提交 49b8a92a 编写于 作者: G gineshidalgo99

Added flag fps_max for max processing FPS

上级 aca97817
......@@ -161,6 +161,7 @@ Each flag is divided into flag name, default value, and description.
- DEFINE_int32(keypoint_scale, 0, "Scaling of the (x,y) coordinates of the final pose data array, i.e., the scale of the (x,y) coordinates that will be saved with the `write_json` & `write_keypoint` flags. Select `0` to scale it to the original source resolution; `1`to scale it to the net output size (set with `net_resolution`); `2` to scale it to the final output size (set with `resolution`); `3` to scale it in the range [0,1], where (0,0) would be the top-left corner of the image, and (1,1) the bottom-right one; and 4 for range [-1,1], where (-1,-1) would be the top-left corner of the image, and (1,1) the bottom-right one. Non related with `scale_number` and `scale_gap`.");
- DEFINE_int32(number_people_max, -1, "This parameter will limit the maximum number of people detected, by keeping the people with top scores. The score is based in person area over the image, body part score, as well as joint score (between each pair of connected body parts). Useful if you know the exact number of people in the scene, so it can remove false positives (if all the people have been detected. However, it might also include false negatives by removing very small or highly occluded people. -1 will keep them all.");
- DEFINE_bool(maximize_positives, false, "It reduces the thresholds to accept a person candidate. It highly increases both false and true positives. I.e., it maximizes average recall but could harm average precision.");
- DEFINE_double(fps_max, -1., "Maximum processing frame rate. By default (-1), OpenPose will process frames as fast as possible. Example usage: If OpenPose is displaying images too quickly, this can reduce the speed so the user can analyze better each frame from the GUI.");
4. OpenPose Body Pose
- DEFINE_bool(body_disable, false, "Disable body keypoint detection. Option only possible for faster (but less accurate) face keypoint detection.");
......@@ -291,6 +291,7 @@ OpenPose Library - Release Notes
21. Added find_package(Protobuf) to allow specific versions of Protobuf.
22. Examples do not end in core dumped if an OpenPose exception occurred during initialization, but it is rather closed returning -1. However, it will still results in core dumped if the exception occurs during multi-threading execution.
23. Video (`--write_video`) can be generated from images (`--image_dir`), as long as they maintain the same resolution.
24. Added `--fps_max` flag to limit the maximum processing frame rate of OpenPose (useful to display results at a maximum desired speed).
2. Functions or parameters renamed:
1. By default, python example `tutorial_developer/python_2_pose_from_heatmaps.py` was using 2 scales starting at -1x736, changed to 1 scale at -1x368.
2. WrapperStructPose default parameters changed to match those of the OpenPose demo binary.
......@@ -72,7 +72,8 @@ int openPoseDemo()
FLAGS_scale_number, (float)FLAGS_scale_gap, op::flagsToRenderMode(FLAGS_render_pose, multipleView),
poseModel, !FLAGS_disable_blending, (float)FLAGS_alpha_pose, (float)FLAGS_alpha_heatmap,
FLAGS_part_to_show, FLAGS_model_folder, heatMapTypes, heatMapScale, FLAGS_part_candidates,
(float)FLAGS_render_threshold, FLAGS_number_people_max, FLAGS_maximize_positives, enableGoogleLogging};
(float)FLAGS_render_threshold, FLAGS_number_people_max, FLAGS_maximize_positives, FLAGS_fps_max,
// Face configuration (use op::WrapperStructFace{} to disable it)
const op::WrapperStructFace wrapperStructFace{
......@@ -85,7 +85,8 @@ int tutorialAddModule1()
FLAGS_scale_number, (float)FLAGS_scale_gap, op::flagsToRenderMode(FLAGS_render_pose, multipleView),
poseModel, !FLAGS_disable_blending, (float)FLAGS_alpha_pose, (float)FLAGS_alpha_heatmap,
FLAGS_part_to_show, FLAGS_model_folder, heatMapTypes, heatMapScale, FLAGS_part_candidates,
