提交 3614dc8a 编写于 作者: S Shengliang Guan

Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/develop' into feature/m2d3

......@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ TDengine是一个高效的存储、查询、分析时序大数据的平台,专
* [数据写入](/taos-sql#insert):支持单表单条、多条、多表多条写入,支持历史数据写入
* [数据查询](/taos-sql#select):支持时间段、值过滤、排序、查询结果手动分页等
* [SQL函数](/taos-sql#functions):支持各种聚合函数、选择函数、计算函数,如avg, min, diff等
* [时间维度聚合](/taos-sql#aggregation):将表中数据按照时间段进行切割后聚合,降维处理
* [窗口切分聚合](/taos-sql#aggregation):将表中数据按照时间段等方式进行切割后聚合,降维处理
* [边界限制](/taos-sql#limitation):库、表、SQL等边界限制条件
* [错误码](/taos-sql/error-code):TDengine 2.0 错误码以及对应的十进制码
......@@ -805,7 +805,7 @@ C#连接器支持的系统有:Linux 64/Windows x64/Windows x86
* 应用驱动安装请参考[安装连接器驱动步骤](https://www.taosdata.com/cn/documentation/connector#driver)
* .NET接口文件TDengineDrivercs.cs和参考程序示例TDengineTest.cs均位于Windows客户端install_directory/examples/C#目录下。
* 在Windows系统上,C#应用程序可以使用TDengine的原生C接口来执行所有数据库操作,后续版本将提供ORM(dapper)框架驱动。
* 在Windows系统上,C#应用程序可以使用TDengine的原生C接口来执行所有数据库操作,后续版本将提供ORM(Dapper)框架驱动。
### 安装验证
......@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ taos>
1. 按照[《立即开始》](https://www.taosdata.com/cn/documentation/getting-started/)一章的方法在每个物理节点启动taosd;
1. 按照[《立即开始》](https://www.taosdata.com/cn/documentation/getting-started/)一章的方法在每个物理节点启动taosd;(注意:每个物理节点都需要在 taos.cfg 文件中将 firstEP 参数配置为新集群首个节点的 End Point——在本例中是 h1.taos.com:6030)
2. 在第一个数据节点,使用CLI程序taos, 登录进TDengine系统, 执行命令:
......@@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ taosd -C
- quorum:多副本环境下指令执行的确认数要求。取值范围:1、2,单位为个,默认值:1。(可通过 alter database 修改)
- precision:时间戳精度标识。ms表示毫秒,us表示微秒,默认值:ms。( 版本之前、 版本之前在 taos.cfg 文件中不支持此参数。)
- cacheLast:是否在内存中缓存子表的最近数据。0:关闭;1:缓存子表最近一行数据;2:缓存子表每一列的最近的非NULL值;3:同时打开缓存最近行和列功能。默认值:0。(可通过 alter database 修改)(从 版本开始此参数支持 0~3 的取值范围,在此之前取值只能是 [0, 1];而 之前的版本在 SQL 指令中不支持此参数。)( 版本之前、 版本之前在 taos.cfg 文件中不支持此参数。)
- update:是否允许更新。0:不允许;1:允许。默认值:0。(可通过 alter database 修改)
- update:是否允许更新。0:不允许;1:允许。默认值:0。
......@@ -139,11 +139,6 @@ TDengine 缺省的时间戳是毫秒精度,但通过在 CREATE DATABASE 时传
FSYNC 参数控制执行 fsync 操作的周期。缺省值为 3000,单位是毫秒,取值范围为 [0, 180000]。如果设置为 0,表示每次写入,立即执行 fsync。该设置项主要用于调节 WAL 参数设为 2 时的系统行为。
UPDATE 参数控制是否允许更新数据。缺省值为 0,取值范围为 [0, 1]。0 表示会直接丢弃后写入的相同时间戳的数据;1 表示会使用后写入的数据覆盖已有的相同时间戳的数据。
**Tips**: 以上所有参数修改后都可以用show databases来确认是否修改成功。另外,从 版本开始,修改这些参数后无需重启服务器即可生效。
- **显示系统所有数据库**
......@@ -481,9 +476,10 @@ Query OK, 1 row(s) in set (0.001091s)
SELECT select_expr [, select_expr ...]
FROM {tb_name_list}
[WHERE where_condition]
[INTERVAL (interval_val [, interval_offset])]
[SLIDING sliding_val]
[FILL fill_val]
[SESSION(ts_col, tol_val)]
[INTERVAL(interval_val [, interval_offset]) [SLIDING sliding_val]]
[GROUP BY col_list]
[ORDER BY col_list { DESC | ASC }]
[SLIMIT limit_val [SOFFSET offset_val]]
......@@ -1289,39 +1285,45 @@ TDengine支持针对数据的聚合查询。提供支持的聚合和选择函数
Query OK, 3 row(s) in set (0.001046s)
## <a class="anchor" id="aggregation"></a>时间维度聚合
## <a class="anchor" id="aggregation"></a>按窗口切分聚合
TDengine支持按时间段进行聚合,可以将表中数据按照时间段进行切割后聚合生成结果,比如温度传感器每秒采集一次数据,但需查询每隔10分钟的温度平均值。这个聚合适合于降维(down sample)操作, 语法如下:
TDengine 支持按时间段等窗口切分方式进行聚合结果查询,比如温度传感器每秒采集一次数据,但需查询每隔 10 分钟的温度平均值。这类聚合适合于降维(down sample)操作,语法如下:
SELECT function_list FROM tb_name
[WHERE where_condition]
INTERVAL (interval [, offset])
[SLIDING sliding]
[SESSION(ts_col, tol_val)]
[INTERVAL(interval [, offset]) [SLIDING sliding]]
SELECT function_list FROM stb_name
[WHERE where_condition]
INTERVAL (interval [, offset])
[SLIDING sliding]
[SESSION(ts_col, tol_val)]
[INTERVAL(interval [, offset]) [SLIDING sliding]]
[GROUP BY tags]
- 聚合时间段的长度由关键词INTERVAL指定,最短时间间隔10毫秒(10a),并且支持偏移(偏移必须小于间隔)。聚合查询中,能够同时执行的聚合和选择函数仅限于单个输出的函数:count、avg、sum 、stddev、leastsquares、percentile、min、max、first、last,不能使用具有多行输出结果的函数(例如:top、bottom、diff以及四则运算)。
- WHERE语句可以指定查询的起止时间和其他过滤条件。
- SLIDING语句用于指定聚合时间段的前向增量。
- FILL语句指定某一时间区间数据缺失的情况下的填充模式。填充模式包括以下几种:
1. 不进行填充:NONE(默认填充模式)。
2. VALUE填充:固定值填充,此时需要指定填充的数值。例如:FILL(VALUE, 1.23)。
3. NULL填充:使用NULL填充数据。例如:FILL(NULL)。
4. PREV填充:使用前一个非NULL值填充数据。例如:FILL(PREV)。
5. NEXT填充:使用下一个非NULL值填充数据。例如:FILL(NEXT)。
- 在聚合查询中,function_list 位置允许使用聚合和选择函数,并要求每个函数仅输出单个结果(例如:COUNT、AVG、SUM、STDDEV、LEASTSQUARES、PERCENTILE、MIN、MAX、FIRST、LAST),而不能使用具有多行输出结果的函数(例如:TOP、BOTTOM、DIFF 以及四则运算)。
- 查询过滤、聚合等操作按照每个切分窗口为独立的单位执行。聚合查询目前支持三种窗口的划分方式:
1. 时间窗口:聚合时间段的窗口宽度由关键词 INTERVAL 指定,最短时间间隔 10 毫秒(10a);并且支持偏移 offset(偏移必须小于间隔),也即时间窗口划分与“UTC 时刻 0”相比的偏移量。SLIDING 语句用于指定聚合时间段的前向增量,也即每次窗口向前滑动的时长。当 SLIDING 与 INTERVAL 取值相等的时候,滑动窗口即为翻转窗口。
2. 状态窗口:使用整数(布尔值)或字符串来标识产生记录时设备的状态量,产生的记录如果具有相同的状态量取值则归属于同一个状态窗口,数值改变后该窗口关闭。状态量所对应的列作为 STAT_WINDOW 语句的参数来指定。
3. 会话窗口:时间戳所在的列由 SESSION 语句的 ts_col 参数指定,会话窗口根据相邻两条记录的时间戳差值来确定是否属于同一个会话——如果时间戳差异在 tol_val 以内,则认为记录仍属于同一个窗口;如果时间变化超过 tol_val,则自动开启下一个窗口。
- WHERE 语句可以指定查询的起止时间和其他过滤条件。
- FILL 语句指定某一窗口区间数据缺失的情况下的填充模式。填充模式包括以下几种:
1. 不进行填充:NONE(默认填充模式)。
2. VALUE 填充:固定值填充,此时需要指定填充的数值。例如:FILL(VALUE, 1.23)。
3. PREV 填充:使用前一个非 NULL 值填充数据。例如:FILL(PREV)。
4. NULL 填充:使用 NULL 填充数据。例如:FILL(NULL)。
5. LINEAR 填充:根据前后距离最近的非 NULL 值做线性插值填充。例如:FILL(LINEAR)。
6. NEXT 填充:使用下一个非 NULL 值填充数据。例如:FILL(NEXT)。
1. 使用FILL语句的时候可能生成大量的填充输出,务必指定查询的时间区间。针对每次查询,系统可返回不超过1千万条具有插值的结果。
1. 使用 FILL 语句的时候可能生成大量的填充输出,务必指定查询的时间区间。针对每次查询,系统可返回不超过 1 千万条具有插值的结果。
2. 在时间维度聚合中,返回的结果中时间序列严格单调递增。
3. 如果查询对象是超级表,则聚合函数会作用于该超级表下满足值过滤条件的所有表的数据。如果查询中没有使用GROUP BY语句,则返回的结果按照时间序列严格单调递增;如果查询中使用了GROUP BY语句分组,则返回结果中每个GROUP内不按照时间序列严格单调递增。
3. 如果查询对象是超级表,则聚合函数会作用于该超级表下满足值过滤条件的所有表的数据。如果查询中没有使用 GROUP BY 语句,则返回的结果按照时间序列严格单调递增;如果查询中使用了 GROUP BY 语句分组,则返回结果中每个 GROUP 内不按照时间序列严格单调递增。
时间聚合也常被用于连续查询场景,可以参考文档 [连续查询(Continuous Query)](https://www.taosdata.com/cn/documentation/advanced-features#continuous-query)。
......@@ -1331,7 +1333,7 @@ SELECT function_list FROM stb_name
CREATE TABLE meters (ts TIMESTAMP, current FLOAT, voltage INT, phase FLOAT) TAGS (location BINARY(64), groupId INT);
针对智能电表采集的数据,以 10 分钟为一个阶段,计算过去 24 小时的电流数据的平均值、最大值、电流的中位数、以及随着时间变化的电流走势拟合直线。如果没有计算值,用前一个非 NULL 值填充。使用的查询语句如下:
SELECT AVG(current), MAX(current), LEASTSQUARES(current, start_val, step_val), PERCENTILE(current, 50) FROM meters
......@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
## <a class="anchor" id="install"></a>Quick Install
TDegnine software consists of 3 parts: server, client, and alarm module. At the moment, TDengine server only runs on Linux (Windows, mac OS and more OS supports will come soon), but client can run on either Windows or Linux. TDengine client can be installed and run on Windows or Linux. Applications based-on any OSes can all connect to server taosd via a RESTful interface. About CPU, TDegnine supports X64/ARM64/MIPS64/Alpha64, and ARM32、RISC-V, other more CPU architectures will be supported soon. You can set up and install TDengine server either from the [source code](https://www.taosdata.com/en/getting-started/#Install-from-Source) or the [packages](https://www.taosdata.com/en/getting-started/#Install-from-Package).
