提交 b43c5ba9 编写于 作者: S Steven Li

Refactoring of crash_gen tool

上级 b871621a
......@@ -38,9 +38,9 @@ import resource
from guppy import hpy
import gc
from .service_manager import ServiceManager, TdeInstance
from .misc import Logging, Status, CrashGenError, Dice, Helper, Progress
from .db import DbConn, MyTDSql, DbConnNative, DbManager
from crash_gen.service_manager import ServiceManager, TdeInstance
from crash_gen.misc import Logging, Status, CrashGenError, Dice, Helper, Progress
from crash_gen.db import DbConn, MyTDSql, DbConnNative, DbManager
import taos
import requests
......@@ -435,7 +435,7 @@ class ThreadCoordinator:
Logging.debug("\r\n\n--> Main thread ready to finish up...")
Logging.debug("Main thread joining all threads")
self._pool.joinAll() # Get all threads to finish
Logging.info("\nAll worker threads finished")
Logging.info(". . . All worker threads finished") # No CR/LF before
def cleanup(self): # free resources
......@@ -1072,17 +1072,18 @@ class Database:
t3 = datetime.datetime(2012, 1, 1) # default "keep" is 10 years
t4 = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(
t3.timestamp() + elSec2) # see explanation above
Logging.info("Setting up TICKS to start from: {}".format(t4))
Logging.debug("Setting up TICKS to start from: {}".format(t4))
return t4
def getNextTick(cls):
with cls._clsLock: # prevent duplicate tick
if cls._lastLaggingTick==0:
if cls._lastLaggingTick==0 or cls._lastTick==0 : # not initialized
# 10k at 1/20 chance, should be enough to avoid overlaps
cls._lastLaggingTick = cls.setupLastTick() + datetime.timedelta(0, -10000)
if cls._lastTick==0: # should be quite a bit into the future
cls._lastTick = cls.setupLastTick()
tick = cls.setupLastTick()
cls._lastTick = tick
cls._lastLaggingTick = tick + datetime.timedelta(0, -10000)
# if : # should be quite a bit into the future
if Dice.throw(20) == 0: # 1 in 20 chance, return lagging tick
cls._lastLaggingTick += datetime.timedelta(0, 1) # Go back in time 100 seconds
......@@ -1322,7 +1323,7 @@ class Task():
self._err = err
self._aborted = True
except Exception as e:
self.logInfo("Non-TAOS exception encountered")
Logging.info("Non-TAOS exception encountered with: {}".format(self.__class__.__name__))
self._err = e
self._aborted = True
......@@ -1566,8 +1567,11 @@ class TaskCreateSuperTable(StateTransitionTask):
sTable = self._db.getFixedSuperTable() # type: TdSuperTable
# wt.execSql("use db") # should always be in place
sTable.create(wt.getDbConn(), self._db.getName(),
{'ts':'timestamp', 'speed':'int'}, {'b':'binary(200)', 'f':'float'})
{'ts':'timestamp', 'speed':'int'}, {'b':'binary(200)', 'f':'float'},
dropIfExists = True
# self.execWtSql(wt,"create table db.{} (ts timestamp, speed int) tags (b binary(200), f float) ".format(tblName))
# No need to create the regular tables, INSERT will do that
# automatically
......@@ -1580,14 +1584,41 @@ class TdSuperTable:
def getName(self):
return self._stName
def drop(self, dbc, dbName, skipCheck = False):
if self.exists(dbc, dbName) : # if myself exists
fullTableName = dbName + '.' + self._stName
dbc.execute("DROP TABLE {}".format(fullTableName))
if not skipCheck:
raise CrashGenError("Cannot drop non-existant super table: {}".format(self._stName))
def exists(self, dbc, dbName):
dbc.execute("USE " + dbName)
return dbc.existsSuperTable(self._stName)
