1. 19 12月, 2015 1 次提交
  2. 18 12月, 2015 3 次提交
  3. 17 12月, 2015 8 次提交
  4. 16 12月, 2015 2 次提交
  5. 14 12月, 2015 1 次提交
  6. 11 12月, 2015 1 次提交
  7. 09 12月, 2015 1 次提交
  8. 30 11月, 2015 2 次提交
  9. 28 11月, 2015 1 次提交
    • T
      Subscribing to notifications while inside the said instrumented section. · ab3c4a40
      thedarkone 提交于
      The issue is that on the exit from Instrumenter#instrument section,
      an Evented listener will run into an error because its thread local
      (Thread.current[:_timestack]) has not been set up by the #start
      method (this obviously happens because the Evented listeners didn't
      exist at the time, since no subscribtion to that section was made yet).
      Note: support for subscribing to instrumented sections, while being
      inside those instrumented sections, might be removed in the future.
      Maybe fixes #21873.
  10. 24 11月, 2015 1 次提交
    • C
      Test if each_object(singleton_class) works, since JRuby added it. · a7b207d1
      Charles Oliver Nutter 提交于
      Fixes #22376.
      JRuby will support ObjectSpace.each_object against a
      class's singleton class, since that's essentially just walking an
      internal subclasses structure we already maintain. This test was
      too narrow, requiring that each_object support an arbitrary class
      but only actually needing it to work against a class's singleton.
      This improves performance of Class.descendants by nearly two orders
      of magnitude when run against JRuby
      5.times { puts Benchmark.measure { 100_000.times { Numeric.descendants } } }
       11.510000   0.140000  11.650000 ( 10.082384)
        9.990000   0.020000  10.010000 (  9.931233)
       10.520000   0.040000  10.560000 ( 10.502978)
       10.290000   0.030000  10.320000 ( 10.276027)
       10.000000   0.030000  10.030000 (  9.942429)
        1.380000   0.040000   1.420000 (  0.365850)
        0.210000   0.000000   0.210000 (  0.149574)
        0.180000   0.020000   0.200000 (  0.141094)
        0.140000   0.000000   0.140000 (  0.140634)
        0.190000   0.010000   0.200000 (  0.147962)
  11. 22 11月, 2015 3 次提交
    • X
      removes the mutex around `changed` · 0b9812bd
      Xavier Noria 提交于
      This method needs to ensure that if a change happens, it is going to be registered.
      With this refactor suggested by @matthewd race conditions do not matter because if
      no file is watched, nothing is done. And as long as some invocation sets the flag
      to true, it will stay true.
      The refactor leaves a race condition in which two simultaneous threads that watch
      some of the files passed do the actual work in `any?`, whereas the mutex guaranteed
      that was done at most once. But this is considered to be a better tradeoff.
    • X
      reset the @updated flag before the callback invocation · 4596c1a3
      Xavier Noria 提交于
    • X
      make the @updated flag atomic in the evented monitor · 49a5b408
      Xavier Noria 提交于
      listen is calling us from its own thread, we need to synchronize reads and writes to this flag.
  12. 20 11月, 2015 2 次提交
    • M
    • T
      Change Enumerable#sum to use inject(:sym) specification · c703c39a
      T.J. Schuck 提交于
      Not only does this make for simpler, more obvious code, it's also more performant:
          require 'benchmark/ips'
          module Enumerable
            def old_sum(identity = 0, &block)
              if block_given?
                inject { |sum, element| sum + element } || identity
            def new_sum(identity = 0, &block)
              if block_given?
                inject(:+) || identity
          summable = (1..100).to_a # sum is 5050
          Benchmark.ips do |x|
            x.report("old_sum") { summable.old_sum }
            x.report("new_sum") { summable.new_sum }
          # Calculating -------------------------------------
          #              old_sum    10.674k i/100ms
          #              new_sum    14.542k i/100ms
          # -------------------------------------------------
          #              old_sum    117.350k (± 7.1%) i/s -    587.070k
          #              new_sum    154.712k (± 3.8%) i/s -    785.268k
          # Comparison:
          #              new_sum:   154712.1 i/s
          #              old_sum:   117350.0 i/s - 1.32x slower
      More benchmarks [here](https://gist.github.com/tjschuck/b3fe4e8c812712376648), including summing strings and passing blocks.  The performance gains are less for those, but this version still always wins.
  13. 19 11月, 2015 1 次提交
  14. 16 11月, 2015 1 次提交
  15. 12 11月, 2015 3 次提交
  16. 11 11月, 2015 9 次提交