未验证 提交 2dfc1b4c 编写于 作者: R rayzhou2017 提交者: GitHub

Merge pull request #545 from huanggze/api-doc-fix

refine api docs
......@@ -151,24 +151,24 @@ func addWebService(c *restful.Container) error {
Doc("Query cluster-level logs in a multi-tenants environment").
Param(ws.QueryParameter("operation", "Query operation type. One of query, statistics, histogram.").DataType("string").Required(true)).
Param(ws.QueryParameter("workspaces", "List of workspaces separated by comma the query will perform against.").DataType("string").Required(false)).
Param(ws.QueryParameter("workspace_query", "List of keywords for filtering workspaces. Workspaces whose name contains at least one keyword will be matched for query. Non case-sensitive matching. eg. one,two.").DataType("string").Required(false)).
Param(ws.QueryParameter("namespaces", "List of namespaces the query will perform against, eg. ns-one,ns-two").DataType("string").Required(false)).
Param(ws.QueryParameter("namespace_query", "List of keywords for filtering namespaces. Namespaces whose name contains at least one keyword will be matched for query. Non case-sensitive matching. eg. one,two.").DataType("string").Required(false)).
Param(ws.QueryParameter("workloads", "List of workloads the query will perform against, eg. wl-one,wl-two").DataType("string").Required(false)).
Param(ws.QueryParameter("workload_query", "List of keywords for filtering workloads. Workloads whose name contains at least one keyword will be matched for query. Non case-sensitive matching. eg. one,two.").DataType("string").Required(false)).
Param(ws.QueryParameter("pods", "List of pods the query will perform against, eg. pod-one,pod-two").DataType("string").Required(false)).
Param(ws.QueryParameter("pod_query", "List of keywords for filtering pods. Pods whose name contains at least one keyword will be matched for query. Non case-sensitive matching. eg. one,two.").DataType("string").Required(false)).
Param(ws.QueryParameter("containers", "List of containers the query will perform against, eg. container-one,container-two").DataType("string").Required(false)).
Param(ws.QueryParameter("container_query", "List of keywords for filtering containers. Containers whose name contains at least one keyword will be matched for query. Non case-sensitive matching. eg. one,two.").DataType("string").Required(false)).
Param(ws.QueryParameter("log_query", "List of keywords for filtering logs. The query returns log containing at least one keyword. Non case-sensitive matching. eg. err,INFO.").DataType("string").Required(false)).
Param(ws.QueryParameter("interval", "Count logs at intervals. Valid only if operation is histogram. The unit can be ms(milliseconds), s(seconds), m(minutes), h(hours), d(days), w(weeks), M(months), q(quarters), y(years). eg. 30m.").DataType("string").Required(false)).
Param(ws.QueryParameter("start_time", "Start time of query range, eg. 1559664000000.").DataType("string").Required(false)).
Param(ws.QueryParameter("end_time", "End time of query range, eg. 1559664000000.").DataType("string").Required(false)).
Param(ws.QueryParameter("sort", "Sort log by time. One of acs, desc.").DataType("string").DefaultValue("desc").Required(false)).
Param(ws.QueryParameter("from", "Beginning index of result to return. Use this option together with size.").DataType("integer").DefaultValue("0").Required(false)).
Param(ws.QueryParameter("size", "Size of result to return.").DataType("integer").DefaultValue("10").Required(false)).
Param(ws.QueryParameter("operation", "Query type. This can be one of three types: query (for querying logs), statistics (for retrieving statistical data), and histogram (for displaying log count by time interval).").DataType("string").Required(true)).
Param(ws.QueryParameter("workspaces", "A comma-separated list of workspaces. This field restricts the query to specified workspaces. For example, the following filter matches the workspace my-ws and demo-ws: `my-ws,demo-ws`").DataType("string").Required(false)).
Param(ws.QueryParameter("workspace_query", "A comma-separated list of keywords. Differing from **workspaces**, this field performs fuzzy matching on workspaces. For example, the following value limits the query to workspaces whose name contains the word my(My,MY,...) *OR* demo(Demo,DemO,...): `my,demo`.").DataType("string").Required(false)).
Param(ws.QueryParameter("namespaces", "A comma-separated list of namespaces. This field restricts the query to specified namespaces. For example, the following filter matches the namespace my-ns and demo-ns: `my-ns,demo-ns`").DataType("string").Required(false)).
Param(ws.QueryParameter("namespace_query", "A comma-separated list of keywords. Differing from **namespaces**, this field performs fuzzy matching on namespaces. For example, the following value limits the query to namespaces whose name contains the word my(My,MY,...) *OR* demo(Demo,DemO,...): `my,demo`.").DataType("string").Required(false)).
Param(ws.QueryParameter("workloads", "A comma-separated list of workloads. This field restricts the query to specified workloads. For example, the following filter matches the workload my-wl and demo-wl: `my-wl,demo-wl`").DataType("string").Required(false)).