TDengine software consists of 3 parts: server, client, and alarm module. At the moment, TDengine server only runs on Linux (Windows, mac OS and more OS supports will come soon), but client can run on either Windows or Linux. TDengine client can be installed and run on Windows or Linux. Applications based-on any OSes can all connect to server taosd via a RESTful interface. About CPU, TDengine supports X64/ARM64/MIPS64/Alpha64, and ARM32、RISC-V, other more CPU architectures will be supported soon. You can set up and install TDengine server either from the [source code](https://www.taosdata.com/en/getting-started/#Install-from-Source) or the [packages](https://www.taosdata.com/en/getting-started/#Install-from-Package).
### <a class="anchor" id="source-install"></a>Install from Source
......@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ Please visit our [TDengine Official Docker Image: Distribution, Downloading, and
### <a class="anchor" id="package-install"></a>Install from Package
It’s extremely easy to install for TDegnine, which takes only a few seconds from downloaded to successful installed. The server installation package includes clients and connectors. We provide 3 installation packages, which you can choose according to actual needs:
It’s extremely easy to install for TDengine, which takes only a few seconds from downloaded to successful installed. The server installation package includes clients and connectors. We provide 3 installation packages, which you can choose according to actual needs:
Click [here](https://www.taosdata.com/cn/getting-started/#%E9%80%9A%E8%BF%87%E5%AE%89%E8%A3%85%E5%8C%85%E5%AE%89%E8%A3%85) to download the install package.
......@@ -39,8 +39,8 @@ If the service is running successfully, you can play around through TDengine she
- The `systemctl` command needs the **root** privilege. Use **sudo** if you are not the **root** user.
- To get better product feedback and improve our solution, TDegnine will collect basic usage information, but you can modify the configuration parameter **telemetryReporting** in the system configuration file taos.cfg, and set it to 0 to turn it off.
- TDegnine uses FQDN (usually hostname) as the node ID. In order to ensure normal operation, you need to set hostname for the server running taosd, and configure DNS service or hosts file for the machine running client application, to ensure the FQDN can be resolved.
- To get better product feedback and improve our solution, TDengine will collect basic usage information, but you can modify the configuration parameter **telemetryReporting** in the system configuration file taos.cfg, and set it to 0 to turn it off.
- TDengine uses FQDN (usually hostname) as the node ID. In order to ensure normal operation, you need to set hostname for the server running taosd, and configure DNS service or hosts file for the machine running client application, to ensure the FQDN can be resolved.
- TDengine supports installation on Linux systems with[ systemd ](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Systemd)as the process service management, and uses `which systemctl` command to detect whether `systemd` packages exist in the system:
......@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ TDengine provides many connectors for development, including C/C++, JAVA, Python
At present, TDengine connectors support a wide range of platforms, including hardware platforms such as X64/X86/ARM64/ARM32/MIPS/Alpha, and development environments such as Linux/Win64/Win32. The comparison matrix is as follows:
| **CPU** | **X64 64bit** | **X64 64bit** | **X64 64bit** | **X86 32bit** | **ARM64** | **ARM32** | **MIPS Godson** | **Alpha Whenwei** | **X64 TimecomTech** |
| **CPU** | **X64 64bit** | **X64 64bit** | **X64 64bit** | **X86 32bit** | **ARM64** | **ARM32** | **MIPS Godson** | **Alpha Sunway** | **X64 TimecomTech** |
| ----------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | --------- | --------- | --------------- | ----------------- | ------------------- |
| **OS** | **Linux** | **Win64** | **Win32** | **Win32** | **Linux** | **Linux** | **Linux** | **Linux** | **Linux** |
| **C/C++** | ● | ● | ● | ○ | ● | ● | ○ | ○ | ○ |
......@@ -75,9 +75,9 @@ Edit the taos.cfg file (default path/etc/taos/taos.cfg) and change firstEP to En
* X64 hardware environment: TDengine-client-2.X.X.X-Windows-x64.exe
* X86 hardware environment: TDengine-client-2.X.X.X-Windows-x86.exe
**2. Execute installation, select default vales as prompted to complete**
**2. Execute installation, select default values as prompted to complete**
**3. Installatino path**
**3. Installation path**
Default installation path is: C:\TDengine, with following files(directories):
......@@ -327,7 +327,7 @@ typedef struct TAOS_BIND {
Add the curren bound parameters to the batch. After calling this function, you can call `taos_stmt_bind_param` again to bind the new parameters. It should be noted that this function only supports insert/import statements, and if it is other SQL statements such as select, it will return errors.
Add the current bound parameters to the batch. After calling this function, you can call `taos_stmt_bind_param` again to bind the new parameters. It should be noted that this function only supports insert/import statements, and if it is other SQL statements such as select, it will return errors.
- `int taos_stmt_execute(TAOS_STMT *stmt)`
......@@ -523,7 +523,7 @@ Users can directly view the usage information of the module through Python's hel
Refer to help (taos.TDEngineConnection) in python. This class corresponds to a connection between the client and TDengine. In the scenario of client multithreading, it is recommended that each thread apply for an independent connection instance, but not recommended that multiple threads share a connection.
- *TDegnineCursor* class
- *TDengineCursor* class
Refer to help (taos.TDengineCursor) in python. This class corresponds to the write and query operations performed by the client. In the scenario of client multithreading, this cursor instance must be kept exclusive to threads and cannot be used by threads, otherwise errors will occur in the returned results.
......@@ -685,7 +685,7 @@ Return value:
- Craete a database demo:
- Create a database demo:
curl -H 'Authorization: Basic cm9vdDp0YW9zZGF0YQ==' -d 'create database demo'
......@@ -771,7 +771,7 @@ The C # connector supports: Linux 64/Windows x64/Windows x86.
- For application driver installation, please refer to the[ steps of installing connector driver](https://www.taosdata.com/en/documentation/connector#driver).
- . NET interface file TDengineDrivercs.cs and reference sample TDengineTest.cs are both located in the Windows client install_directory/examples/C# directory.
- On Windows, C # applications can use the native C interface of TDengine to perform all database operations, and future versions will provide the ORM (dapper) framework driver.
- On Windows, C # applications can use the native C interface of TDengine to perform all database operations, and future versions will provide the ORM (Dapper) framework driver.