(float)FLAGS_render_threshold, FLAGS_number_people_max, FLAGS_maximize_positives, enableGoogleLogging};
(float)FLAGS_render_threshold, FLAGS_number_people_max, FLAGS_maximize_positives, FLAGS_fps_max,
// Face configuration (use op::WrapperStructFace{} to disable it)
const op::WrapperStructFace wrapperStructFace{
......@@ -91,7 +91,8 @@ int tutorialApiCpp3()
FLAGS_scale_number, (float)FLAGS_scale_gap, op::flagsToRenderMode(FLAGS_render_pose, multipleView),
poseModel, !FLAGS_disable_blending, (float)FLAGS_alpha_pose, (float)FLAGS_alpha_heatmap,
FLAGS_part_to_show, FLAGS_model_folder, heatMapTypes, heatMapScale, FLAGS_part_candidates,
(float)FLAGS_render_threshold, FLAGS_number_people_max, FLAGS_maximize_positives, enableGoogleLogging};
(float)FLAGS_render_threshold, FLAGS_number_people_max, FLAGS_maximize_positives, FLAGS_fps_max,
// Face configuration (use op::WrapperStructFace{} to disable it)
const op::WrapperStructFace wrapperStructFace{
......@@ -224,7 +224,8 @@ int tutorialApiCpp4()
FLAGS_scale_number, (float)FLAGS_scale_gap, op::flagsToRenderMode(FLAGS_render_pose, multipleView),
poseModel, !FLAGS_disable_blending, (float)FLAGS_alpha_pose, (float)FLAGS_alpha_heatmap,
FLAGS_part_to_show, FLAGS_model_folder, heatMapTypes, heatMapScale, FLAGS_part_candidates,
(float)FLAGS_render_threshold, FLAGS_number_people_max, FLAGS_maximize_positives, enableGoogleLogging};
(float)FLAGS_render_threshold, FLAGS_number_people_max, FLAGS_maximize_positives, FLAGS_fps_max,
// Face configuration (use op::WrapperStructFace{} to disable it)
const op::WrapperStructFace wrapperStructFace{
......@@ -167,7 +167,8 @@ int tutorialApiCpp5()
FLAGS_scale_number, (float)FLAGS_scale_gap, op::flagsToRenderMode(FLAGS_render_pose, multipleView),
poseModel, !FLAGS_disable_blending, (float)FLAGS_alpha_pose, (float)FLAGS_alpha_heatmap,
FLAGS_part_to_show, FLAGS_model_folder, heatMapTypes, heatMapScale, FLAGS_part_candidates,
(float)FLAGS_render_threshold, FLAGS_number_people_max, FLAGS_maximize_positives, enableGoogleLogging};
(float)FLAGS_render_threshold, FLAGS_number_people_max, FLAGS_maximize_positives, FLAGS_fps_max,
// Face configuration (use op::WrapperStructFace{} to disable it)
const op::WrapperStructFace wrapperStructFace{
......@@ -135,7 +135,8 @@ int tutorialApiCpp6()
FLAGS_scale_number, (float)FLAGS_scale_gap, op::flagsToRenderMode(FLAGS_render_pose, multipleView),
poseModel, !FLAGS_disable_blending, (float)FLAGS_alpha_pose, (float)FLAGS_alpha_heatmap,
FLAGS_part_to_show, FLAGS_model_folder, heatMapTypes, heatMapScale, FLAGS_part_candidates,
(float)FLAGS_render_threshold, FLAGS_number_people_max, FLAGS_maximize_positives, enableGoogleLogging};
(float)FLAGS_render_threshold, FLAGS_number_people_max, FLAGS_maximize_positives, FLAGS_fps_max,
// Face configuration (use op::WrapperStructFace{} to disable it)
const op::WrapperStructFace wrapperStructFace{
......@@ -170,7 +170,8 @@ int tutorialApiCpp7()
FLAGS_scale_number, (float)FLAGS_scale_gap, op::flagsToRenderMode(FLAGS_render_pose, multipleView),
poseModel, !FLAGS_disable_blending, (float)FLAGS_alpha_pose, (float)FLAGS_alpha_heatmap,
FLAGS_part_to_show, FLAGS_model_folder, heatMapTypes, heatMapScale, FLAGS_part_candidates,
(float)FLAGS_render_threshold, FLAGS_number_people_max, FLAGS_maximize_positives, enableGoogleLogging};
(float)FLAGS_render_threshold, FLAGS_number_people_max, FLAGS_maximize_positives, FLAGS_fps_max,
// Face configuration (use op::WrapperStructFace{} to disable it)
const op::WrapperStructFace wrapperStructFace{
......@@ -182,7 +182,8 @@ int tutorialApiCpp8()
FLAGS_scale_number, (float)FLAGS_scale_gap, op::flagsToRenderMode(FLAGS_render_pose, multipleView),
poseModel, !FLAGS_disable_blending, (float)FLAGS_alpha_pose, (float)FLAGS_alpha_heatmap,
FLAGS_part_to_show, FLAGS_model_folder, heatMapTypes, heatMapScale, FLAGS_part_candidates,
