Param(ws.QueryParameter("operation","Operation type. This can be one of four types: `query` (for querying events), `statistics` (for retrieving statistical data), `histogram` (for displaying events count by time interval). Defaults to query.").DefaultValue("query")).
Param(ws.QueryParameter("workspace_filter","A comma-separated list of workspaces. This field restricts the query to specified workspaces. For example, the following filter matches the workspace my-ws and demo-ws: `my-ws,demo-ws`.")).
Param(ws.QueryParameter("workspace_search","A comma-separated list of keywords. Differing from **workspace_filter**, this field performs fuzzy matching on workspaces. For example, the following value limits the query to workspaces whose name contains the word my(My,MY,...) *OR* demo(Demo,DemO,...): `my,demo`.")).
Param(ws.QueryParameter("involved_object_namespace_filter","A comma-separated list of namespaces. This field restricts the query to specified `involvedObject.namespace`.")).
Param(ws.QueryParameter("involved_object_namespace_search","A comma-separated list of keywords. Differing from **involved_object_namespace_filter**, this field performs fuzzy matching on `involvedObject.namespace`")).
Param(ws.QueryParameter("involved_object_name_filter","A comma-separated list of names. This field restricts the query to specified ``.")).
Param(ws.QueryParameter("involved_object_name_search","A comma-separated list of keywords. Differing from **involved_object_name_filter**, this field performs fuzzy matching on ``.")).
Param(ws.QueryParameter("involved_object_kind_filter","A comma-separated list of kinds. This field restricts the query to specified `involvedObject.kind`.")).
Param(ws.QueryParameter("reason_filter","A comma-separated list of reasons. This field restricts the query to specified `reason`.")).
Param(ws.QueryParameter("reason_search","A comma-separated list of keywords. Differing from **reason_filter**, this field performs fuzzy matching on `reason`.")).
Param(ws.QueryParameter("message_search","A comma-separated list of keywords. This field performs fuzzy matching on `message`.")).
Param(ws.QueryParameter("type_filter","Type of event matching on `type`. This can be one of two types: `Warning`, `Normal`")).
Param(ws.QueryParameter("start_time","Start time of query (limits `lastTimestamp`). The format is a string representing seconds since the epoch, eg. 1136214245.")).
Param(ws.QueryParameter("end_time","End time of query (limits `lastTimestamp`). The format is a string representing seconds since the epoch, eg. 1136214245.")).
Param(ws.QueryParameter("interval","Time interval. It requires **operation** is set to `histogram`. The format is [0-9]+[smhdwMqy]. Defaults to 15m (i.e. 15 min).").DefaultValue("15m")).
Param(ws.QueryParameter("sort","Sort order. One of asc, desc. This field sorts events by `lastTimestamp`.").DataType("string").DefaultValue("desc")).
Param(ws.QueryParameter("from","The offset from the result set. This field returns query results from the specified offset. It requires **operation** is set to `query`. Defaults to 0 (i.e. from the beginning of the result set).").DataType("integer").DefaultValue("0").Required(false)).
Param(ws.QueryParameter("size","Size of result set to return. It requires **operation** is set to `query`. Defaults to 10 (i.e. 10 event records).").DataType("integer").DefaultValue("10").Required(false)).