### Installation verification
......@@ -908,7 +908,7 @@ Use Microsoft [windows-build-tools](https://github.com/felixrieseberg/windows-bu
#### Solution 2
Mannually install the following tools:
Manually install the following tools:
- Install Visual Studio related tools: [Visual Studio Build Tools](https://visualstudio.microsoft.com/thank-you-downloading-visual-studio/?sku=BuildTools) or [Visual Studio 2017 Community](https://visualstudio.microsoft.com/pl/thank-you-downloading-visual-studio/?sku=Community)
- Install [Python](https://www.python.org/downloads/) 2.7 (not supported in v3.x.x) and execute npm config set python python2.7
......@@ -210,7 +210,8 @@ int32_t createProjectionExpr(SQueryInfo* pQueryInfo, STableMetaInfo* pTableMetaI
void clearAllTableMetaInfo(SQueryInfo* pQueryInfo, bool removeMeta);
SColumn* tscColumnClone(const SColumn* src);
bool tscColumnExists(SArray* pColumnList, int32_t columnIndex, uint64_t uid);
void tscColumnCopy(SColumn* pDest, const SColumn* pSrc);
int32_t tscColumnExists(SArray* pColumnList, int32_t columnId, uint64_t uid);
SColumn* tscColumnListInsert(SArray* pColumnList, int32_t columnIndex, uint64_t uid, SSchema* pSchema);
void tscColumnListDestroy(SArray* pColList);
void tscColumnListCopy(SArray* dst, const SArray* src, uint64_t tableUid);
......@@ -1156,27 +1156,6 @@ static void insertBatchClean(STscStmt* pStmt) {
STableDataBlocks** p = taosHashIterate(pCmd->insertParam.pTableBlockHashList, NULL);
STableDataBlocks* pOneTableBlock = *p;
while (1) {
SSubmitBlk* pBlocks = (SSubmitBlk*) pOneTableBlock->pData;
pOneTableBlock->size = sizeof(SSubmitBlk);
pBlocks->numOfRows = 0;
p = taosHashIterate(pCmd->insertParam.pTableBlockHashList, p);
if (p == NULL) {
pOneTableBlock = *p;
pCmd->insertParam.pDataBlocks = tscDestroyBlockArrayList(pCmd->insertParam.pDataBlocks);
pCmd->insertParam.numOfTables = 0;
......@@ -1499,7 +1478,7 @@ int taos_stmt_prepare(TAOS_STMT* stmt, const char* sql, unsigned long length) {
pRes->numOfRows = 1;
strtolower(pSql->sqlstr, sql);
tscDebugL("%p SQL: %s", pSql, pSql->sqlstr);
tscDebugL("0x%"PRIx64" SQL: %s", pSql->self, pSql->sqlstr);
if (tscIsInsertData(pSql->sqlstr)) {
pStmt->isInsert = true;
......@@ -1604,7 +1583,7 @@ int taos_stmt_set_tbname_tags(TAOS_STMT* stmt, const char* name, TAOS_BIND* tags
if (taosHashGetSize(pCmd->insertParam.pTableBlockHashList) > 0) {
SHashObj* hashList = pCmd->insertParam.pTableBlockHashList;
pCmd->insertParam.pTableBlockHashList = NULL;
tscResetSqlCmd(pCmd, true);
tscResetSqlCmd(pCmd, false);
pCmd->insertParam.pTableBlockHashList = hashList;
......@@ -1663,7 +1642,7 @@ int taos_stmt_close(TAOS_STMT* stmt) {
} else {
if (pStmt->multiTbInsert) {
pStmt->mtb.pTableBlockHashList = tscDestroyBlockHashTable(pStmt->mtb.pTableBlockHashList, true);
pStmt->mtb.pTableBlockHashList = tscDestroyBlockHashTable(pStmt->mtb.pTableBlockHashList, false);
pStmt->pSql->cmd.insertParam.pTableBlockHashList = NULL;
......@@ -795,6 +795,7 @@ static int32_t serializeSqlExpr(SSqlExpr* pExpr, STableMetaInfo* pTableMetaInfo,
pSqlExpr->colBytes = htons(pExpr->colBytes);
pSqlExpr->resType = htons(pExpr->resType);
pSqlExpr->resBytes = htons(pExpr->resBytes);
pSqlExpr->interBytes = htonl(pExpr->interBytes);
pSqlExpr->functionId = htons(pExpr->functionId);
pSqlExpr->numOfParams = htons(pExpr->numOfParams);
pSqlExpr->resColId = htons(pExpr->resColId);
......@@ -103,13 +103,6 @@ bool subAndCheckDone(SSqlObj *pSql, SSqlObj *pParentSql, int idx) {
// bool done = allSubqueryDone(pParentSql);
// if (done) {
// tscDebug("0x%"PRIx64" subquery:0x%"PRIx64",%d all subs already done", pParentSql->self, pSql->self, idx);
// pthread_mutex_unlock(&subState->mutex);
// return false;
// }
tscDebug("0x%"PRIx64" subquery:0x%"PRIx64", index:%d state set to 1", pParentSql->self, pSql->self, idx);
subState->states[idx] = 1;
......@@ -2389,8 +2382,14 @@ int32_t tscHandleFirstRoundStableQuery(SSqlObj *pSql) {
SColumn *pCol = taosArrayGetP(pColList, i);
if (pCol->info.flist.numOfFilters > 0) { // copy to the pNew->cmd.colList if it is filtered.
SColumn *p = tscColumnClone(pCol);
taosArrayPush(pNewQueryInfo->colList, &p);
int32_t index1 = tscColumnExists(pNewQueryInfo->colList, pCol->columnIndex, pCol->tableUid);
if (index1 >= 0) {
SColumn* x = taosArrayGetP(pNewQueryInfo->colList, index1);
tscColumnCopy(x, pCol);
} else {
SColumn *p = tscColumnClone(pCol);
taosArrayPush(pNewQueryInfo->colList, &p);
......@@ -1332,7 +1332,7 @@ void tscFreeSubobj(SSqlObj* pSql) {
tscDebug("0x%"PRIx64" start to free sub SqlObj, numOfSub:%d", pSql->self, pSql->subState.numOfSub);
for(int32_t i = 0; i < pSql->subState.numOfSub; ++i) {
tscDebug("0x%"PRIx64" free sub SqlObj:%p, index:%d", pSql->self, pSql->pSubs[i], i);
tscDebug("0x%"PRIx64" free sub SqlObj:0x%"PRIx64", index:%d", pSql->self, pSql->pSubs[i]->self, i);
pSql->pSubs[i] = NULL;
......@@ -1784,7 +1784,7 @@ int32_t tscMergeTableDataBlocks(SInsertStatementParam *pInsertParam, bool freeBl
char* ekey = (char*)pBlocks->data + pOneTableBlock->rowSize*(pBlocks->numOfRows-1);
tscDebug("0x%"PRIx64" name:%s, name:%d rows:%d sversion:%d skey:%" PRId64 ", ekey:%" PRId64, pInsertParam->objectId, tNameGetTableName(&pOneTableBlock->tableName),
tscDebug("0x%"PRIx64" name:%s, tid:%d rows:%d sversion:%d skey:%" PRId64 ", ekey:%" PRId64, pInsertParam->objectId, tNameGetTableName(&pOneTableBlock->tableName),
pBlocks->tid, pBlocks->numOfRows, pBlocks->sversion, GET_INT64_VAL(pBlocks->data), GET_INT64_VAL(ekey));
int32_t len = pBlocks->numOfRows * (pOneTableBlock->rowSize + expandSize) + sizeof(STColumn) * tscGetNumOfColumns(pOneTableBlock->pTableMeta);
......@@ -2270,18 +2270,14 @@ int32_t tscExprCopyAll(SArray* dst, const SArray* src, bool deepcopy) {
return 0;
bool tscColumnExists(SArray* pColumnList, int32_t columnIndex, uint64_t uid) {
// ignore the tbname columnIndex to be inserted into source list
if (columnIndex < 0) {
return false;
// ignore the tbname columnIndex to be inserted into source list
int32_t tscColumnExists(SArray* pColumnList, int32_t columnId, uint64_t uid) {
size_t numOfCols = taosArrayGetSize(pColumnList);
int32_t i = 0;
while (i < numOfCols) {
SColumn* pCol = taosArrayGetP(pColumnList, i);
if ((pCol->columnIndex != columnIndex) || (pCol->tableUid != uid)) {
if ((pCol->info.colId != columnId) || (pCol->tableUid != uid)) {
} else {
......@@ -2290,10 +2286,10 @@ bool tscColumnExists(SArray* pColumnList, int32_t columnIndex, uint64_t uid) {
if (i >= numOfCols || numOfCols == 0) {
return false;
return -1;
return true;
return i;
void tscExprAssign(SExprInfo* dst, const SExprInfo* src) {
......@@ -2379,13 +2375,7 @@ SColumn* tscColumnClone(const SColumn* src) {
return NULL;
dst->columnIndex = src->columnIndex;
dst->tableUid = src->tableUid;
dst->info.flist.numOfFilters = src->info.flist.numOfFilters;
