提交 fa579849 编写于 作者: cocos2d-lua.org's avatar cocos2d-lua.org


上级 57544066
......@@ -52,18 +52,23 @@ static AppDelegate s_sharedApplication;
// Add the view controller's view to the window and display.
CGRect winRect = [[UIScreen mainScreen] bounds];
// iPhoneX special fix, is there a better method?
CGSize screenSize = [[UIScreen mainScreen] currentMode].size;
if (CGSizeEqualToSize(CGSizeMake(1125, 2436), screenSize)) {
if (winRect.size.height == 812) { // Portrait
winRect.origin.y = 44;
winRect.size.height = 812 - 44 - 34;
} else { // landscape
winRect.origin.x = 44;
winRect.size.width = 812 - 44 - 34;
window = [[UIWindow alloc] initWithFrame: winRect];
if (UIDevice.currentDevice.userInterfaceIdiom == UIUserInterfaceIdiomPhone) {//判断是否是手机
if (@available(iOS 11.0, *)) {
if (window.safeAreaInsets.bottom > 0.0) {
NSLog(@"top = %f,bottom = %f,left = %f,right = %f",window.safeAreaInsets.top, window.safeAreaInsets.bottom, window.safeAreaInsets.left, window.safeAreaInsets.right);
if (winRect.size.height > winRect.size.width) { // Portrait
winRect.origin.y = window.safeAreaInsets.bottom;
winRect.size.height = winRect.size.height - window.safeAreaInsets.bottom - window.safeAreaInsets.top;
} else { // landscape
winRect.origin.x = window.safeAreaInsets.left;
winRect.size.width = winRect.size.width - window.safeAreaInsets.left - window.safeAreaInsets.right;
winRect.size.height = winRect.size.height - window.safeAreaInsets.bottom;
window = [[UIWindow alloc] initWithFrame: winRect];
[window setFrame:winRect];
CCEAGLView *eaglView = [CCEAGLView viewWithFrame: [window bounds]
pixelFormat: (NSString*)cocos2d::GLViewImpl::_pixelFormat
depthFormat: cocos2d::GLViewImpl::_depthFormat
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