未验证 提交 2364a6bc 编写于 作者: W whisky-12 提交者: GitHub

[note]中文文档【形状】中给出了各参数的数据类型,英文文档中没有,本次pr对此修复 (#49594)

上级 08caa3e7
......@@ -114,8 +114,8 @@ class Linear(Layer):
**bias** (Parameter): the learnable bias of this layer.
- input: Multi-dimentional tensor with shape :math:`[batch\_size, *, in\_features]` .
- output: Multi-dimentional tensor with shape :math:`[batch\_size, *, out\_features]` .
- input: Multi-dimentional tensor with shape :math:`[batch\_size, *, in\_features]` . Its data types are float16, float32, float64 ,The default is float32 .
- output: Multi-dimentional tensor with shape :math:`[batch\_size, *, out\_features]` . The data type is the same as the input .
.. code-block:: python
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