1. 15 9月, 2017 7 次提交
  2. 14 9月, 2017 14 次提交
  3. 13 9月, 2017 4 次提交
  4. 12 9月, 2017 5 次提交
    • Y
    • Y
      Use escaped character in regexp · 5af7d475
      yhirano55 提交于
    • G
      Rename activestorage/test/service/configurations.yml to... · 21e690cb
      George Claghorn 提交于
      Rename activestorage/test/service/configurations.yml to activestorage/test/service/configurations.example.yml
    • G
      Ignore activestorage/test/service/configurations.yml · ede22d29
      George Claghorn 提交于
      This file is intended to be modified as needed for testing services locally. Changes to it should rarely, if ever, be committed.
    • D
      Add credentials using a generic EncryptedConfiguration class (#30067) · 69f976b8
      David Heinemeier Hansson 提交于
      * WIP: Add credentials using a generic EncryptedConfiguration class
      This is sketch code so far.
      * Flesh out EncryptedConfiguration and test it
      * Better name
      * Add command and generator for credentials
      * Use the Pathnames
      * Extract EncryptedFile from EncryptedConfiguration and add serializers
      * Test EncryptedFile
      * Extract serializer validation
      * Stress the point about losing comments
      * Allow encrypted configuration to be read without parsing for display
      * Use credentials by default and base them on the master key
      * Derive secret_key_base in test/dev, source it from credentials in other envs
      And document the usage.
      * Document the new credentials setup
      * Stop generating the secrets.yml file now that we have credentials
      * Document what we should have instead
      Still need to make it happen, tho.
      * [ci skip] Keep wording to `key base`; prefer defaults.
      Usually we say we change defaults, not "spec" out a release.
      Can't use backticks in our sdoc generated documentation either.
      * Abstract away OpenSSL; prefer MessageEncryptor.
      * Spare needless new when raising.
      * Encrypted file test shouldn't depend on subclass.
      * [ci skip] Some woordings.
      * Ditch serializer future coding.
      * I said flip it. Flip it good.
      * [ci skip] Move require_master_key to the real production.rb.
      * Add require_master_key to abort the boot process.
      In case the master key is required in a certain environment
      we should inspect that the key is there and abort if it isn't.
      * Print missing key message and exit immediately.
      Spares us a lengthy backtrace and prevents further execution.
      I've verified the behavior in a test app, but couldn't figure the
      test out as loading the app just exits immediately with:
      /Users/kasperhansen/Documents/code/rails/activesupport/lib/active_support/testing/isolation.rb:23:in `load': marshal data too short (ArgumentError)
      	from /Users/kasperhansen/Documents/code/rails/activesupport/lib/active_support/testing/isolation.rb:23:in `run'
      	from /Users/kasperhansen/.rbenv/versions/2.4.1/lib/ruby/gems/2.4.0/gems/minitest-5.10.2/lib/minitest.rb:830:in `run_one_method'
      	from /Users/kasperhansen/.rbenv/versions/2.4.1/lib/ruby/gems/2.4.0/gems/minitest-5.10.2/lib/minitest/parallel.rb:32:in `block (2 levels) in start'
      It's likely we need to capture and prevent the exit somehow.
      Kernel.stub(:exit) didn't work. Leaving it for tomorrow.
      * Fix require_master_key config test.
      Loading the app would trigger the `exit 1` per require_master_key's
      semantics, which then aborted the test.
      Fork and wait for the child process to finish, then inspect the
      exit status.
      Also check we aborted because of a missing master key, so something
      else didn't just abort the boot.
      Much <3 to @tenderlove for the tip.
      * Support reading/writing configs via methods.
      * Skip needless deep symbolizing.
      * Remove save; test config reader elsewhere.
      * Move secret_key_base check to when we're reading it.
      Otherwise we'll abort too soon since we don't assign the secret_key_base
      to secrets anymore.
      * Add missing string literal comments; require unneeded yaml require.
      * ya ya ya, rubocop.
      * Add master_key/credentials after bundle.
      Then we can reuse the existing message on `rails new bc4`.
      It'll look like:
      Using web-console 3.5.1 from https://github.com/rails/web-console.git (at master@ce985eb)
      Using rails 5.2.0.alpha from source at `/Users/kasperhansen/Documents/code/rails`
      Using sass-rails 5.0.6
      Bundle complete! 16 Gemfile dependencies, 72 gems now installed.
      Use `bundle info [gemname]` to see where a bundled gem is installed.
      Adding config/master.key to store the master encryption key: 97070158c44b4675b876373a6bc9d5a0
      Save this in a password manager your team can access.
      If you lose the key, no one, including you, can access anything encrypted with it.
            create  config/master.key
      And that'll be executed even if `--skip-bundle` was passed.
      * Ensure test app has secret_key_base.
      * Assign secret_key_base to app or omit.
      * Merge noise
      * Split options for dynamic delegation into its own method and use deep symbols to make it work
      * Update error to point to credentials instead
      * Appease Rubocop
      * Validate secret_key_base when reading it.
      Instead of relying on the validation in key_generator move that into
      secret_key_base itself.
      * Fix generator and secrets test.
      Manually add config.read_encrypted_secrets since it's not there by default
      Move mentions of config/secrets.yml to config/credentials.yml.enc.
      * Remove files I have no idea how they got here.
      * [ci skip] swap secrets for credentials.
      * [ci skip] And now, changelogs are coming.
  5. 11 9月, 2017 4 次提交
  6. 10 9月, 2017 1 次提交
  7. 09 9月, 2017 2 次提交
  8. 08 9月, 2017 3 次提交