# TODO: odd semantic, create() method is usually static?
def create(self, dbc, dbName, cols: dict, tags: dict):
def create(self, dbc, dbName, cols: dict, tags: dict,
dropIfExists = False
'''Creating a super table'''
sql = "CREATE TABLE {}.{} ({}) TAGS ({})".format(
",".join(['%s %s'%(k,v) for (k,v) in cols.items()]),
",".join(['%s %s'%(k,v) for (k,v) in tags.items()])
dbc.execute("USE " + dbName)
fullTableName = dbName + '.' + self._stName
if dbc.existsSuperTable(self._stName):
if dropIfExists:
dbc.execute("DROP TABLE {}".format(fullTableName))
else: # error
raise CrashGenError("Cannot create super table, already exists: {}".format(self._stName))
# Now let's create
sql = "CREATE TABLE {} ({})".format(
",".join(['%s %s'%(k,v) for (k,v) in cols.items()]))
if tags is None :
sql += " TAGS (dummy int) "
sql += " TAGS ({})".format(
",".join(['%s %s'%(k,v) for (k,v) in tags.items()])
......@@ -1611,17 +1642,19 @@ class TdSuperTable:
# acquire a lock first, so as to be able to *verify*. More details in TD-1471
fullTableName = dbName + '.' + regTableName
fullTableName = dbName + '.' + regTableName
if task is not None: # optional lock
Progress.emit(Progress.CREATE_TABLE_ATTEMPT) # ATTEMPT to create a new table
print("(" + fullTableName[-3:] + ")", end="", flush=True)
# print("(" + fullTableName[-3:] + ")", end="", flush=True)
sql = "CREATE TABLE {} USING {}.{} tags ({})".format(
fullTableName, dbName, self._stName, self._getTagStrForSql(dbc, dbName)
task.unlockTable(fullTableName) # no matter what
if task is not None:
task.unlockTable(fullTableName) # no matter what
def _getTagStrForSql(self, dbc, dbName: str) :
tags = self._getTags(dbc, dbName)
......@@ -1840,7 +1873,7 @@ class TaskRestartService(StateTransitionTask):
with self._classLock:
if self._isRunning:
print("Skipping restart task, another running already")
Logging.info("Skipping restart task, another running already")
self._isRunning = True
......@@ -1999,7 +2032,7 @@ class ThreadStacks: # stack info for all threads
class ClientManager:
def __init__(self):
print("Starting service manager")
Logging.info("Starting service manager")
# signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, self.sigIntHandler)
# signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, self.sigIntHandler)
......@@ -2101,7 +2134,7 @@ class ClientManager:
thPool = ThreadPool(gConfig.num_threads, gConfig.max_steps)
self.tc = ThreadCoordinator(thPool, dbManager)
print("Starting client instance to: {}".format(tInst))
Logging.info("Starting client instance: {}".format(tInst))
# print("exec stats: {}".format(self.tc.getExecStats()))
# print("TC failed = {}".format(self.tc.isFailed()))
......@@ -95,6 +95,11 @@ class DbConn:
# print("dbs = {}, str = {}, ret2={}, type2={}".format(dbs, dbName,ret2, type(dbName)))
return dbName in dbs # TODO: super weird type mangling seen, once here
def existsSuperTable(self, stName):
self.query("show stables")
sts = [v[0] for v in self.getQueryResult()]
return stName in sts
def hasTables(self):
return self.query("show tables") > 0
......@@ -240,6 +245,7 @@ class MyTDSql:
def _execInternal(self, sql):
startTime = time.time()
# Logging.debug("Executing SQL: " + sql)
ret = self._cursor.execute(sql)
# print("\nSQL success: {}".format(sql))
queryTime = time.time() - startTime
......@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ class LoggingFilter(logging.Filter):
class MyLoggingAdapter(logging.LoggerAdapter):
def process(self, msg, kwargs):
return "[{}] {}".format(threading.get_ident() % 10000, msg), kwargs
return "[{:04d}] {}".format(threading.get_ident() % 10000, msg), kwargs
# return '[%s] %s' % (self.extra['connid'], msg), kwargs
......@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ class Logging:
# Logging adapter, to be used as a logger
print("setting logger variable")
# print("setting logger variable")
# global logger
cls.logger = MyLoggingAdapter(_logger, [])
......@@ -166,7 +166,8 @@ class Progress:
tokens = {
......@@ -176,6 +177,7 @@ class Progress:
