未验证 提交 1f5eec1c 编写于 作者: V Ville Brofeldt 提交者: GitHub

chore: improve release documentation (#10292)

* fix: releasing readme.md

* fix: improvements to release documentation
上级 06fd1b5e
......@@ -63,44 +63,50 @@ final release. Therefore, it's a good idea to do the following every time you
work on a new phase of the release process to make sure you aren't releasing
the wrong files/using wrong names. There's a script to help you set correctly all the
necessary environment variables. Change your current directory to `superset/RELEASING`
and execute the `set_release_env.sh` script with the relevant parameters:
# usage (BASH): . set_release_env.sh <SUPERSET_RC_VERSION> <PGP_KEY_FULLNAME>
# usage (ZSH): source set_release_env.sh <SUPERSET_RC_VERSION> <PGP_KEY_FULLNAME>
# example: source set_relese_env.sh 0.36.0rc3 myid@apache.org
# example: source set_release_env.sh 0.37.0rc1 myid@apache.org
The script will output the exported variables. Here's example for 0.36.0rc3:
The script will output the exported variables. Here's example for 0.37.0rc1:
Set Release env variables
## Crafting a source release
When crafting a new minor or major release we create
a branch named with the release MAJOR.MINOR version (on this example 0.35).
a branch named with the release MAJOR.MINOR version (on this example 0.37).
This new branch will hold all PATCH and release candidates
that belong to the MAJOR.MINOR version.
The MAJOR.MINOR branch is normally a "cut" from a specific point in time from the master branch.
Then (if needed) apply all cherries that will make the PATCH
Then (if needed) apply all cherries that will make the PATCH.
Next update the `CHANGELOG.md` with all the changes that are included in the release. Make sure you have
set your GITHUB_TOKEN environment variable.
git push upstream $SUPERSET_GITHUB_BRANCH
Next, update the `CHANGELOG.md` with all the changes that are included in the release.
Make sure the branch has been pushed to `upstream` to ensure the changelog generator
can pick up changes since the previous release (otherwise `github-changes` will raise
an `Error: Not Found` exception).
# will overwrites the local CHANGELOG.md, somehow you need to merge it in
......@@ -293,7 +299,7 @@ with the changes on `CHANGELOG.md` and `UPDATING.md`.
### Publishing a Convenience Release to PyPI
Using the final release tarball, unpack it and run `./pypi_push.sh`.
This script will build the Javascript bundle and echo the twine command
This script will build the Javascript bundle and echo the twine command
allowing you to publish to PyPI. You may need to ask a fellow committer to grant
you access to it if you don't have access already. Make sure to create
an account first if you don't have one, and reference your username
......@@ -34,6 +34,9 @@ https://github.com/apache/incubator-{{ project_module }}/tree/{{ version_rc }}
The Change Log for the release:
https://github.com/apache/incubator-{{ project_module }}/blob/{{ version_rc }}/CHANGELOG.md
The Updating instructions for the release:
https://github.com/apache/incubator-{{ project_module }}/blob/{{ version_rc }}/UPDATING.md
public keys are available at:
https://www.apache.org/dist/incubator/{{ project_module }}/KEYS
......@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ usage() {
echo "usage (BASH): . set_release_env.sh <SUPERSET_RC_VERSION> <PGP_KEY_FULLNAME>"
echo "usage (ZSH): source set_release_env.sh <SUPERSET_RC_VERSION> <PGP_KEY_FULLNAME>"
echo "example: source set_relese_env.sh 0.36.0rc3 myid@apache.org"
echo "example: source set_release_env.sh 0.37.0rc1 myid@apache.org"
if [ -z "$1" ] || [ -z "$2" ]; then
......@@ -44,6 +44,8 @@ assists people when migrating to a new version.
* [9572](https://github.com/apache/incubator-superset/pull/9572): a change which by default means that the Jinja `current_user_id`, `current_username`, and `url_param` context calls no longer need to be wrapped via `cache_key_wrapper` in order to be included in the cache key. The `cache_key_wrapper` function should only be required for Jinja add-ons.
## 0.36.0
* [8867](https://github.com/apache/incubator-superset/pull/8867): a change which adds the `tmp_schema_name` column to the `query` table which requires locking the table. Given the `query` table is heavily used performance may be degraded during the migration. Scheduled downtime may be advised.
* [9238](https://github.com/apache/incubator-superset/pull/9238): the config option `TIME_GRAIN_FUNCTIONS` has been renamed to `TIME_GRAIN_EXPRESSIONS` to better reflect the content of the dictionary.
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