dst->info.flist.filterInfo = tFilterInfoDup(src->info.flist.filterInfo, src->info.flist.numOfFilters);
dst->info.type = src->info.type;
dst->info.colId = src->info.colId;
dst->info.bytes = src->info.bytes;
tscColumnCopy(dst, src);
return dst;
......@@ -2394,6 +2384,18 @@ static void tscColumnDestroy(SColumn* pCol) {
void tscColumnCopy(SColumn* pDest, const SColumn* pSrc) {
pDest->columnIndex = pSrc->columnIndex;
pDest->tableUid = pSrc->tableUid;
pDest->info.flist.numOfFilters = pSrc->info.flist.numOfFilters;
pDest->info.flist.filterInfo = tFilterInfoDup(pSrc->info.flist.filterInfo, pSrc->info.flist.numOfFilters);
pDest->info.type = pSrc->info.type;
pDest->info.colId = pSrc->info.colId;
pDest->info.bytes = pSrc->info.bytes;
void tscColumnListCopy(SArray* dst, const SArray* src, uint64_t tableUid) {
assert(src != NULL && dst != NULL);
package com.taosdata.jdbc.cases;
import com.taosdata.jdbc.TSDBDriver;
import org.junit.AfterClass;
import org.junit.Assert;
import org.junit.BeforeClass;
import org.junit.Test;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.sql.*;
import java.util.Properties;
public class BadLocaleSettingTest {
private static final String host = "";
private static final String dbName = "bad_locale_test";
private static Connection conn;
public void canSetLocale() {
try {
Properties properties = new Properties();
properties.setProperty(TSDBDriver.PROPERTY_KEY_CHARSET, "UTF-8");
properties.setProperty(TSDBDriver.PROPERTY_KEY_LOCALE, "en_US.UTF-8");
properties.setProperty(TSDBDriver.PROPERTY_KEY_TIME_ZONE, "UTC-8");
String url = "jdbc:TAOS://" + host + ":6030/?user=root&password=taosdata";
conn = DriverManager.getConnection(url, properties);
Statement stmt = conn.createStatement();
stmt.execute("drop database if exists " + dbName);
stmt.execute("create database if not exists " + dbName);
stmt.execute("use " + dbName);
stmt.execute("drop table if exists weather");
stmt.execute("create table weather(ts timestamp, temperature float, humidity int)");
stmt.executeUpdate("insert into weather values(1624071506435, 12.3, 4)");
} catch (SQLException e) {
public static void beforeClass() {
System.setProperty("sun.jnu.encoding", "ANSI_X3.4-1968");
System.setProperty("file.encoding", "ANSI_X3.4-1968");
public static void afterClass() {
try {
if (conn != null)
} catch (SQLException e) {
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ extern const int32_t TYPE_BYTES[15];
#define TSDB_TICK_PER_SECOND(precision) ((precision)==TSDB_TIME_PRECISION_MILLI ? 1e3L : ((precision)==TSDB_TIME_PRECISION_MICRO ? 1e6L : 1e9L))
#define TSDB_TICK_PER_SECOND(precision) ((int64_t)((precision)==TSDB_TIME_PRECISION_MILLI ? 1e3L : ((precision)==TSDB_TIME_PRECISION_MICRO ? 1e6L : 1e9L)))
#define T_MEMBER_SIZE(type, member) sizeof(((type *)0)->member)
#define T_APPEND_MEMBER(dst, ptr, type, member) \
......@@ -1298,4 +1298,4 @@ int32_t mnodeCompactDnodes() {
mInfo("end to compact dnodes table...");
return 0;
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -1740,16 +1740,22 @@ static int32_t mnodeGetSuperTableMeta(SMnodeMsg *pMsg) {
static int32_t calculateVgroupMsgLength(SSTableVgroupMsg* pInfo, int32_t numOfTable) {
static int32_t doGetVgroupInfoLength(char* name) {
SSTableObj *pTable = mnodeGetSuperTable(name);
int32_t len = 0;
if (pTable != NULL && pTable->vgHash != NULL) {
len = (taosHashGetSize(pTable->vgHash) * sizeof(SVgroupMsg) + sizeof(SVgroupsMsg));
return len;
static int32_t getVgroupInfoLength(SSTableVgroupMsg* pInfo, int32_t numOfTable) {
int32_t contLen = sizeof(SSTableVgroupRspMsg) + 32 * sizeof(SVgroupMsg) + sizeof(SVgroupsMsg);
for (int32_t i = 0; i < numOfTable; ++i) {
char *stableName = (char *)pInfo + sizeof(SSTableVgroupMsg) + (TSDB_TABLE_FNAME_LEN)*i;
SSTableObj *pTable = mnodeGetSuperTable(stableName);
if (pTable != NULL && pTable->vgHash != NULL) {
contLen += (taosHashGetSize(pTable->vgHash) * sizeof(SVgroupMsg) + sizeof(SVgroupsMsg));
contLen += doGetVgroupInfoLength(stableName);
return contLen;
......@@ -1820,7 +1826,7 @@ static int32_t mnodeProcessSuperTableVgroupMsg(SMnodeMsg *pMsg) {
int32_t numOfTable = htonl(pInfo->numOfTables);
// calculate the required space.
int32_t contLen = calculateVgroupMsgLength(pInfo, numOfTable);
int32_t contLen = getVgroupInfoLength(pInfo, numOfTable);
SSTableVgroupRspMsg *pRsp = rpcMallocCont(contLen);
if (pRsp == NULL) {
......@@ -2860,6 +2866,27 @@ static void mnodeProcessAlterTableRsp(SRpcMsg *rpcMsg) {
static SMultiTableMeta* ensureMsgBufferSpace(SMultiTableMeta *pMultiMeta, SArray* pList, int32_t* totalMallocLen, int32_t numOfVgroupList) {
int32_t len = 0;
for (int32_t i = 0; i < numOfVgroupList; ++i) {
char *name = taosArrayGetP(pList, i);
len += doGetVgroupInfoLength(name);
if (len + pMultiMeta->contLen > (*totalMallocLen)) {
while (len + pMultiMeta->contLen > (*totalMallocLen)) {
(*totalMallocLen) *= 2;
pMultiMeta = rpcReallocCont(pMultiMeta, *totalMallocLen);
if (pMultiMeta == NULL) {
return NULL;
return pMultiMeta;
static int32_t mnodeProcessMultiTableMetaMsg(SMnodeMsg *pMsg) {
SMultiTableInfoMsg *pInfo = pMsg->rpcMsg.pCont;
......@@ -2950,8 +2977,6 @@ static int32_t mnodeProcessMultiTableMetaMsg(SMnodeMsg *pMsg) {
char* msg = (char*) pMultiMeta + pMultiMeta->contLen;
// add the additional super table names that needs the vgroup info
for(;t < num; ++t) {
taosArrayPush(pList, &nameList[t]);
......@@ -2961,6 +2986,13 @@ static int32_t mnodeProcessMultiTableMetaMsg(SMnodeMsg *pMsg) {
int32_t numOfVgroupList = (int32_t) taosArrayGetSize(pList);
pMultiMeta->numOfVgroup = htonl(numOfVgroupList);
pMultiMeta = ensureMsgBufferSpace(pMultiMeta, pList, &totalMallocLen, numOfVgroupList);
if (pMultiMeta == NULL) {
goto _end;
char* msg = (char*) pMultiMeta + pMultiMeta->contLen;
for(int32_t i = 0; i < numOfVgroupList; ++i) {
char* name = taosArrayGetP(pList, i);
......@@ -204,7 +204,7 @@ typedef struct SAggFunctionInfo {
bool (*init)(SQLFunctionCtx *pCtx); // setup the execute environment
void (*xFunction)(SQLFunctionCtx *pCtx); // blocks version function
void (*xFunctionF)(SQLFunctionCtx *pCtx, int32_t position); // single-row function version, todo merge with blockwise function
// void (*xFunctionF)(SQLFunctionCtx *pCtx, int32_t position); // single-row function version, todo merge with blockwise function
// finalizer must be called after all xFunction has been executed to generated final result.
void (*xFinalize)(SQLFunctionCtx *pCtx);
......@@ -295,7 +295,7 @@ enum OPERATOR_TYPE_E {
OP_MultiTableAggregate = 14,
OP_MultiTableTimeInterval = 15,
OP_DummyInput = 16, //TODO remove it after fully refactor.
OP_MultiwayMergeSort = 17, // multi-way data merge into one input stream.
OP_MultiwayMergeSort = 17, // multi-way data merge into one input stream.
OP_GlobalAggregate = 18, // global merge for the multi-way data sources.
