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#-*- encoding: utf-8 -*-

import os
from building import * 

# Package configuration
PKGNAME = "ch32v307_hal"
VERSION = "v1.0.0"
DEPENDS = [""]

# Compile the configuration 
# SOURCES: Need to compile c and c++ source, auto search when SOURCES is empty
# LOCAL_CPPPATH: Local file path (.h/.c/.cpp)
# LOCAL_CCFLAGS: Local compilation parameter 
# LOCAL_ASFLAGS: Local assembly parameters
# CPPPATH: Global file path (.h/.c/.cpp), auto search when LOCAL_CPPPATH/CPPPATH 
#          is empty # no pass!!!
# CCFLAGS: Global compilation parameter 
# ASFLAGS: Global assembly parameters
# CPPDEFINES: Global macro definition
# LOCAL_CPPDEFINES: Local macro definition 
# LIBS: Specify the static library that need to be linked
# LIBPATH: Specify the search directory for the library file (.lib/.a)
# LINKFLAGS: Link options
CWD              = GetCurrentDir()
SOURCES          = Glob("./source/*.c")


CPPPATH          = [GetCurrentDir(), os.path.join(GetCurrentDir(), 'include')] 
CCFLAGS          = "" 
ASFLAGS          = ""

CPPDEFINES       = []

LIBS             = [] 
LIBPATH          = []

LINKFLAGS        = "" 


# Main target
objs = DefineGroup(name = PKGNAME, src = SOURCES, depend = DEPENDS, 
                   CPPPATH          = CPPPATH, 
                   CCFLAGS          = CCFLAGS, 
                   ASFLAGS          = ASFLAGS, 
                   LOCAL_CPPPATH    = LOCAL_CPPPATH, 
                   LOCAL_CCFLAGS    = LOCAL_CCFLAGS, 
                   LOCAL_ASFLAGS    = LOCAL_ASFLAGS, 
                   CPPDEFINES       = CPPDEFINES, 
                   LIBS             = LIBS, 
                   LIBPATH          = LIBPATH, 
                   LINKFLAGS        = LINKFLAGS)  

# End