ursina_ui.py 7.4 KB
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# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
# title           :ursina天体运行模拟器UI控制
# description     :ursina天体运行模拟器UI控制
# author          :Python超人
# date            :2023-02-11
# link            :https://gitcode.net/pythoncr/
# python_version  :3.8
# ==============================================================================
from ursina import Ursina, window, Entity, Grid, Mesh, camera, Text, application, color, mouse, Vec2, Vec3, \
    load_texture, held_keys, Button
from ursina.prefabs.first_person_controller import FirstPersonController
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from simulators.ursina.ui_component import UiSlider, SwithButton
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from simulators.ursina.ursina_config import UrsinaConfig
from simulators.ursina.ursina_event import UrsinaEvent
from ursina import WindowPanel, InputField, Button, Slider, ButtonGroup

class UrsinaUI:

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    def ui_component_init(self):
        Text.default_font = 'simsun.ttc'
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        application.time_scale = 0.5
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        self.slider_body_spin_factor = UiSlider(text='自转速度', min=0.01, max=30, default=1)
        self.slider_run_speed_factor = UiSlider(text="运行速度", min=0.01, max=800, default=1)
        self.slider_control_speed_factor = UiSlider(text="控制速度", min=0.01, max=30, default=application.time_scale)
        self.slider_trail_length = UiSlider(text="拖尾长度", min=30, max=500, default=UrsinaConfig.trail_length)
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        self.slider_body_spin_factor.on_value_changed = self.on_slider_body_spin_changed
        self.slider_run_speed_factor.on_value_changed = self.on_slider_run_speed_changed
        self.slider_control_speed_factor.on_value_changed = self.on_slider_control_speed_changed
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        self.slider_trail_length.on_value_changed = self.on_slider_trail_length_changed

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        self.on_off_switch = SwithButton(('||', '○'), default='○')
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        self.on_off_switch.selected_color = color.red
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        self.on_off_trail = SwithButton((' ', '...'), default=' ')
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        self.on_off_trail.on_value_changed = self.on_off_trail_changed

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        self.point_button = Button(text='寻找', origin=(0, 0), y=2,
                                   on_click=self.on_point_button_click, color=color.rgba(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.5))
        self.reset_button = Button(text='重置', origin=(0, 0), y=2,
                                   on_click=self.on_reset_button_click, color=color.rgba(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.5))
        self.on_off_switch.on_value_changed = self.on_off_switch_changed
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        wp = WindowPanel(
                Text('方位控制: Q W E A S D + 鼠标右键'),
                # InputField(name='name_field'),
                # Button(text='Submit', color=color.azure),
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            ), ignore_paused=True, color=color.rgba(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.5)
        wp.y = 0.5  # wp.panel.scale_y / 2 * wp.scale_y  # center the window panel
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        wp.x = 0.6 # wp.scale_x + 0.1
        # wp.x = 0#wp.panel.scale_x / 2 * wp.scale_x
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        self.wp = wp

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    def __init__(self):

        # self.pause_handler = Entity(ignore_paused=True)
        # 加载中文字体文件

        # text_time_scale = "1"
        # self.text_time_scale_info = None
        # self.pause_handler.input = self.pause_handler_input
        # self.show_text_time_scale_info()
        # key_info_str = "退出[按2次ESC] 方位控制[鼠标QWEASD] 开始暂停[空格] 控制倍率[Tab - +]"
        # key_info = Text(text=key_info_str, position=(-0.8, 0.5), origin=(-1, 1), background=True)
        # # self.show_button()
        # slider_text = Text(text='自转速度', scale=1, position=(-0.6, 0.3))
        # slider = Slider(scale=0.5, position=(-0.6, 0), min=0, max=10, step=1, text=slider_text)

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    def on_off_trail_changed(self):
        if self.on_off_trail.value == "...":
            UrsinaConfig.show_trail = True
            UrsinaConfig.show_trail = False

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    def on_point_button_click(self):

    def on_reset_button_click(self):

    def on_off_switch_changed(self):
        if self.on_off_switch.value == "||":
            self.on_off_switch.selected_color = color.green
            application.paused = True
            self.on_off_switch.selected_color = color.red
            application.paused = False

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    def on_slider_trail_length_changed(self):
        UrsinaConfig.trail_length = int(self.slider_trail_length.value)

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    def on_slider_control_speed_changed(self):
        application.time_scale = self.slider_control_speed_factor.value

    def on_slider_body_spin_changed(self):
        UrsinaConfig.body_spin_factor = self.slider_body_spin_factor.value

    def on_slider_run_speed_changed(self):
        UrsinaConfig.run_speed_factor = self.slider_run_speed_factor.value

    def show_text_time_scale_info(self):
        if self.text_time_scale_info is not None:
        text_time_scale = "控制倍率:" + str(application.time_scale).ljust(4, " ")
        text_time_scale_info = Text(text=text_time_scale, position=(-0.8, 0.5), origin=(-1, 1), background=True)

    def show_button(self):
        b = Button(scale=(0, .25), text='zzz')

    #  if key == "escape":
    #             if mouse.locked:
    #                 self.on_disable()
    #             else:
    #                 sys.exit()

    # 按空格键则暂停
    def pause_handler_input(self, key):
        import sys
        time_scales = [0.05, 0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 1, 5, 10, 20, 30]
        if key == "escape":
        # print(key)
        elif key == 'space':
            application.paused = not application.paused  # Pause/unpause the game.
        elif key == 'tab':
            # application.time_scale 属性控制游戏时间流逝的速度。
            # 具体来说,它是一个浮点数,用于调整游戏时间流逝速度的比例,其默认值为 1.0,表示正常速度。
            # 当你将它设置为小于 1.0 的值时,游戏时间会变慢,而设置为大于 1.0 的值时,游戏时间则会变快。
            for idx, time_scale in enumerate(time_scales):
                if float(application.time_scale) == time_scale:
                    if idx < len(time_scales) - 1:
                        application.time_scale = time_scales[idx + 1]
                        application.time_scale = time_scales[0]
        elif key == '+':
            UrsinaConfig.run_speed_factor *= 2
        elif key == "= up":
            UrsinaConfig.body_spin_factor *= 2
            # if application.time_scale in time_scales:
            #     idx = time_scales.index(application.time_scale)
            #     if idx < len(time_scales) - 1:
            #         application.time_scale = time_scales[idx + 1]
        elif key == '-':
            UrsinaConfig.run_speed_factor *= 0.5
        elif key == "- up":
            UrsinaConfig.body_spin_factor *= 0.5
            # if application.time_scale in time_scales:
            #     idx = time_scales.index(application.time_scale)
            #     if idx > 0:
            #         application.time_scale = time_scales[idx - 1]
