未验证 提交 926dca32 编写于 作者: D Daniel Vaz Gaspar 提交者: GitHub

[docs] Small fixes on the release docs (#8500)

* [docs] Small fixes on the release docs

* [docs] Fix, remove deprecated app parameter from fab create-admin
上级 e8af9459
......@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ RUN pip install --upgrade setuptools pip \
&& pip install -e . \
&& rm -rf /root/.cache/pip
RUN fabmanager babel-compile --target superset/translations
RUN flask fab babel-compile --target superset/translations
RUN pip install -e . \
&& rm -rf /root/.cache/pip
......@@ -66,9 +66,9 @@ Then (if needed) apply all cherries that will make the PATCH
Finally bump the version number on `superset/static/assets/package.json` ::
"version": "0.35.0rc1"
"version": "0.35.0"
Commit the change with the version number, then git tag the version and push
Commit the change with the version number, then git tag the version with the release candidate and push
## Setting up the release environment (do every time)
......@@ -169,14 +169,6 @@ https://lists.apache.org/thread.html/50a6b134d66b86b237d5d7bc89df1b567246d125a71
Following the result thread, yet another [VOTE] thread should be
started at general@incubator.apache.org.
### Publishing a Convenience Release to PyPI
From the root of the repo running ./pypi_push.sh will build the
Javascript bundle and echo the twine command allowing you to publish
to PyPI. You may need to ask a fellow committer to grant
you access to it if you don't have access already. Make sure to create
an account first if you don't have one, and reference your username
while requesting access to push packages.
### Announcing
Once it's all done, an [ANNOUNCE] thread announcing the release to the dev@ mailing list is the final step.
......@@ -211,6 +203,14 @@ Then tag the final release:
Now you can announce the release on the mailing list, make sure to use the
proper template
### Publishing a Convenience Release to PyPI
From the root of the repo running ./pypi_push.sh will build the
Javascript bundle and echo the twine command allowing you to publish
to PyPI. You may need to ask a fellow committer to grant
you access to it if you don't have access already. Make sure to create
an account first if you don't have one, and reference your username
while requesting access to push packages.
## Post release
In `UPDATING.md`, a file that contains a list of notifications around
......@@ -21,8 +21,7 @@ echo "[WARNING] this entrypoint creates an admin/admin user"
echo "[WARNING] it should only be used for lightweight testing/validation"
# Create an admin user (you will be prompted to set username, first and last name before setting a password)
fabmanager create-admin \
--app superset \
flask fab create-admin \
--username admin \
--firstname admin \
--lastname admin \
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