提交 83bb8d29 编写于 作者: L luqiong


上级 6f057b8a
......@@ -2,151 +2,135 @@ module( "plugins.blockquote" );
/*trace 967*/
test( '切换到源码模式再切换回来点引用', function () {
var editor = te.obj[0];
var body = editor.body;
editor.setContent( 'hello' );
editor.execCommand( 'source' );
var tas = editor.iframe.parentNode.getElementsByTagName( 'textarea' );
tas[tas.length - 1].value = '';
setTimeout( function () {
editor.execCommand( 'source' );
editor.execCommand( 'blockquote' );
// //模拟回车,在引用后回车两段都是引用
setTimeout( function () {
//// //firefox竟然要多触发一次。。什么乱七八糟的bug啊
////// if ( ua.getBrowser() == "firefox" )
////// te.presskey( "enter", "" );
te.presskey( "enter", "" );
setTimeout( function () {
setTimeout( function () {
var bq = body.firstChild;
equal( body.childNodes.length, 1, 'body有1个孩子' );
equal( bq.childNodes.length, 2, 'blockquote有2个孩子' );
ok( bq.childNodes[0]&&bq.childNodes[0].tagName.toLowerCase()=='p', '第一个孩子是p' );
ok( bq.childNodes[1]&&bq.childNodes[1].tagName.toLowerCase()=='p', '第二个孩子是p' );
}, 50 );
}, 30 );//
}, 60 );
}, 50 );
} );
//test( '切换到源码模式再切换回来点引用', function () {
// if(!ua.browser.ie){
// var editor = te.obj[0];
// var body = editor.body;
// editor.setContent( 'hello' );
// editor.execCommand( 'source' );
// var tas = editor.iframe.parentNode.getElementsByTagName( 'textarea' );
// tas[tas.length - 1].value = '';
// stop();
// setTimeout( function () { //source.js中有延时操作
// editor.execCommand( 'source' );
// editor.execCommand( 'blockquote' );
// setTimeout( function () { //模拟回车,在引用后回车两段都是引用
// //firefox竟然要多触发一次。。什么乱七八糟的bug啊
// //if ( ua.getBrowser() == "firefox" )
// //te.presskey( "enter", "" );
// debugger;
// editor.focus();
// te.presskey( "enter", "" );
// setTimeout( function () {
// editor.focus();
// setTimeout( function () {
// var bq = body.firstChild;
// equal( body.childNodes.length, 1, 'body有1个孩子' );
// equal( bq.childNodes.length, 2, 'blockquote有2个孩子' );
// ok( bq.childNodes[0]&&bq.childNodes[0].tagName.toLowerCase()=='p', '第一个孩子是p' );
// ok( bq.childNodes[1]&&bq.childNodes[1].tagName.toLowerCase()=='p', '第二个孩子是p' );
// start();
// }, 50 );
// }, 30 );
// }, 60 );
// }, 50 );
// }
// else
// ok(ua.browser.ie,'这个用例暂不测,因为ie中输入回车无效');
//} );
test( '在表格中添加和去除引用', function () {
var editor = te.obj[0];
var range = te.obj[1];
editor.setContent( 'hello<table><tbody><tr><td>hello</td></tr></tbody></table>' );
var body = editor.body;
var tds = body.lastChild.getElementsByTagName( 'td' );
range.setStart( tds[0].firstChild, 2 ).collapse( true ).select();
editor.execCommand( 'blockquote' );
equal( body.lastChild.tagName.toLowerCase(), 'blockquote', '引用加到表格外面去了' );
equal( tds[0].firstChild.nodeType, 3, 'td里仍然是文本' );
equal( tds[0].firstChild.data, 'he', 'td里仍然是文本he' );
range.setStart( tds[0].firstChild, 2 ).collapse( true ).select();
editor.execCommand( 'blockquote' );
ok( body.lastChild.tagName.toLowerCase() != 'blockquote', '引用去掉了' );
range.selectNode( tds[0] ).select();
editor.execCommand( 'blockquote' );
equal( body.lastChild.tagName.toLowerCase(), 'blockquote', '非闭合方式选中添加引用' );
var editor = te.obj[0];
var range = te.obj[1];
editor.setContent( 'hello<table><tbody><tr><td>hello</td></tr></tbody></table>' );
var body = editor.body;
var tds = body.lastChild.getElementsByTagName( 'td' );
range.setStart( tds[0].firstChild, 2 ).collapse( true ).select(); /*闭合选取*/
editor.execCommand( 'blockquote' );
equal( body.lastChild.tagName.toLowerCase(), 'blockquote', '引用加到表格外面去了' );
equal( tds[0].firstChild.nodeType, 3, 'td里仍然是文本' );
equal( tds[0].firstChild.data, 'he', 'td里仍然是文本he' );
range.setStart( tds[0].firstChild, 2 ).collapse( true ).select();
