提交 9290d0f8 编写于 作者: Z Zhe Cao 提交者: GitHub

Update demo_overview.md

上级 d781f832
......@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ The visual GUI should show the original image with the poses blended on it, simi
<img src="media/shake.gif", width="720">
If you choose to visualize a body part or a PAF (Part Affinity Field) heat map, the result should be similar to the following images:
If you choose to visualize a body part or a PAF (Part Affinity Field) heat map with the command option `--part_to_show`, the result should be similar to one of the following images:
<p align="center">
<img src="media/body_heat_maps.png", width="720">
......@@ -54,6 +54,8 @@ Please, in order to check all the real time pose demo options and their details,
`--process_real_time`: It might skip frames in order to keep the final output displaying frames on real time.
`--part_to_show` Select the prediction channel to visualize (default: 0). 20 for all the joint's heatmaps, 21 for all the PAFs
`--no_display`: Display window not opened. Useful if there is no X server and/or to slightly speed up the processing if visual output is not required.
`--num_gpu 2 --num_gpu_start 0`: Parallelize over this number of GPUs starting by the desired device id. Default is 1 and 0, respectively.
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