1. 30 3月, 2019 1 次提交
    • R
      Type cast falsy boolean symbols on boolean attribute as false · 2d12f800
      Ryuta Kamizono 提交于
      Before 34cc301f, type casting by boolean attribute when querying is a
      no-op, so finding by truthy boolean string (i.e.
      `where(value: "true") # => value = 'true'`) didn't work as expected
      (matches it to FALSE in MySQL #32624). By type casting is ensured, a
      value on boolean attribute is always serialized to TRUE or FALSE.
      In PostgreSQL, `where(value: :false) # => value = 'false'` was a valid
      SQL, so 34cc301f is a regresson for PostgreSQL since all symbol values
      are serialized as TRUE.
      I'd say using `:false` is mostly a developer's mistake (user's input
      basically comes as a string), but `:false` on boolean attribute is
      serialized as TRUE is not a desirable behavior for anybody.
      This allows falsy boolean symbols as false, i.e.
      `klass.create(value: :false).value? # => false` and
      `where(value: :false) # => value = FALSE`.
      Fixes #35676.
  2. 29 3月, 2019 3 次提交
  3. 28 3月, 2019 10 次提交
  4. 27 3月, 2019 13 次提交
  5. 26 3月, 2019 10 次提交
    • M
      Merge pull request #31442 from ebeigarts/weak_descendants_tracker · 3296dc25
      Matthew Draper 提交于
      Use weak references in descendants tracker
    • J
      Raise if resource custom params contain colons · 25f2e0c3
      Josua Schmid 提交于
      After this change it's not possible anymore to configure routes
      like this:
          routes.draw do
            resources :users, param: "name/:sneaky"
      Fixes #30467.
    • E
      Use weak references in descendants tracker · 7432c922
      Edgars Beigarts 提交于
      It allows anonymous subclasses to be garbage collected.
    • X
      Merge pull request #35756 from sergioro9/patch-1 · 08a435fa
      Xavier Noria 提交于
      Grammar error
    • S
      Spelling error · 3c7ab1a4
      Sergio 提交于
    • V
      Merge pull request #35743 from soartec-lab/update_guide_active_support_deprecation_silenced · 5917e503
      Vipul A M 提交于
      Add default value `ActiveSupport::Deprecation.silenced` [ci skip]
    • R
      Fix CI failure due to remaining tagging records · b2b559c7
      Ryuta Kamizono 提交于
      `TRUNCATE TABLE posts` also resets `AUTO_INCREMENT`. If newly created a
      post, it is wrongly associated with remaining tagging records.
      To un-associate remaining tagging record, use `post.create_tagging!`
      Fixes #35751.
    • R
      Merge pull request #35754 from yahonda/diag35665 · 5883a720
      Ryuta Kamizono 提交于
      Use `assert_queries(0)` instead of `assert_no_queries`
    • Y
      Use `assert_queries(0)` instead of `assert_no_queries` to ignore metadata queries · 4dd3b2bd
      Yasuo Honda 提交于
      Fix #35665
      $ ARCONN=mysql2 bin/test test/cases/scoping/named_scoping_test.rb test/cases/tasks/database_tasks_test.rb test/cases/associations/cascaded_eager_loading_test.rb test/cases/associations/eager_singularization_test.rb -n "/^(?:NamedScopingTest#(?:test_many_should_not_fire_query_if_scope_loaded)|ActiveRecord::DatabaseTasksDumpSchemaCacheTest#(?:test_dump_schema_cache)|CascadedEagerLoadingTest#(?:test_eager_association_loading_with_has_many_sti_and_subclasses)|EagerSingularizationTest#(?:test_eager_no_extra_singularization_has_many_through_belongs_to))$/" --seed 16818
      Using mysql2
      Run options: -n "/^(?:NamedScopingTest#(?:test_many_should_not_fire_query_if_scope_loaded)|ActiveRecord::DatabaseTasksDumpSchemaCacheTest#(?:test_dump_schema_cache)|CascadedEagerLoadingTest#(?:test_eager_association_loading_with_has_many_sti_and_subclasses)|EagerSingularizationTest#(?:test_eager_no_extra_singularization_has_many_through_belongs_to))$/" --seed 16818
      CascadedEagerLoadingTest#test_eager_association_loading_with_has_many_sti_and_subclasses [/home/yahonda/git/rails/activerecord/test/cases/associations/cascaded_eager_loading_test.rb:124]:
      1 instead of 0 queries were executed.
      SHOW FULL FIELDS FROM `topics`.
      Expected: 0
        Actual: 1
      bin/test test/cases/associations/cascaded_eager_loading_test.rb:119
      Finished in 6.894609s, 0.5802 runs/s, 1.0153 assertions/s.
      4 runs, 7 assertions, 1 failures, 0 errors, 0 skips
    • E
      Add the `Mime::Type::InvalidMimeType` error in the default rescue_response: · 378b4fed
      Edouard CHIN 提交于
      - https://github.com/rails/rails/pull/35604 introduced a vulnerability fix
        to raise an error in case the `HTTP_ACCEPT` headers contains malformated
        mime type.
        This will cause applications to throw a 500 if a User Agent sends an
        invalid header.
        This PR adds the `InvalidMimeType` in the default `rescue_responses` from
        the ExceptionWrapper and will return a 406. I looked up the HTTP/1.1
        RFC and it doesn't stand what should be returned when the UA
        sends malformated mime type. Decided to get 406 as it seemed to be the
        status the better suited for this.
  6. 25 3月, 2019 3 次提交