提交 c61544c7 编写于 作者: C claudiob

Add +capitalize+ option to Inflector.humanize

So strings can be humanized without being capitalized:

    'employee_salary'.humanize                    # => "Employee salary"
    'employee_salary'.humanize(capitalize: false) # => "employee salary"
上级 256ae7de
* Add `capitalize` option to Inflector.humanize, so strings can be humanized without being capitalized:
'employee_salary'.humanize # => "Employee salary"
'employee_salary'.humanize(capitalize: false) # => "employee salary"
* Fixed Object#as_json and Struct#as_json not working properly with options. They now take
the same options as Hash#as_json:
......@@ -190,13 +190,19 @@ def classify
# Capitalizes the first word, turns underscores into spaces, and strips '_id'.
# Capitalizes the first word, turns underscores into spaces, and strips a
# trailing '_id' if present.
# Like +titleize+, this is meant for creating pretty output.
# 'employee_salary'.humanize # => "Employee salary"
# 'author_id'.humanize # => "Author"
def humanize
# The capitalization of the first word can be turned off by setting the
# optional parameter +capitalize+ to false.
# By default, this parameter is true.
# 'employee_salary'.humanize # => "Employee salary"
# 'author_id'.humanize # => "Author"
# 'author_id'.humanize(capitalize: false) # => "author"
def humanize(options = {})
ActiveSupport::Inflector.humanize(self, options)
# Creates a foreign key name from a class name.
......@@ -98,20 +98,26 @@ def underscore(camel_cased_word)
# Capitalizes the first word and turns underscores into spaces and strips a
# trailing "_id", if any. Like +titleize+, this is meant for creating pretty
# output.
# 'employee_salary'.humanize # => "Employee salary"
# 'author_id'.humanize # => "Author"
def humanize(lower_case_and_underscored_word)
# Capitalizes the first word, turns underscores into spaces, and strips a
# trailing '_id' if present.
# Like +titleize+, this is meant for creating pretty output.
# The capitalization of the first word can be turned off by setting the
# optional parameter +capitalize+ to false.
# By default, this parameter is true.
# humanize('employee_salary') # => "Employee salary"
# humanize('author_id') # => "Author"
# humanize('author_id', capitalize: false) # => "author"
def humanize(lower_case_and_underscored_word, options = {})
result = lower_case_and_underscored_word.to_s.dup
inflections.humans.each { |(rule, replacement)| break if result.sub!(rule, replacement) }
result.gsub!(/_id$/, "")
result.tr!('_', ' ')
result.gsub(/([a-z\d]*)/i) { |match|
result.gsub!(/([a-z\d]*)/i) { |match|
"#{inflections.acronyms[match] || match.downcase}"
}.gsub(/^\w/) { $&.upcase }
options.fetch(:capitalize, true) ? result.gsub(/^\w/) { $&.upcase } : result
# Capitalizes all the words and replaces some characters in the string to
......@@ -155,6 +155,12 @@ def test_humanize
def test_humanize_without_capitalize
UnderscoreToHumanWithoutCapitalize.each do |underscore, human|
assert_equal(human, underscore.humanize(capitalize: false))
def test_ord
assert_equal 97, 'a'.ord
assert_equal 97, 'abc'.ord
......@@ -270,7 +276,7 @@ def test_truncate_multibyte
def test_truncate_should_not_be_html_safe
assert !"Hello World!".truncate(12).html_safe?
def test_remove
assert_equal "Summer", "Fast Summer".remove(/Fast /)
assert_equal "Summer", "Fast Summer".remove!(/Fast /)
......@@ -287,6 +287,12 @@ def test_humanize
def test_humanize_without_capitalize
UnderscoreToHumanWithoutCapitalize.each do |underscore, human|
assert_equal(human, ActiveSupport::Inflector.humanize(underscore, capitalize: false))
def test_humanize_by_rule
ActiveSupport::Inflector.inflections do |inflect|
inflect.human(/_cnt$/i, '\1_count')
......@@ -212,6 +212,12 @@ module InflectorTestCases
"underground" => "Underground"
UnderscoreToHumanWithoutCapitalize = {
"employee_salary" => "employee salary",
"employee_id" => "employee",
"underground" => "underground"
MixtureToTitleCase = {
'active_record' => 'Active Record',
'ActiveRecord' => 'Active Record',
......@@ -1772,6 +1772,12 @@ The method `humanize` gives you a sensible name for display out of an attribute
"comments_count".humanize # => "Comments count"
The capitalization of the first word can be turned off by setting the optional parameter `capitalize` to false:
"author_id".humanize(capitalize: false) # => "author"
The helper method `full_messages` uses `humanize` as a fallback to include attribute names:
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