OP_Filter = 19,
OP_Distinct = 20,
......@@ -470,7 +470,7 @@ tagitem(A) ::= PLUS(X) FLOAT(Y). {
//////////////////////// The SELECT statement /////////////////////////////////
%type select {SSqlNode*}
%destructor select {destroySqlNode($$);}
select(A) ::= SELECT(T) selcollist(W) from(X) where_opt(Y) interval_opt(K) session_option(H) windowstate_option(D) fill_opt(F) sliding_opt(S) groupby_opt(P) orderby_opt(Z) having_opt(N) slimit_opt(G) limit_opt(L). {
select(A) ::= SELECT(T) selcollist(W) from(X) where_opt(Y) interval_opt(K) session_option(H) windowstate_option(D) fill_opt(F) sliding_opt(S) groupby_opt(P) having_opt(N) orderby_opt(Z) slimit_opt(G) limit_opt(L). {
A = tSetQuerySqlNode(&T, W, X, Y, P, Z, &K, &H, &D, &S, F, &L, &G, N);
......@@ -161,7 +161,7 @@ static void setResultOutputBuf(SQueryRuntimeEnv* pRuntimeEnv, SResultRow* pResul
int32_t numOfCols, int32_t* rowCellInfoOffset);
void setResultRowOutputBufInitCtx(SQueryRuntimeEnv *pRuntimeEnv, SResultRow *pResult, SQLFunctionCtx* pCtx, int32_t numOfOutput, int32_t* rowCellInfoOffset);
static bool functionNeedToExecute(SQueryRuntimeEnv *pRuntimeEnv, SQLFunctionCtx *pCtx, int32_t functionId);
static bool functionNeedToExecute(SQueryRuntimeEnv *pRuntimeEnv, SQLFunctionCtx *pCtx);
static void setBlockStatisInfo(SQLFunctionCtx *pCtx, SSDataBlock* pSDataBlock, SColIndex* pColIndex);
......@@ -309,7 +309,7 @@ static bool isProjQuery(SQueryAttr *pQueryAttr) {
return true;
static bool hasNullRv(SColIndex* pColIndex, SDataStatis *pStatis) {
static bool hasNull(SColIndex* pColIndex, SDataStatis *pStatis) {
if (TSDB_COL_IS_TAG(pColIndex->flag) || TSDB_COL_IS_UD_COL(pColIndex->flag) || pColIndex->colId == PRIMARYKEY_TIMESTAMP_COL_INDEX) {
return false;
......@@ -708,12 +708,13 @@ static int32_t getNumOfRowsInTimeWindow(SQueryRuntimeEnv* pRuntimeEnv, SDataBloc
static void doApplyFunctions(SQueryRuntimeEnv* pRuntimeEnv, SQLFunctionCtx* pCtx, STimeWindow* pWin, int32_t offset,
int32_t forwardStep, TSKEY* tsCol, int32_t numOfTotal, int32_t numOfOutput) {
SQueryAttr *pQueryAttr = pRuntimeEnv->pQueryAttr;
bool hasPrev = pCtx[0].preAggVals.isSet;
bool hasAggregates = pCtx[0].preAggVals.isSet;
for (int32_t k = 0; k < numOfOutput; ++k) {
pCtx[k].size = forwardStep;
pCtx[k].size = forwardStep;
pCtx[k].startTs = pWin->skey;
// keep it temprarily
char* start = pCtx[k].pInput;
int32_t pos = (QUERY_IS_ASC_QUERY(pQueryAttr)) ? offset : offset - (forwardStep - 1);
......@@ -725,20 +726,18 @@ static void doApplyFunctions(SQueryRuntimeEnv* pRuntimeEnv, SQLFunctionCtx* pCtx
pCtx[k].ptsList = &tsCol[pos];
int32_t functionId = pCtx[k].functionId;
// not a whole block involved in query processing, statistics data can not be used
// NOTE: the original value of isSet have been changed here
if (pCtx[k].preAggVals.isSet && forwardStep < numOfTotal) {
pCtx[k].preAggVals.isSet = false;
if (functionNeedToExecute(pRuntimeEnv, &pCtx[k], functionId)) {
if (functionNeedToExecute(pRuntimeEnv, &pCtx[k])) {
// restore it
pCtx[k].preAggVals.isSet = hasPrev;
pCtx[k].preAggVals.isSet = hasAggregates;
pCtx[k].pInput = start;
......@@ -847,9 +846,6 @@ static void setNotInterpoWindowKey(SQLFunctionCtx* pCtx, int32_t numOfOutput, in
// window start key interpolation
static void saveDataBlockLastRow(SQueryRuntimeEnv* pRuntimeEnv, SDataBlockInfo* pDataBlockInfo, SArray* pDataBlock,
int32_t rowIndex) {
if (pDataBlock == NULL) {
......@@ -975,10 +971,9 @@ static void doAggregateImpl(SOperatorInfo* pOperator, TSKEY startTs, SQLFunction
SQueryRuntimeEnv* pRuntimeEnv = pOperator->pRuntimeEnv;
for (int32_t k = 0; k < pOperator->numOfOutput; ++k) {
int32_t functionId = pCtx[k].functionId;
if (functionNeedToExecute(pRuntimeEnv, &pCtx[k], functionId)) {
if (functionNeedToExecute(pRuntimeEnv, &pCtx[k])) {
pCtx[k].startTs = startTs;// this can be set during create the struct
......@@ -1287,6 +1282,15 @@ static void doHashGroupbyAgg(SOperatorInfo* pOperator, SGroupbyOperatorInfo *pIn
int64_t* tsList = NULL;
SColumnInfoData* pFirstColData = taosArrayGet(pSDataBlock->pDataBlock, 0);
if (pFirstColData->info.type == TSDB_DATA_TYPE_TIMESTAMP) {
tsList = (int64_t*) pFirstColData->pData;
int32_t num = 0;
for (int32_t j = 0; j < pSDataBlock->info.rows; ++j) {
char* val = ((char*)pColInfoData->pData) + bytes * j;
if (isNull(val, type)) {
......@@ -1294,33 +1298,59 @@ static void doHashGroupbyAgg(SOperatorInfo* pOperator, SGroupbyOperatorInfo *pIn
// Compare with the previous row of this column, and do not set the output buffer again if they are identical.
if (pInfo->prevData == NULL || (memcmp(pInfo->prevData, val, bytes) != 0)) {
if (pInfo->prevData == NULL) {
pInfo->prevData = malloc(bytes);
if (pInfo->prevData == NULL) {
pInfo->prevData = malloc(bytes);
memcpy(pInfo->prevData, val, bytes);
if (pQueryAttr->stableQuery && pQueryAttr->stabledev && (pRuntimeEnv->prevResult != NULL)) {
setParamForStableStddevByColData(pRuntimeEnv, pInfo->binfo.pCtx, pOperator->numOfOutput, pOperator->pExpr, val, bytes);
if (IS_VAR_DATA_TYPE(type)) {
int32_t len = varDataLen(val);
if(len == varDataLen(pInfo->prevData) && memcmp(varDataVal(pInfo->prevData), varDataVal(val), len) == 0) {
int32_t ret =
setGroupResultOutputBuf(pRuntimeEnv, &(pInfo->binfo), pOperator->numOfOutput, val, type, bytes, item->groupIndex);
if (ret != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) { // null data, too many state code
longjmp(pRuntimeEnv->env, TSDB_CODE_QRY_APP_ERROR);
} else {
if (memcmp(pInfo->prevData, val, bytes) == 0) {
if (pQueryAttr->stableQuery && pQueryAttr->stabledev && (pRuntimeEnv->prevResult != NULL)) {
setParamForStableStddevByColData(pRuntimeEnv, pInfo->binfo.pCtx, pOperator->numOfOutput, pOperator->pExpr, pInfo->prevData,
// todo opt perf
for (int32_t k = 0; k < pOperator->numOfOutput; ++k) {
pInfo->binfo.pCtx[k].size = 1;
int32_t functionId = pInfo->binfo.pCtx[k].functionId;
if (functionNeedToExecute(pRuntimeEnv, &pInfo->binfo.pCtx[k], functionId)) {
aAggs[functionId].xFunctionF(&pInfo->binfo.pCtx[k], j);
int32_t ret = setGroupResultOutputBuf(pRuntimeEnv, &(pInfo->binfo), pOperator->numOfOutput, pInfo->prevData, type, bytes,
if (ret != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) { // null data, too many state code
longjmp(pRuntimeEnv->env, TSDB_CODE_QRY_APP_ERROR);
doApplyFunctions(pRuntimeEnv, pInfo->binfo.pCtx, &w, j - num, num, tsList, pSDataBlock->info.rows, pOperator->numOfOutput);
num = 1;
memcpy(pInfo->prevData, val, bytes);
if (num > 0) {
char* val = ((char*)pColInfoData->pData) + bytes * (pSDataBlock->info.rows - num);
memcpy(pInfo->prevData, val, bytes);
if (pQueryAttr->stableQuery && pQueryAttr->stabledev && (pRuntimeEnv->prevResult != NULL)) {
setParamForStableStddevByColData(pRuntimeEnv, pInfo->binfo.pCtx, pOperator->numOfOutput, pOperator->pExpr, val,
int32_t ret = setGroupResultOutputBuf(pRuntimeEnv, &(pInfo->binfo), pOperator->numOfOutput, val, type, bytes,
if (ret != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) { // null data, too many state code
longjmp(pRuntimeEnv->env, TSDB_CODE_QRY_APP_ERROR);
doApplyFunctions(pRuntimeEnv, pInfo->binfo.pCtx, &w, pSDataBlock->info.rows - num, num, tsList, pSDataBlock->info.rows, pOperator->numOfOutput);
......@@ -1394,9 +1424,7 @@ static void doSessionWindowAggImpl(SOperatorInfo* pOperator, SSWindowOperatorInf
static void setResultRowKey(SResultRow* pResultRow, char* pData, int16_t type) {
int64_t v = -1;
GET_TYPED_DATA(v, int64_t, type, pData);
if (IS_VAR_DATA_TYPE(type)) {
if (pResultRow->key == NULL) {
pResultRow->key = malloc(varDataTLen(pData));
varDataCopy(pResultRow->key, pData);
......@@ -1404,6 +1432,9 @@ static void setResultRowKey(SResultRow* pResultRow, char* pData, int16_t type) {
assert(memcmp(pResultRow->key, pData, varDataTLen(pData)) == 0);
} else {
int64_t v = -1;
GET_TYPED_DATA(v, int64_t, type, pData);
pResultRow->win.skey = v;
pResultRow->win.ekey = v;
......@@ -1419,7 +1450,7 @@ static int32_t setGroupResultOutputBuf(SQueryRuntimeEnv *pRuntimeEnv, SOptrBasic
// not assign result buffer yet, add new result buffer, TODO remove it
char* d = pData;
int16_t len = bytes;
if (IS_VAR_DATA_TYPE(type)) {
d = varDataVal(pData);
len = varDataLen(pData);
......@@ -1461,11 +1492,12 @@ static int32_t getGroupbyColumnIndex(SGroupbyExpr *pGroupbyExpr, SSDataBlock* pD
return -1;
static bool functionNeedToExecute(SQueryRuntimeEnv *pRuntimeEnv, SQLFunctionCtx *pCtx, int32_t functionId) {
static bool functionNeedToExecute(SQueryRuntimeEnv *pRuntimeEnv, SQLFunctionCtx *pCtx) {
SResultRowCellInfo *pResInfo = GET_RES_INFO(pCtx);
SQueryAttr* pQueryAttr = pRuntimeEnv->pQueryAttr;
// in case of timestamp column, always generated results.