......@@ -47,6 +47,17 @@ class TdeInstance():
.format(selfPath, projPath))
return buildPath
def prepareGcovEnv(cls, env):
# Ref: https://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/gcc/Cross-profiling.html
bPath = cls._getBuildPath() # build PATH
numSegments = len(bPath.split('/')) - 1 # "/x/TDengine/build" should yield 3
numSegments = numSegments - 1 # DEBUG only
env['GCOV_PREFIX'] = bPath + '/svc_gcov'
env['GCOV_PREFIX_STRIP'] = str(numSegments) # Strip every element, plus, ENV needs strings
Logging.info("Preparing GCOV environement to strip {} elements and use path: {}".format(
numSegments, env['GCOV_PREFIX'] ))
def __init__(self, subdir='test', tInstNum=0, port=6030, fepPort=6030):
self._buildDir = self._getBuildPath()
self._subdir = '/' + subdir # TODO: tolerate "/"
......@@ -217,6 +228,11 @@ class TdeSubProcess:
# raise CrashGenError("Empty instance not allowed in TdeSubProcess")
# self._tInst = tInst # Default create at ServiceManagerThread
def __repr__(self):
if self.subProcess is None:
return '[TdeSubProc: Empty]'
return '[TdeSubProc: pid = {}]'.format(self.getPid())
def getStdOut(self):
return self.subProcess.stdout
......@@ -235,17 +251,30 @@ class TdeSubProcess:
# Sanity check
if self.subProcess: # already there
raise RuntimeError("Corrupt process state")
# Prepare environment variables for coverage information
# Ref: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2231227/python-subprocess-popen-with-a-modified-environment
myEnv = os.environ.copy()
# print(myEnv)
# print(myEnv.items())
# print("Starting TDengine via Shell: {}".format(cmdLineStr))
useShell = True
self.subProcess = subprocess.Popen(
' '.join(cmdLine) if useShell else cmdLine,
# svcCmdSingle, shell=True, # capture core dump?
# bufsize=1, # not supported in binary mode
) # had text=True, which interferred with reading EOF
STOP_SIGNAL = signal.SIGKILL # What signal to use (in kill) to stop a taosd process?
def stop(self):
Stop a sub process, and try to return a meaningful return code.
......@@ -267,7 +296,7 @@ class TdeSubProcess:
if not self.subProcess:
print("Sub process already stopped")
Logging.error("Sub process already stopped")
return # -1
retCode = self.subProcess.poll() # ret -N means killed with signal N, otherwise it's from exit(N)
......@@ -278,20 +307,25 @@ class TdeSubProcess:
return retCode
# process still alive, let's interrupt it
print("Terminate running process, send SIG_INT and wait...")
# sub process should end, then IPC queue should end, causing IO thread to end
# sig = signal.SIGINT
sig = signal.SIGKILL
self.subProcess.send_signal(sig) # SIGNINT or SIGKILL
Logging.info("Terminate running process, send SIG_{} and wait...".format(self.STOP_SIGNAL))
# sub process should end, then IPC queue should end, causing IO thread to end
topSubProc = psutil.Process(self.subProcess.pid)
for child in topSubProc.children(recursive=True): # or parent.children() for recursive=False
time.sleep(0.2) # 200 ms
# topSubProc.send_signal(sig) # now kill the main sub process (likely the Shell)
self.subProcess.send_signal(self.STOP_SIGNAL) # main sub process (likely the Shell)
retCode = self.subProcess.returncode # should always be there
# May throw subprocess.TimeoutExpired exception above, therefore
# The process is guranteed to have ended by now
self.subProcess = None
if retCode != 0: # != (- signal.SIGINT):
Logging.error("TSP.stop(): Failed to stop sub proc properly w/ SIG {}, retCode={}".format(sig, retCode))
Logging.error("TSP.stop(): Failed to stop sub proc properly w/ SIG {}, retCode={}".format(
self.STOP_SIGNAL, retCode))
Logging.info("TSP.stop(): sub proc successfully terminated with SIG {}".format(sig))
Logging.info("TSP.stop(): sub proc successfully terminated with SIG {}".format(self.STOP_SIGNAL))
return - retCode
class ServiceManager:
......@@ -439,7 +473,7 @@ class ServiceManager:
time.sleep(self.PAUSE_BETWEEN_IPC_CHECK) # pause, before next round
# raise CrashGenError("dummy")
print("Service Manager Thread (with subprocess) ended, main thread exiting...")
