提交 8cc04297 编写于 作者: L luqiong


上级 c03f97ff
......@@ -233,7 +233,7 @@ test('删除行',function(){
// range.setStart(editor.body.firstChild,0).collapse(true).select();
// editor.execCommand('inserttable');
// setTimeout(function(){
//// setTimeout(function(){
// var trs = editor.body.firstChild.getElementsByTagName( 'tr' );
// var ut = editor.getUETable(editor.body.firstChild);
// var cellsRange = ut.getCellsRange(trs[0].cells[0],trs[2].cells[4]);
......@@ -242,19 +242,19 @@ test('删除行',function(){
// var td=trs[3].getElementsByTagName('td');
// ua.mousedown(td[0]);//清空选择的单元格
// equal(editor.currentSelectedArr.length,'0','mouse down--length');
// ua.mouseover(td[0]);//选择单元格
// ua.mouseover(td[1]);
// ua.mouseup(td[2]);
// equal(editor.currentSelectedArr.length,'2','mouse over--length');
// equal(ut.selectedTds.length,'0','mouse down--length');
//// ua.mouseover(td[0]);//选择单元格
//// ua.mouseover(td[1]);
//// ua.mouseup(td[2]);
//// equal(editor.currentSelectedArr.length,'2','mouse over--length');
// // editor.currentSelectedArr=[];
// // range.setStart(td[2],0).setEnd(td[4],0).select();
// // ua.mouseup(td[3]);
// // range = editor.selection.getRange();
// // ua.checkResult(range,td[2],td[2],0,0,true,'mouse up --range');
// start();
// },50);
// stop();
//// start();
//// },50);
//// stop();
......@@ -375,43 +375,42 @@ test( '选中合并过的单元格和普通单元格,查看完全拆分单元
} );
/*trace 718*/
//test( '2次撤销删除列', function() {
// var editor = te.obj[0];
// var range = te.obj[1];
// editor.setContent( '<p></p>' );
// range.setStart( editor.body.firstChild, 0 ).collapse( true ).select();
// editor.execCommand( 'inserttable', {numCols:4,numRows:4} );
// ua.manualDeleteFillData( editor.body );
// setTimeout(function(){
// var trs = editor.body.firstChild.getElementsByTagName( 'tr' );
// var ut = editor.getUETable(editor.body.firstChild);
// var cellsRange = ut.getCellsRange(trs[1].cells[1],trs[2].cells[2]);
// ut.setSelected(cellsRange);
// range.setStart( trs[1].cells[1], 0 ).collapse( true ).select();
// editor.execCommand( 'mergecells' );
// equal( $( trs[1].cells[1] ).attr( 'rowspan' ), 2, 'rowspan 为2' );
// equal( $( trs[1].cells[1] ).attr( 'colspan' ), 2, 'colspan 为2' );
// editor.execCommand( 'deletecol' );
// equal( trs[1].childNodes.length, 3, '3个td' );
// editor.undoManger.undo();
// trs = editor.body.firstChild.getElementsByTagName( 'tr' );
// equal( trs[1].childNodes.length, 4, '4个td' );
// equal( $( trs[1].cells[1] ).attr( 'rowspan' ), 2, 'rowspan 为2' );
// equal( $( trs[1].cells[1] ).attr( 'colspan' ), 2, 'colspan 为2' );
// range.setStart( trs[1].cells[1], 0 ).collapse(1).select();
// editor.execCommand( 'deletecol' );
// equal( trs[1].childNodes.length, 3, '3个td' );
// equal( $( trs[1].cells[1] ).attr( 'rowspan' ), 1, 'rowspan 为1' );
// ok( $( trs[1].cells[1] ).attr( 'colspan' ) == undefined || $( trs[1].cells[1] ).attr( 'colspan' ) == 1, 'colspan为1或者undefined' );
// start();
// },50);
// stop();
//} );
test( '2次撤销删除列', function() {
var editor = te.obj[0];
var range = te.obj[1];
editor.setContent( '<p></p>' );
range.setStart( editor.body.firstChild, 0 ).collapse( true ).select();
editor.execCommand( 'inserttable', {numCols:4,numRows:4} );