editor.execCommand( 'blockquote' ); /*再执行一次引用,会去掉引用*/
ok( body.lastChild.tagName.toLowerCase() != 'blockquote', '引用去掉了' ); //1.2版本table外加了div
range.selectNode( tds[0] ).select(); /*不闭合选中表格,添加引用*/
editor.execCommand( 'blockquote' );
equal( body.lastChild.tagName.toLowerCase(), 'blockquote', '非闭合方式选中添加引用' );
} );
test( '在列表中添加引用', function () {
var editor = te.obj[0];
var range = te.obj[1];
editor.setContent( 'hello<ol><li><p>hello1</p></li><li><p>hello2</p></li></ol>' );
var body = editor.body;
var lis = body.lastChild.getElementsByTagName( 'li' );
range.setStart( lis[0].firstChild, 1 ).collapse( 1 ).select();
editor.execCommand( 'blockquote' );
equal( body.lastChild.tagName.toLowerCase(), 'blockquote', '引用加到列表外面去了' );
equal( lis[0].firstChild.nodeType, 1, '列表里套着p' );
equal( lis[0].firstChild.firstChild.data, 'hello1', '列表里仍然是文本hello1' );
var editor = te.obj[0];
var range = te.obj[1];
editor.setContent( 'hello<ol><li><p>hello1</p></li><li><p>hello2</p></li></ol>' );
var body = editor.body;
var lis = body.lastChild.getElementsByTagName( 'li' );
range.setStart( lis[0].firstChild, 1 ).collapse( 1 ).select(); /*闭合选取*/
editor.execCommand( 'blockquote' );
equal( body.lastChild.tagName.toLowerCase(), 'blockquote', '引用加到列表外面去了' );
equal( lis[0].firstChild.nodeType, 1, '列表里套着p' );
equal( lis[0].firstChild.firstChild.data, 'hello1', '列表里仍然是文本hello1' );
} );
/*trace 1183*/
test( 'trace1183:选中列表中添加引用,再去掉引用', function () {
var editor = te.obj[0];
var range = te.obj[1];
editor.setContent( '<p>hello1</p><p>hello2</p>' );
var body = editor.body;
range.setStart( body, 0 ).setEnd( body, 2 ).select();
editor.execCommand( 'insertorderedlist' );
ua.manualDeleteFillData( editor.body );
var ol = body.getElementsByTagName( 'ol' )[0];
var html = ua.getChildHTML( ol );
var editor = te.obj[0];
var range = te.obj[1];
editor.setContent( '<p>hello1</p><p>hello2</p>' );
var body = editor.body;
range.setStart( body, 0 ).setEnd( body, 2 ).select();
editor.execCommand( 'insertorderedlist' ); /*添加列表*/
ua.manualDeleteFillData( editor.body );
var ol = body.getElementsByTagName( 'ol' )[0];
var html = ua.getChildHTML( ol );
editor.execCommand( 'blockquote' );
editor.execCommand( 'blockquote' );
ua.manualDeleteFillData( editor.body );
equal( ua.getChildHTML( body.getElementsByTagName( 'ol' )[0] ), html, '引用前后列表没有发生变化' );
equal( body.getElementsByTagName( 'ol' ).length, 1, '只有一个有序列表' );
editor.execCommand( 'blockquote' );
editor.execCommand( 'blockquote' );
ua.manualDeleteFillData( editor.body );
equal( ua.getChildHTML( body.getElementsByTagName( 'ol' )[0] ), html, '引用前后列表没有发生变化' );
equal( body.getElementsByTagName( 'ol' ).length, 1, '只有一个有序列表' );
} );
test( '对段落添加引用和去除引用', function () {
var editor = te.obj[0];
var range = te.obj[1];
editor.setContent( '<p><strong><em>hello1</em></strong></p><p>hello2 world</p>' );
var body = editor.body;
range.setStart( body.firstChild, 0 ).setEnd( body.lastChild, 1 ).select();
editor.execCommand( 'blockquote' );
var editor = te.obj[0];
var range = te.obj[1];
editor.setContent( '<p><strong><em>hello1</em></strong></p><p>hello2 world</p>' );
var body = editor.body;
range.setStart( body.firstChild, 0 ).setEnd( body.lastChild, 1 ).select(); /*不闭合添加引用*/
editor.execCommand( 'blockquote' );
equal( ua.getChildHTML( body ), '<blockquote><p><strong><em>hello1</em></strong></p><p>hello2&nbsp;world</p></blockquote>', '不闭合添加引用' );
equal( editor.queryCommandState( 'blockquote' ), 1, '引用高亮' );
equal( ua.getChildHTML( body ), '<blockquote><p><strong><em>hello1</em></strong></p><p>hello2&nbsp;world</p></blockquote>', '不闭合添加引用' );
