Param(ws.QueryParameter("end","End time of query. Use **start** and **end** to retrieve metric data over a time span. It is a string with Unix time format, eg. 1561939200. ").DataType("string").Required(false)).
Param(ws.QueryParameter("end","End time of query. Use **start** and **end** to retrieve metric data over a time span. It is a string with Unix time format, eg. 1561939200. ").DataType("string").Required(false)).
Param(ws.QueryParameter("step","Time interval. Retrieve metric data at a fixed interval within the time range of start and end. It requires both **start** and **end** are provided. The format is [0-9]+[smhdwy]. Defaults to 10m (i.e. 10 min).").DataType("string").DefaultValue("10m").Required(false)).
Param(ws.QueryParameter("step","Time interval. Retrieve metric data at a fixed interval within the time range of start and end. It requires both **start** and **end** are provided. The format is [0-9]+[smhdwy]. Defaults to 10m (i.e. 10 min).").DataType("string").DefaultValue("10m").Required(false)).
Param(ws.QueryParameter("time","A timestamp in Unix time format. Retrieve metric data at a single point in time. Defaults to now. Time and the combination of start, end, step are mutually exclusive.").DataType("string").Required(false)).
Param(ws.QueryParameter("time","A timestamp in Unix time format. Retrieve metric data at a single point in time. Defaults to now. Time and the combination of start, end, step are mutually exclusive.").DataType("string").Required(false)).
Param(ws.QueryParameter("type","Additional operations. Currently available types is statistics. It retrieves the total number of namespaces, devops projects, members and roles in this workspace at the moment.").DataType("string").Required(false)).