未验证 提交 d508948d 编写于 作者: RYAN0UP's avatar RYAN0UP 提交者: GitHub

pref: sitemap.xml (#1267)

上级 48ca0492
......@@ -8,4 +8,24 @@
<@categoryTag method="list">
<#if categories?? && categories?size gt 0>
<#list categories as category>
<loc><#if !globalAbsolutePathEnabled!true>${blog_url!}</#if>${category.fullPath!}</loc>
<@tagTag method="list">
<#if tags?? && tags?size gt 0>
<#list tags as tag>
<loc><#if !globalAbsolutePathEnabled!true>${blog_url!}</#if>${tag.fullPath!}</loc>
\ No newline at end of file
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