提交 35ac68f7 编写于 作者: M march3


上级 cf5948b7
......@@ -32,14 +32,19 @@ class Body:
:param size_scale: 尺寸缩放
:param distance_scale: 距离缩放
self.__his_pos = []
self.__his_vel = []
self.__his_acc = []
self.__his_reserved_num = 20
self.name = name
self.__mass = mass
self.init_position = np.array(init_position, dtype='float32')
self.init_velocity = np.array(init_velocity, dtype='float32')
self.position = self.init_position
self.velocity = self.init_velocity
self.__position = self.init_position
self.__velocity = self.init_velocity
self.__density = density
......@@ -50,14 +55,40 @@ class Body:
self.distance_scale = distance_scale
# 初始化后,加速度为0,只有多个天体的引力才会影响到加速度
self.acceleration = np.array([0, 0, 0], dtype='float32')
# m/s²
self.__acceleration = np.array([0, 0, 0], dtype='float32')
self.__his_pos = []
self.__his_vel = []
self.__his_acc = []
self.__his_reserved_num = 10
def append_history(self, his_list, data):
def position(self):
return self.__position
def position(self, value):
self.__position = value
def acceleration(self):
return self.__acceleration
def acceleration(self, value):
self.__acceleration = value
def velocity(self):
return self.__velocity
def velocity(self, value):
self.__velocity = value
def __append_history(self, his_list, data):
:param his_list:
......@@ -69,23 +100,22 @@ class Body:
np.sum(data == his_list[-1]) < len(data):
def record_history(self):
def __record_history(self):
# 如果历史记录数超过了保留数量,则截断,只保留 __his_reserved_num 数量的历史
if len(self.__his_pos) > self.__his_reserved_num:
self.__his_pos = self.__his_pos[len(self.__his_pos)-self.__his_reserved_num:]
self.__his_vel = self.__his_vel[len(self.__his_vel)-self.__his_reserved_num:]
self.__his_acc = self.__his_acc[len(self.__his_acc)-self.__his_reserved_num:]
self.__his_pos = self.__his_pos[len(self.__his_pos) - self.__his_reserved_num:]
self.__his_vel = self.__his_vel[len(self.__his_vel) - self.__his_reserved_num:]
self.__his_acc = self.__his_acc[len(self.__his_acc) - self.__his_reserved_num:]
# 追加历史记录(位置、速度、加速度)
self.append_history(self.__his_pos, self.position)
self.append_history(self.__his_vel, self.velocity)
self.append_history(self.__his_acc, self.acceleration)
print(self.name, "his pos->", self.__his_pos)
self.__append_history(self.__his_pos, self.position)
self.__append_history(self.__his_vel, self.velocity)
self.__append_history(self.__his_acc, self.acceleration)
# print(self.name, "his pos->", self.__his_pos)
def his_position(self):
......@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ class Earth(Body):
def __init__(self, name="earth", mass=5.97237e24,
init_position=[149597870.700, 0, 0],
init_velocity=[29.79, 0, 0],
init_velocity=[0, 29.79, 0],
texture="", size_scale=1.0, distance_scale=1.0):
params = {
"name": name,
......@@ -10,7 +10,9 @@ from bodies.body import Body
class Sun(Body):
def __init__(self, name="sun", mass=1.9891e30, init_position=[0, 0, 0], init_velocity=[0, 0, 0],
def __init__(self, name="sun", mass=1.9891e30,
init_position=[0, 0, 0],
init_velocity=[0, 0, 0],
texture="", size_scale=1.0, distance_scale=1.0):
params = {
"name": name,
......@@ -17,27 +17,47 @@ X_MIN, X_MAX = -2e+14, 2e+14 # the x range of the bounding box (m)
Y_MIN, Y_MAX = -2e+14, 2e+14 # the y range of the bounding box (m)
Z_MIN, Z_MAX = -2e+14, 2e+14 # the z range of the bounding box (m)
X_MIN, X_MAX = -2e+12, 2e+12 # the x range of the bounding box (m)
Y_MIN, Y_MAX = -2e+12, 2e+12 # the y range of the bounding box (m)
Z_MIN, Z_MAX = -2e+12, 2e+12 # the z range of the bounding box (m)
X_MIN, X_MAX = -1e+9, 1e+9 # the x range of the bounding box (m)
Y_MIN, Y_MAX = -1e+9, 1e+9 # the y range of the bounding box (m)
Z_MIN, Z_MAX = -1e+9, 1e+9 # the z range of the bounding box (m)
# X_MIN, X_MAX = -8e+8, 8e+8 # the x range of the bounding box (m)
# Y_MIN, Y_MAX = -8e+8, 8e+8 # the y range of the bounding box (m)
# Z_MIN, Z_MAX = -8e+8, 8e+8 # the z range of the bounding box (m)
def show(bodies, idx=0):
# from scipy.interpolate import make_interp_spline
# Creating figures for the plot
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(16, 12))
ax = plt.axes(projection="3d")
ax.set_xlim(X_MIN, X_MAX)
ax.set_ylim(Y_MIN, Y_MAX)