Param(ws.QueryParameter("workload_query", "A comma-separated list of keywords. Differing from **workloads**, this field performs fuzzy matching on workloads. For example, the following value limits the query to workloads whose name contains the word my(My,MY,...) *OR* demo(Demo,DemO,...): `my,demo`.").DataType("string").Required(false)).
Param(ws.QueryParameter("pods", "A comma-separated list of pods. This field restricts the query to specified pods. For example, the following filter matches the pod my-po and demo-po: `my-po,demo-po`").DataType("string").Required(false)).
Param(ws.QueryParameter("pod_query", "A comma-separated list of keywords. Differing from **pods**, this field performs fuzzy matching on pods. For example, the following value limits the query to pods whose name contains the word my(My,MY,...) *OR* demo(Demo,DemO,...): `my,demo`.").DataType("string").Required(false)).
Param(ws.QueryParameter("containers", "A comma-separated list of containers. This field restricts the query to specified containers. For example, the following filter matches the container my-cont and demo-cont: `my-cont,demo-cont`").DataType("string").Required(false)).
Param(ws.QueryParameter("container_query", "A comma-separated list of keywords. Differing from **containers**, this field performs fuzzy matching on containers. For example, the following value limits the query to containers whose name contains the word my(My,MY,...) *OR* demo(Demo,DemO,...): `my,demo`.").DataType("string").Required(false)).
Param(ws.QueryParameter("log_query", "A comma-separated list of keywords. The query returns logs which contain at least one keyword. Case-insensitive matching. For example, if the field is set to `err,INFO`, the query returns any log containing err(ERR,Err,...) *OR* INFO(info,InFo,...).").DataType("string").Required(false)).
Param(ws.QueryParameter("interval", "Time interval. It requires **operation** is set to histogram. The format is [0-9]+[smhdwMqy]. Defaults to 15m (i.e. 15 min).").DefaultValue("15m").DataType("string").Required(false)).
Param(ws.QueryParameter("start_time", "Start time of query. Default to 0. The format is a string representing milliseconds since the epoch, eg. 1559664000000.").DataType("string").Required(false)).
Param(ws.QueryParameter("end_time", "End time of query. Default to now. The format is a string representing milliseconds since the epoch, eg. 1559664000000.").DataType("string").Required(false)).
Param(ws.QueryParameter("sort", "Direction of the sort. One of acs, desc. This field sorts logs by timestamp.").DataType("string").DefaultValue("desc").Required(false)).
Param(ws.QueryParameter("from", "The offset from the result set. This field returns query results from the specified offset. It requires **operation** is set to query. Defaults to 0 (i.e. from the beginning of the result set).").DataType("integer").DefaultValue("0").Required(false)).
Param(ws.QueryParameter("size", "Size of result to return. It requires **operation** is set to query. Defaults to 10 (i.e. 10 log records).").DataType("integer").DefaultValue("10").Required(false)).
Metadata(restfulspec.KeyOpenAPITags, []string{constants.TenantResourcesTag}).
Returns(http.StatusOK, RespOK, esclient.Response{})).
......@@ -65,6 +65,8 @@ const (
WorkloadMetricsTag = "Workload Metrics"
WorkspaceMetricsTag = "Workspace Metrics"
ComponentMetricsTag = "Component Metrics"
LogQueryTag = "Log Query"
FluentBitSetting = "Fluent Bit Setting"
var (
......@@ -373,7 +373,7 @@ type HistogramStatistics struct {
type HistogramRecord struct {
Time int64 `json:"time" description:"time point"`
Time int64 `json:"time" description:"timestamp"`
Count int64 `json:"count" description:"total number of logs at intervals"`
......@@ -393,7 +393,7 @@ type HistogramResult struct {
// Wrap elasticsearch response
type QueryResult struct {
Status int `json:"status,omitempty" description:"query status"`
Error string `json:"error,omitempty" description:"debug information"`
Error string `json:"error,omitempty" description:"debugging information"`
Workspace string `json:"workspace,omitempty" description:"workspace the query was performed against"`
Read *ReadResult `json:"query,omitempty" description:"query results"`
Statistics *StatisticsResult `json:"statistics,omitempty" description:"statistics results"`
......@@ -93,6 +93,10 @@ func generateSwaggerJson() {
Tags: []string{constants.ClusterMetricsTag, constants.NodeMetricsTag, constants.NamespaceMetricsTag, constants.WorkloadMetricsTag,
constants.PodMetricsTag, constants.ContainerMetricsTag, constants.WorkspaceMetricsTag, constants.ComponentMetricsTag},
Name: "Logging",
Tags: []string{constants.LogQueryTag, constants.FluentBitSetting},
data, _ := json.Marshal(swagger)
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