1. 30 1月, 2020 1 次提交
    • E
      Add support for `if_exists/if_not_exists` on `remove_column/add_column` · 95ed7e78
      eileencodes 提交于
      This PR adds support for `if_exists` on `remove_column` and
      `if_not_exists` on `add_column` to support silently ignoring migrations
      if the remove tries to remove a non-existent column or an add tries to
      add an already existing column.
      We (GitHub) have custom monkey-patched support for these features and
      would like to upstream this behavior.
      This matches the same behavior that is supported for `create_table` and
      `drop_table`. The behavior for sqlite is different from mysql/postgres
      and sqlite for remove column and that is reflected in the tests.
  2. 29 1月, 2020 1 次提交
  3. 24 1月, 2020 2 次提交
    • C
      Fix Active Record changelog [ci skip] · 2d7ff70b
      Carlos Antonio da Silva 提交于
      Follow-up of 1ee4a881.
    • E
      Move advisory lock to it's own connection · 1ee4a881
      eileencodes 提交于
      This PR moves advisory lock to it's own connection instead of
      `ActiveRecord::Base` to fix #37748. As a note the issue is present on
      both mysql and postgres. We don't see it on sqlite3 because sqlite3
      doesn't support advisory locks.
      The underlying problem only appears if:
      1) the app is using multiple databases, and therefore establishing a new
      connetion in the abstract models
      2) the app has a migration that loads a model (ex `Post.update_all`)
      which causes that new connection to get established.
      This is because when Rails runs migrations the default connections are
      established, the lock is taken out on the `ActiveRecord::Base`
      connection. When the migration that calls a model is loaded, a new
      connection will be established and the lock will automatically be
      When Rails goes to release the lock in the ensure block it will find
      that the connection has been closed. Even if the connection wasn't
      closed the lock would no longer exist on that connection.
      We originally considered checking if the connection was active, but
      ultimately that would hide that the advisory locks weren't working
      correctly because there'd be no lock to release.
      We also considered making the lock more granular - that it only blocked
      on each migration individually instead of all the migrations for that
      connection. This might be the right move going forward, but right now
      multi-db migrations that load models are very broken in Rails 6.0 and
      John and I don't love this fix, it requires a bit too much knowledge of
      internals and how Rails picks up connections. However, it does fix the
      issue, makes the lock more global, and makes the lock more resilient to
      changing connections.
      Co-authored-by: NJohn Crepezzi <john.crepezzi@gmail.com>
  4. 23 1月, 2020 1 次提交
    • K
      Allow schema cache path to be defined in the config file · 2c2ff822
      Katrina Owen 提交于
      This updates the database tasks for dumping the Active Record schema cache as
      well as clearing the schema cache file, allowing the path to be defined in the
      database configuration YAML file.
      As before, the value can also be defined in an ENV variable, though this would
      not work for a multi-db application. If the value is specified neither in the
      DB config, nor in the ENV, then the path will continue to be derived from the
      DB config spec_name.
      Note that in order to make this change cleaner I also moved a bit of logic
      out of a rake task and into the DatabaseTasks class, for symmetry.
      We have two rake tasks for the schema cache:
          $ rake db:schema:cache:dump
          $ rake db:schema:cache:clear
      The cache:dump task was implemented in DatabaseTasks, but the
      cache:clear one was not.
      I also added some tests for the behavior that I was changing, since some of
      the code paths weren't tested.
  5. 22 1月, 2020 1 次提交
    • E
      Deprecate `#remove_connection` in favor of `#remove_connection_pool` · 7315c91d
      eileencodes 提交于
      Calling `#remove_connection` on the handler is deprecated in favor of
      `#remove_connection_pool`. This change was made to support changing the
      return value from a hash to a `DatabaseConfig` object.
      `#remove_connection` will be removed in 6.2.
      NOTE: `#remove_connection` on `ActiveRecord::Base` will also now return
      a `DatabaseConfig` object. We didn't use a deprecation here since
      it's not documented that this method used to return a `Hash`.
      Co-authored-by: NJohn Crepezzi <john.crepezzi@gmail.com>
  6. 18 1月, 2020 1 次提交
    • E
      Deprecate and replace `#default_hash` and `#[]` · 2a53fe63
      eileencodes 提交于
      Database configurations are now objects almost everywhere, so we don't
      need to fake access to a hash with `#default_hash` or it's alias `#[]`.
