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## Change Log

### 0.8.5 (2016/04/01 20:30 +00:00)
- [#234]( Pin pandas, remove numpy (@mistercrunch)
- [#229]( Remove "requirements.txt" mention from README (@jmcomets)
- [#225]( remove power units from sankey diagram (@williaster)
- [#219]( Add 'Percent of previous' to sunburst vis. Appease npm warnings for data tables and (@williaster)
- [#224]( Fixing minor typos in the readme (@cyrusstoller)
- [#214]( Fix an installation bug. (@kim-pham-airbnb)
- [#218]( Redirecting URL from previous names to caravel (@mistercrunch)
- [#223]( Fixed typo in README (@thebucknerlife)
- [#222]( remove duplicate section in (@brchristian)
- [#213]( Fix a bug when loading DruidDatasource. (@kim-pham-airbnb)
- [#204]( Fixing the order and coverage report for the unit tests (@mistercrunch)
- [#209]( Fresh screenshots (@mistercrunch)
- [#206]( Caravel (@mistercrunch)
- [#205]( fix sunburst error. add `less` to package.json (@williaster)
- [#203]( Fixing mysql install (@mistercrunch)
- [#202]( Using nosetests to run tests (@mistercrunch)
- [#199]( Fix a few minor bugs (@mistercrunch)
- [#200]( Add a sankey example (@mistercrunch)
- [#192]( Fix Druid metadata refresh. (@kim-pham-airbnb)
- [#198]( A welcome page (@mistercrunch)
- [#197]( Adding a DRUID_IS_ACTIVE flag and changing nav bar (@NiharikaRay)
- [#196]( Fixing issues around fk nullable=False on audit fields (@mistercrunch)

### 0.8.4 (2016/03/24 05:26 +00:00)
- [#193]( Adding favorites for Slices and Dashboards (@mistercrunch)

### 0.8.2 (2016/03/23 20:43 +00:00)
- [#188]( Introducing a caching layer! (@mistercrunch)

### 0.8.1 (2016/03/21 23:41 +00:00)
- [#191]( Add week ending and week start to grain (@airbnb)
- [#190]( Cranking up version numbers (@mistercrunch)
- [#184]( sunburst improvements (@williaster)
- [#186]( Adding docstrings ! (@mistercrunch)
- [#181]( Dynamic time granularity on any datetime column (@mistercrunch)
- [#182]( more css fixes (@williaster)
- [#178]( Allowing all extra fields in AuditMixin to be nullable (@mistercrunch)
- [#175]( refactor dashboard chart html, make several css improvements. (@williaster)

### 0.8.0 (2016/03/11 03:33 +00:00)
- [#172]( Fixing the python and js packaging (@mistercrunch)
- [#171]( Fixing multiple refresh bug in filter_box (@mistercrunch)
- [#169]( Fixing the look of select2 components (@mistercrunch)
- [#168]( Getting travis to build the npm related stuff (@mistercrunch)
- [#166]( make css theme customization easier by using less for bootstrap themes (@williaster)
- [#163]( Shipping with CSS templates out of the box (@mistercrunch)
- [#164]( Improving the docs (@mistercrunch)
- [#165]( Fixing window resize for explore and standalone (@mistercrunch)
- [#161]( Add linting to package.json, do all of the linting. (@williaster)
- [#160]( Fixing the dashed line when using time compare (@mistercrunch)
- [#159]( Fixing the standalone mode (@mistercrunch)
- [#158]( Refactor (@mistercrunch)
- [#154]( Digging into leap year bug and improvming tests (@mistercrunch)
- [#157]( add button to auto-copy short URLs in /explore page (@williaster)
- [#149]( Allowing to make certain widgets immune to filter (@mistercrunch)
- [#151]( Linting (@mistercrunch)
- [#153]( Improve README (@tay)
- [#139]( NPMification & Reactification (@williaster, @mistercrunch)
- [#147]( Tackling Featured Datasets (@mistercrunch)
- [#148]( Fix typo (@tay)
- [#145]( Moving files around ... yay! (@mistercrunch)
- [#142]( A few cosmetic fixes (nvd3 tooltips, buttons, tables) (@mistercrunch)
- [#141]( A simple base template for npm (@mistercrunch)
- [#140]( use the latest segment to extract metadata (@dayzzz)
- [#136]( Improved the bar char to allow for dimensional breakdowns (@mistercrunch)
- [#134]( Fixing the roles auto maintenance (@mistercrunch)
- [#132]( [nvd3] fixing the legend toggle bug (@mistercrunch)
- [#131]( More tests using doctests! (@mistercrunch)
- [#130]( Logging more (@mistercrunch)
- [#129]( Renaming Classes related to Druid (@mistercrunch)
- [#127]( SQL editor, eventually will be tied to a flow to create views (@mistercrunch)
- [#128]( Allowing definition of css templates (@mistercrunch)
- [#126]( New viz: Heatmap! (@mistercrunch)
- [#125]( Consistent colors rendered client side (@mistercrunch)
- [#124]( A more cohesive color strategy (@mistercrunch)

