Added convenience controls for FCGI processes (especially when managed...

Added convenience controls for FCGI processes (especially when managed remotely): spinner, spawner, and reaper. They reside in script/process. More details can be had by calling them with -h/--help

git-svn-id: 5ecf4fe2-1ee6-0310-87b1-e25e094e27de
上级 eddd7c45
* Added convenience controls for FCGI processes (especially when managed remotely): spinner, spawner, and reaper. They reside in script/process. More details can be had by calling them with -h/--help.
* Added load_fixtures task to the Rakefile, which will load all the fixtures into the database for the current environment #1791 [Marcel Molina] * Added load_fixtures task to the Rakefile, which will load all the fixtures into the database for the current environment #1791 [Marcel Molina]
* Added an empty robots.txt to public/, so that web servers asking for it won't trigger a dynamic call, like favicon.ico #1738 [michael@schubert] * Added an empty robots.txt to public/, so that web servers asking for it won't trigger a dynamic call, like favicon.ico #1738 [michael@schubert]
...@@ -26,14 +26,14 @@ RUBY_FORGE_USER = "webster132" ...@@ -26,14 +26,14 @@ RUBY_FORGE_USER = "webster132"
# end # end
BASE_DIRS = %w( app config/environments components db doc log lib public script test vendor ) BASE_DIRS = %w( app config/environments components db doc log lib public script script/process test vendor )
APP_DIRS = %w( apis models controllers helpers views views/layouts ) APP_DIRS = %w( apis models controllers helpers views views/layouts )
PUBLIC_DIRS = %w( images javascripts stylesheets ) PUBLIC_DIRS = %w( images javascripts stylesheets )
TEST_DIRS = %w( fixtures unit functional mocks mocks/development mocks/test ) TEST_DIRS = %w( fixtures unit functional mocks mocks/development mocks/test )
LOG_FILES = %w( server.log development.log test.log production.log ) LOG_FILES = %w( server.log development.log test.log production.log )
HTML_FILES = %w( 404.html 500.html index.html robots.txt favicon.ico javascripts/prototype.js javascripts/effects.js javascripts/dragdrop.js javascripts/controls.js ) HTML_FILES = %w( 404.html 500.html index.html robots.txt favicon.ico javascripts/prototype.js javascripts/effects.js javascripts/dragdrop.js javascripts/controls.js )
BIN_FILES = %w( generate destroy breakpointer console server update runner profiler benchmarker ) # listener tracker BIN_FILES = %w( generate destroy breakpointer console server update runner profiler benchmarker process/reaper process/spinner process/spawner )
VENDOR_LIBS = %w( actionpack activerecord actionmailer activesupport actionwebservice railties ) VENDOR_LIBS = %w( actionpack activerecord actionmailer activesupport actionwebservice railties )
require 'optparse'
require 'net/http'
require 'uri'
def nudge(url, iterations)
print "Nudging #{url}: "
iterations.times { Net::HTTP.get_response(URI.parse(url)); print "."; STDOUT.flush }
if RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /mswin32/ then abort("Reaper is only for Unix") end
class ProgramProcess
class << self
def process_keywords(action, *keywords)
processes = keywords.collect { |keyword| find_by_keyword(keyword) }.flatten
if processes.empty?
puts "Couldn't find any process matching: #{keywords.join(" or ")}"
processes.each do |process|
puts "#{action.capitalize}ing #{process}"
def find_by_keyword(keyword)
process_lines_with_keyword(keyword).split("\n").collect { |line|
next if line.include?("inq") || line.include?("ps -ax") || line.include?("grep")
pid, *command = line.split
new(pid, command.join(" "))
def process_lines_with_keyword(keyword)
`ps -ax -o 'pid command' | grep #{keyword}`
def initialize(pid, command)
@pid, @command = pid, command
def find
def reload
`kill -s HUP #{@pid}`
def graceful
`kill -s TERM #{@pid}`
def kill
`kill -9 #{@pid}`
def to_s
"[#{@pid}] #{@command}"
:action => "graceful",
:dispatcher => File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../../public/dispatch.fcgi'),
:iterations => 10,
:nudge => false
ARGV.options do |opts|
opts.banner = "Usage: reaper [options]"
opts.separator ""
opts.on <<-EOF
The reaper is used to reload, gracefully exit, and forcefully exit FCGI processes
running a Rails Dispatcher. This is commonly done when a new version of the application
is available, so the existing processes can be updated to use the latest code.
