提交 c79848e1 编写于 作者: E Erick Reyna

Fix incorrect output from rails routes when using singular resources issue #26606

Rails routes (even rake routes in previous versions) output showed incorrect routes when an application use resource :controller, implying that edit_controller_path match with controller#show.
The order of the output has changed to correct this. View #26606 for more information.

Added a test case, change unit test in rake to expect the new output.
Since the output of resource :controller is changing, the string spected of the railties/test/application/rake_test.rb test_rails_routes_with_controller_environment had to be modified.
上级 7a3be90d
* Fixes multiple calls to `logger.fatal` instead of a single call,
for every line in an exception backtrace, when printing trace
* Fixes Incorrect output from rails routes when using singular resources.
Fixes #26606
*Erick Reyna*
* Fixes multiple calls to `logger.fatal` instead of a single call,
for every line in an exception backtrace, when printing trace
from `DebugExceptions` middleware.
Fixes #26134
*Vipul A M*
* Add support for arbitrary hashes in strong parameters:
......@@ -1244,11 +1244,11 @@ def resources_path_names(options)
# the plural):
# GET /profile/new
# POST /profile
# GET /profile
# GET /profile/edit
# PATCH/PUT /profile
# DELETE /profile
# POST /profile
# === Options
# Takes same options as +resources+.
......@@ -1266,15 +1266,15 @@ def resource(*resources, &block)
concerns(options[:concerns]) if options[:concerns]
collection do
post :create
end if parent_resource.actions.include?(:create)
new do
get :new
end if parent_resource.actions.include?(:new)
collection do
post :create
end if parent_resource.actions.include?(:create)
require "isolation/abstract_unit"
require "active_support/core_ext/string/strip"
class RakeTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase
include ActiveSupport::Testing::Isolation
def setup
def teardown
def test_singular_resource_output_in_rake_routes
app_file "config/routes.rb", <<-RUBY
Rails.application.routes.draw do
resource :post
expected_output = [" Prefix Verb URI Pattern Controller#Action",
" new_post GET /post/new(.:format) posts#new",
"edit_post GET /post/edit(.:format) posts#edit",
" post GET /post(.:format) posts#show",
" PATCH /post(.:format) posts#update",
" PUT /post(.:format) posts#update",
" DELETE /post(.:format) posts#destroy",
" POST /post(.:format) posts#create\n"].join("\n")
output = Dir.chdir(app_path) { `bin/rails routes -c PostController` }
assert_equal expected_output, output
......@@ -159,13 +159,13 @@ def test_rails_routes_with_namespaced_controller_environment
expected_output = [" Prefix Verb URI Pattern Controller#Action",
" admin_post POST /admin/post(.:format) admin/posts#create",
" new_admin_post GET /admin/post/new(.:format) admin/posts#new",
"edit_admin_post GET /admin/post/edit(.:format) admin/posts#edit",
" GET /admin/post(.:format) admin/posts#show",
" admin_post GET /admin/post(.:format) admin/posts#show",
" PATCH /admin/post(.:format) admin/posts#update",
" PUT /admin/post(.:format) admin/posts#update",
" DELETE /admin/post(.:format) admin/posts#destroy\n"].join("\n")
" DELETE /admin/post(.:format) admin/posts#destroy",
" POST /admin/post(.:format) admin/posts#create\n"].join("\n")
output = Dir.chdir(app_path) { `bin/rails routes -c Admin::PostController` }
assert_equal expected_output, output
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