Logging.info("Service Manager Thread (with subprocess) ended, main thread exiting...")
def _getFirstInstance(self):
return self._tInsts[0]
......@@ -452,7 +486,7 @@ class ServiceManager:
# Find if there's already a taosd service, and then kill it
for proc in psutil.process_iter():
if proc.name() == 'taosd':
print("Killing an existing TAOSD process in 2 seconds... press CTRL-C to interrupt")
Logging.info("Killing an existing TAOSD process in 2 seconds... press CTRL-C to interrupt")
# print("Process: {}".format(proc.name()))
......@@ -559,7 +593,8 @@ class ServiceManagerThread:
for i in range(0, 100):
# self.procIpcBatch() # don't pump message during start up
print("_zz_", end="", flush=True)
# print("_zz_", end="", flush=True)
if self._status.isRunning():
Logging.info("[] TDengine service READY to process requests")
Logging.info("[] TAOS service started: {}".format(self))
......@@ -595,12 +630,12 @@ class ServiceManagerThread:
def stop(self):
# can be called from both main thread or signal handler
print("Terminating TDengine service running as the sub process...")
Logging.info("Terminating TDengine service running as the sub process...")
if self.getStatus().isStopped():
print("Service already stopped")
Logging.info("Service already stopped")
if self.getStatus().isStopping():
print("Service is already being stopped")
Logging.info("Service is already being stopped")
# Linux will send Control-C generated SIGINT to the TDengine process
# already, ref:
......@@ -616,10 +651,10 @@ class ServiceManagerThread:
if retCode == signal.SIGSEGV : # SGV
Logging.error("[[--ERROR--]]: TDengine service SEGV fault (check core file!)")
except subprocess.TimeoutExpired as err:
print("Time out waiting for TDengine service process to exit")
Logging.info("Time out waiting for TDengine service process to exit")
if self._tdeSubProcess.isRunning(): # still running, should now never happen
print("FAILED to stop sub process, it is still running... pid = {}".format(
Logging.error("FAILED to stop sub process, it is still running... pid = {}".format(
self._tdeSubProcess = None # not running any more
......@@ -683,9 +718,9 @@ class ServiceManagerThread:
return # we are done with THIS BATCH
else: # got line, printing out
if forceOutput:
Logging.info('[TAOSD] ' + line)
Logging.debug('[TAOSD] ' + line)
print(">", end="", flush=True)
_ProgressBars = ["--", "//", "||", "\\\\"]
......@@ -728,11 +763,11 @@ class ServiceManagerThread:
# queue.put(line)
# meaning sub process must have died
Logging.info("\nEnd of stream detected for TDengine STDOUT: {}".format(self))
Logging.info("EOF for TDengine STDOUT: {}".format(self))
def svcErrorReader(self, err: IO, queue):
for line in iter(err.readline, b''):
print("\nTDengine Service (taosd) ERROR (from stderr): {}".format(line))
Logging.info("\nEnd of stream detected for TDengine STDERR: {}".format(self))
Logging.info("TDengine STDERR: {}".format(line))
Logging.info("EOF for TDengine STDERR: {}".format(self))
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
import sys
from crash_gen.crash_gen import MainExec
from crash_gen.crash_gen_main import MainExec
if __name__ == "__main__":
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