The reaper actions are:
* reload : Only reloads the application, but not the framework (like the development environment)
* graceful: Marks all of the processes for exit after the next request
* kill : Forcefully exists all processes regardless of whether they're currently serving a request
Graceful exist is the most common and default action. But since the processes won't exist until after
their next request, it's often necessary to ensure that such a request occurs right after they've been
marked. That's what nudging is for.
A nudge is simply a request to a URL where the dispatcher is serving. You should perform one nudge per
FCGI process you have running if they're setup in a round-robin. Be sure to do one nudge per FCGI process
across all your servers. So three servers with 10 processes each should nudge 30 times to be sure all processes
are restarted.
NOTE: You're responsible for restarting the processes after they exit. This can be automated by using
the spinner.
reaper -a reload
reaper -n -i 10 # gracefully exit, nudge 10 times
opts.on(" Options:")
opts.on("-a", "--action=name", "reload|graceful|kill (default: #{OPTIONS[:action]})", String) { |OPTIONS[:action]| }
opts.on("-d", "--dispatcher=path", "default: #{OPTIONS[:dispatcher]}", String) { |OPTIONS[:dispatcher]| }
opts.on("-n", "--nudge=url", "Should point to URL that's handled by the FCGI process", String) { |OPTIONS[:nudge]| }
opts.on("-i", "--iterations=number", "One nudge per FCGI process running (default: #{OPTIONS[:iterations]})", Integer) { |OPTIONS[:iterations]| }
opts.separator ""
opts.on("-h", "--help", "Show this help message.") { puts opts; exit }
ProgramProcess.process_keywords(OPTIONS[:action], OPTIONS[:dispatcher])
nudge(OPTIONS[:nudge], OPTIONS[:iterations]) if OPTIONS[:nudge]
\ No newline at end of file
require 'optparse'
def spawn(port)
print "Starting FCGI on port: #{port}\n "
system("#{OPTIONS[:spawner]} -f #{OPTIONS[:dispatcher]} -p #{port}")
:environment => "production",
:spawner => '/usr/bin/env spawn-fcgi',
:dispatcher => File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../../public/dispatch.fcgi'),
:port => 8000,
:instances => 3
ARGV.options do |opts|
opts.banner = "Usage: spawner [options]"
opts.separator ""
opts.on <<-EOF
The spawner is a wrapper for spawn-fcgi that makes it easier to start multiple FCGI
processes running the Rails dispatcher. The spawn-fcgi command is included with the lighttpd
web server, but can be used with both Apache and lighttpd (and any other web server supporting
externally managed FCGI processes).
You decide a starting port (default is 8000) and the number of FCGI process instances you'd
like to run. So if you pick 9100 and 3 instances, you'll start processes on 9100, 9101, and 9102.
spawner # starts instances on 8000, 8001, and 8002
spawner -p 9100 -i 10 # starts 10 instances counting from 9100 to 9109
opts.on(" Options:")
opts.on("-p", "--port=number", Integer, "Starting port number (default: #{OPTIONS[:port]})") { |OPTIONS[:port]| }
opts.on("-i", "--instances=number", Integer, "Number of instances (default: #{OPTIONS[:instances]})") { |OPTIONS[:instances]| }
opts.on("-e", "--environment=name", String, "test|development|production (default: #{OPTIONS[:environment]})") { |OPTIONS[:environment]| }
opts.on("-s", "--spawner=path", String, "default: #{OPTIONS[:spawner]}") { |OPTIONS[:spawner]| }
opts.on("-d", "--dispatcher=path", String, "default: #{OPTIONS[:dispatcher]}") { |dispatcher| OPTIONS[:dispatcher] = File.expand_path(dispatcher) }
opts.separator ""
opts.on("-h", "--help", "Show this help message.") { puts opts; exit }
ENV["RAILS_ENV"] = OPTIONS[:environment]
OPTIONS[:instances].times { |i| spawn(OPTIONS[:port] + i) }
\ No newline at end of file
require 'optparse'
def daemonize
exit if fork # Parent exits, child continues.
