提交 655fd26c 编写于 作者: D Duan Jiong

fix nsnp webhook to validate all fileds in it

such as ipblock, service.
And the crd openAPIV3Schema could not validate all scenarios
Signed-off-by: NDuan Jiong <djduanjiong@gmail.com>
上级 52abbeb3
......@@ -173,7 +173,7 @@ func Run(s *options.KubeSphereControllerManagerOptions, stopCh <-chan struct{})
klog.Info("registering webhooks to the webhook server")
hookServer.Register("/validate-email-iam-kubesphere-io-v1alpha2-user", &webhook.Admission{Handler: &user.EmailValidator{Client: mgr.GetClient()}})
hookServer.Register("/validate-service-nsnp-kubesphere-io-v1alpha1-network", &webhook.Admission{Handler: &nsnetworkpolicy.ServiceValidator{}})
hookServer.Register("/validate-nsnp-kubesphere-io-v1alpha1-network", &webhook.Admission{Handler: &nsnetworkpolicy.NSNPValidator{Client: mgr.GetClient()}})
klog.V(0).Info("Starting the controllers.")
if err = mgr.Start(stopCh); err != nil {
......@@ -2,23 +2,23 @@ apiVersion: admissionregistration.k8s.io/v1beta1
kind: ValidatingWebhookConfiguration
creationTimestamp: null
name: kubesphere-nsnp-validate-service
name: kubesphere-nsnp-validate
- clientConfig:
caBundle: <caBundle>
name: kubesphere-controller-manager-service
namespace: kubesphere-system
path: /validate-service-nsnp-kubesphere-io-v1alpha1-network
path: /validate-nsnp-kubesphere-io-v1alpha1-network
failurePolicy: Fail
name: validate.nsnp.kubesphere.io
- apiGroups:
- ""
- network.kubesphere.io
- v1
- services
- namespacenetworkpolicies
......@@ -2,37 +2,173 @@ package nsnetworkpolicy
import (
corev1 "k8s.io/api/core/v1"
k8snet "k8s.io/api/networking/v1"
networkv1alpha1 "kubesphere.io/kubesphere/pkg/apis/network/v1alpha1"
// +kubebuilder:webhook:path=/validate-service-nsnp-kubesphere-io-v1alpha1-network,name=validate-v1-service,mutating=false,failurePolicy=fail,groups="",resources=services,verbs=create;update,versions=v1
// serviceValidator validates service
type ServiceValidator struct {
type NSNPValidator struct {
Client client.Client
decoder *admission.Decoder
// Service must hash label, becasue nsnp will use it
func (v *ServiceValidator) Handle(ctx context.Context, req admission.Request) admission.Response {
service := &corev1.Service{}
func (v *NSNPValidator) Handle(ctx context.Context, req admission.Request) admission.Response {
nsnp := &networkv1alpha1.NamespaceNetworkPolicy{}
err := v.decoder.Decode(req, service)
err := v.decoder.Decode(req, nsnp)
if err != nil {
return admission.Errored(http.StatusBadRequest, err)
if service.Spec.Selector == nil {
return admission.Denied(fmt.Sprintf("missing label"))
allErrs := field.ErrorList{}
allErrs = append(allErrs, v.ValidateNSNPSpec(&nsnp.Spec, field.NewPath("spec"))...)