ua.manualDeleteFillData( editor.body );
var trs = editor.body.firstChild.getElementsByTagName( 'tr' );
var ut = editor.getUETable(editor.body.firstChild);
var cellsRange = ut.getCellsRange(trs[1].cells[1],trs[2].cells[2]);
range.setStart( trs[1].cells[1], 0 ).collapse( true ).select();
editor.execCommand( 'mergecells' );
equal( trs[1].cells[1].rowSpan, 2, 'rowspan 为2' );
equal( trs[1].cells[1].colSpan, 2, 'colspan 为2' );
editor.execCommand( 'deletecol' );
equal( trs[1].cells.length, 3, '3个td' );
trs = editor.body.firstChild.getElementsByTagName( 'tr' );
equal( trs[1].cells.length, 3, '3个td' );
equal( trs[1].cells[1].rowSpan, 2, 'rowspan 为2' );
equal( trs[1].cells[1].colSpan, 2, 'colspan 为2' );
range.setStart( trs[1].cells[1], 0 ).collapse(1).select();
editor.execCommand( 'deletecol' );
equal( trs[1].cells.length, 3, '3个td' );
equal( trs[1].cells[1].rowSpan, 2, 'rowspan 为2' );
ok( trs[1].cells[1].colSpan == undefined || trs[1].cells[1].colSpan == 1, 'colspan为1或者undefined' );
} );
/*trace 713*/
test( '合并最后一列单元格后再前插入列', function() {
......@@ -454,25 +453,31 @@ test( 'trace 1098:多次合并单元格偶切换到源码再切回来', function
range.setStart( trs[0].cells[0], 0 ).collapse( true ).select();
editor.execCommand( 'mergecells' );
var trs = editor.body.firstChild.getElementsByTagName( 'tr' );
var ut = editor.getUETable(editor.body.firstChild);
var cellsRange = ut.getCellsRange(trs[0].cells[1],trs[2].cells[1]);
trs = editor.body.firstChild.getElementsByTagName( 'tr' );
ut = editor.getUETable(editor.body.firstChild);
cellsRange = ut.getCellsRange(trs[0].cells[1],trs[2].cells[0]);
range.setStart( trs[0].cells[1], 0 ).collapse( true ).select();
editor.execCommand( 'mergecells' );
editor.execCommand( 'source' );
editor.execCommand( 'source' );
setTimeout( function() {
trs = editor.body.firstChild.getElementsByTagName( 'tr' );
ut = editor.getUETable(editor.body.firstChild);
cellsRange = ut.getCellsRange(trs[0].cells[2],trs[1].cells[0]);
range.setStart( trs[0].cells[2], 0 ).collapse( true ).select();
editor.execCommand( 'mergecells' );
editor.execCommand( 'source' );
editor.execCommand( 'source' );
equal( trs.length, 3, '3个tr' );
equal( trs[0].cells[0].rowSpan, 3, '第一个单元格rowspan 3' );
equal( trs[0].cells[1].rowSpan, 3, '第二个单元格rowspan 3' );
// for ( var index = 0; index < trs.length; index++ ) {
// equal( trs[index].childNodes.length, 3, '3个td' );
// }
equal( trs[0].cells.length, 3, '3个td' );
equal( trs[1].cells.length, 0, '0个td' );
equal( trs[2].cells.length, 1, '1个td' );
}, 50 );
......@@ -481,56 +486,52 @@ test( 'trace 1098:多次合并单元格偶切换到源码再切回来', function
} );
/*trace 1307*/
//test( 'trace 1307:adjustTable--多次合并单元格切换到源码再切回来--选中单元格浏览器会假死', function() {
// var editor = te.obj[0];
// var range = te.obj[1];
// editor.setContent( '<p></p>' );
// range.setStart( editor.body.firstChild, 0 ).collapse( true ).select();
// editor.execCommand( 'inserttable', {numCols:4,numRows:4} );
// setTimeout(function(){
// var trs = editor.body.firstChild.getElementsByTagName( 'tr' );
// var ut = editor.getUETable(editor.body.firstChild);
// var cellsRange = ut.getCellsRange(trs[1].cells[0],trs[3].cells[1]);
// ut.setSelected(cellsRange);