      Applications should `configs_for` and pass `env_name` and `spec_name` to
      get the database config object. If you're looking for the default for
      the test environment you can pass `configs_for(env_name: "test", spec_name:
      "primary")`. Change test to developement to get the dev config, etc.
      `#default_hash` and `#[]` will be removed in 6.2.
      Co-authored-by: NJohn Crepezzi <john.crepezzi@gmail.com>
  7. 14 1月, 2020 1 次提交
  8. 11 1月, 2020 1 次提交
  9. 10 1月, 2020 1 次提交
    • E
      Ensure the reading connection always raises if we try to write · 1c98e6c0
      eileencodes 提交于
      Since test fixtures share connections (due to transactional tests) we
      end up overwriting the reading configuration so Rails doesn't recognize
      it as a replica connection.
      This change ensures that if we're using the `reading` role that
      connections will always have prevent writes turned on.
      If you need a replica connection that does not block writes, you should
      use a different role name other than `:reading`.
      The db selector test and connection handlers test have been updated to
      test for these changes. In the db selector test we don't always have a
      writing handler so I updated test fixtures to return if that's nil.
      Lastly one test needed to be updated to use a different handler name due
      to it needing to write to successfully test what it needs to test.
      Fixes #37765
  10. 09 1月, 2020 1 次提交
    • E
      Deprecate "primary" as a connection_specification_name for ActiveRecord::Base · b74fbe4e
      eileencodes 提交于
      As multiple databases have evolved it's becoming more and more
      confusing that we have a `connection_specification_name` that defaults
      to "primary" and a `spec_name` on the database objects that defaults to
      "primary" (my bad).
      Even more confusing is that we use the class name for all
      non-ActiveRecord::Base abstract classes that establish connections. For
      example connections established on `class MyOtherDatabaseModel <
      ApplicationRecord` will use `"MyOtherDatabaseModel"` as it's connection
      specification name while `ActiveRecord::Base` uses `"primary"`.
      This PR deprecates the use of the name `"primary"` as the
      `connection_specification_name` for `ActiveRecord::Base` in favor of
      using `"ActiveRecord::Base"`.
      In this PR the following is true:
      * If `handler.establish_connection(:primary)` is called, `"primary"`
      will not throw a deprecation warning and can still be used for the
      `connection_specification_name`. This also fixes a bug where using this
      method to establish a connection could accidentally overwrite the actual
      `ActiveRecord::Base` connection IF that connection was not using a
      configuration named `:primary`.
      * Calling `handler.retrieve_connection "primary"` when
      `handler.establish_connection :primary` has never been called will
      return the connection for `ActiveRecord::Base` and throw a deprecation
      * Calling `handler.remove_connection "primary"` when
      `handler.establish_connection :primary` has never been called will
      remove the connection for `ActiveRecord::Base` and throw a deprecation
      See #38179 for details on more motivations for this change.
      Co-authored-by: NJohn Crepezzi <john.crepezzi@gmail.com>
  11. 07 1月, 2020 1 次提交
  12. 03 1月, 2020 1 次提交
    • A
      Enforce fresh ETag header after collection changes · 58b04096
      Aaron Lipman 提交于
      Add ActiveRecord::Relation#cache_key_with_version. This method will be
      used by ActionController::ConditionalGet to ensure that when collection
      cache versioning is enabled, requests using ConditionalGet don't return
      the same ETag header after a collection is modified.
      Prior to the introduction of collection cache versioning in
      4f2ac80d, all collection cache keys
      included a version. However, with cache versioning enabled, collection
      cache keys remain constant. In turn, ETag headers remain constant,
      rendering them ineffective.
      This commit takes the cache_key_with_version method used for individual
      Active Record objects (from aa8749eb),
      and adds it to collections.
  13. 31 12月, 2019 1 次提交
  14. 21 12月, 2019 1 次提交
  15. 20 12月, 2019 1 次提交
  16. 18 12月, 2019 5 次提交
    • R
      Fix typos · 72af0bbc
      Ryuta Kamizono 提交于
    • R
    • J
      Move `name` key on configuration hash into `DatabaseConfig` · b76659e1
      John Crepezzi 提交于
      `name` is used by Rails to find the configuration by connection
      specification name, but database adapters don't need to use `name` in
      order to establish a connection. This is part of our work to separate
      what the database needs to connect (the configuration hash) and the
      what Rails needs to find connections (everything else).
