提交 c614b764 编写于 作者: S Steve Klabnik

Merge pull request #9629 from wangjohn/numbering_of_applicationrb_is_off

Renumbering the comments in the application boot process.
......@@ -46,10 +46,10 @@ module Rails
# 6) Run config.before_initialize callbacks
# 7) Run Railtie#initializer defined by railties, engines and application.
# One by one, each engine sets up its load paths, routes and runs its config/initializers/* files.
# 9) Custom Railtie#initializers added by railties, engines and applications are executed
# 10) Build the middleware stack and run to_prepare callbacks
# 11) Run config.before_eager_load and eager_load! if eager_load is true
# 12) Run config.after_initialize callbacks
# 8) Custom Railtie#initializers added by railties, engines and applications are executed
# 9) Build the middleware stack and run to_prepare callbacks
# 10) Run config.before_eager_load and eager_load! if eager_load is true
# 11) Run config.after_initialize callbacks
class Application < Engine
autoload :Bootstrap, 'rails/application/bootstrap'
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