(float)FLAGS_render_threshold, FLAGS_number_people_max, FLAGS_maximize_positives, enableGoogleLogging};
(float)FLAGS_render_threshold, FLAGS_number_people_max, FLAGS_maximize_positives, FLAGS_fps_max,
// Face configuration (use op::WrapperStructFace{} to disable it)
const op::WrapperStructFace wrapperStructFace{
......@@ -281,7 +281,8 @@ int tutorialApiCpp9()
FLAGS_scale_number, (float)FLAGS_scale_gap, op::flagsToRenderMode(FLAGS_render_pose, multipleView),
poseModel, !FLAGS_disable_blending, (float)FLAGS_alpha_pose, (float)FLAGS_alpha_heatmap,
FLAGS_part_to_show, FLAGS_model_folder, heatMapTypes, heatMapScale, FLAGS_part_candidates,
(float)FLAGS_render_threshold, FLAGS_number_people_max, FLAGS_maximize_positives, enableGoogleLogging};
(float)FLAGS_render_threshold, FLAGS_number_people_max, FLAGS_maximize_positives, FLAGS_fps_max,
// Face configuration (use op::WrapperStructFace{} to disable it)
const op::WrapperStructFace wrapperStructFace{
......@@ -80,6 +80,9 @@ DEFINE_int32(number_people_max, -1, "This parameter will lim
" highly occluded people. -1 will keep them all.");
DEFINE_bool(maximize_positives, false, "It reduces the thresholds to accept a person candidate. It highly increases both false and"
" true positives. I.e., it maximizes average recall but could harm average precision.");
DEFINE_double(fps_max, -1., "Maximum processing frame rate. By default (-1), OpenPose will process frames as fast as"
" possible. Example usage: If OpenPose is displaying images too quickly, this can reduce"
" the speed so the user can analyze better each frame from the GUI.");
// OpenPose Body Pose
DEFINE_bool(body_disable, false, "Disable body keypoint detection. Option only possible for faster (but less accurate) face"
" keypoint detection.");
......@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
#include <openpose/thread/worker.hpp>
#include <openpose/thread/workerProducer.hpp>
#include <openpose/thread/workerConsumer.hpp>
#include <openpose/thread/wFpsMax.hpp>
#include <openpose/thread/wIdGenerator.hpp>
#include <openpose/thread/wQueueAssembler.hpp>
#include <openpose/thread/wQueueOrderer.hpp>
#include <thread>
#include <openpose/core/common.hpp>
#include <openpose/thread/worker.hpp>
#include <openpose/utilities/fastMath.hpp>
namespace op
template<typename TDatums>
class WFpsMax : public Worker<TDatums>
explicit WFpsMax(const double fpsMax);
virtual ~WFpsMax();
void initializationOnThread();
void work(TDatums& tDatums);
const unsigned long long mNanosecondsToSleep;
// Implementation
namespace op
template<typename TDatums>
WFpsMax<TDatums>::WFpsMax(const double fpsMax) :
template<typename TDatums>
template<typename TDatums>
void WFpsMax<TDatums>::initializationOnThread()
template<typename TDatums>
void WFpsMax<TDatums>::work(TDatums& tDatums)
// Debugging log
dLog("", Priority::Low, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__, __FILE__);
// Profiling speed
const auto profilerKey = Profiler::timerInit(__LINE__, __FUNCTION__, __FILE__);
// tDatums not used --> Avoid warning
// Sleep the desired time
// Profiling speed
Profiler::printAveragedTimeMsOnIterationX(profilerKey, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__, __FILE__);
// Debugging log
dLog("", Priority::Low, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__, __FILE__);
catch (const std::exception& e)
tDatums = nullptr;
error(e.what(), __LINE__, __FUNCTION__, __FILE__);
......@@ -105,18 +105,6 @@ namespace op
auto wrapperStructPose = wrapperStructPoseTemp;
auto multiThreadEnabled = multiThreadEnabledTemp;
// Workers
TWorker datumProducerW;
TWorker scaleAndSizeExtractorW;
TWorker cvMatToOpInputW;
TWorker cvMatToOpOutputW;
std::vector<std::vector<TWorker>> poseExtractorsWs;
std::vector<std::vector<TWorker>> poseTriangulationsWs;
std::vector<std::vector<TWorker>> jointAngleEstimationsWs;
std::vector<TWorker> postProcessingWs;
std::vector<TWorker> outputWs;
TWorker guiW;
