mode login is normal, fix [#452]( ([1e66987](
- **server:** grammatical errors ([ee4829c](
- **table:** ensure data responsiveness, fix [#447]( ([64b6313](
- **table:** make sure the editing line is working, fix [#439]( ([b54b794](
- **table-action:** ensure that the click event is not triggered, fix [#441]( ([67a7a76](
- **use-loading:** rendering fails when used with onMounted, fix [#438]( ([6b99622](
- **useColumn:** fixed table column changes with hidden columns disappearing after dropping ([#453]( ([f05cc6d](

### Features

- dark mode ([5b8eb4a](
- **api-select:** add immediate option,close [#430]( ([5b4a41c](
- **print:** add print example ([2f99892](
- **tree:** add headerTitle slot ([6bb19fb](

### Performance Improvements

- code optimization ([37f6660](
- delete tinymce useless style files ([edc7525](
- refoctor useTitle ([979058a](

Vben 已提交
362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389
## [2.1.1]( (2021-03-25)

### Bug Fixes

- **form:** ensure that the hidden fields of the form are verified properly, fix [#413]( ([237f41d](
- **icon:** ensure the menu icon style is correct, fix [#425]( ([5c57a1d](
- add route base close [#404]( ([8ad127c](
- ensure permissionMode exists close [#409]( ([8fb0396](
- refresh error ([5bf90ee](
- **input-count:** make sure the reset function works close [#381]( ([3c4de9b](
- **menu:** ensure the menu has meta attributes close [#397]( ([b2a1951](
- **menu:** fix the menu disappeared in background mode ([50915c9](
- **menu:** make sure the menu is displayed properly on the small screen close [#336]( ([82c3186](
- **progress:** fix progress sometimes cannot done ([#388]( ([8360b1d](
- **route:** ensure that the first level menu can be hidden ([e2cc5af](
- **table:** ensure that the height calculation is correct close [#395]( ([1d7608e](
- **table:** fix table check column configuration failure close [#391]( ([c3096e2](
- **tree:** ensure that the check event is emitted close [#400]( ([16ef134](
- ensure the breadcrumb level is correct ([e49072c](
- LayoutMap cannot get correctly ([#398]( ([7c16c2f](
- welcome page not cached in back-end mode ([#389]( ([f0b93b5](
- **v-auth:** ensure the background mode is correct close [#330]( ([67962f1](

### Features

- **route:** add hideChildrenInMenu option close [#346]( ([b67cf22](
- **table:** add expandAll/collapseAll function close [#333]( ([391da9e](

Vben 已提交
390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419
# [2.1.0]( (2021-03-15)

### Bug Fixes

- **button:** fix button style error close [#312]( ([7a6c87f](
- **menu:** fix hideMenu not working close [#338]( ([5b2fbfb](
- **page-wraper:** fix PageWrapper the scroll bar on the right side of the content area when the user clicks on the tab page to reload the page ([#341]( ([fcff2cb](
- **page-wrapper:** fix PageWrapper title not showing ([9e3adaa](
- **table:** ensure that editable cell values are echoed correctly close [#335]( ([fab7a6c](
- **table:** ensure that the height calculation is normal close [#349]( ([6095cb5](
- **table:** ensure that the table height is correct when the data is empty ([53867a8](
- **table:** ensure that the value of the table action is updated correctly close [#301]( [#313]( ([7156e47](
- **table:** fix table height calculation problem ([0fe42a0](, closes [#348](
- **table:** fix table row misalignment close [#353]( ([e15737b](
- **table:** fix TableAction row height error close [#350]( ([a759e44](
- **transition:** fix transition not work close [#334]( ([7d8b8db](
- **tree:** ebsure the expansion is functioning properly close [#362]( ([a405de8](
- **tree:** tree can customize title close [#344]( ([ed422b7](
- **useTableScroll:** query paginationel every time to get the correct height ([#355]( ([f818bb9](

