提交 c28b8ca7 编写于 作者: S Steve Klabnik

Merge pull request #9920 from senny/clean_up_testing_examples_for_action_mailer

move mailer testing examples into the testing guide.
......@@ -564,31 +564,8 @@ config.action_mailer.smtp_settings = {
Mailer Testing
By default Action Mailer does not send emails in the test environment. They are just added to the `ActionMailer::Base.deliveries` array.
Testing mailers normally involves two things: One is that the mail was queued, and the other one that the email is correct. With that in mind, we could test our example mailer from above like so:
class UserMailerTest < ActionMailer::TestCase
def test_welcome_email
user = users(:some_user_in_your_fixtures)
# Send the email, then test that it got queued
email = UserMailer.welcome_email(user).deliver
assert !ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.empty?
# Test the body of the sent email contains what we expect it to
assert_equal [user.email], email.to
assert_equal 'Welcome to My Awesome Site', email.subject
assert_match "<h1>Welcome to example.com, #{user.name}</h1>", email.body.to_s
assert_match 'you have joined to example.com community', email.body.to_s
In the test we send the email and store the returned object in the `email` variable. We then ensure that it was sent (the first assert), then, in the second batch of assertions, we ensure that the email does indeed contain what we expect.
NOTE: The `ActionMailer::Base.deliveries` array is only reset automatically in `ActionMailer::TestCase` tests. If you want to have a clean slate outside Action Mailer tests, you can reset it manually with: `ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.clear`
You can find detailed instructions on how to test your mailers in our
[testing guide](testing.html#testing-your-mailers).
Intercepting Emails
......@@ -927,19 +927,24 @@ require 'test_helper'
class UserMailerTest < ActionMailer::TestCase
tests UserMailer
test "invite" do
@expected.from = 'me@example.com'
@expected.to = 'friend@example.com'
@expected.subject = "You have been invited by #{@expected.from}"
@expected.body = read_fixture('invite')
@expected.date = Time.now
assert_equal @expected.encoded, UserMailer.create_invite('me@example.com', 'friend@example.com', @expected.date).encoded
# Send the email, then test that it got queued
email = UserMailer.create_invite('me@example.com',
'friend@example.com', Time.now).deliver
assert !ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.empty?
# Test the body of the sent email contains what we expect it to
assert_equal ['me@example.com'], email.from
assert_equal ['friend@example.com'], email.to
assert_equal 'You have been invited by me@example.com', email.subject
assert_equal read_fixture('invite').join, email.body.to_s
In this test, `@expected` is an instance of `TMail::Mail` that you can use in your tests. It is defined in `ActionMailer::TestCase`. The test above uses `@expected` to construct an email, which it then asserts with email created by the custom mailer. The `invite` fixture is the body of the email and is used as the sample content to assert against. The helper `read_fixture` is used to read in the content from this file.
In the test we send the email and store the returned object in the `email`
variable. We then ensure that it was sent (the first assert), then, in the
second batch of assertions, we ensure that the email does indeed contain what we
expect. The helper `read_fixture` is used to read in the content from this file.
Here's the content of the `invite` fixture:
......@@ -951,9 +956,17 @@ You have been invited.
This is the right time to understand a little more about writing tests for your mailers. The line `ActionMailer::Base.delivery_method = :test` in `config/environments/test.rb` sets the delivery method to test mode so that email will not actually be delivered (useful to avoid spamming your users while testing) but instead it will be appended to an array (`ActionMailer::Base.deliveries`).
This is the right time to understand a little more about writing tests for your
mailers. The line `ActionMailer::Base.delivery_method = :test` in
`config/environments/test.rb` sets the delivery method to test mode so that
email will not actually be delivered (useful to avoid spamming your users while
testing) but instead it will be appended to an array
This way, emails are not actually sent, simply constructed. The precise content of the email can then be checked against what is expected, as in the example above.
NOTE: The `ActionMailer::Base.deliveries` array is only reset automatically in
`ActionMailer::TestCase` tests. If you want to have a clean slate outside Action
Mailer tests, you can reset it manually with:
### Functional Testing
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