int32_t functionId = pCtx->functionId;
if (functionId == TSDB_FUNC_TS) {
return true;
......@@ -1505,7 +1537,7 @@ void setBlockStatisInfo(SQLFunctionCtx *pCtx, SSDataBlock* pSDataBlock, SColInde
pCtx->preAggVals.isSet = false;
pCtx->hasNull = hasNullRv(pColIndex, pStatis);
pCtx->hasNull = hasNull(pColIndex, pStatis);
// set the statistics data for primary time stamp column
if (pCtx->functionId == TSDB_FUNC_SPREAD && pColIndex->colId == PRIMARYKEY_TIMESTAMP_COL_INDEX) {
......@@ -1751,7 +1783,10 @@ static int32_t setupQueryRuntimeEnv(SQueryRuntimeEnv *pRuntimeEnv, int32_t numOf
case OP_SessionWindow: {
pRuntimeEnv->proot =
createSWindowOperatorInfo(pRuntimeEnv, pRuntimeEnv->proot, pQueryAttr->pExpr1, pQueryAttr->numOfOutput);
setTableScanFilterOperatorInfo(pRuntimeEnv->proot->upstream[0]->info, pRuntimeEnv->proot);
int32_t opType = pRuntimeEnv->proot->upstream[0]->operatorType;
if (opType != OP_DummyInput) {
setTableScanFilterOperatorInfo(pRuntimeEnv->proot->upstream[0]->info, pRuntimeEnv->proot);
case OP_MultiTableAggregate: {
......@@ -1787,7 +1822,10 @@ static int32_t setupQueryRuntimeEnv(SQueryRuntimeEnv *pRuntimeEnv, int32_t numOf
case OP_StateWindow: {
pRuntimeEnv->proot = createStatewindowOperatorInfo(pRuntimeEnv, pRuntimeEnv->proot, pQueryAttr->pExpr1, pQueryAttr->numOfOutput);
setTableScanFilterOperatorInfo(pRuntimeEnv->proot->upstream[0]->info, pRuntimeEnv->proot);
int32_t opType = pRuntimeEnv->proot->upstream[0]->operatorType;
if (opType != OP_DummyInput) {
setTableScanFilterOperatorInfo(pRuntimeEnv->proot->upstream[0]->info, pRuntimeEnv->proot);
......@@ -3472,6 +3510,7 @@ int32_t setTimestampListJoinInfo(SQueryRuntimeEnv* pRuntimeEnv, tVariant* pTag,
return 0;
// TODO refactor: this funciton should be merged with setparamForStableStddevColumnData function.
void setParamForStableStddev(SQueryRuntimeEnv* pRuntimeEnv, SQLFunctionCtx* pCtx, int32_t numOfOutput, SExprInfo* pExprInfo) {
SQueryAttr* pQueryAttr = pRuntimeEnv->pQueryAttr;
......@@ -4677,8 +4716,7 @@ SOperatorInfo* createGlobalAggregateOperatorInfo(SQueryRuntimeEnv* pRuntimeEnv,
SMultiwayMergeInfo* pInfo = calloc(1, sizeof(SMultiwayMergeInfo));
pInfo->resultRowFactor =
(int32_t)(GET_ROW_PARAM_FOR_MULTIOUTPUT(pRuntimeEnv->pQueryAttr, pRuntimeEnv->pQueryAttr->topBotQuery,
(int32_t)(GET_ROW_PARAM_FOR_MULTIOUTPUT(pRuntimeEnv->pQueryAttr, pRuntimeEnv->pQueryAttr->topBotQuery, false));
pRuntimeEnv->scanFlag = MERGE_STAGE; // TODO init when creating pCtx
......@@ -5250,6 +5288,7 @@ static void doStateWindowAggImpl(SOperatorInfo* pOperator, SStateWindowOperatorI
doApplyFunctions(pRuntimeEnv, pBInfo->pCtx, &pInfo->curWindow, pInfo->start, pInfo->numOfRows, tsList,
pSDataBlock->info.rows, pOperator->numOfOutput);
static SSDataBlock* doStateWindowAgg(void *param, bool* newgroup) {
SOperatorInfo* pOperator = (SOperatorInfo*) param;
if (pOperator->status == OP_EXEC_DONE) {
......@@ -6262,7 +6301,7 @@ static bool validateQueryMsg(SQueryTableMsg *pQueryMsg) {
return true;
static UNUSED_FUNC bool validateQueryTableCols(SQueriedTableInfo* pTableInfo, SSqlExpr** pExpr, int32_t numOfOutput,
static bool validateQueryTableCols(SQueriedTableInfo* pTableInfo, SSqlExpr** pExpr, int32_t numOfOutput,
SColumnInfo* pTagCols, void* pMsg) {
int32_t numOfTotal = pTableInfo->numOfCols + pTableInfo->numOfTags;
if (pTableInfo->numOfCols < 0 || pTableInfo->numOfTags < 0 || numOfTotal > TSDB_MAX_COLUMNS) {
......@@ -6447,6 +6486,7 @@ int32_t convertQueryMsg(SQueryTableMsg *pQueryMsg, SQueryParam* param) {
pExprMsg->resType = htons(pExprMsg->resType);
pExprMsg->resBytes = htons(pExprMsg->resBytes);
pExprMsg->interBytes = htonl(pExprMsg->interBytes);
pExprMsg->functionId = htons(pExprMsg->functionId);
pExprMsg->numOfParams = htons(pExprMsg->numOfParams);
......@@ -6654,41 +6694,41 @@ _cleanup:
return code;
int32_t cloneExprFilterInfo(SColumnFilterInfo **dst, SColumnFilterInfo* src, int32_t filterNum) {
if (filterNum <= 0) {
*dst = calloc(filterNum, sizeof(*src));
if (*dst == NULL) {
int32_t cloneExprFilterInfo(SColumnFilterInfo **dst, SColumnFilterInfo* src, int32_t filterNum) {
if (filterNum <= 0) {
memcpy(*dst, src, sizeof(*src) * filterNum);
*dst = calloc(filterNum, sizeof(*src));
if (*dst == NULL) {
for (int32_t i = 0; i < filterNum; i++) {
if ((*dst)[i].filterstr && dst[i]->len > 0) {
void *pz = calloc(1, (size_t)(*dst)[i].len + 1);
memcpy(*dst, src, sizeof(*src) * filterNum);
if (pz == NULL) {
if (i == 0) {
} else {
freeColumnFilterInfo(*dst, i);
for (int32_t i = 0; i < filterNum; i++) {
if ((*dst)[i].filterstr && dst[i]->len > 0) {
void *pz = calloc(1, (size_t)(*dst)[i].len + 1);
if (pz == NULL) {
if (i == 0) {
} else {
freeColumnFilterInfo(*dst, i);
memcpy(pz, (void *)src->pz, (size_t)src->len + 1);
(*dst)[i].pz = (int64_t)pz;
memcpy(pz, (void *)src->pz, (size_t)src->len + 1);
(*dst)[i].pz = (int64_t)pz;
int32_t buildArithmeticExprFromMsg(SExprInfo *pExprInfo, void *pQueryMsg) {
qDebug("qmsg:%p create arithmetic expr from binary", pQueryMsg);
......@@ -6747,8 +6787,8 @@ int32_t createQueryFunc(SQueriedTableInfo* pTableInfo, int32_t numOfOutput, SExp
for (int32_t i = 0; i < numOfOutput; ++i) {
pExprs[i].base = *pExprMsg[i];
memset(pExprs[i].base.param, 0, sizeof(tVariant) * tListLen(pExprs[i].base.param));
memset(pExprs[i].base.param, 0, sizeof(tVariant) * tListLen(pExprs[i].base.param));
for (int32_t j = 0; j < pExprMsg[i]->numOfParams; ++j) {
tVariantAssign(&pExprs[i].base.param[j], &pExprMsg[i]->param[j]);
......@@ -6823,6 +6863,7 @@ int32_t createQueryFunc(SQueriedTableInfo* pTableInfo, int32_t numOfOutput, SExp
// todo remove it
if (getResultDataInfo(type, bytes, pExprs[i].base.functionId, param, &pExprs[i].base.resType, &pExprs[i].base.resBytes,
&pExprs[i].base.interBytes, 0, isSuperTable) != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) {
......@@ -3364,7 +3364,7 @@ static bool tableFilterFp(const void* pNode, void* param) {
GET_TYPED_DATA(v, uint64_t, pInfo->sch.type, val);
return NULL != taosHashGet((SHashObj *)pInfo->q, (char *)&v, sizeof(v));
else if (type == TSDB_DATA_TYPE_DOUBLE || type == TSDB_DATA_TYPE_DOUBLE) {
else if (type == TSDB_DATA_TYPE_DOUBLE || type == TSDB_DATA_TYPE_FLOAT) {
double v;
GET_TYPED_DATA(v, double, pInfo->sch.type, val);
return NULL != taosHashGet((SHashObj *)pInfo->q, (char *)&v, sizeof(v));
......@@ -181,8 +181,8 @@ void writeDataImp(void *param) {
if (lastMachineid != machineid) {
lastMachineid = machineid;