### Features

- **icon:** added svg icon picker ([1418dc6](
- **map:** added AMap/Baidu/Google Map example close [#81]( ([a9462f0](
- **time:** added time compoennt close [#285]( ([a89eeef](

### Performance Improvements

- **icon:** icon and SvgIcon integration ([e8fe6a9](

Vben 已提交
420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443
## [2.0.3]( (2021-03-07)

### Bug Fixes

- **breadcrumb:** ensure that the single-level breadcrumbs jump correctly close [#321]( ([e0dc5cf](
- **description:** ensure that props respond ([ce93e46](
- **form:** allow the setFieldsValue method to be null or undefined close [#320]( ([8f76ef4](
- **form:** ensure that the Form component does not verify hidden form items ([43a45b7](
- **form:** fix the problem of form props monitoring close [#322]( ([83a3460](
- **menu:** fix menu icon missing close [#328]( ([d5d4c4b](
- **table:** fix pagination error ([745fcfc](
- **tree:** fix the logic problem of show attribute of ActionItem under BasicTree ([80b47c8](

### Features

- add SvgIcon component ([9c2a2a0](
- **tree:** add clickRowToExpand option close [#318]( ([e696089](

### Performance Improvements

- optimize local loading speed close [#329]( ([491f1fc](
- **login:** enter to log in ([b93f20f](
- **table:** the table fills the height according to the screen close [#310]( ([551fe50](

Vben 已提交
444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487
## [2.0.2]( (2021-03-03)

### Bug Fixes

- change transition-duration to make animate smoothly ([#294]( ([5eac9b2](
- ensure that storage is deleted correctly close [#292]( ([ec7bef7](
- ensure that the correct components are dynamically imported ([b476e1c](
- ensure to request the interface correctly ([11d3f39](
- expose tree information in the event close [#315]( ([b6bb816](
- fix login page style ([7b4fcd2](
- improve persistent cache logic ([15567e4](
- **dashboard:** fix workbench page style ([#280]( ([7d9b521](
- **image:** fix preview style close [#276]( ([f675fff](
- **login:** fix login style close [#306]( ([a84586e](
- **modal:** ensure that the height is correct in the modal full screen state close [#308]( ([37508ca](
- **style:** fix anticon style ([e250ad5](
- **table:** ensure the table setting button dividing line is hidden ([7c2f851](
- **table:** fix known errors in editable tables close [#267]( ([4f8e1c1](
- **table:** get the selected rows of the table correctly ([6013689](
- **watermark:** watermark causes a blank bar ([#297]( ([66fc1b7](

### Features

- added system management sample page ([4628d94](
- **icon-picker:** add icon-picker component ([b6cea4a](
- **moda;:** can switch full screen by double-clicking on the head close [#277]( ([e3851dc](
- **tree:** actionItem added show attribute close [#314]( ([8b62fa0](
- **tree:** add renderIcon props close [#309]( ([72b42d7](
- **ws:** added WebSocket examples and service scripts ([c625462](
- add dept management page ([3b8ca42](
- added settingButtonPosition configuration close [#275]( ([da04913](
- axios supports form-data format requests ([c41fa75](

### Performance Improvements

- **tree:** strengthen BasicTree function ([cd8e924](
- hide table full screen button by default ([500900a](
- imporve axios logic ([a821d9a](
- improve login logic ([a09a0ee](
- improve persistent logic ([f57eb94](
- move src/types to root ([fcee7d4](
- remove useless code ([be3a3ed](
- replace crypto-es with crypto-js ([bba7768](

