Doc("Make an ad-hoc query in the specific namespace.").
Param(ws.PathParameter("namespace","The name of the namespace.").DataType("string").Required(true)).
Param(ws.QueryParameter("expr","The expression to be evaluated.").DataType("string").Required(false)).
Param(ws.QueryParameter("start","Start time of query. Use **start** and **end** to retrieve metric data over a time span. It is a string with Unix time format, eg. 1559347200. ").DataType("string").Required(true)).
Param(ws.QueryParameter("start","Start time of query. Use **start** and **end** to retrieve metric data over a time span. It is a string with Unix time format, eg. 1559347200. ").DataType("string").Required(false)).
Param(ws.QueryParameter("end","End time of query. Use **start** and **end** to retrieve metric data over a time span. It is a string with Unix time format, eg. 1561939200. ").DataType("string").Required(false)).
Param(ws.QueryParameter("step","Time interval. Retrieve metric data at a fixed interval within the time range of start and end. It requires both **start** and **end** are provided. The format is [0-9]+[smhdwy]. Defaults to 10m (i.e. 10 min).").DataType("string").DefaultValue("10m").Required(false)).
Param(ws.QueryParameter("time","A timestamp in Unix time format. Retrieve metric data at a single point in time. Defaults to now. Time and the combination of start, end, step are mutually exclusive.").DataType("string").Required(false)).