sqlLen += sprintf(sql + sqlLen, " dev%d using devices tags(%d,'%s',%d) values",
machineid, machineid, machinename, machinegroup);
sqlLen += sprintf(sql + sqlLen, " dev%d values",
sqlLen += sprintf(sql + sqlLen, "(%" PRId64 ",%d,%f)", timestamp, temperature, humidity);
......@@ -192,7 +192,8 @@ void writeDataImp(void *param) {
result = taos_query(taos, sql);
code = taos_errno(result);
if (code != 0) {
printf("thread:%d error:%d reason:%s\n", pThread->threadId, code, taos_errstr(taos));
printf("insert into dev%d values (%" PRId64 ",%d,%f)\n",machineid, timestamp, temperature, humidity);
printf("thread:%d error:%d reason:%s\n", pThread->threadId, code, taos_errstr(result));
......@@ -210,6 +211,7 @@ void writeDataImp(void *param) {
result = taos_query(taos, sql);
code = taos_errno(result);
if (code != 0) {
// printf("insert into dev%d using devices tags(%d,'%s',%d) values (%" PRId64 ",%d,%f)",machineid, machineid, machinename, machinegroup, timestamp, temperature, humidity);
printf("thread:%d error:%d reason:%s\n", pThread->threadId, code, taos_errstr(taos));
......@@ -246,7 +248,7 @@ void writeData() {
result = taos_query(taos,
"create table if not exists db.devices(ts timestamp, temperature int, humidity float) "
"create stable if not exists db.devices(ts timestamp, temperature int, humidity float) "
"tags(devid int, devname binary(16), devgroup int)");
code = taos_errno(result);
if (code != 0) {
......@@ -254,6 +256,77 @@ void writeData() {
//create tables before insert the data
result = taos_query(taos, "use db");
code = taos_errno(result);
if (code != 0) {
taos_error(result, taos);
char *sql = calloc(1, 8*1024*1024);
int sqlLen = 0;
int lastMachineid = 0;
int counter = 0;
int totalRecords = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < arguments.filesNum; i++) {
char fileName[300];
sprintf(fileName, "%s/testdata%d.csv", arguments.dataDir, i);
FILE *fp = fopen(fileName, "r");
if (fp == NULL) {
printf("failed to open file %s\n", fileName);
printf("open file %s success\n", fileName);
char *line = NULL;
size_t len = 0;
while (!feof(fp)) {
line = NULL;
len = 0;
getline(&line, &len, fp);
if (line == NULL) break;
if (strlen(line) < 10) continue;
int machineid;
char machinename[16];
int machinegroup;
int64_t timestamp;
int temperature;
float humidity;
sscanf(line, "%d%s%d%" PRId64 "%d%f", &machineid, machinename, &machinegroup, &timestamp, &temperature, &humidity);
if (counter == 0) {
sqlLen = sprintf(sql, "create table if not exists");
if (lastMachineid != machineid) {
lastMachineid = machineid;
sqlLen += sprintf(sql + sqlLen, " dev%d using devices tags(%d,'%s',%d)", machineid, machineid, machinename, machinegroup);
if (counter >= arguments.rowsPerRequest) {
result = taos_query(taos, sql);
code = taos_errno(result);
if (code != 0) {
printf("create table error:%d reason:%s\n", code, taos_errstr(result));
totalRecords += counter;
counter = 0;
lastMachineid = -1;
sqlLen = 0;
int64_t st = getTimeStampMs();
int a = arguments.filesNum / arguments.clients;
......@@ -379,5 +452,4 @@ void readData() {
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -698,24 +698,24 @@ class TDTestCase:
cmd2 = 'select * from normal_in_float_double_1 where in_float in (\'888\');'
tdLog.exit("invalid operation: not supported filter condition")
except Exception as e:
tdLog.info("invalid operation: not supported filter condition")
cmd3 = 'select * from normal_in_float_double_1 where in_double in (\'66666\');'
tdLog.exit("invalid operation: not supported filter condition")
except Exception as e:
tdLog.info("invalid operation: not supported filter condition")
# tdSql.execute(cmd2)
# tdLog.exit("invalid operation: not supported filter condition")
#except Exception as e:
# tdLog.info(repr(e))
# tdLog.info("invalid operation: not supported filter condition")
#cmd3 = 'select * from normal_in_float_double_1 where in_double in (\'66666\');'
# tdSql.execute(cmd3)
# tdLog.exit("invalid operation: not supported filter condition")
#except Exception as e:
# tdLog.info(repr(e))
# tdLog.info("invalid operation: not supported filter condition")
def stop(self):
......@@ -51,38 +51,73 @@ class TDTestCase:
tdSql.checkData(0, 1, 2)
# session(ts,5a) main query
tdSql.query("select count(*) from (select * from dev_001) session(ts,5a)")
tdSql.checkData(0, 1, 2)
# session(ts,1s)
tdSql.query("select count(*) from dev_001 session(ts,1s)")
tdSql.checkData(0, 1, 5)
# session(ts,1s) main query
tdSql.query("select count(*) from (select * from dev_001) session(ts,1s)")
tdSql.checkData(0, 1, 5)
tdSql.query("select count(*) from dev_001 session(ts,1000a)")
tdSql.checkData(0, 1, 5)
tdSql.query("select count(*) from (select * from dev_001) session(ts,1000a)")
tdSql.checkData(0, 1, 5)
# session(ts,1m)
tdSql.query("select count(*) from dev_001 session(ts,1m)")
tdSql.checkData(0, 1, 8)
# session(ts,1m)
tdSql.query("select count(*) from (select * from dev_001) session(ts,1m)")
tdSql.checkData(0, 1, 8)
# session(ts,1h)
tdSql.query("select count(*) from dev_001 session(ts,1h)")
tdSql.checkData(0, 1, 11)
# session(ts,1h)
tdSql.query("select count(*) from (select * from dev_001) session(ts,1h)")
tdSql.checkData(0, 1, 11)
# session(ts,1d)
tdSql.query("select count(*) from dev_001 session(ts,1d)")
tdSql.checkData(0, 1, 13)
# session(ts,1d)
tdSql.query("select count(*) from (select * from dev_001) session(ts,1d)")
tdSql.checkData(0, 1, 13)
# session(ts,1w)
tdSql.query("select count(*) from dev_001 session(ts,1w)")
tdSql.checkData(0, 1, 15)
# session(ts,1w)
tdSql.query("select count(*) from (select * from dev_001) session(ts,1w)")
tdSql.checkData(0, 1, 15)
# session with where
tdSql.query("select count(*),first(tagtype),last(tagtype),avg(tagtype),sum(tagtype),min(tagtype),max(tagtype),leastsquares(tagtype, 1, 1),spread(tagtype),stddev(tagtype),percentile(tagtype,0) from dev_001 where ts <'2020-05-20 0:0:0' session(ts,1d)")
tdSql.checkData(0, 1, 13)
tdSql.checkData(0, 2, 1)
......@@ -97,6 +132,20 @@ class TDTestCase:
tdSql.checkData(0, 11, 1)
tdSql.checkData(1, 11, 14)
# session with where main
tdSql.query("select count(*),first(tagtype),last(tagtype),avg(tagtype),sum(tagtype),min(tagtype),max(tagtype),leastsquares(tagtype, 1, 1) from (select * from dev_001 where ts <'2020-05-20 0:0:0') session(ts,1d)")
tdSql.checkData(0, 1, 13)
tdSql.checkData(0, 2, 1)
tdSql.checkData(0, 3, 13)
tdSql.checkData(0, 4, 7)
tdSql.checkData(0, 5, 91)
tdSql.checkData(0, 6, 1)
tdSql.checkData(0, 7, 13)