// User custom workers
const auto& userInputWs = userWs[int(WorkerType::Input)];
const auto& userPostProcessingWs = userWs[int(WorkerType::PostProcessing)];
......@@ -219,6 +207,7 @@ namespace op
// Producer
TWorker datumProducerW;
if (oPProducer)
const auto datumProducer = std::make_shared<DatumProducer<TDatums>>(
......@@ -235,6 +224,14 @@ namespace op
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<HandExtractorNet>> handExtractorNets;
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<PoseGpuRenderer>> poseGpuRenderers;
std::shared_ptr<PoseCpuRenderer> poseCpuRenderer;
// Workers
TWorker scaleAndSizeExtractorW;
TWorker cvMatToOpInputW;
TWorker cvMatToOpOutputW;
std::vector<std::vector<TWorker>> poseExtractorsWs;
std::vector<std::vector<TWorker>> poseTriangulationsWs;
std::vector<std::vector<TWorker>> jointAngleEstimationsWs;
std::vector<TWorker> postProcessingWs;
if (numberThreads > 0)
// Get input scales and sizes
......@@ -582,7 +579,7 @@ namespace op
// Output workers
std::vector<TWorker> outputWs;
// Print verbose
if (wrapperStructOutput.verbose > 0.)
......@@ -700,7 +697,7 @@ namespace op
// Minimal graphical user interface (GUI)
guiW = nullptr;
TWorker guiW;
if (guiEnabled)
// PoseRenderers to Renderers
......@@ -753,6 +750,10 @@ namespace op
error("Unknown DisplayMode.", __LINE__, __FUNCTION__, __FILE__);
// Set FpsMax
TWorker wFpsMax;
if (wrapperStructPose.fpsMax > 0.)
wFpsMax = std::make_shared<WFpsMax<TDatumsSP>>(wrapperStructPose.fpsMax);
// Set wrapper as configured
log("", Priority::Low, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__, __FILE__);
......@@ -986,6 +987,13 @@ namespace op
threadIdPP(threadId, multiThreadEnabled);
log("", Priority::Low, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__, __FILE__);
// Setting maximum speed
if (wFpsMax != nullptr)
log("", Priority::Low, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__, __FILE__);
threadManager.add(threadId, wFpsMax, queueIn++, queueOut++);
threadIdPP(threadId, multiThreadEnabled);
catch (const std::exception& e)
......@@ -165,6 +165,14 @@ namespace op
bool maximizePositives;
* Maximum processing frame rate.
* By default (-1), OpenPose will process frames as fast as possible.
* Example usage: If OpenPose is displaying images too quickly, this can reduce the speed so the user can
* analyze better each frame from the GUI.
double fpsMax;
* Whether to internally enable Google Logging.
* This option is only applicable if Caffe is used.
......@@ -190,7 +198,7 @@ namespace op
const std::string& modelFolder = "models/", const std::vector<HeatMapType>& heatMapTypes = {},
const ScaleMode heatMapScale = ScaleMode::ZeroToOne, const bool addPartCandidates = false,
const float renderThreshold = 0.05f, const int numberPeopleMax = -1, const bool maximizePositives = false,
const bool enableGoogleLogging = true);
const double fpsMax = -1., const bool enableGoogleLogging = true);
......@@ -2,20 +2,26 @@
namespace op
// Queues
template class OP_API QueueBase<DATUM_BASE, std::queue<DATUM_BASE>>;
template class OP_API QueueBase<DATUM_BASE, std::priority_queue<DATUM_BASE, std::vector<DATUM_BASE>, std::greater<DATUM_BASE>>>;
// Subthread
// Thread
// Main workers
// W-classes
template class OP_API WQueueAssembler<DATUM_BASE, DATUM_BASE_NO_PTR>;
......@@ -9,7 +9,8 @@ namespace op
const bool blendOriginalFrame_, const float alphaKeypoint_, const float alphaHeatMap_,
const int defaultPartToRender_, const std::string& modelFolder_, const std::vector<HeatMapType>& heatMapTypes_,
const ScaleMode heatMapScale_, const bool addPartCandidates_, const float renderThreshold_,
const int numberPeopleMax_, const bool maximizePositives_, const bool enableGoogleLogging_) :
const int numberPeopleMax_, const bool maximizePositives_, const double fpsMax_,
const bool enableGoogleLogging_) :
......@@ -31,6 +32,7 @@ namespace op
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