### 0.7.0 (2016/01/23 15:16 +00:00)
- [#123]( Adding a color factory (@mistercrunch)
- [#122]( Adding Parallel coordinates viz (@mistercrunch)
- [#121]( Iframe (@mistercrunch)
- [#120]( Slice information can be displayed in dashboard (@mistercrunch)
- [#117]( Doing some refactoring (@mistercrunch)
- [#115]( Providing options for Y axis number formating (@mistercrunch)
- [#112]( Adding an URL shortner (@mistercrunch)
- [#113]( Prettier checkboxes (@mistercrunch)
- [#111]( Loading another example amazing dash (@mistercrunch)
- [#109]( Getting browser history to work on the explore view (@mistercrunch)
- [#108]( pulling to the front on hover (@BradBaker)
- [#104]( simplifying tooltip code (@BradBaker)
- [#105]( adding stagger for all charts that have a date axis (@BradBaker)
- [#102]( Fix for 2-axis charts where it shrinks them a little bit (@bradmbaker, @BradBaker)
- [#101]( Add a Gitter chat badge to (@gitter-badger)
- [#100]( Update tooltips with new classes (@bradmbaker)
- [#99]( Time resampling as in Pandas (@mistercrunch)
- [#98]( Change Scaling to Operate on SVG instead of Div (@bradmbaker)
- [#96]( Adding a filter box widget (@mistercrunch)
- [#95]( Working on docs (@mistercrunch)
- [#94]( Massive js refactor + Dashboard filters (@mistercrunch)
- [#93]( Controller (@mistercrunch)
- [#92]( Allowing not to group by on table view (@mistercrunch)
- [#91]( Exports (@mistercrunch)
- [#90]( A basic squeleton for the docs (@mistercrunch)
- [#89]( Featured datasets (@michellethomas)
- [#87]( fixing a few bugs with tool tip overflow (@BradBaker)
- [#88]( World Map viz with bubbles (@mistercrunch)
- [#86]( adjusting date formats (@BradBaker)
- [#85]( Adding sankey diagrams (@mistercrunch)
- [#84]( Adding directed force layout viz (@mistercrunch)
- [#83]( Big JS refactor (@mistercrunch)
- [#82]( letting tooltips in the dashboard overflow (@BradBaker)
- [#81]( Slightly better layout for explore page (@mistercrunch)
- [#80]( Checkboxes everywhere (@mistercrunch)
- [#79]( Cleanup around multiple select fields (@mistercrunch)