vben 已提交
488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 509 510 511 512 513 514 515 516 517 518 519 520 521 522 523 524 525 526 527 528 529 530 531 532 533 534 535 536 537 538 539 540 541 542 543 544 545 546 547 548 549 550 551 552 553 554 555 556 557 558 559 560 561 562 563 564 565 566 567 568 569 570 571 572 573 574 575 576 577 578 579 580 581 582 583 584 585 586 587 588 589 590 591 592 593 594 595 596 597 598 599 600 601 602 603 604 605 606 607 608 609 610 611 612 613 614 615 616 617 618 619 620 621 622 623 624 625 626 627 628 629 630 631 632 633 634 635 636 637 638 639 640 641 642 643 644 645 646 647 648 649 650 651 652 653 654 655 656 657 658 659 660 661 662 663 664 665 666 667 668 669 670 671 672 673 674 675 676 677 678 679 680 681 682 683 684 685 686 687 688 689 690 691 692 693 694 695 696 697 698 699 700 701 702 703 704 705 706 707 708 709 710 711 712 713 714 715 716 717 718 719 720 721 722 723 724 725 726 727 728 729 730 731 732 733 734 735 736 737 738 739 740 741 742 743 744 745 746 747 748 749 750 751 752 753 754 755 756 757 758 759 760 761 762 763 764 765 766 767 768 769 770 771 772 773 774 775 776 777 778 779 780 781 782 783 784 785 786 787 788 789 790 791 792 793 794 795 796 797 798 799 800 801 802 803 804 805 806 807 808 809 810 811 812 813 814 815 816 817 818 819 820 821 822 823 824 825 826 827 828 829 830 831 832 833 834 835 836 837 838 839 840 841 842 843 844 845 846 847 848 849 850 851 852 853 854 855 856 857 858 859 860 861 862 863 864 865 866 867 868 869 870 871 872 873 874 875 876 877 878 879 880 881 882 883 884 885 886 887 888 889 890 891 892 893 894 895 896 897
## [2.0.1]( (2021-02-21)

### Bug Fixes

- **dashboard:** fix workbench page style ([#280]( ([7d9b521](
- **image:** fix preview style close [#276]( ([f675fff](
- **style:** fix anticon style ([e250ad5](
- **table:** fix known errors in editable tables close [#267]( ([4f8e1c1](

### Features

- **moda;:** can switch full screen by double-clicking on the head close [#277]( ([e3851dc](
- added settingButtonPosition configuration close [#275]( ([da04913](

# [2.0.0]( (2021-02-17)

### Bug Fixes

- **i18n:** fix useMessage i18n type [#262]( ([d753155](
- **table:** fix the table in the editable row status and press Enter to confirm [#258]( ([64533f6](
- correct debugger code ([759e532](
- some color error ([33b2365](
- **description:** not rendering while show method return false ([#253]( ([23eba27](, closes [#252](
- fix collapse header title not rendering ([#256]( ([c81d48e](
- **pop-confirm-button:** fix responsive failure [#246]( ([c57dea0](
- fix the problem of mock error under post [#247]( ([9b6f37c](
- suppoer build sourcemap ([3ba8285](
- **type:** fix .vue file type error ([22088e8](
- **upload:** fix maxNumber not work [#240]( ([91e004e](

### Features

- added brotli|gzip compression and related test commands ([993538d](
- support echarts 5.0 ([370b12f](
- **modal:** exporse redoModalHeight ([a3a903b](

### Performance Improvements

- adjust the return value of the interface to obtain user information in array format [#259]( ([5894093](
- remove unless code ([2365754](
- update style ([aaae668](

# [2.0.0-rc.18]( (2021-02-04)

### Bug Fixes

- **build:** fix rollup compact not work ([783e658](
- **descriotion:** fix type [#228]( ([4909a4c](
- **form:** format destructuring assignment error ([#238]( ([612995a](
- **menu:** fix the menu outside link does not jump ([55d4b77](
- **menu:** top submenu disappeared problem [#214]( ([0ec1a62](
- **modal:** fullscreen height calculation error [#203]( ([b45f8c5](
- **moment:** fix moment error [#217]( ([61cf0f7](
- **ripple:** fix ripple style [#211]( ([2201629](
- **table:** fix the table: cancel editing and not restore the initial value [#235]( ([1d0ec36](
- modifyVars not work ([b107b52](
- **optimize-deps:** fix resize-observer-polyfill error ([1fac4b4](
- **simple-menu:** collapse openmenus error [#204]( ([ca4f1a8](
- **table:** cell content does not wrap [#210]( ([ea93553](
- **table:** fix the initial data display of editable cells ([#218]( ([9ea257e](
- **use-table:** fix types ([c889fb1](
- error action style ([da64c1d](

