Doc("Get the sonar quality information for the specified pipeline of the DevOps project").
Doc("Get the sonar quality information for the specified pipeline of the DevOps project. For a detailed explanation of the fields you can refer to the official sonarqube documentation:").
Param(webservice.PathParameter("devops","DevOps project's ID, e.g. project-RRRRAzLBlLEm")).
Param(webservice.PathParameter("pipeline","the name of pipeline, e.g. sample-pipeline")).
Doc("Get the sonar quality check information for the specified pipeline branch of the DevOps project").
Doc("Get the sonar quality check information for the specified pipeline branch of the DevOps project. For a detailed explanation of the fields you can refer to the official sonarqube documentation:").
Param(webservice.PathParameter("devops","DevOps project's ID, e.g. project-RRRRAzLBlLEm")).
Param(webservice.PathParameter("pipelines","the name of pipeline, e.g. sample-pipeline")).
@@ -211,24 +211,22 @@ All credential fields, such as name, id, etc., will be returned each time.
Some credential non-encrypted fields, such as the username of the username-password type credential, which returns when the "content" parameter is set to non-empty.
Some encrypted fields, such as the password of the username password type credential, this part of the field will never return.