提交 43a3cc91 编写于 作者: M Muratter 提交者: Gines

Fix BODY_25 Googly Eyes position (#676)

上级 c8e38792
......@@ -247,7 +247,7 @@ namespace op
renderKeypoints(targetPtr, sharedMaxs, sharedMins, sharedScaleF, globalIdx, x, y, targetWidth, targetHeight,
posePtr, BODY_25_PAIRS_GPU, numberPeople, 25, numberPartPairs, BODY_25_COLORS, numberColors,
radius, lineWidth, BODY_25_SCALES, numberScales, threshold, alphaColorToAdd,
blendOriginalFrame, (googlyEyes ? 19 : -1), (googlyEyes ? 21 : -1));
blendOriginalFrame, (googlyEyes ? 15 : -1), (googlyEyes ? 16 : -1));
__global__ void renderPoseBody59(float* targetPtr, const int targetWidth, const int targetHeight,
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