      Co-authored-by: NJohn Crepezzi <john.crepezzi@gmail.com>
    • E
      Make `belongs_to_required_by_default` a class attribute: · f2873d59
      Edouard CHIN 提交于
      - I'm hoping to get this change accepted even though this flag was
        introduced years ago in 6576f735
        My use case is the following:
        We were never enforcing belongs to association and we have a lot
        of models that implicitely declare an association as optional.
        We are now changing all our models to make associations required
        by default.
        Since we have a lot of models (more than 1000), I'd like to
        progressively enable them to use the `belongs_to_required_by_default`
        The problem is that this flag is a mattr_accessor and doesn't to be
        set per model. We basically need to modify all our models (which
        could take years) before being able to modify the global flag.
        I'd like to change this flag to a class_attribute to solve the
    • J
      Deprecate `connection_config` · 5a374351
      John Crepezzi 提交于
      The `connection_config` method returns a `Hash`, but since we're moving
      toward a place where we're using `DatabaseConfiguration::DatabaseConfig`
      objects everywhere, we're introducing a new method here to replace it
      called `connection_db_config`.
      Co-authored-by: Neileencodes <eileencodes@gmail.com>
  17. 10 12月, 2019 1 次提交
    • J
      Database URL supports query value with equal sign · 43a6420e
      Joshua Flanagan 提交于
      A querystring value should be allowed to include an equal sign `=`.
      This is necessary to support passing `options` for a PostgresSQL connection.
        url: postgresql://localhost/railsdevapp_development?options=-cmysetting.debug=on
      Before this PR, attempting to start the rails process with that configuration would result in an error:
      > bundle exec rails console
      Traceback (most recent call last):
      	49: from bin/rails:4:in `<main>'
      	48: from bin/rails:4:in `require'
      	 1: from /rails/activerecord/lib/active_record/database_configurations/connection_url_resolver.rb:58:in `query_hash'
      /rails/activerecord/lib/active_record/database_configurations/connection_url_resolver.rb:58:in `[]': invalid number of elements (3 for 1..2) (ArgumentError)
      After this PR, rails can properly parse the configuration:
      > bundle exec rails console
      Loading development environment (Rails 6.1.0.alpha)
      2.6.5 :001 > ActiveRecord::Base.connection.select_all("show mysetting.debug").to_a
         (0.4ms)  show mysetting.debug
       => [{"mysetting.debug"=>"on"}]
  18. 04 12月, 2019 2 次提交
    • P
      Retain selections with `includes` and `joins` · 2d6088ce
      Patrick Rebsch 提交于
      Applying `includes` and `joins` to a relation that selected additional
      database fields would cause those additional fields not to be included
      in the results even though they were queried from the database:
          posts = Post.select('1 as other').includes(:tbl).joins(:tbl)
          posts.to_sql.include?('1 as other')       #=> true
          posts.first.attributes.include?('other')  #=> false
      This commit includes these additionally selected fields in the
      instantiated results.
    • E
      Deprecate `database` kwarg from `connected_to` without replacement · 254ba464
      eileencodes 提交于
      The `database` kwarg in `connected_to` has resulted in a lot of bug
      reports that are trying to use it for sharding when that's not the
      intent of the key. After considering where the database kwarg is used in
      tests and thinking about usecases for it, we've determined it should be
      There are plans to add sharding support and in the mean time the
      database kwarg isn't the right solution for that. Applications that need
      to create new connections can use establish_connection or connects_to.
      Since the database key causes new connections to be established on every
      call, that causes bugs if connected_to with a database kwarg is used
      during a request or for any connection that's not a one-off.
      Co-authored-by: NJohn Crepezzi <john.crepezzi@gmail.com>
  19. 24 11月, 2019 1 次提交
  20. 22 11月, 2019 1 次提交
  21. 13 11月, 2019 1 次提交
    • J
      Remove ConnectionAdapters::Resolver in favor of DatabaseConfigurations · 8d5a4ff6
      John Crepezzi 提交于
      We have these two objects, `ConnectionAdapters::Resolver` and
      `DatabaseConfiguratons` that implement a lot of the same logic. One of
      them is used for configurations defined in `config/database.yml` and the
      other is used when passing raw configurations `String` or `Hash` objects
      into methods like `establish_connection`.