### 0.6.0 (2015/12/11 01:17 +00:00)
- [#77]( Better tooltips and more ways to integrate them easily (@mistercrunch)
- [#76]( Introducing form overrides for label and tooltips (@mistercrunch)
- [#75]( New viz: sunbursts (@mistercrunch)
- [#74]( Introducing fieldsets (@mistercrunch)
- [#73]( Airflowlike theme (@mistercrunch)
- [#72]( Logging slice and dash views (@mistercrunch)
- [#70]( Adding url slug support for dashboard model (@mistercrunch)
- [#71]( Add option to show minmax on x axis (@mistercrunch)
- [#69]( Allowing for [Save AS] and [Overwrite] (@mistercrunch)
- [#68]( Adding cumsum to rolling functions (@mistercrunch)
- [#67]( Fix debug mode calls get_json twice (@mistercrunch)
- [#66]( Adding a PivotTableViz (@mistercrunch)
- [#65]( Adding custom HAVING clause (@mistercrunch)
- [#64]( Preserving the ordering in selectmultiple (@mistercrunch)
- [#63]( Encrypting the passwords out of connection strings (@mistercrunch)
- [#61]( BetterBooleanField to fix html omitting non-checked <input> (@patrickleotardif)
- [#60]( Fix Markup Widget bug (@NiharikaRay)
- [#59]( Adding y-axis format option (@patrickleotardif)
- [#58]( Setting min_periods to 1 for rolling windows (@mistercrunch)
- [#56]( adding sort order of the slices on changed_on field (@mistercrunch)

### 0.5.2 (2015/10/24 01:06 +00:00)
- [#53]( Py3 (@mistercrunch)
- [#51]( Adding timezone offset as a datasource param (@mistercrunch)
- [#52]( Speed up travis builds with wheels (@mistercrunch)
- [#48]( Allowing to specify the gunicorn timeout in CLI and config (@mistercrunch)

### 0.5.0 (2015/10/13 01:09 +00:00)
- [#46]( Allowing to change the "Time Column" on SqlA (@mistercrunch)
- [#45]( Bootstrapping widgets from javascript initializer. (@akuhn)
- [#43]( Supporting arbitrary expressions (@mistercrunch)
- [#42]( Adding ability to style a dashboard with CSS (@mistercrunch)
- [#41]( Cleaning up the static folder (@mistercrunch)
- [#35]( A first draft on default security roles (@mistercrunch)
- [#40]( Introducing time comparison (@mistercrunch)
- [#39]( Adding interpolation choice for line charts (@mistercrunch)
- [#38]( Extract css rules and scripts into separate files. (@akuhn)
- [#37]( Viz type (@mistercrunch)
- [#36]( Extract widget javascript to separate files. (@akuhn)
- [#34]( Ripping out Highcharts. (@mistercrunch)

### 0.4.0 (2015/09/27 04:39 +00:00)
- [#33]( Adding nvd3 support (@mistercrunch)
- [#32]( Adding a foundation for unit tests (@mistercrunch)
- [#31]( Adding a button to test connections (@mistercrunch)
- [#30]( Word cloud widget! (@mistercrunch)
- [#29]( Adding support for markup (html/markdown) widgets (@mistercrunch)
- [#28]( Fix default Sqlite path. (@noddi)
- [#27]( More refactor and bugfixes (@mistercrunch)
- [#26]( Bugfix (@mistercrunch)
- [#25]( Adding basic dashboarding support! (@mistercrunch)
- [#23]( Custom WHERE clause for tables (not druid) + error handling refactor (@mistercrunch)
- [#22]( Form factory refactor (@mistercrunch)
- [#20]( add tzinfo config, useful when start druid without utc timezone (@wbchn)

### 0.2.1 (2015/09/05 22:08 +00:00)
- [#19]( Preparing pypi package (@mistercrunch)

### 0.2.0 (2015/09/05 20:43 +00:00)
- [#16]( Adding Bubble charts (@mistercrunch)
- [#13]( Now supporting SQL Multiple database (@mistercrunch)
- [#12]( Cosmetricks (@mistercrunch)
- [#11]( Fixing the ways metrics are autogenerated (@mistercrunch)
- [#10]( Now enabling multi-cluster, connection info managed in UI (@mistercrunch)
- [#9]( Multi delete action on datasources (@mistercrunch)
- [#8]( Preventing bad json from creating problems (@mistercrunch)
- [#3]( Implementing my own highcharts wrapper (@mistercrunch)