### Features

- production mode compressed image ([de332ae](
- theme color switch ([3d1681e](
- vite preview ([c1a4600](
- **api-select:** added numberToString prop [#200]( ([5d51d48](

### Performance Improvements

- **form:** perf form in modal ([2882d6e](
- **mock:** when mock is not used, move mock.js out of the package file ([43503d5](
- **nprocess:** remove nprocess css ([733afdd](

### Reverts

- vite previre ([2eb2d2a](

# [2.0.0-rc.17]( (2021-01-18)

### Bug Fixes

- **menu:** currentActiveMenu fails after refresh [#188]( ([6d5c49f](
- **menu-trigger:** menu-trigger lost ([b803c41](
- **mitt:** logout and clear the mitt ([0aeec5e](
- **table:** index column value error [#187]( ([056fc13](
- **table:** tableAction icon [#182]( ([b9d53a7](

### Features

- css import on demand ([c2f6542](

### Performance Improvements

- auto import mock file ([df6b5e9](

# [2.0.0-rc.16]( (2021-01-12)

### Bug Fixes

- **table:** table setting error [#174]( [#165]( ([c960020](
- mock plugin error [#171]( ([3509ebe](
- upload component not work [#169]( ([18ad1bc](
- useI18n type ([c22de5c](
- **form:** formAction slot not work ([de5bf75](
- **layout:** fix layout scale error ([da76f3c](
- **modal:** height calc error [#161]( ([144ab57](
- **table:** fix edit-table not work ([c031163](
- **table:** fix table setting error [#162]( ([a2c89d2](
- **table:** restore the property of the table ([5c27353](
- **table:** table columns setting error ([af55511](
- **table:** table columns setting will uncheck all render columns [#154]( ([aa596af](
- **table:** table memory overflow ([7a07b70](
- **transition:** fix transition not work ([a7a8b89](
- invalid error-log page path ([#158]( ([17ecaea](

### Features

- **tinymce:** add image upload [#170]( ([3ad1a4f](
- added mixSide trigger ([1e5fcd2](
- support vite2 ([eba5576](
- **layout:** added setting. Used to fix the left mixed mode menu ([97180e8](
- **menu:** add mixSideTrigger setting ([0419a07](
- **modal:** add minHeight and height prop [#156]( ([5091a87](
- **page-wrapper:** added pageWrapper component ([31ff055](
- **table:** add summaryData prop [#163]( ([8d7d083](
- **tabs:** added tab folding ([0e7c57b](

### Performance Improvements

- perf table ([cdf0a60](
- **i18n:** merge common lang ([efbde0d](
- add @ant-design/icons-vue to optimizeDeps ([fb57cf7](
- **menu:** mixSideTrigger setting ([#155]( ([e821f4c](

# [2.0.0-rc.15]( (2020-12-31)

### Bug Fixes

- **build:** fix environment variable configuration file failure ([bd7b53f](
- **charts:** fix echarts does not display after refresh [#140]( ([5cbfb2a](
- **demo:** fix demo error ([a0681cc](
- **form:** fix appendSchemaByField not work ([405d746](
- **form:** form validate error ([a305e59](
- **form:** form-item style error ([08df198](
- **iframe:** iframe loads early when closing multi-tabs ([73cee06](
- **locale:** fix not work ([10cd4fc](
- **menu:** fix scrillbar not work ([de25557](
- **modal:** do not hide the scroll bar when opening the pop-up window [#151]( ([8f332e3](
- **sider:** mix mode adaptation in the left menu ([ed213d8](
- **table:** Update useDataSource.ts ([#131]( ([877311f](
- **table:** wrong tag label style [#134]( ([e09e0a1](
- **tinymce:** the editor reports an error under keep-alive [#152]( ([09c9f8a](
- **types:** fix routing type error [#145]( ([b6e5c3f](
- add an example of markdown embedded in the form [#138]( ([7db0c5c](

