未验证 提交 5a3d23dc 编写于 作者: I Ibrahim Ercan 提交者: GitHub

docs: add VLMedia to users list (#11386)

* Update INTHEWILD.md

VLMedia added to user list

* Update INTHEWILD.md

github alias added
上级 b86f779d
......@@ -132,4 +132,5 @@ Join our growing community!
- [komoot](https://www.komoot.com/) [@christophlingg]
- [Let's Roam](https://www.letsroam.com/)
- [Twitter](https://twitter.com/)
- [VLMedia](https://www.vlmedia.com.tr/) [@ibotheperfect]
- [Yahoo!](https://yahoo.com/)
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