tdSql.checkData(0, 8, '{slop:1.000000, intercept:0.000000}')
# tdsql err
tdSql.error("select * from dev_001 session(ts,1w)")
tdSql.error("select count(*) from st session(ts,1w)")
......@@ -654,53 +654,91 @@ if $data31 != @20-03-27 05:10:19.000@ then
return -1
#sql select irate(c) from st where t1="1" and ts >= '2020-03-27 04:11:17.732' and ts < '2020-03-27 05:11:17.732' interval(1m) sliding(15s) group by tbname,t1,t2;
#if $rows != 40 then
# return -1
#if $data01 != 1.000000000 then
# return -1
#if $data02 != t1 then
# return -1
#if $data03 != 1 then
# return -1
#if $data04 != 1 then
# return -1
#if $data11 != 1.000000000 then
# return -1
#if $data12 != t1 then
# return -1
#if $data13 != 1 then
# return -1
#if $data14 != 1 then
# return -1
#sql select irate(c) from st where t1="1" and ts >= '2020-03-27 04:11:17.732' and ts < '2020-03-27 05:11:17.732' interval(1m) sliding(15s) group by tbname,t1,t2 limit 1;
#if $rows != 2 then
# return -1
#if $data11 != 1.000000000 then
# return -1
#if $data12 != t2 then
# return -1
#if $data13 != 1 then
# return -1
#if $data14 != 2 then
# return -1
print ===============>
sql select stddev(c),c from st where t2=1 or t2=2 group by c;
if $rows != 4 then
return -1
if $data00 != 0.000000000 then
return -1
if $data01 != 1 then
return -1
if $data10 != 0.000000000 then
return -1
if $data11 != 2 then
return -1
if $data20 != 0.000000000 then
return -1
if $data21 != 3 then
return -1
if $data30 != 0.000000000 then
return -1
if $data31 != 4 then
return -1
sql select irate(c) from st where t1="1" and ts >= '2020-03-27 04:11:17.732' and ts < '2020-03-27 05:11:17.732' interval(1m) sliding(15s) group by tbname,t1,t2;
if $rows != 40 then
return -1
if $data01 != 1.000000000 then
return -1
if $data02 != t1 then
return -1
if $data03 != 1 then
return -1
if $data04 != 1 then
return -1
if $data11 != 1.000000000 then
return -1
if $data12 != t1 then
return -1
if $data13 != 1 then
return -1
if $data14 != 1 then
return -1
sql select irate(c) from st where t1="1" and ts >= '2020-03-27 04:11:17.732' and ts < '2020-03-27 05:11:17.732' interval(1m) sliding(15s) group by tbname,t1,t2 limit 1;
if $rows != 2 then
return -1
if $data11 != 1.000000000 then
return -1
if $data12 != t2 then
return -1
if $data13 != 1 then
return -1
if $data14 != 2 then
return -1
system sh/exec.sh -n dnode1 -s stop -x SIGINT
system sh/stop_dnodes.sh
system sh/deploy.sh -n dnode1 -i 1
system sh/cfg.sh -n dnode1 -c walLevel -v 0
system sh/cfg.sh -n dnode1 -c walLevel -v 1
system sh/cfg.sh -n dnode1 -c maxtablesPerVnode -v 2
system sh/exec.sh -n dnode1 -s start
......@@ -70,4 +70,17 @@ sleep 100
run general/parser/lastrow_query.sim
system sh/exec.sh -n dnode1 -s stop -x SIGINT
\ No newline at end of file
print =================== last_row + nested query
sql use $db
sql create table lr_nested(ts timestamp, f int)
sql insert into lr_nested values(now, 1)
sql insert into lr_nested values(now+1s, null)
sql select last_row(*) from (select * from lr_nested)
if $rows != 1 then
return -1
if $data01 != NULL then
return -1
system sh/exec.sh -n dnode1 -s stop -x SIGINT
......@@ -68,6 +68,27 @@ endw
sleep 100
#======================= only check first table tag, TD-4827
sql select count(*) from $mt where t1 in (0)
if $rows != 1 then
return -1
if $data00 != $rowNum then
return -1;
$secTag = ' . abc
$secTag = $secTag . 0
$secTag = $secTag . '
sql select count(*) from $mt where t2 =$secTag and t1 in (0)
if $rows != 1 then
return -1
if $data00 != $rowNum then
return -1;
sql select ts from select_tags_mt0
print $rows
......@@ -63,4 +63,3 @@ run general/parser/between_and.sim
run general/parser/last_cache.sim
run general/parser/nestquery.sim
run general/parser/precision_ns.sim
......@@ -139,18 +139,18 @@ sql_error select * from $mt where c1 like 1
sql create table wh_mt1 (ts timestamp, c1 smallint, c2 int, c3 bigint, c4 float, c5 double, c6 tinyint, c7 binary(10), c8 nchar(10), c9 bool, c10 timestamp) tags (t1 binary(10), t2 smallint, t3 int, t4 bigint, t5 float, t6 double)
sql create table wh_mt1_tb1 using wh_mt1 tags ('tb11', 1, 1, 1, 1, 1)
sql insert into wh_mt1_tb1 values (now, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 'binary', 'nchar', true, '2019-01-01 00:00:00.000')
sql_error select last(*) from wh_mt1 where c1 in ('1')
sql_error select last(*) from wh_mt1_tb1 where c1 in ('1')
sql_error select last(*) from wh_mt1 where c2 in ('1')
sql_error select last(*) from wh_mt1_tb1 where c2 in ('1')
sql_error select last(*) from wh_mt1 where c3 in ('1')
sql_error select last(*) from wh_mt1_tb1 where c3 in ('1')
sql_error select last(*) from wh_mt1 where c4 in ('1')
sql_error select last(*) from wh_mt1_tb1 where c4 in ('1')
sql_error select last(*) from wh_mt1 where c5 in ('1')
sql_error select last(*) from wh_mt1_tb1 where c5 in ('1')
sql_error select last(*) from wh_mt1 where c6 in ('1')
sql_error select last(*) from wh_mt1_tb1 where c6 in ('1')
#sql_error select last(*) from wh_mt1 where c1 in ('1')
#sql_error select last(*) from wh_mt1_tb1 where c1 in ('1')
#sql_error select last(*) from wh_mt1 where c2 in ('1')
#sql_error select last(*) from wh_mt1_tb1 where c2 in ('1')
#sql_error select last(*) from wh_mt1 where c3 in ('1')
#sql_error select last(*) from wh_mt1_tb1 where c3 in ('1')
#sql_error select last(*) from wh_mt1 where c4 in ('1')
#sql_error select last(*) from wh_mt1_tb1 where c4 in ('1')
#sql_error select last(*) from wh_mt1 where c5 in ('1')
#sql_error select last(*) from wh_mt1_tb1 where c5 in ('1')
#sql_error select last(*) from wh_mt1 where c6 in ('1')
#sql_error select last(*) from wh_mt1_tb1 where c6 in ('1')
#sql_error select last(*) from wh_mt1 where c7 in ('binary')
#sql_error select last(*) from wh_mt1_tb1 where c7 in ('binary')
#sql_error select last(*) from wh_mt1 where c8 in ('nchar')
......@@ -352,5 +352,18 @@ if $rows != 0 then
return -1
print ==========================> td-4783
sql create table where_ts(ts timestamp, f int)
sql insert into where_ts values('2021-06-19 16:22:00', 1);
sql insert into where_ts values('2021-06-19 16:23:00', 2);
sql insert into where_ts values('2021-06-19 16:24:00', 3);
sql insert into where_ts values('2021-06-19 16:25:00', 1);
sql select * from (select * from where_ts) where ts<'2021-06-19 16:25:00' and ts>'2021-06-19 16:22:00'
if $row != 2 then
return -1
print $data00, $data01
if $data01 != 2 then
return -1
system sh/exec.sh -n dnode1 -s stop -x SIGINT
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