### Features

- **breadcrumb:** add breadcrumb demo [#143]( ([819bcbe](
- **hook:** add useKeyPress ([3c3e640](
- add mainout page demo ([930383f](
- **layout:** add mix sidebar mode ([e6db0d3](
- add ripple directive ([2e79c9f](

### Performance Improvements

- **form:** improve the form function ([ac1a369](
- **import:** perf components import ([2ee01fa](
- **modal-drawer:** replace the scrollbar assembly ([ebf7c8a](
- **route:** refactor guard ([3b126e0](
- Update useApexCharts.ts ([#139]( ([5eecec0](

# [2.0.0-rc.14]( (2020-12-15)

### Bug Fixes

- **form:** fix the form item setting not taking effect ([6936adb](
- **router:** reserving `Redirect` after reset ([#126]( ([ec7efcf](
- fix modal and drawer component missing uid ([1293a73](
- **comp:** fix the memory overflow problem of component containing keywords ([6b3195b](
- **form:** fix baseColProps not work ([c8ef82b](
- **form:** fix form inputNumber verification error ([4ddee05](
- **form:** fix form verification and console error message issues ([bb1b267](
- **icon:** fix g-icon not work ([f7ec3c9](
- **keep-alive:** fix the problem that the multi-level routing cache page is rendered multiple times [#123]( ([0daca28](
- **login:** fix the problem of successful login and notify disappearing ([0434030](
- **menu:** calc 0 不能省略单位 ([#124]( ([d023fb1](
- **menu:** fix externalLink not work ([7bae4c3](
- **menu:** fix menu icon style ([1bc237d](
- **menu:** fix menu split mode problem ([1ef49e5](
- **theme:** css filter breaking fixed position ([#125]( ([c911af4](
- 整体图标调整 ([5dc8226](
- file upload key loss [#120]( ([29461a8](
- **menu:** fix the calculation error of the top menu width ([de1f006](
- **table:** fix table setting error ([59ad824](
- **table:** fix unsuccessful saving of row edit table ([#117]( ([404db2f](
- **upload:** fix file upload key loss [#120]( ([fb5395b](
- **upload:** repair file upload and delete invalidation ([bd6b203](
- fix cssVar hmr error ([2b95be8](
- fix descriotions title not work ([819127e](
- fix form submit error ([94bf854](
- fix form validate error ([1db72c8](
- fix keepAlive not work ([b884654](
- fix menu style not work ([bda3e5d](
- fix mock data error [#109]( ([41a4b82](
- fix notify type error ([cb1ae34](
- fix spelling errors of i18n words ([68a96b7](
- fix spin style ([fca0bb1](
- fix table column settings not displayed by setting ([54d1405](
- fix the display problem of table icon ([de499a1](
- fix the original page after login expired ([6676c95](
- fix win system dynamicImport error ([a90d93f](
- page switching did not return to the top ([fef3644](
- pageLoading not working ([3f78b5a](
- style error ([7bfe5f7](
- **charts:** fix useCharts resize not work ([6d9585b](
- **form:** fix updateSchema error [#100]( ([4982786](
- 修复链接 ([#49]( ([28392c3](
- fix editable cells cannot be entered ([4500214](
- fix expandTransition ([3355066](
- fix fullscreen bg color not work ([#75]( ([0c28ffa](
- **table:** fix table typo ([69af37e](
- fix menu permission failure ([b8353fe](
- fix message type error ([35d2bfc](
- fix the problem of closing multiple tabs ([275ad9f](
- **mock:** fix mock paging tool error ([b36d948](
- **table:** fix table search criteria collapse failure ([84b8302](
- fix missing cache of refresh page ([02d6a39](
- fix npm build error ([a3b7a65](
- fix table small style ([#67]( ([da4aea1](
- **table:** fix table type error ([05980a8](
- build error ([7bd0b8e](
- fix abnormal breadcrumb status ([144fde8](
- fix base-help style not work ([1fb759e](
- fix drawer autoHeight ([88de82c](
- fix missing page refresh parameters ([349d197](
- fix modal dragging failure when destroyOnClose=true ([#51]( ([9c02d8e](
- fix npm script ([b84de1a](
- fix require error ([06e1d38](
- fix routing switch, tab is not activated ([beb4c3a](
- fix script preview no build ([c2333f5](
- fix table auto height ([ddc3786](
- fix the failure of table expansion icon animation ([8e885d6](
- fix the failure of table expansion icon animation ([db06289](
- fix the problem of folding display name of the first level menu ([e3cbc93](
- fix the problem of page blank caused by page refresh ([7653610](
- fix the style problem of the table border in the production environment ([f2c7638](
- fix the top menu adaptive failure ([2f12556](
- fix window npm script ([a0b09e7](
- form col style ([840332a](
- some error ([2407b33](
- **modal:** fix modal not showing footer ([fb0c776](
- **tree:** fix tree style ([#99]( ([e8ccdc7](
- **use-redo:** refresh the page to keep the parameters([#104]( ([e04aaa0](
- fix the disappearance of tab switching parameters ([#56]( ([6bffdb5](
- fix the occupancy problem of the folding button ([#90]( ([cd35d3e](
- fix the problem of collapsed display when the menu has no child nodes ([5cff73b](
- fix topMenu align not work ([25d43a5](
- fix useTimeoutFn not work ([b49950a](
- hmr multiple registered components ([7a6181e](
- repair local development post request proxy to https error problem ([#63]( ([34c09fc](
- repair packaging error ([526e6ce](
- Repair tree component click to select ([#33]( ([67df9b8](
- replace taskfile module ([e828baa](
- reset back to default value after fixing form query ([1c075a7](
- the action column appears repeatedly in the table ([#53]( ([74d4742](
- the login tab page in tabs ([#60]( ([bfac425](
- the useMessage icon style problem ([a2c413a](
- type error ([ecfb702](
- typo ([7658f4d](
- update account page demo ([#92]( ([9f8796e](
- update upload component ([815250e](
- **excel:** update excel demo ([a207caf](
- **table:** fix table actionColOptions not work ([5a6db8c](
- **table:** fix table type error ([db0bfc8](
- **table:** fix the problem that multi-level header configuration does not take effect ([cdf2c59](
- **tinymce:** fixed multiple editors showing only one ([#83]( ([1093ec3](