if len(allErrs) != 0 {
return admission.Denied(allErrs.ToAggregate().Error())
return admission.Allowed("")
func (a *ServiceValidator) InjectDecoder(d *admission.Decoder) error {
a.decoder = d
func (v *NSNPValidator) InjectDecoder(d *admission.Decoder) error {
v.decoder = d
return nil
// ValidateNetworkPolicyPort validates a NetworkPolicyPort
func (v *NSNPValidator) ValidateNetworkPolicyPort(port *k8snet.NetworkPolicyPort, portPath *field.Path) field.ErrorList {
allErrs := field.ErrorList{}
if port.Protocol != nil && *port.Protocol != corev1.ProtocolTCP && *port.Protocol != corev1.ProtocolUDP && *port.Protocol != corev1.ProtocolSCTP {
allErrs = append(allErrs, field.NotSupported(portPath.Child("protocol"), *port.Protocol, []string{string(corev1.ProtocolTCP), string(corev1.ProtocolUDP), string(corev1.ProtocolSCTP)}))
if port.Port != nil {
if port.Port.Type == intstr.Int {
for _, msg := range validation.IsValidPortNum(int(port.Port.IntVal)) {
allErrs = append(allErrs, field.Invalid(portPath.Child("port"), port.Port.IntVal, msg))
} else {
for _, msg := range validation.IsValidPortName(port.Port.StrVal) {
allErrs = append(allErrs, field.Invalid(portPath.Child("port"), port.Port.StrVal, msg))
return allErrs
func (v *NSNPValidator) ValidateServiceSelector(serviceSelector *networkv1alpha1.ServiceSelector, fldPath *field.Path) field.ErrorList {
service := &corev1.Service{}
allErrs := field.ErrorList{}
err := v.Client.Get(context.TODO(), client.ObjectKey{Namespace: serviceSelector.Namespace, Name: serviceSelector.Name}, service)
if err != nil {
allErrs = append(allErrs, field.Invalid(fldPath, serviceSelector, "cannot get service"))
return allErrs
if len(service.Spec.Selector) <= 0 {
allErrs = append(allErrs, field.Invalid(fldPath, serviceSelector, "service should have selector"))
return allErrs
// ValidateCIDR validates whether a CIDR matches the conventions expected by net.ParseCIDR
func ValidateCIDR(cidr string) (*net.IPNet, error) {
_, net, err := net.ParseCIDR(cidr)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return net, nil
// ValidateIPBlock validates a cidr and the except fields of an IpBlock NetworkPolicyPeer
func (v *NSNPValidator) ValidateIPBlock(ipb *k8snet.IPBlock, fldPath *field.Path) field.ErrorList {
allErrs := field.ErrorList{}
if len(ipb.CIDR) == 0 || ipb.CIDR == "" {
allErrs = append(allErrs, field.Required(fldPath.Child("cidr"), ""))
return allErrs
cidrIPNet, err := ValidateCIDR(ipb.CIDR)
if err != nil {
allErrs = append(allErrs, field.Invalid(fldPath.Child("cidr"), ipb.CIDR, "not a valid CIDR"))
return allErrs
exceptCIDR := ipb.Except
for i, exceptIP := range exceptCIDR {
exceptPath := fldPath.Child("except").Index(i)
exceptCIDR, err := ValidateCIDR(exceptIP)
if err != nil {
allErrs = append(allErrs, field.Invalid(exceptPath, exceptIP, "not a valid CIDR"))
return allErrs
if !cidrIPNet.Contains(exceptCIDR.IP) {
allErrs = append(allErrs, field.Invalid(exceptPath, exceptCIDR.IP, "not within CIDR range"))
return allErrs
// ValidateNSNPPeer validates a NetworkPolicyPeer
func (v *NSNPValidator) ValidateNSNPPeer(peer *networkv1alpha1.NetworkPolicyPeer, peerPath *field.Path) field.ErrorList {
allErrs := field.ErrorList{}
numPeers := 0
if peer.ServiceSelector != nil {
allErrs = append(allErrs, v.ValidateServiceSelector(peer.ServiceSelector, peerPath.Child("service"))...)
if peer.NamespaceSelector != nil {
if peer.IPBlock != nil {
allErrs = append(allErrs, v.ValidateIPBlock(peer.IPBlock, peerPath.Child("ipBlock"))...)
if numPeers == 0 {
allErrs = append(allErrs, field.Required(peerPath, "must specify a peer"))
} else if numPeers > 1 && peer.IPBlock != nil {
allErrs = append(allErrs, field.Forbidden(peerPath, "may not specify both ipBlock and another peer"))
return allErrs
func (v *NSNPValidator) ValidateNSNPSpec(spec *networkv1alpha1.NamespaceNetworkPolicySpec, fldPath *field.Path) field.ErrorList {
allErrs := field.ErrorList{}
// Validate ingress rules.
for i, ingress := range spec.Ingress {
ingressPath := fldPath.Child("ingress").Index(i)
for i, port := range ingress.Ports {
portPath := ingressPath.Child("ports").Index(i)
allErrs = append(allErrs, v.ValidateNetworkPolicyPort(&port, portPath)...)
for i, from := range ingress.From {
fromPath := ingressPath.Child("from").Index(i)
allErrs = append(allErrs, v.ValidateNSNPPeer(&from, fromPath)...)
// Validate egress rules
for i, egress := range spec.Egress {
egressPath := fldPath.Child("egress").Index(i)
for i, port := range egress.Ports {
portPath := egressPath.Child("ports").Index(i)
allErrs = append(allErrs, v.ValidateNetworkPolicyPort(&port, portPath)...)
for i, to := range egress.To {
toPath := egressPath.Child("to").Index(i)
allErrs = append(allErrs, v.ValidateNSNPPeer(&to, toPath)...)
return allErrs
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