ax.set_zlim(Z_MIN, Z_MAX)
# Creating a plot using the random datasets
colors = ['red', 'blue']
sizes = [800, 500]
colors = ['red', 'blue', 'red', 'red']
sizes = [800, 500, 800, 800]
for idx, body in enumerate(bodies):
color = 'red' if str(body.name).startswith("sun") else 'blue'
size = 800 if str(body.name).startswith("sun") else 500
pos = body.position
ax.scatter(pos[0], pos[1], pos[2], color=colors[idx], s=sizes[idx])
for _his_pos in body.his_position():
ax.scatter3D(_his_pos[0], _his_pos[1], _his_pos[2], color=colors[idx], alpha=0.5)
# ax.scatter(his_pos[0], his_pos[1], his_pos[2], color=colors[idx], s=10)
ax.text(pos[0], pos[1], pos[2] + 1e8, body.name, color=color, fontsize=20)
ax.scatter(pos[0], pos[1], pos[2], color=color, s=size)
# for _his_pos in body.his_position():
# ax.scatter3D(_his_pos[0], _his_pos[1], _his_pos[2], color=color, alpha=0.5)
# ax.scatter(his_pos[0], his_pos[1], his_pos[2], color=colors[idx], s=10)
his_pos = body.his_position()
if len(his_pos) > 2:
if len(his_pos) > 1:
_his_pos = list(zip(*his_pos))
ax.plot3D(_his_pos[0], _his_pos[1], _his_pos[2], color=colors[idx], alpha=0.5)
ax.plot3D(_his_pos[0], _his_pos[1], _his_pos[2], color=color, alpha=0.8)
plt.title("3D scatter plot %s" % idx)
# display the plot
......@@ -52,6 +72,7 @@ class Simulator:
self.dt = dt
def evolve(self, dt):
# next_p = p + dt * v + 0.5 * a * (dt ** 2)
......@@ -68,30 +89,42 @@ class Simulator:
# body1.update_source_data()
for body in self.system.bodies:
body.position += body.velocity * dt + 0.5 * body.acceleration * (dt ** 2)
# body.vx = body.vx + ax * dt
# body.x = body.x + body.vx * dt
# acceleration 加速度
body.velocity += body.acceleration * dt
print(body.name, body.position)
# body.position += body.velocity * dt # - 0.5 * body.acceleration * (dt ** 2)
body.position += body.velocity * dt
# print(body.name, body.position)
def run(self, t):
n = int(t / self.dt)
for i in range(n):
def run_always(self):
dt = 1 # 时间变化1秒
while True:
# time.sleep(1)
if __name__ == '__main__':
t = 60 * 60 * 24
_sys = System([Sun(), Earth()])
t = 60 * 60 * 24 * 100
# _sys = System([Sun(init_position=[0, 0, 149597870.700]), Earth()])
# _sys = System([Sun(init_position=[849597870.700, 0, 0], init_velocity=[0, 9.79, 0]),
# Sun(init_position=[0, 0, 0], init_velocity=[0, -9.79, 0])])
# _sys = System([Sun(), Earth()])
_sys = System([Sun(name="sun1", init_position=[849597870.700, 0, 0], init_velocity=[0, 7.0, 0]),
Sun(name="sun2", init_position=[0, 0, 0], init_velocity=[0, -8.0, 0]),
Sun(name="sun3", init_position=[0, -849597870.700, 0], init_velocity=[18.0, 0, 0]),
Earth(init_position=[0, -349597870.700, 0], init_velocity=[15.50, 0, 0])])
_sim = Simulator(_sys, t)
_sim.run(t * 100)
......@@ -139,12 +139,30 @@ class System(object):
# body1.position = body1.position + (body1.momentum / body1.mass) * dt
# body1.update_source_data()
def acceleration(self, body1, body2, G=6.67e-11):
:param body1: 天体1
:param body2: 天体2
:param G: 引力常数
:return: 加速度
import math
dx = body2.position[0] - body1.position[0]
dy = body2.position[1] - body1.position[1]
dz = body2.position[2] - body1.position[2]
distance = math.sqrt(dx ** 2 + dy ** 2 + dz ** 2)
mag = G * body2.mass / (distance ** 2)
acc = [dx / distance * mag, dy / distance * mag, dz / distance * mag]
return np.array(acc)/1000/1000/1000
def update_acceleration(self):
for body in self.bodies:
body.acceleration = np.zeros(3)
# for body in self.bodies:
# body.acceleration = np.zeros(3)
for body1 in self.bodies:
acceleration = np.zeros(3)
for body2 in self.bodies:
if body1 is body2:
......@@ -154,7 +172,9 @@ class System(object):
# body.acceleration1 += aij * dir
r = body2.position - body1.position
body.acceleration += -6.67e-11 * body2.mass * r / np.linalg.norm(r) ** 3
# m/s²
# body1.acceleration += self.acceleration(body1,body2)
acceleration += (6.67e-11 * body2.mass * r / np.linalg.norm(r) ** 3) / 1e9
# body1.acceleration = body.acceleration2
# r = body2.position - body1.position
......@@ -168,6 +188,7 @@ class System(object):
# r = 1 # 两个天体之间的距离
# a = G * m2 / math.pow(r, 2)
body1.acceleration = acceleration
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