### Features

- add account center page ([#86]( ([78d4d41](
- add accountSetting page ([#85]( ([7ad4cee](
- add basic-list page ([2f75a94](
- add card-list page ([3a132f3](
- add collapsedShowTitle setting ([5737e47](
- add count-to component and demo ([afc7263](
- add design setting ([bae53f3](
- add error handle ([7101587](
- add file download demo ([db3092d](
- add lazyContainer comp and demo ([fdeaa00](
- add markdown component ([5fb069f](
- add notice ([#47]( ([7a1e94c](
- add permissionCacheType setting ([26b6109](
- add pwa ([a1b9902](
- add ([#37]( ([7437896](
- add result page demo ([21e0548](
- add search page ([dddda5b](
- add search-list page ([4cb3784](
- add tab drag and drop sort ([cedba37](
- add table setting ([8b3a4d3](
- add tag display to the menu ([a3887f8](
- add the parameter sortFn to the table ([491ba9a](
- add the parameter submitOnReset to the form ([#54]( ([d09406e](
- add tinymce embedded form example ([58f988a](
- add useDesign ([74e62cb](
- added base64 file stream download ([a161bfa](
- auto import route ([8a1bfdf](
- axios add joinTime field ([f646e37](
- first screen loading waiting animation ([4811cce](
- global loading add text ([4f98978](
- integrate upload components into form by default ([be2b8a7](
- multi-language component ([dc09de1](
- multi-language layout ([e5f8ce3](
- multi-language support ([1901129](
- new menu and top bar color selection color matching ([7692ffb](
- projectSetting add closeMessageOnSwitch and removeAllHttpPending ([e83cb06](
- restore the breadcrumb display icon function ([f65bed7](
- right-click menu supports multiple levels ([f645680](
- routes with parameters can be cached ([90b3fab](
- support mobile layout adaptation ([c774a6d](
- support vscode i18n-ally plugin ([962f90d](
- the cache can be configured to be encrypted ([234c1d1](
- **analysis:** add analysis page ([52ee35c](
- **breadcrumb:** support showIcon ([#48]( ([d8b25b4](
- **chart:** add useEcharts and useApexChart demo ([21d0ed9](
- **desc-page:** add desc page demo ([7a00036](
- **excel:** import/export ([#40]( ([c0692b0](
- **form:** support function type of form item ([5832ee6](
- **form-page:** add form page demo ([0b6110a](
- **from:** add required in schema ([2859067](
- **tinymce:** add line height ([#58]( ([adffefd](
- **tinymce:** add rich editor ([c0e4c9e](
- **transition:** add transition comp and demo ([3713487](
- **trigger:** add trigger config ([4f6b65b](
- the Button component extends the and attributes ([8f5016e](
- the production environment can be dynamically configured ([bb3b8f8](
- **workbench:** add workbench page ([1cd75fc](

