fs.StringVar(&s.TokenIdleTimeout,"token-idle-timeout","30m","tokens that are idle beyond that time will expire,0s means the token has no expiration time. valid time units are \"ns\",\"us\",\"ms\",\"s\",\"m\",\"h\"")
fs.DurationVar(&s.TokenIdleTimeout,"token-idle-timeout",30*time.Minute,"tokens that are idle beyond that time will expire,0s means the token has no expiration time. valid time units are \"ns\",\"us\",\"ms\",\"s\",\"m\",\"h\"")
fs.StringVar(&s.AuthRateLimit,"auth-rate-limit","5/30m","specifies the maximum number of authentication attempts permitted and time interval,valid time units are \"s\",\"m\",\"h\"")
fs.BoolVar(&s.EnableMultiLogin,"enable-multi-login",false,"allow one account to have multiple sessions")
Doc("KubeSphere APIs support token-based authentication via the Authtoken request header. The POST Login API is used to retrieve the authentication token. After the authentication token is obtained, it must be inserted into the Authtoken header for all requests.").