      Over time these two have diverged a bit. In the interest of less code
      complexity, and more consistency for users this commit brings them back
      * Remove `Resolver` altogether and replace its primary method with
      * Move `resolve_pool_config` over to the `ConnectionPool` alongside the code
        that uses it.
  22. 03 11月, 2019 1 次提交
  23. 26 10月, 2019 1 次提交
  24. 14 10月, 2019 1 次提交
  25. 03 10月, 2019 1 次提交
  26. 19 9月, 2019 1 次提交
  27. 13 9月, 2019 1 次提交
    • E
      Use symbols everywhere for database configurations · ce9b197c
      eileencodes 提交于
      Previously in some places we used symbol keys, and in some places we used
      string keys. That made it pretty confusing to figure out in a particular
      place what type of configuration object you were working with.
      Now internally, all configuration hashes are keyed by symbols and
      converted to such on the way in.
      A few exceptions:
      - `DatabaseConfigurations#to_h` still returns strings for backward compatibility
      - Same for `legacy_hash`
      - `default_hash` previously could return strings, but the associated
        comment mentions it returns symbol-key `Hash` and now it always does
      Because this is a change in behavior, a few method renames have happened:
      - `DatabaseConfig#config` is now `DatabaseConfig#configuration_hash` and returns a symbol-key `Hash`
      - `ConnectionSpecification#config` is now `ConnectionSpecification#underlying_configuration_hash` and returns the `Hash` of the underlying `DatabaseConfig`
      - `DatabaseConfig#config` was added back, returns `String`-keys for backward compatibility, and is deprecated in favor of the new `configuration_hash`
      Co-authored-by: Neileencodes <eileencodes@gmail.com>
  28. 11 9月, 2019 1 次提交
    • E
      Accept columns passed with options in remove_index · 0cc13d31
      Eugene Kenny 提交于
      Before this patch, column names could only be passed as a positional
      argument when no other options were supplied:
          remove_index :reports, :report_id
      Passing column names positionally along with other options would fail:
          remove_index :reports, :report_id, unique: true
          # => ArgumentError: wrong number of arguments (given 3, expected 1..2)
  29. 10 9月, 2019 1 次提交
    • E
      Allow bulk alter to drop and recreate named index · edb23791
      Eugene Kenny 提交于
      In 3809c80c, adding an index with a
      name that's already in use was changed from an error to a warning, to
      allow other statements in the same migration to complete successfully.
      In 55d0d57b this decision was reversed,
      but instead of allowing the statement to execute and raise an adapter-
      specific error as it did before, an `ArgumentError` was raised instead.
      This interferes with a legitimate use case: on MySQL, it's possible to
      drop an index and add another one with the same name in a single `ALTER`
      statement. Right now an `ArgumentError` is raised when trying to do so,
      even though the resulting statement would execute successfully.
      There's no corresponding `ArgumentError` raised when attempting to add a
      duplicate column, so I think we can safely remove the check and allow
      the adapter to raise its own error about duplicate indexes again.
  30. 09 9月, 2019 1 次提交
    • E
      Clear query cache when insert all is used · fad44a69
      Eugene Kenny 提交于
      The `InsertAll` class currently calls `exec_query`, which doesn't give
      the query cache enough information to know that it needs to be cleared.
      By adding an `exec_insert_all` method that calls `exec_query` internally
      we can configure the query cache to clear when that method is called.
  31. 29 8月, 2019 2 次提交
    • C
    • E
      Call `while_preventing_writes` from `connected_to` · 66bc2ff6
      eileencodes 提交于
      If a user is using the middleware for swapping database connections and
      manually calling `connected_to` in a controller/model/etc without
      calling `while_preventing_writes(false)` there is potential for a race
      condition where writes will be blocked.
      While the user could _just_ call `while_preventing_writes` in the same
      place they call `connected_to` this would mean that all cases need to
      call two methods.
      This PR changes `connected_to` to call `while_preventing_writes`
      directly. By default we'll assume you don't want to prevent writes, but
      if called with `connected_to(role: :writing, prevent_writes: true)` or
      from the middleware (which calls `connected_to` this way) the writes
      will be blocked.
      For replicas, apps should use readonly users to enforce not writing
      rather than `while_preventing_writes` directly.
      Should fix the remaining issues in
  32. 16 8月, 2019 1 次提交
  33. 10 8月, 2019 1 次提交