// range.setStart( trs[1].cells[0], 0 ).collapse( true ).select();
// editor.execCommand( 'mergecells' );
// setTimeout(function(){
// var trs = editor.body.firstChild.getElementsByTagName( 'tr' );
// var ut = editor.getUETable(editor.body.firstChild);
// var cellsRange = ut.getCellsRange(trs[0].cells[2],trs[2].cells[1]);
// ut.setSelected(cellsRange);
// range.setStart( trs[0].cells[2], 0 ).collapse( true ).select();
// editor.execCommand( 'mergecells' );
// editor.execCommand( 'source' );
// editor.execCommand( 'source' );
// trs = editor.body.getElementsByTagName( 'tr' );
// equal( trs[1].cells[1].rowIndex, 1, '(1,1)行索引' );
// equal( $( trs[1].cells[1] ).attr( 'rootCellIndex' ), 0, '(1,1)列索引' );
// equal( $( trs[1].cells[2] ).attr( 'rootRowIndex' ), 0, '(1,2)行索引' );
// equal( $( trs[1].cells[2] ).attr( 'rootCellIndex' ), 2, '(1,2)列索引' );
// equal( $( trs[2].cells[2] ).attr( 'rootRowIndex' ), 0, '(2,2)行索引' );
// equal( $( trs[2].cells[2] ).attr( 'rootCellIndex' ), 2, '(2,2)列索引' );
// equal( $( trs[2].cells[0] ).attr( 'rootRowIndex' ), 1, '(2,0)行索引' );
// equal( $( trs[2].cells[0] ).attr( 'rootCellIndex' ), 0, '(2,0)列索引' );
// equal( trs[1].cells[0].rowSpan, 3, '第二行第一个单元格rowspan 3' );
// equal( trs[1].cells[0].colSpan, 2, '第二行第一个单元格colspan 2' );
// equal( trs[0].cells[2].rowSpan, 3, '第一行第三个单元格rowspan 3' );
// equal( trs.length, 4, '4个tr' );
// for ( var index = 0; index < trs.length; index++ ) {
// equal( trs[index].cells.length, 4, '4个td' );
// }
// start();
// },50);
// },50);
// stop();
//} );
test( 'trace 1307:adjustTable--多次合并单元格切换到源码再切回来--选中单元格浏览器会假死', function() {
var editor = te.obj[0];
var range = te.obj[1];
editor.setContent( '<p></p>' );
range.setStart( editor.body.firstChild, 0 ).collapse( true ).select();
editor.execCommand( 'inserttable', {numCols:4,numRows:4} );
var trs = editor.body.firstChild.getElementsByTagName( 'tr' );
var ut = editor.getUETable(editor.body.firstChild);
var cellsRange = ut.getCellsRange(trs[1].cells[0],trs[3].cells[1]);
range.setStart( trs[1].cells[0], 0 ).collapse( true ).select();
editor.execCommand( 'mergecells' );
var trs = editor.body.firstChild.getElementsByTagName( 'tr' );
var ut = editor.getUETable(editor.body.firstChild);
var cellsRange = ut.getCellsRange(trs[0].cells[2],trs[2].cells[0]);
range.setStart( trs[0].cells[2], 0 ).collapse( true ).select();
editor.execCommand( 'mergecells' );
editor.execCommand( 'source' );
editor.execCommand( 'source' );
trs = editor.body.getElementsByTagName( 'tr' );
equal( trs[1].rowIndex, 1, '(1,1)行索引' );
equal( trs[1].cells[0].cellIndex, 0, '(1,0)列索引' );
equal( trs[1].cells[1].cellIndex, 1, '(1,1)列索引' );
equal( trs[2].rowIndex, 2, '(2,2)行索引' );
equal( trs[2].cells[0].cellIndex, 0, '(2,0)列索引' );
equal( trs[1].cells[0].rowSpan, 3, '第二行第一个单元格rowspan 3' );
equal( trs[1].cells[0].colSpan, 2, '第二行第一个单元格colspan 2' );
equal( trs[0].cells[2].rowSpan, 3, '第一行第三个单元格rowspan 3' );
equal( trs.length, 4, '4个tr' );
equal( trs[0].cells.length, 4, '4个td' );
equal( trs[1].cells.length, 2, '2个td' );
equal( trs[2].cells.length, 1, '1个td' );
equal( trs[3].cells.length, 2, '2个td' );
} );
///*trace 2378*/
// var editor = te.obj[0];
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