equal( editor.queryCommandState( 'blockquote' ), 1, '引用高亮' );
range.setStart( body.firstChild.lastChild, 0 ).collapse( true ).select();
editor.execCommand( 'blockquote' );
equal( ua.getChildHTML( body ), '<blockquote><p><strong><em>hello1</em></strong></p></blockquote><p>hello2&nbsp;world</p>', '闭合去除引用' );
equal( editor.queryCommandState( 'blockquote' ), 0, '引用不高亮' );
range.setStart( body.firstChild, 0 ).setEnd( body.lastChild, 1 ).select();
editor.execCommand( 'blockquote' );
equal( ua.getChildHTML( body ), '<p><strong><em>hello1</em></strong></p><p>hello2&nbsp;world</p>' );
equal( editor.queryCommandState( 'blockquote' ), 0, '非闭合去除引用后,引用不高亮' );
range.setStart( body.lastChild, 0 ).collapse( true ).select();
editor.execCommand( 'blockquote' );
equal( ua.getChildHTML( body ), '<p><strong><em>hello1</em></strong></p><blockquote><p>hello2&nbsp;world</p></blockquote>', '闭合添加引用 ' );
} );
range.setStart( body.firstChild.lastChild, 0 ).collapse( true ).select(); /*闭合去除引用*/
editor.execCommand( 'blockquote' );
equal( ua.getChildHTML( body ), '<blockquote><p><strong><em>hello1</em></strong></p></blockquote><p>hello2&nbsp;world</p>', '闭合去除引用' );
equal( editor.queryCommandState( 'blockquote' ), 0, '引用不高亮' );
range.setStart( body.firstChild, 0 ).setEnd( body.lastChild, 1 ).select(); /*非闭合去除引用*/
editor.execCommand( 'blockquote' );
equal( ua.getChildHTML( body ), '<p><strong><em>hello1</em></strong></p><p>hello2&nbsp;world</p>' );
equal( editor.queryCommandState( 'blockquote' ), 0, '非闭合去除引用后,引用不高亮' );
range.setStart( body.lastChild, 0 ).collapse( true ).select(); /*闭合添加引用*/
editor.execCommand( 'blockquote' );
equal( ua.getChildHTML( body ), '<p><strong><em>hello1</em></strong></p><blockquote><p>hello2&nbsp;world</p></blockquote>', '闭合添加引用 ' );
} );
test( 'startContainer为body添加引用', function () {
var editor = te.obj[0];
var range = te.obj[1];
editor.setContent( 'hello<ol><li>hello1</li><li>hello2</li></ol>' );
var body = editor.body;
range.setStart( body, 0 ).setEnd( body, 2 ).select();
editor.execCommand( 'blockquote' );
// var padding = ua.browser.ie&&ua.browser.ie<9?' style=\" list-paddingleft-2\"':(ua.browser.webkit?' class=\" list-paddingleft-2\"':' style=\" list-paddingleft-2\"');
var padding = ' class=\" list-paddingleft-2\"';
equal( ua.getChildHTML( body ), '<blockquote><p>hello</p><ol'+padding+'><li><p>hello1</p></li><li><p>hello2</p></li></ol></blockquote>', '选中body加引用' );
equal( editor.queryCommandState( 'blockquote' ), 1, '引用高亮' );
range.setStart( body, 1 ).collapse( true ).select();
equal( editor.queryCommandState( 'blockquote' ), 0, '引用不高亮' );
var editor = te.obj[0];
var range = te.obj[1];
editor.setContent( 'hello<ol><li>hello1</li><li>hello2</li></ol>' );
var body = editor.body;
range.setStart( body, 0 ).setEnd( body, 2 ).select(); /*不闭合选取*/
editor.execCommand( 'blockquote' );
// var padding = ua.browser.ie&&ua.browser.ie<9?' style=\" list-paddingleft-2\"':(ua.browser.webkit?' class=\" list-paddingleft-2\"':' style=\" list-paddingleft-2\"');
var padding = ' class=\" list-paddingleft-2\"';
equal( ua.getChildHTML( body ), '<blockquote><p>hello</p><ol'+padding+'><li><p>hello1</p></li><li><p>hello2</p></li></ol></blockquote>', '选中body加引用' );
equal( editor.queryCommandState( 'blockquote' ), 1, '引用高亮' );
range.setStart( body, 1 ).collapse( true ).select(); /*闭合选取*/
equal( editor.queryCommandState( 'blockquote' ), 0, '引用不高亮' );
} );
//ie 不通过
var editor = te.obj[0];
......@@ -163,6 +147,7 @@ test('aa标签',function(){
/*trace 3284*/
var editor = te.obj[0];
var range = te.obj[1];
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