### Performance Improvements

- **setting-drawer:** perf setting-drawer ([ed41e50](
- **tabs:** perf multiple-tabs ([f81c401](
- **tabs:** perf multiple-tabs ([27e50b4](
- Add the style injection of the top row to the form. ([#102]( ([b9d3d60](
- adjust the logic of ([b350098](
- code style ([f96d6b2](
- enhance openModal and openDrawer ([b6d5e5c](
- layout code adjustment ([4392917](
- layout style optimization ([7702832](
- mobile style adjustment ([1899146](
- optimize lazy loading components ([87fcd0d](
- optimize multiple-tab switching effect ([f2bdf0b](
- optimize preview and ContextMenu functions ([bbfb06f](
- optimize settingDrawer code ([4ff6b73](
- optimize tab switching speed ([4baf90a](
- optimize the size of the first screen ([968f791](
- optimized page switching effect ([5f2a927](
- perf component ([73c8e0c](
- perf context menu ([6e03e05](
- perf excel comp code ([eecde4c](
- perf loading logic ([f4621cc](
- perf menu ([88f4a3f](
- perf menu mini style ([66acb21](
- perf modal and drawer ([81baf1d](
- tsx use useExpose ([9bb7514](
- **button:** delete the button component useless code ([bdce845](
- **drawer:** perf drawer ([28f7f7b](
- **lazy-container:** optimize lazyContainer code ([0f4b847](
- **logo:** optimize logo code ([e79e540](
- **menu:** optimize layout menu ([96c10d6](
- **modal:** optimize table embedding height calculation problem ([9abf176](
- **strength-meter:** modify name word ([#38]( ([19477cd](
- **table:** optimize effect performance ([a1ffb61](
- **upload:** improve upload component ([661db0c](
- **use-message:** fix typo ([bcab4b7](
- perf TableAction ([4b384b1](
- performance optimization ([70fba7e](
- pwa icon ([404c73d](
- remove optional chain ([e034d1b](
- review tinymce code ([f75425d](
- set cache default time ([c620f82](
- tabs optimization ([6e40051](
- the existing tab switching no longer displays animation and processbar ([e9536b5](
- the routeModule can ignore the layou configuration without writing ([4c658f4](
- update form types ([a0c3197](

### Reverts

- **table:** revert form type annotation ([261936b](

# [2.0.0-beta.3]( (2020-10-07)

### Features

- **setting:** add openNProgress setting ([67d0ff0](
- **table:** add table component ([faf3f46](

# [2.0.0-beta.2]( (2020-10-07)

### Features

- **img-preview:** add imgPreview componnt ([e6093aa](

# [2.0.0-beta.1]( (2020-09-30)

### Bug Fixes

- fix form,transition,build bug ([2f268ca](