提交 e82a3ba2 编写于 作者: C Charlie Somerville

cache a class that is pre-included with the master helper module

上级 8837faac
......@@ -69,6 +69,22 @@ class << self
# N/A | Carolina Railhaws Training Workshop
module ClassMethods
# To avoid extending an instance of ActionView::Base with the master_helper_module
# every single time we render a view, we're caching a class that has
# master_helper_module already included that we can just instantiate.
def master_helper_class
return @master_helper_class if @master_helper_class
@master_helper_class = Class.new(ActionView::Base).tap do |klass|
klass.send(:include, master_helper_module)
def master_helper_module=(mod)
write_inheritable_attribute(:master_helper_module, mod)
@master_helper_class = nil
# Makes all the (instance) methods in the helper module available to templates rendered through this controller.
# See ActionView::Helpers (link:classes/ActionView/Helpers.html) for more about making your own helper modules
# available to the templates.
......@@ -182,8 +198,7 @@ def helper_attr(*attrs)
# Provides a proxy to access helpers methods from outside the view.
def helpers
unless @helper_proxy
@helper_proxy = ActionView::Base.new
@helper_proxy.extend master_helper_module
@helper_proxy = master_helper_class.new
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