Process.setsid # Become session leader.
exit if fork # Zap session leader. See [1].
Dir.chdir "/" # Release old working directory.
File.umask 0000 # Ensure sensible umask. Adjust as needed.
STDIN.reopen "/dev/null" # Free file descriptors and
STDOUT.reopen "/dev/null", "a" # point them somewhere sensible.
STDERR.reopen STDOUT # STDOUT/ERR should better go to a logfile.
:interval => 1.0,
:command => File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/spawner'),
:daemon => false
ARGV.options do |opts|
opts.banner = "Usage: spinner [options]"
opts.separator ""
opts.on <<-EOF
The spinner is a protection loop for the spawner, which will attempt to restart any FCGI processes
that might have been restarted or outright crashed. It's a brute-force attempt that'll just try
to run the spawner every X number of seconds, so it does pose a load on the server (~1% on our test
spinner # attempts to run the spawner with default settings every second with output on the terminal
spinner -i 3 -d # only run the spawner every 3 seconds and detach from the terminal to become a daemon
spinner -c '/path/to/app/script/process/spawner -p 9000 -i 10' -d # using custom spawner
opts.on(" Options:")
opts.on("-c", "--command=path", String) { |OPTIONS[:command]| }
opts.on("-i", "--interval=seconds", Float) { |OPTIONS[:interval]| }
opts.on("-d", "--daemon") { |OPTIONS[:daemon]| }
opts.separator ""
opts.on("-h", "--help", "Show this help message.") { puts opts; exit }
daemonize if OPTIONS[:daemon]
loop do
trap(OPTIONS[:daemon] ? "TERM" : "INT") { exit }
\ No newline at end of file
...@@ -42,8 +42,8 @@ def manifest ...@@ -42,8 +42,8 @@ def manifest
m.file "environments/development.rb", "config/environments/development.rb" m.file "environments/development.rb", "config/environments/development.rb"
m.file "environments/test.rb", "config/environments/test.rb" m.file "environments/test.rb", "config/environments/test.rb"
# Scripts (tracker listener) # Scripts
%w(console destroy generate server runner benchmarker profiler ).each do |file| %w(console destroy generate server runner benchmarker profiler process/reaper process/spinner process/spawner ).each do |file|
m.file "bin/#{file}", "script/#{file}", script_options m.file "bin/#{file}", "script/#{file}", script_options
end end
if options[:gem] if options[:gem]
...@@ -56,7 +56,6 @@ def manifest ...@@ -56,7 +56,6 @@ def manifest
m.file "dispatches/dispatch.rb", "public/dispatch.rb", script_options m.file "dispatches/dispatch.rb", "public/dispatch.rb", script_options
m.file "dispatches/dispatch.rb", "public/dispatch.cgi", script_options m.file "dispatches/dispatch.rb", "public/dispatch.cgi", script_options
m.file "dispatches/dispatch.fcgi", "public/dispatch.fcgi", script_options m.file "dispatches/dispatch.fcgi", "public/dispatch.fcgi", script_options
# m.file "dispatches/gateway.cgi", "public/gateway.cgi", script_options
# HTML files # HTML files
%w(404 500 index).each do |file| %w(404 500 index).each do |file|
...@@ -116,6 +115,7 @@ def add_options!(opt) ...@@ -116,6 +115,7 @@ def add_options!(opt)
public/javascripts public/javascripts
public/stylesheets public/stylesheets
script script
test/fixtures test/fixtures
test/functional test/functional
test/mocks/development test/mocks/development
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