未验证 提交 74acd451 编写于 作者: RYAN0UP's avatar RYAN0UP 提交者: GitHub

chore: remove auto-assign bot config file. (#1446)

上级 6a84483b
# Set to true to add reviewers to pull requests
addReviewers: true
# Set to true to add assignees to pull requests
addAssignees: true
# A list of reviewers to be added to pull requests (GitHub user name)
- ruibaby
- JohnNiang
- guqing
# A list of keywords to be skipped the process that add reviewers if pull requests include it
- wip
# A number of reviewers added to the pull request
# Set 0 to add all the reviewers (default: 0)
numberOfReviewers: 0
\ No newline at end of file
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0% .
You are about to add 0 people to the discussion. Proceed with caution.
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